What has giving up fast food done for you?



  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    Saved me money, cholesterol, sodium, gotten me of meds for some heart stuff...

    If you want t lose weight, you just need a calorie deficit. If you want to take it off and keep it off, you might want to consider doing something else like eating healthier foods. If you want to grow old, you might want to cut it out.

    The truth is most people that lose weight on here will eventually go back to the way they were. It's like people winning the lottery, they have the same financial aptitude and many of them return to where they were before.

    And to the young folks - you might be able to drop of 20 or 30 pounds in record time, but wait until you are 50+, then tell me how good junk food is for you.
  • wavdawg4
    wavdawg4 Posts: 139 Member
    I've never stopped eating fast food and don't intend to. It's not a daily thing but I haven't seen it cause any issues as long as I stay in my budget. It's my treat and I'm not giving it up.

    I will say that I have Cut back greatly. Not only am I eating less of it but I never really realized just how much I was spending. I'm still not used to it, at the end of the of the month when I have extra cash I freak out a little and wonder what bill I forgot to pay.
    I also know that if I could just stop eating it and soda that I would lose even more weight, but I like it. I'm not going to give up something that I fully like..
  • squirrelythegreat
    squirrelythegreat Posts: 158 Member
    Fast food makes me feel sick nowadays. I get pizza with friends once a month or so, occasional sub at subway - chicken or veggie. Maybe chinese (but usually make my own) I feel awesome nowadays, but I can't attribute that to ditching fast food. Correlation != Causation and all that. Though I do get a crack out of people who say that what I eat is expensive... Then eat out constantly.
  • theologynerd
    theologynerd Posts: 264 Member
    I gave it up a few years ago. I'm so glad. You'll hear people say you don't have to give it up, and they can do what they want, but if you're interested in giving it up, go for it. I have started focusing more on macros in the last 4 months or so, and there's no way I would make my macro goals if I ate fast food. I still battle my sweet tooth, and that can really screw with my macro goals, so I'm just really happy that I don't have to deal with fast food on top of that. Now, even going out for a "healthy" meal can be difficult for me, because I can taste how overly salty restaurant food is. Even a salad with a grilled chicken breast tastes loaded with sodium, and sure enough, when I look it up online, the sodium is through the roof.
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    I cut out fast food two years ago....said good bye and didn't look back.

    I didnt' do it because I believe it's the only way to lose weight....i didn't do it because i don't like it...i DO like fast food...

    BUT...i have no gall bladder and i have found for me (and this is just me, not everyone has this...so don't think I'm generalising) that when I do eat fast food I get really really sick.

    it's horrible...cramps, nausea, even actual vomiting and I have tried fast food options that are lower in sodium and fat (so as to not be so hard on my kidneys.....)

    i don't know if it's psychological or actually hard on my kidneys, but either way, I got tired of being so DAMN sick...

    so i gave it up...and I've looked back...oh trust me...i've looked back and thought...i'm sure one fry won't be so bad...

    and every time I have caved I was SO sick...

    so as of two years go, I haven't done it...and I have to say, not being sick? It's the best feeling ever.

    so what has it done for me? Made me feel better.
  • MsTru2U
    MsTru2U Posts: 119 Member
    I've never stopped eating fast food and don't intend to. It's not a daily thing but I haven't seen it cause any issues as long as I stay in my budget. It's my treat and I'm not giving it up.

    ^^^^^This! :wink:
  • kikilita
    kikilita Posts: 91 Member
    Well, I haven't give it up completely, though I'd like to. I'm mostly focusing on consistently exercising. But it does help me save money when I do cut it out and hopefully it'll be more cut out as I get more healthy recipes.

    Also, regarding the elite thing, I think the guy was just pointing out the difference between exercising with fast food and exercising without it, no reason to jump him for his choice of words.

    I find cutting out soda such as Dr. Pepper from diet to be much harder. But at the same time, I have started craving fast food less after cutting it out. Still, I crave it but when I drink it, I tend to drink at least 2 if not more cans a day.
  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    I very rarely eat it now. I just feel so much better (physically and mentally) when I don't. Plus if it's really all about convenience, there are healthy choices at those places (salads...also, Jack in the Box has a yummy chicken fajita pita that's not too bad), and there are places that have lots of healthy options. Personally, I think Subway is overrated when it comes to flavor and freshness, but I don't dislike it so it's still one of my go-tos when I need something quick.
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    less abdominal pain.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    I've never been a big fast food eater but once in a while I still indulge. The key is being reasonable about your overall diet.
  • melbatoast917
    melbatoast917 Posts: 370 Member
    This. You can get "healthy" eating fast food. But if you want to be elite, you have to cut it out. It's a personal choice.


