What has giving up fast food done for you?



  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    this thread had gotten so much more civil and then DavPul had to come back - along with purple tank top lady whos screen name i can't remember.

  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I never really ate fast food MAYBE... once or twice a month but I did let go of other bad things like candy, chocolate, chips, red meat, you know the bad stuff. I am basically a vegetarian with the exception of chicken and turkey and fish if thats not a vegetarian thing. Lol But my main point is that by giving up the bad stuff my taste buds became more alive and sensitive. Sugary treats are even more sweet in my opinion no matter what it is, so only eating a little is very satisfying when I do indulge. I crave and I mean crave healthy foods like a big red juicy apple. When I try to be loose with my diet and dine out with the family my stomach is in pain after because Im not used to eating that way. And it might be an OCD thing for me but when my parents get takeout for dinner like pizza or chinease, I feel the need to put a big bowl of veggies on the side. It makes me feel healthy and not feel as bad.

    Please don't say you are basically a vegetarian with the exception of chicken and turkey and fish.
    It tends to confuse people.
    If you eat turkey and chicken your not a vegetarian.
    If you don't eat any meat but eat fish your a PESCATARIAN

    With regards to the post. Each to there own.
    If cutting out junk completely works for you go for it.
    Some people are all or nothing type of people.
    If your able to have it once a month or whatever & that suits you so be it.

    We are all different..whatever works for you :)

    Is this like being sort of pregnant?
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    But this kind of thing can get super distracting and where it ended up didn't add value. At least not to me.

    Yep, this is a class-A trainwreck thread, the likes of which I haven't seen in quite a while.

    The only reason any of us are still here is:


    Exactly right. Lol
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    DavPul admitted to trolling earlier in the thread. so... there's that. lol
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I know taso... bummed about that but I've really had enough of the bull**** so I've resorted to trolling. Sorry. Honestly.

    Ironic post is ironic
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Yeah, really.

    Don't take yourself so seriously. Or these boards.
    You've been reported, just so you're aware.

    You reported her for that? Seriously? You do realize that you called someone dim earlier in the thread don't you? Maybe you should be reported for that!
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Yeah, really.

    Don't take yourself so seriously. Or these boards.
    You've been reported, just so you're aware.

    You reported her for that? Seriously? You do realize that you called someone dim earlier in the thread don't you? Maybe you should be reported for that!

  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Being vegan and living in the mountains 30 min from the closest fast food place has basically made it so that I never eat it. I believe I have had it twice in the last 8 months. A small fry once, and a bean burrito from taco bell. I so seldom eat it that when I do I can taste how it isn't 100% real food.

    It isn't real food? *blink blink*

    How can a "food" that doesn't decay, mold, or fall apart after a long time be real food? A real burger and homemade fries would mold and get super nasty within a fairy short amount of time when left unrefrigerated. Not mcdonalds

    Ummm....okay. That still doesn't make it not real food. Obviously it is food. You can say it isn't as healthy as a other foods..but it is still food.

    Let's look as just the bun shall we?

    Look at the ingredient list, actually read it. See how many words you can actually pronounce, then tell me it's real food.

    Ingredients: Enriched flour (bleached wheat flour, malted barley flour, niacin, reduced iron, thiamin mononitrate, riboflavin, folic acid), water, high fructose corn syrup and/or sugar, yeast, soybean oil and/or canola oil, contains 2% or less of the following: salt, wheat gluten, calcium sulfate, calcium carbonate, ammonium sulfate, ammonium chloride, dough conditioners (may contain one or more of the following: sodium stearoyl lactylate, datem, ascorbic acid, azodicarbonamide, mono- and diglycerides, ethoxylated monoglycerides, monocalcium phosphate, enzymes, guar gum, calcium peroxide), sorbic acid, calcium propionate and/or sodium propionate (preservatives), soy lecithin.

    Or how about some other ingredients that are in a large amount of fast food.
    1. Duck feathers and human hair (L-cysteine)
    2. Sand (silicon dioxide)
    3. Wood (cellulose)
    4. Silly Putty plastic (dimethylpolysiloxane)
    5. Petroleum-derived preservatives (TBHQ)
    6. Soil fertilizer (ammonium sulfate)
    7. Beetle juices (carminic acid, confectioner's glaze)
    8. Meat paste-goop (mechanically separated meat)


    Well stated!!!!

    So tell me, up in your mountain, 30 miles away from the Devils Fast Food, do people live forever? Or do they get sick and die too? What's the average age of mortality up there in BetterThanYou Mountain? What's the cancer rate?

    Please tell me everyone there lives to be 126 or I'm going to be sorely disappointed
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member

  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member

    I think you are neglecting macros. yes, calories top the list in terms of weight loss. but I got a hell of a lot of protein (30) from my burger king chicken sandwich tonight, and that adds to my daily goal. no matter where food comes from, it is broken down in the body just the same.


    so ... burger king protein doesn't count? what about the carbs? can I count those?

    Here's my lunch from the other day. Coach is right. Definitely no nutrution in a pound and half worth of grilled hamburger meat, 3 slices of cheese, and a bun. The simple fact that it was cooked at Fatburger instead of my backyard negated all caloric benefits. I paid $9 for air.


  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Just looked at a bag of shakeology and I was right. :)

    food that comes in a bag = real food

    food that comes from a drive thru = imaginary food.

    got it, thanks
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    This. You can get "healthy" eating fast food. But if you want to be elite, you have to cut it out. It's a personal choice.


  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Well, this thread got really non-elite in a hurry.

    I have about a dozen pages to read if I'm going to get completely caught up. In case I don't make it through all of them, could someone who has been here for the duration post a quick synopsis of this thread? Or at least a snapshot of where we currently are, what open questions remain, etc.?

    As the kids say, kthxbai.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Well, this thread got really non-elite in a hurry.

    I have about a dozen pages to read if I'm going to get completely caught up. In case I don't make it through all of them, could someone who has been here for the duration post a quick synopsis of this thread? Or at least a snapshot of where we currently are, what open questions remain, etc.?

    As the kids say, kthxbai.

    OP: What has giving up fast food done for you
    Some people: Made me feel better, controlled binges, etc
    Some other people: I didn't give up fast food I eat it as part of a healthy diet
    Poster A: To be elite you have to cut out fast food.
    Some poeple (including me): thats not true plenty of elite athletes eat fast food, including dave tate and michael phelps.
    Poster A: Dave tate is uggo and Michael phelps exercises a lot, so they can eat fast food. Other people have to eat clean to be elite
    Me: Yeah, the exercise bit is why they're elite (exit thread for a while)
    Poster B, C,D,E: Science doesn't support that you have to eat totally clean, a meal here and there as part of a balanced diet is fine
    Poster A: But what if instead of the meal here and there wouldn't they be even healthier if they ate all clean?
    Posters B-E: No
    Poster A: But saturated fat is bad, some misquoted pieces of studies
    Posters B-E: no it isn't
    Poster A: You're gonna die young if you eat too much sodium
    Poster B: No.
    Then I lost track for a while.
    Some names were called.
    Some vegans got pissed.
    Now we're here.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Well, this thread got really non-elite in a hurry.

    I have about a dozen pages to read if I'm going to get completely caught up. In case I don't make it through all of them, could someone who has been here for the duration post a quick synopsis of this thread? Or at least a snapshot of where we currently are, what open questions remain, etc.?

    As the kids say, kthxbai.

    OP: What has giving up fast food done for you
    Some people: Made me feel better, controlled binges, etc
    Some other people: I didn't give up fast food I eat it as part of a healthy diet
    Poster A: To be elite you have to cut out fast food.
    Some poeple (including me): thats not true plenty of elite athletes eat fast food, including dave tate and michael phelps.
    Poster A: Dave tate is uggo and Michael phelps exercises a lot, so they can eat fast food. Other people have to eat clean to be elite
    Me: Yeah, the exercise bit is why they're elite (exit thread for a while)
    Poster B, C,D,E: Science doesn't support that you have to eat totally clean, a meal here and there as part of a balanced diet is fine
    Poster A: But what if instead of the meal here and there wouldn't they be even healthier if they ate all clean?
    Posters B-E: No
    Poster A: But saturated fat is bad, some misquoted pieces of studies
    Posters B-E: no it isn't
    Poster A: You're gonna die young if you eat too much sodium
    Poster B: No.
    Then I lost track for a while.
    Some names were called.
    Some vegans got pissed.
    Now we're here.

