

  • OBXbound4me
    OBXbound4me Posts: 245 Member
    I guess it was at least a good thing that he was up front about it but what a *kitten* for doing that kind of thing to begin with. Here is the thing, it is a normal thing to find others attractive, even if you are in a relationship. However, it does not mean you have to cheat. I always say there is no way I would cheat on my wife, ever. How do I know that though. The reason I know is because I don't allow myself to get in a position where it is an option. Don't put yourself in the position where something could happen that shouldn't. Then there is way less of a chance. Also, water your own grass and it will be greener than that grass on the other side. Communication is also key. Hopefully next time, you will get a good guy that will deserve you and you will both work to make the relationship what you want. Best of luck.,
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    Yeah uh, my husband and I have been together 12 years married 10 years this coming June, he hasn't ever cheated on me, I know he has had the chance to, but he hasn't and I know this.
  • Yaya1976
    Yaya1976 Posts: 357 Member
    Nope. Not all men cheat. I refuse to believe that.
  • _DaniD_
    _DaniD_ Posts: 2,186 Member
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    In my last situation, I can see it.( and granted this guy is a bit high school, so bear with me)

    It was new years, and my guy and I were both at an event for a group we belong to. We drove separately, and wound up sitting separately too due to him arriving after me. Since we sat separately, he thought that meant that we were separated(as in not dating) and that we could do whatever we wanted that night without consequences. So there was this drunk girl there(like falling down drunk and all over everyone) and drunk girl/my guy made out at the end of the night.. in front of me.

    Needless to say, I was pissed and he was history a day later.

    And you kicked him in the balls right?

    I wish but no.

    Instead I let him drive me home and when he grabbed me to try and kiss me, I pushed him away... not as satisfying, but still got my point across.
  • peachy0987
    peachy0987 Posts: 30 Member
    Haha, typical statement of someone wanting to justify their shady behavior.

    I've been with a guy that said more or less the same thing. It was a couple weeks I wish I could take back from my life, lol. He made a couple statements like that, to which my head always cocked to the side like a dang dog as I thought "say Whattttt?!?"

    Men are just like women when it comes to decisions and temptation. Some people can hold it together, some can't...and some don't even try.

    Bottom line: He's a douche. There are lots of douches out there, men & women alike... Try your best to avoid them :)
  • goldair23
    goldair23 Posts: 160
    I know a lot of guys that would think that way but I know more men that wouldn't.
    I've found that the ones that wouldn't are the more mature ones, surprise surprise!
    My boyfriend has girls throwing themselves at him all the time and he has never cheated on me, even when we broke up he still didn't want to sleep with anyone else and didn't!

    I think it depends on the person, girls are probably just as likely to do it. It's more the person in question if you ask me.
  • _Elemenopee_
    _Elemenopee_ Posts: 2,665 Member
    Sounds like you know how to pick 'em.

    Been there, done that.

    Look elsewhere, dear. All men DO NOT cheat.
  • IamBlackMamba
    You really have to trust your man not to cheat, or if you really want proof, then I suggest a gps tracker. =)

  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Men like this grow old alone

    This is what I thought get ready to be a rotting corpse in your one bedroom apartment because you became senial and had no one to take care of you.
  • Countryboy_
    You really have to trust your man not to cheat, or if you really want proof, then I suggest a gps tracker. =)


    I knew a guy once who thought his wife was cheating, so he put a gps tracker on her car. Her boyfriend found it, and put it on a greyhound bus. Nicely done to all participants......
  • yokurio
    yokurio Posts: 116 Member
    I've been in several long term relationships and have never cheated. Perhaps you should look more closely at the men you choose to date. You might be following a pattern that leads you to unfaithful guys.

    ^^^ this
  • alvalaurie
    alvalaurie Posts: 369 Member
    Didn't look at your profile to see your age, but I can say from experience, most times it's an age thing. (ducks as she dodges the rotten tomatoes sure to be flung at her) I used to always date men younger than me but couldn't find one who wanted any type of committment or to be monogomous. Soon as I broadened my horizons & went with an older man, VOILA! Whoop, there he is!

    Even men who may have cheated when they were younger, tend to "mellow" as they age and eventually end up settling down more. Age has a way of re-defining your priorities; however there are always exceptions to the rule!

    Ok commence with the tomato throwing.
  • spiritcrusher
    spiritcrusher Posts: 326 Member
    Both are just as likely capable thanks to hormones.
  • 2muchsauce
    2muchsauce Posts: 1,078
    Not one time in my entire life have I ever laid a hand on another woman while I was in a relationship with another one. So, no........... all guys do not cheat.
  • Cliffy94
    Cliffy94 Posts: 1,265 Member
    im proud of the fact that i have never cheated on a girl when in a relationship!
    When im single im a big flirt, but when im in a relationship, im fully committed to that person!
  • Lucassvg
    Lucassvg Posts: 190 Member
    "All guys will cheat if given the chance"

    This is what a guy who I was seeing just told me. Earlier this week he told me that he doesn't want to get too far into things because he doesn't want to hurt me because I am a "nice girl". He confessed that he usually ends up cheating or doing "something wrong" in a relationship.

    Normally, I wouldn't be defending guys on this sort of thing because I have been cheated on multiple times and have gone through many "f**k you all, men" phases. But I think this is a bunch of bs. Only pathetic, *kitten* cheat on their girlfriends/fiances/wives.

    I don't know. What do you guys/girls think? Is there such a thing as monogamy, loyalty, honesty, trust in a relationship anymore? Or has everything gone to *kitten*? I still think there are good people out there that are loyal and not every guy would cheat given the chance. Piss me off! GRRR.

    Sorry for all the cursing...
    Okay, and I'm done.

    I don't believe all men, just like women also cheat. If a man cheats once, he will do it again. It is in their nature. They can't help themselves. We women should not blame ourselves if our men cheat. Hold your head high and move on.

    My ex husband cheated on me with a tart 10 years younger than me. Unfortunately at that time he wouldn't leave even though I begged him to. He stayed and made my life miserable to 6 years.

    Ladies, look after yourselves, don't let men put you down and men, if you are being cheated on, be strong and move on. Life is too short to waste on a waster.
  • 1lexisva
    1lexisva Posts: 978 Member
    I still believe that there are some GOOD Men out there!!!
  • KittyCannibal
    Not all guys cheat. Have you tried them all?
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    I still believe that there are some GOOD Men out there!!!

    You know it babycakes!!!!!