    But but but... I haven't eaten fast food in almost a year and I am not elite yet. :-(
  • Spokez70
    Spokez70 Posts: 548 Member
    I went from eating McDonalds 1-2 times per day to 1-2 times per month about a year ago. That was only one of several changes I made but I think the ticker speaks for itself.
  • LavenderChamomile
    Wow. People on this forum are so quick to get hostile over every little thing. Lighten up, people.
    Fast food is bad for you. Anyone wanna argue? If you choose to still eat it, good for you. Doesn't make you a better person. Doesn't make you a worse one.

    I gave it up because I changed my diet and my tastes so that rather than always feeling deprived, I could enjoy eating within my diet all the time. Not just out of it on the weekend, or whatever. There is a better way. IMO, if you're still "rewarding yourself" with things that are bad for you, you're doing it wrong. If you're still holding up unhealthy food as "the good stuff" you're gonna have a heck of a time keeping the weight off over a long period of time.
    Why feed the addiction slower, when you can just break it?
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Wow. People on this forum are so quick to get hostile over every little thing. Lighten up, people.
    Fast food is bad for you. Anyone wanna argue? If you choose to still eat it, good for you. Doesn't make you a better person. Doesn't make you a worse one.

    I gave it up because I changed my diet and my tastes so that rather than always feeling deprived, I could enjoy eating within my diet all the time. Not just out of it on the weekend, or whatever. There is a better way. IMO, if you're still "rewarding yourself" with things that are bad for you, you're doing it wrong. If you're still holding up unhealthy food as "the good stuff" you're gonna have a heck of a time keeping the weight off over a long period of time.
    Why feed the addiction slower, when you can just break it?

    I think this is pretty tame for a forum thread -here and anywhere else. Don't really see a lot of hositlity in the thread O.o...just most people saying that overall, moderation is key, that they gave it up for other health reasons or that they gave it up and saved money. o.O
  • kikilita
    kikilita Posts: 91 Member
    Wow. People on this forum are so quick to get hostile over every little thing. Lighten up, people.
    Fast food is bad for you. Anyone wanna argue? If you choose to still eat it, good for you. Doesn't make you a better person. Doesn't make you a worse one.

    I gave it up because I changed my diet and my tastes so that rather than always feeling deprived, I could enjoy eating within my diet all the time. Not just out of it on the weekend, or whatever. There is a better way. IMO, if you're still "rewarding yourself" with things that are bad for you, you're doing it wrong. If you're still holding up unhealthy food as "the good stuff" you're gonna have a heck of a time keeping the weight off over a long period of time.
    Why feed the addiction slower, when you can just break it?

    I think this is pretty tame for a forum thread -here and anywhere else. Don't really see a lot of hositlity in the thread O.o...just most people saying that overall, moderation is key, that they gave it up for other health reasons or that they gave it up and saved money. o.O

    He's talking about all the people that jumped that one dude for saying "elite." I don't know why so many people cared.
  • LavenderChamomile
    Wow. People on this forum are so quick to get hostile over every little thing. Lighten up, people.
    Fast food is bad for you. Anyone wanna argue? If you choose to still eat it, good for you. Doesn't make you a better person. Doesn't make you a worse one.

    I gave it up because I changed my diet and my tastes so that rather than always feeling deprived, I could enjoy eating within my diet all the time. Not just out of it on the weekend, or whatever. There is a better way. IMO, if you're still "rewarding yourself" with things that are bad for you, you're doing it wrong. If you're still holding up unhealthy food as "the good stuff" you're gonna have a heck of a time keeping the weight off over a long period of time.
    Why feed the addiction slower, when you can just break it?

    I think this is pretty tame for a forum thread -here and anywhere else. Don't really see a lot of hositlity in the thread O.o...just most people saying that overall, moderation is key, that they gave it up for other health reasons or that they gave it up and saved money. o.O

    He's talking about all the people that jumped that one dude for saying "elite." I don't know why so many people cared.

