What do you 'hate' about being fat?



  • DelilaLightfoot
    I hate that it almost defines who I am - how I behave, how I present myself, how people perceive me, how I approach life. I also feel that being overweight makes me feel so old - aches and pains that I shouldn't have at my age, older frumpier clothes because the choice is so bad and because I want to hide myself, not wanting to go out and have fun because I am too self-conscious, worrying about illness and problems associated with being so overweight.
  • MzOakland
    MzOakland Posts: 60 Member
    I love my body, but I hate for people to mistake me for a pregnant woman. I've lost weight before, but when it came back it went all to my stomach. I get rid of that, I'll be good.

    ME Too!!
  • thegingerpirate
    thegingerpirate Posts: 33 Member
    So I've read through all of these posts and I agree with so many of them. I really feel the need to vent this:
    I hate that when I go to try clothes on I want to cry in the fitting room even when they're the right size because i hate the way i look in them
    I hate that I don't own a single dress even though i love summer dresses and i've been looking for one for AGES that looks right on my body without looking pregnant
    I hate that clothes in the stores (especially dresses) always have a high waist and it makes my hips look even BIGGER
    I hate that when my boyfriend tells me i'm beautiful, I question if he says it just to make me feel better
    I hate that every time he touches my stomach it makes me sick with myself
    I hate that i never feel like having sex because all i can think about is how gross i am
    I hate that swimsuits won't hold my boobs up
    I hate that SPORTS BRAS won't hold my boobs up (I'm a 34DD when I'm thinner)
    I hate that pictures of me make me want to cry
    I hate that I've let myself get so bad and ACCEPTED it like i could never make it better
    I hate that I've let myself eat my way into depression
    I hate that my doctor tells me that my CHRONIC PAIN CONDITION would get better if i would just lose a little weight (quote: I'm not saying you're fat, but your joints would hurt less if you lost some weight)
    I hate that it took me from 16-21 to get a diagnosis on my awful back pain because no doctor would take me seriously if i wasn't rail thin
    I hate that men don't look at me because i have no confidence
    I hate feeling guilty every time i eat ANYTHING
    I hate the way my fat thighs rub together
    I hate the way my arms are flabby and look disgusting in short sleeves
    I hate that I always want to cover myself up in baggy pants and huge t-shirts
    I hate when my grandmother tells me that i could stand to lose a few pounds, but really i'm pretty anyway
    I hate when I can't run for more than ten minutes without crying from joint pain
    I hate that i HAVE to eat every couple of hours or my blood sugar will drop and make me sick

    There are a lot more, but I'll stop there :) I feel a little better.
    Putting in the effort to change!
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    This is a hateful thread.
  • AmyAyoob
    the thigh rub... ugh!
  • oh_em_gee
    oh_em_gee Posts: 887 Member
    If a skinny girl pigs out, it's cute and a bit impressive. If I pig out, I'm a disgusting whale
  • oh_em_gee
    oh_em_gee Posts: 887 Member
    STRETCH MARKS!!! made myself thinner, but ruined my skin... :sad: I know its my fault for being a fat kid/teen. but I worked so hard to lose this much.. I wish the stretch marks would go with it.

    tell me about it! I'm very prone to them, had them since I was 12 and a juniors size 3. getting fat made it so much worse. My boyfriend asked what happened to me when he first saw me in a bathing suit.

    Which, bathing suits. hate them
  • Momma258
    ditto. I feel like my belly is pouring over my waistband.
  • KittyCannibal
    belly fat when sitting.
  • AmmeJayne2
    i HATE being 'fat'... i have my down days that can be so bad i can have a melt down and just brake out in tears. i think the worst is in the morning when im trying to get dressed or at night when im getting into bed. i dont like the way my belly is anymore :( i have had two kids and they are still young but i hate the way i look. onwards and upwards with losing weight x
  • sincaitjrob
    sincaitjrob Posts: 9 Member
    I hate that my belly looks more pregnant than my friend who is 17weeks gone, and Im not even preggers!!!
  • Olahou
    Olahou Posts: 18 Member
    -I am overly self conscious about the way I look all the time.
    -People always think I'm older than I really am.
    -It takes me longer than the rest of my friends to complete physical activities.
    -I can't fit into outfits that I really like and have to settle for what I can fit into.
    -The comments that my mom makes!
    -Feeling tired all the time.

    Instead of dwelling on these to make me feel bad about myself, I've been trying to use them as motivation to keep me on track to being more healthy. I think that if being healthy is the focus, weight loss will happen naturally.
  • Olahou
    Olahou Posts: 18 Member
    I hate that my belly looks more pregnant than my friend who is 17weeks gone, and Im not even preggers!!!

    My husband and I have been talking about having our first baby and I'm so afraid that if I don't start making healthy changes, I'll be one of those pregnant girls that you can't even tell she's pregnant cause she's so fat. :(
  • Tinasheree29
    Tinasheree29 Posts: 22 Member
    Having low self-esteem and not being able to shop at the mall like I want too.
  • Boomshakalaka01
    Boomshakalaka01 Posts: 65 Member
    Being another statistic.
  • shadykatiekate
    shadykatiekate Posts: 41 Member
    My lack of self-esteem.
  • Dianexox
    Dianexox Posts: 2 Member

    So annoying when your friends can eat what they want and stay slim, whilst you have to watch everything you put in your mouth!! Oh and the fact they always wanna take loads of pictures because they look gorgeous and then they make you pose with them and you look awful and then they won't delete them .....!
    Not bitter or anything ;)

    Ps. I'm new to MFP feel free to add me guys and help motivate me for project #size10mexico !!!
  • Carisslynn
    Carisslynn Posts: 7 Member
    1. Sweating when doing the simplest things.
    2. Being winded from walking up a flight of stairs.
    3. Being hungry all the time.
    4. All the unflattering clothes and how expensive plus sized clothing is.
    5. Feeling like skinny people are better than me.
    6. Not fitting in booths at restaurants comfortably.
    7. Hurting all over all the time.
    8. The constant yo-yo dieting.
    9. Being tired all the time.
    10. Feeling ugly.
    11. Being pregnant while obese is NOT FUN in any way. NOT FUN.
    12. Judgmental people who look at you like you are a pig because you are overweight.
    13. But the absolute WORST thing is having a 2 1/2 year old son that you can't keep up with.

    I could go on for hours about why it sucks to be fat. You'd think with how miserable it is, that it would be a whole lot easier to lose the weight. Why isn't it???
  • fro99erann
    fro99erann Posts: 10 Member
    thinking i look really good then looking in the mirror and realizing i'm not the skinnier girl i used to be :(
  • seresha
    seresha Posts: 65
    Not being comfortable in public:/ I'm very insecure