    Thanks. This helps. I actually managed to read...okay, fine, *skim*...through everything and your summary seems consistent with what I read (although I missed the vegans getting pissed...which I assume is the American form meaning "angry" and not the European form meaning "drunk" (I think)...).

    So, where do we go from here? Will the thread lie dormant now for a few weeks, until someone stumbles on it in the forums and posts without any knowledge of the absolutely epic downward spiral this thread has taken? Or will it be mercifully locked and subject to deletion at any time? What's the current over/under on total strikes handed out?

    Currently, I have an occasional fast food meal...usually Jimmy John's or Chipotle...but recently, I've made more poor...(okay, more like, "less-than-optimal")...overall food choices at home than I have buying my food already prepared and handed to me through a window. (Those Pillsbury biscuits yesterday were no better choice than the Jimmy John's #9 sandwich today.) But this information almost seems irrelevant considering where this thread is now. *shrug*
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Well, this thread got really non-elite in a hurry.

    I have about a dozen pages to read if I'm going to get completely caught up. In case I don't make it through all of them, could someone who has been here for the duration post a quick synopsis of this thread? Or at least a snapshot of where we currently are, what open questions remain, etc.?

    As the kids say, kthxbai.

    OP: What has giving up fast food done for you
    Some people: Made me feel better, controlled binges, etc
    Some other people: I didn't give up fast food I eat it as part of a healthy diet
    Poster A: To be elite you have to cut out fast food.
    Some poeple (including me): thats not true plenty of elite athletes eat fast food, including dave tate and michael phelps.
    Poster A: Dave tate is uggo and Michael phelps exercises a lot, so they can eat fast food. Other people have to eat clean to be elite
    Me: Yeah, the exercise bit is why they're elite (exit thread for a while)
    Poster B, C,D,E: Science doesn't support that you have to eat totally clean, a meal here and there as part of a balanced diet is fine
    Poster A: But what if instead of the meal here and there wouldn't they be even healthier if they ate all clean?
    Posters B-E: No
    Poster A: But saturated fat is bad, some misquoted pieces of studies
    Posters B-E: no it isn't
    Poster A: You're gonna die young if you eat too much sodium
    Poster B: No.
    Then I lost track for a while.
    Some names were called.
    Some vegans got pissed.
    Now we're here.

    Thanks. This helps. I actually managed to read...okay, fine, *skim*...through everything and your summary seems consistent with what I read (although I missed the vegans getting pissed...which I assume is the American form meaning "angry" and not the European form meaning "drunk" (I think)...).

    So, where do we go from here? Will the thread lie dormant now for a few weeks, until someone stumbles on it in the forums and posts without any knowledge of the absolutely epic downward spiral this thread has taken? Or will it be mercifully locked and subject to deletion at any time? What's the current over/under on total strikes handed out?

    Currently, I have an occasional fast food meal...usually Jimmy John's or Chipotle...but recently, I've made more poor...(okay, more like, "less-than-optimal")...overall food choices at home than I have buying my food already prepared and handed to me through a window. (Those Pillsbury biscuits yesterday were no better choice than the Jimmy John's #9 sandwich today.) But this information almost seems irrelevant considering where this thread is now. *shrug*

    OH I know where it's going, now.

    If my dunkin bagels and pizza don't "count" as fast food, you can't have Chipotle or JJ's, either. Sorry. Only McBurgers count.
    The rule is, you have to be able to have bought it at a turnpike rest stop between 1995-2003 for it to count.

    Your argument is invalid.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Well, this thread got really non-elite in a hurry.

    I have about a dozen pages to read if I'm going to get completely caught up. In case I don't make it through all of them, could someone who has been here for the duration post a quick synopsis of this thread? Or at least a snapshot of where we currently are, what open questions remain, etc.?

    As the kids say, kthxbai.

    OP: What has giving up fast food done for you
    Some people: Made me feel better, controlled binges, etc
    Some other people: I didn't give up fast food I eat it as part of a healthy diet
    Poster A: To be elite you have to cut out fast food.
    Some poeple (including me): thats not true plenty of elite athletes eat fast food, including dave tate and michael phelps.
    Poster A: Dave tate is uggo and Michael phelps exercises a lot, so they can eat fast food. Other people have to eat clean to be elite
    Me: Yeah, the exercise bit is why they're elite (exit thread for a while)
    Poster B, C,D,E: Science doesn't support that you have to eat totally clean, a meal here and there as part of a balanced diet is fine
    Poster A: But what if instead of the meal here and there wouldn't they be even healthier if they ate all clean?
    Posters B-E: No
    Poster A: But saturated fat is bad, some misquoted pieces of studies
    Posters B-E: no it isn't
    Poster A: You're gonna die young if you eat too much sodium
    Poster B: No.
    Then I lost track for a while.
    Some names were called.
    Some vegans got pissed.
    Now we're here.

    Thanks. This helps. I actually managed to read...okay, fine, *skim*...through everything and your summary seems consistent with what I read (although I missed the vegans getting pissed...which I assume is the American form meaning "angry" and not the European form meaning "drunk" (I think)...).

    So, where do we go from here? Will the thread lie dormant now for a few weeks, until someone stumbles on it in the forums and posts without any knowledge of the absolutely epic downward spiral this thread has taken? Or will it be mercifully locked and subject to deletion at any time? What's the current over/under on total strikes handed out?

    Currently, I have an occasional fast food meal...usually Jimmy John's or Chipotle...but recently, I've made more poor...(okay, more like, "less-than-optimal")...overall food choices at home than I have buying my food already prepared and handed to me through a window. (Those Pillsbury biscuits yesterday were no better choice than the Jimmy John's #9 sandwich today.) But this information almost seems irrelevant considering where this thread is now. *shrug*

    OH I know where it's going, now.

    If my dunkin bagels and pizza don't "count" as fast food, you can't have Chipotle or JJ's, either. Sorry. Only McBurgers count.
    The rule is, you have to be able to have bought it at a turnpike rest stop between 1995-2003 for it to count.

    Your argument is invalid.

    Oh, okay...so then if my Chipotle and JJ don't "count" as fast food, then they're by definition "healthy", right? Awesome.

    And I don't have an argument to be invalidated. You must be confusing me with someone else.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Well, this thread got really non-elite in a hurry.

    I have about a dozen pages to read if I'm going to get completely caught up. In case I don't make it through all of them, could someone who has been here for the duration post a quick synopsis of this thread? Or at least a snapshot of where we currently are, what open questions remain, etc.?

    As the kids say, kthxbai.

    OP: What has giving up fast food done for you
    Some people: Made me feel better, controlled binges, etc
    Some other people: I didn't give up fast food I eat it as part of a healthy diet
    Poster A: To be elite you have to cut out fast food.
    Some poeple (including me): thats not true plenty of elite athletes eat fast food, including dave tate and michael phelps.
    Poster A: Dave tate is uggo and Michael phelps exercises a lot, so they can eat fast food. Other people have to eat clean to be elite
    Me: Yeah, the exercise bit is why they're elite (exit thread for a while)
    Poster B, C,D,E: Science doesn't support that you have to eat totally clean, a meal here and there as part of a balanced diet is fine
    Poster A: But what if instead of the meal here and there wouldn't they be even healthier if they ate all clean?
    Posters B-E: No
    Poster A: But saturated fat is bad, some misquoted pieces of studies
    Posters B-E: no it isn't
    Poster A: You're gonna die young if you eat too much sodium
    Poster B: No.
    Then I lost track for a while.
    Some names were called.
    Some vegans got pissed.
    Now we're here.

    Thanks. This helps. I actually managed to read...okay, fine, *skim*...through everything and your summary seems consistent with what I read (although I missed the vegans getting pissed...which I assume is the American form meaning "angry" and not the European form meaning "drunk" (I think)...).

    So, where do we go from here? Will the thread lie dormant now for a few weeks, until someone stumbles on it in the forums and posts without any knowledge of the absolutely epic downward spiral this thread has taken? Or will it be mercifully locked and subject to deletion at any time? What's the current over/under on total strikes handed out?

    Currently, I have an occasional fast food meal...usually Jimmy John's or Chipotle...but recently, I've made more poor...(okay, more like, "less-than-optimal")...overall food choices at home than I have buying my food already prepared and handed to me through a window. (Those Pillsbury biscuits yesterday were no better choice than the Jimmy John's #9 sandwich today.) But this information almost seems irrelevant considering where this thread is now. *shrug*

    OH I know where it's going, now.

    If my dunkin bagels and pizza don't "count" as fast food, you can't have Chipotle or JJ's, either. Sorry. Only McBurgers count.
    The rule is, you have to be able to have bought it at a turnpike rest stop between 1995-2003 for it to count.

    Your argument is invalid.

    Oh, okay...so then if my Chipotle and JJ don't "count" as fast food, then they're by definition "healthy", right? Awesome.

    And I don't have an argument to be invalidated. You must be confusing me with someone else.
    You could totally write for wikipedia.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Well, this thread got really non-elite in a hurry.

    I have about a dozen pages to read if I'm going to get completely caught up. In case I don't make it through all of them, could someone who has been here for the duration post a quick synopsis of this thread? Or at least a snapshot of where we currently are, what open questions remain, etc.?

    As the kids say, kthxbai.

    OP: What has giving up fast food done for you
    Some people: Made me feel better, controlled binges, etc
    Some other people: I didn't give up fast food I eat it as part of a healthy diet
    Poster A: To be elite you have to cut out fast food.
    Some poeple (including me): thats not true plenty of elite athletes eat fast food, including dave tate and michael phelps.
    Poster A: Dave tate is uggo and Michael phelps exercises a lot, so they can eat fast food. Other people have to eat clean to be elite
    Me: Yeah, the exercise bit is why they're elite (exit thread for a while)
    Poster B, C,D,E: Science doesn't support that you have to eat totally clean, a meal here and there as part of a balanced diet is fine
    Poster A: But what if instead of the meal here and there wouldn't they be even healthier if they ate all clean?
    Posters B-E: No
    Poster A: But saturated fat is bad, some misquoted pieces of studies
    Posters B-E: no it isn't
    Poster A: You're gonna die young if you eat too much sodium
    Poster B: No.
    Then I lost track for a while.
    Some names were called.
    Some vegans got pissed.
    Now we're here.

    Thanks. This helps. I actually managed to read...okay, fine, *skim*...through everything and your summary seems consistent with what I read (although I missed the vegans getting pissed...which I assume is the American form meaning "angry" and not the European form meaning "drunk" (I think)...).

    So, where do we go from here? Will the thread lie dormant now for a few weeks, until someone stumbles on it in the forums and posts without any knowledge of the absolutely epic downward spiral this thread has taken? Or will it be mercifully locked and subject to deletion at any time? What's the current over/under on total strikes handed out?

    Currently, I have an occasional fast food meal...usually Jimmy John's or Chipotle...but recently, I've made more poor...(okay, more like, "less-than-optimal")...overall food choices at home than I have buying my food already prepared and handed to me through a window. (Those Pillsbury biscuits yesterday were no better choice than the Jimmy John's #9 sandwich today.) But this information almost seems irrelevant considering where this thread is now. *shrug*

    OH I know where it's going, now.

    If my dunkin bagels and pizza don't "count" as fast food, you can't have Chipotle or JJ's, either. Sorry. Only McBurgers count.
    The rule is, you have to be able to have bought it at a turnpike rest stop between 1995-2003 for it to count.

    Your argument is invalid.

    Oh, okay...so then if my Chipotle and JJ don't "count" as fast food, then they're by definition "healthy", right? Awesome.

    And I don't have an argument to be invalidated. You must be confusing me with someone else.
    You could totally write for wikipedia.

    I know...it's a gift. And yet I'm wasting my talents here, on a thread that will almost certainly not exist this time tomorrow.