    I am a she, but true ^.^
    All the guy was saying was that you will be healthiER if you cut out fast food. Even included pics as evidence. People just can't take it -.-

    Also, the thread was for people who HAVE cut out fast food to share what it has done for them. I don't know why all these people feel the need to comment, when they haven't cut out fast food. Just to criticize someone else's decision.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Wow. People on this forum are so quick to get hostile over every little thing. Lighten up, people.
    Fast food is bad for you. Anyone wanna argue? If you choose to still eat it, good for you. Doesn't make you a better person. Doesn't make you a worse one.

    I gave it up because I changed my diet and my tastes so that rather than always feeling deprived, I could enjoy eating within my diet all the time. Not just out of it on the weekend, or whatever. There is a better way. IMO, if you're still "rewarding yourself" with things that are bad for you, you're doing it wrong. If you're still holding up unhealthy food as "the good stuff" you're gonna have a heck of a time keeping the weight off over a long period of time.
    Why feed the addiction slower, when you can just break it?

    I think this is pretty tame for a forum thread -here and anywhere else. Don't really see a lot of hositlity in the thread O.o...just most people saying that overall, moderation is key, that they gave it up for other health reasons or that they gave it up and saved money. o.O

    He's talking about all the people that jumped that one dude for saying "elite." I don't know why so many people cared.

    I am a she, but true ^.^
    All the guy was saying was that you will be healthiER if you cut out fast food. Even included pics as evidence. People just can't take it -.-

    Also, the thread was for people who HAVE cut out fast food to share what it has done for them. I don't know why all these people feel the need to comment, when they haven't cut out fast food. Just to criticize someone else's decision.

    Nobody was criticizing his decision..not at all.

    They were criticizing his choice of words. Elite isn't a word you go throwing around.

    No one here cares if you cut out fast food or not. We all know that everyone has their preferences and whatever works for them - kudos. So...just to let you know. Him getting jumped on had absolutely nothing to do with him not eating fast food. :)
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Wow. People on this forum are so quick to get hostile over every little thing. Lighten up, people.
    Fast food is bad for you. Anyone wanna argue? If you choose to still eat it, good for you. Doesn't make you a better person. Doesn't make you a worse one.

    I gave it up because I changed my diet and my tastes so that rather than always feeling deprived, I could enjoy eating within my diet all the time. Not just out of it on the weekend, or whatever. There is a better way. IMO, if you're still "rewarding yourself" with things that are bad for you, you're doing it wrong. If you're still holding up unhealthy food as "the good stuff" you're gonna have a heck of a time keeping the weight off over a long period of time.
    Why feed the addiction slower, when you can just break it?

    I think this is pretty tame for a forum thread -here and anywhere else. Don't really see a lot of hositlity in the thread O.o...just most people saying that overall, moderation is key, that they gave it up for other health reasons or that they gave it up and saved money. o.O

    He's talking about all the people that jumped that one dude for saying "elite." I don't know why so many people cared.

    I am a she, but true ^.^
    All the guy was saying was that you will be healthiER if you cut out fast food. Even included pics as evidence. People just can't take it -.-

    Also, the thread was for people who HAVE cut out fast food to share what it has done for them. I don't know why all these people feel the need to comment, when they haven't cut out fast food. Just to criticize someone else's decision.

    He said "if you want to be elite you have to cut it out" which isn't true. Michael Phelps is pretty elite. Dave Tate is pretty elite. They eat fast food. The problem is the absolutism of that statement.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    This. You can get "healthy" eating fast food. But if you want to be elite, you have to cut it out. It's a personal choice.


    Are you saying you're elite?

    haha no i didn't really mean it to come off that way - i'm certainly not done, and that's why i'm here - but it just depends on what your goals are, was my point.

    the first picture was me before ditching fast food, and the second pic is after. sorry if elite was the wrong word choice.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member

    He said "if you want to be elite you have to cut it out" which isn't true. Michael Phelps is pretty elite. Dave Tate is pretty elite. They eat fast food. The problem is the absolutism of that statement.

    To be fair, Michael Phelps exercises for like... 12 hours a day. lol just to get enough calories you'd HAVE to eat fast food! :tongue: