What has giving up fast food done for you?



  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    This. You can get "healthy" eating fast food. But if you want to be elite, you have to cut it out. It's a personal choice.


    What category or categories are you elite in? Why do you think eating fast food is mutually exclusive to eliteness?

    Here is Dave Tate, an elite powerlifter. He achieved this while eating fast food every day.


    Granted his diet was complete garbage and he was in poor healthy becauase he ate NOTHING BUT fast food and junk food.

    But anyway, your argument is invalid.
  • Iceman420
    Iceman420 Posts: 195
    Giving up fast food has cut my calories by 1/2....at least. I'm eating healthy now, and the weight is coming off.
  • Bobby__Clerici
    Bobby__Clerici Posts: 741 Member
    I've never stopped eating fast food and don't intend to. It's not a daily thing but I haven't seen it cause any issues as long as I stay in my budget. It's my treat and I'm not giving it up.
    I gave it up while I sleep, and it has helped the quality of my sleep....
    As for giving anything up, that's why diets fail so miserably.
  • Bobby__Clerici
    Bobby__Clerici Posts: 741 Member
    This. You can get "healthy" eating fast food. But if you want to be elite, you have to cut it out. It's a personal choice.


    What category or categories are you elite in? Why do you think eating fast food is mutually exclusive to eliteness?

    Here is Dave Tate, an elite powerlifter. He achieved this while eating fast food every day.


    Granted his diet was complete garbage and he was in poor healthy becauase he ate NOTHING BUT fast food and junk food.

    But anyway, your argument is invalid.
    Who wants to look like that slug?
  • honey_bee_keysha
    honey_bee_keysha Posts: 773 Member
    Giving up fast food has saved me a ton of money.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Yeah, I haven't truly given up fast food. I have just made smarter choices when it comes to fast food. Mainly because I know that if I have a craving for something, and I don't settle it, then two weeks later I will get it 5 days in a row.

    So, when I get that craving for McDonald's, I get the All American Meal (Happy meal with no toy) and a water. Before I was getting the double cheeseburger with large fry/soda. But the small meal I get now is enough to satisfy me.
  • jmc0806
    jmc0806 Posts: 1,444 Member
    I think I had fast food 3 times last year, so helped me lose 130lbs and saved my wallet but I'm not against it...kind of actually craving taco bell at the moment
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    I'll never be able to give up Taco Bell forever.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    This. You can get "healthy" eating fast food. But if you want to be elite, you have to cut it out. It's a personal choice.


    What category or categories are you elite in? Why do you think eating fast food is mutually exclusive to eliteness?

    Here is Dave Tate, an elite powerlifter. He achieved this while eating fast food every day.


    Granted his diet was complete garbage and he was in poor healthy becauase he ate NOTHING BUT fast food and junk food.

    But anyway, your argument is invalid.
    Who wants to look like that slug?

    Ugly mofo isn't he? :laugh:

    I wasn't talking about looks, I was talking about elite lifting.

    By the way, here is Mr. Tate after he cleaned up his diet and cut. (Yeah, still a rather ugly mug... not much to be done about that)


    In your wettest dreams you're not 1/8th the man that this "slug" is.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    haven't and won't give it up. no reason to.
  • LittleMiss_WillLoseIt
    LittleMiss_WillLoseIt Posts: 1,373 Member
    As long as it fits in your macros then you can eat fast food every day for all meals.

  • BoatReadyBody
    meant everything to me.. 72 pds of Mc Donald crap off my *kitten*. Meant healthier mom and kids. Can't stand them. But goodness they smell so yummy. TY subway.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    This. You can get "healthy" eating fast food. But if you want to be elite, you have to cut it out. It's a personal choice.

    More like "Mostly Harmless" ;)
  • xxcatyxx555
    Saved me money and calories!
  • Derpina7
    Derpina7 Posts: 552 Member
    Giving up fast food has saved me a ton of money.

    This :)! I used to eat so much fast food, sometimes every meal of the day was from a drive through. I still eat it on occasion, if it's within my calorie budget I'll consider it a treat - but meal prepping has been very advantages for both my wallet and weight loss!
  • lisadlocks
    lisadlocks Posts: 212 Member
    I gave up fast food. It was hard initially but I got over it. I gave up soda completely. I don't really like diet and didn't want to train my taste buds to like it. I have started drinking club soda with a slice of lime. I even order it on the airplane since I travel a lot. I started cooking a lot of beans and would break them into small portions and freeze them. I would add sausage to them, or chicken. Sometime I add in kale with white beans. I cook bacon partially and freeze the individual slices and finish it off in the microwave for a quick breakfast. I cook chicken breast in advance and roll slices up in a low carb tortillia with lettuce leaves and squeezes of lime juice. Peanut butter sandwhiches on slim bread make excellent snacks and add that and some fruit and you have a great meal or snack.. I make tuna salad with or without mayo (just use less) and wrap them in lettuce leaves. I make huge pots of greens and break them into individual servings and freeze the rest. I make turkey meatloaf and cut it into serving sizes. I would say whatever you like to cook and eat, make more than you need and freeze the rest in individual containers. I don't do moderation well so I have to stay completely away from fast food. I eat out once a week at restaurants and will often order a burger fries when I crave one.
  • JennyVirginia
    Saves me a ton of money and puts my mind at ease knowing I'm not putting unhealthy food in my body. I do still eat Subway once in a blue moon but I feel it's healthier than McDonalds, Taco Bell, ect. I also didn't like how I felt after eating fast food; very sluggish and guilt ridden. Plus I look back and think about all the nasty grease that dripped off those hamburgers and that keeps me motivated to not go to them!!!
  • Rebirth08
    Rebirth08 Posts: 174 Member
    I haven't given up fast food, but I do eat at home more. And when i do eat fast food, I (usually) make be best choices. For example, I visited Chik Fila and McDonalds, so I ordered the Salads. Stuff like that. i realize that I live in this fast paced world, and sometimes I will need to pick up something quick when I am hungry b/c I did not pack my lunch or go to the grocery store. So I know I have the power to make the best choices.

    What has limiting fast food in my life done for me - avoid unncessary calories, learn to cook more at home. Learn more about food - better digestion - fat burn
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,237 Member
    Like others, I have not given it up, just reduced my consumption and made better decisions about what I order.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I haven't eaten the typical, greasy fast food stuff in years, decades maybe...That kind of food gives me massive digestive troubles and just the smell of those places still makes me a little nauseous. :sick: So I guess giving up fast food has given me healthier bowels...