Things for which you wish MFP would give strikes...



  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    can't we all just get along????

    Lets just break up.
  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
    mob mentality in the forums
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    People who start threads asking for help with relationship problems that are in no way related to MFP.
  • Marquism123
    Marquism123 Posts: 152 Member
    Anyone who insists they stuffed full and can't eat any more on less than 1200 calories a day.

    anyone who gives people grief for insisting that they are full on 1200 calories a day.

    I don't mind the 1200 crowd, but get very frustrated with those who run under 1,000 calories. It seems like the precursor to asking for justification of starvation tactics. Very few of us got overweight by eating under 1000 calories a day, but the week you join MFP you suddenly can't eat anymore? Nuh-uh.

    Actually I did do that. Yes before I started eating better I ate an extreme amount of calories, but that is because of the food I ate. Not the amount of food I ate. I never at very much in terms of portion sizes, but ate things like pizza, candy and sodas. Now I eat only healthy things like salads and fish. My potions are about the same size but my calorie intake is less than half of what it was. I do usually try to hit right around 1500 a day but there are days that I have to force myself to eat more than 1000. I am not new to weight loss, so it isn't just a "newbie" thing.

    I think this is what people struggle with. You claim you didn't eat that much in terms of quantity but it was what you ate - pizza, candy etc that make you overweight. No doubt these are higher calorie foods but eating them in reasonable quantities is not going to create "extreme amounts of calories" any more than switching to salads, fish and healthy foods is going to create difficulty in reaching even 1000 calories a day. This simply makes no sense.

    Healthier foods fill you up more than crap like soda which is basically empty calories. I think that's her point. High protein/low calorie fish or broccoli is going to be more filling than soda. It's not about eating lower portions of crap food which will result in still being hungry. It's about eating healthier food. Thus you wind up with a lot less calories in any given day.

    I know. I get it. But there simply is not THAT much of a difference. You do not go from having a calorie intake enough to make you extremely overweight to struggling to manage 1000 cals a day because you're eating more vegetables. Is total nonsense. I get how you can go from eating, say 3500 a day to 2000 a day by eating healthier options and achieving the same level of fullness but all this "oh I've have 600 cals so far today and I simply do NOT know how I will fit in dinner" is attention-seeking rubbish.

    Just my opinion, of course :-)
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    whoever reported my mermaid picture, when I used the word "*kitten*" and when I put a bikini pic up that wasn't even a thong.

    that word isn't allowed or is it bikini pics that aren't allowed? sounds like an odd thing to report.

    *editing out, before I get banned.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member

    I know. I get it. But there simply is not THAT much of a difference. You do not go from having a calorie intake enough to make you extremely overweight to struggling to manage 1000 cals a day because you're eating more vegetables. Is total nonsense. I get how you can go from eating, say 3500 a day to 2000 a day by eating healthier options and achieving the same level of fullness but all this "oh I've have 600 cals so far today and I simply do NOT know how I will fit in dinner" is attention-seeking rubbish.

    Just my opinion, of course :-)

    in my case, i was never extremely overweight. at my highest weight, i was 140 pounds and 5'4" which isn't even in the overweight category, but i looked a little chubby. i don't struggle to maintain 1000 calories on most normal days, but 1200 can be a challenge sometimes. yes, 600 calories is extremely low and i couldn't envision having that issue, but people do give grief on here for not being able to hit 1200 calories sometimes.
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    ooOo jof started this......I get banned I'm taking you with me! I'm nice like that. xxo!

    * members should be given strikes when they start threads just to incite others. Troublemakers!
  • Marquism123
    Marquism123 Posts: 152 Member

    I know. I get it. But there simply is not THAT much of a difference. You do not go from having a calorie intake enough to make you extremely overweight to struggling to manage 1000 cals a day because you're eating more vegetables. Is total nonsense. I get how you can go from eating, say 3500 a day to 2000 a day by eating healthier options and achieving the same level of fullness but all this "oh I've have 600 cals so far today and I simply do NOT know how I will fit in dinner" is attention-seeking rubbish.

    Just my opinion, of course :-)

    in my case, i was never extremely overweight. at my highest weight, i was 140 pounds and 5'4" which isn't even in the overweight category, but i looked a little chubby. i don't struggle to maintain 1000 calories on most normal days, but 1200 can be a challenge sometimes. yes, 600 calories is extremely low and i couldn't envision having that issue, but people do give grief on here for not being able to hit 1200 calories sometimes.

    I just suspect, however, those that incessantly post on the topic secretly already know that a handful of almond or a tbsp of peanut butter would do the trick and are looking more for attention than advice :-)
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    this is dumb.
    What don't you like about it?
    trying to subtlety call people out? geez.

    Did you have an answer for the OP, or did you just come in here to disagree with me?

    i am just stating my opinion on this answer...i am entitled to that right?

    Technically, no. The rules would have you answer the question and not call someone else's post "dumb" as it is an "attack". Yeah, I know, seems like an overly broad rule, but that's how it works here. Hopefully you don't have two other similar posts in your old posts AND that you don't attract an enemy here.

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    ooOo jof started this......I get banned I'm taking you with me! I'm nice like that. xxo!

    * members should be given strikes when they start threads just to incite others. Troublemakers!

    1. However tempting your offer, I must tell you that I am a happily married man and must decline.

    And 2. If it's one of my threads that gets you your third strike, neener neener neener. :flowerforyou:
  • 2muchsauce
    2muchsauce Posts: 1,078
    People who start threads asking for help with relationship problems that are in no way related to MFP.

    Complete strike worthy scenario !!
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    ooOo jof started this......I get banned I'm taking you with me! I'm nice like that. xxo!

    * members should be given strikes when they start threads just to incite others. Troublemakers!

    1. However tempting your offer, I must tell you that I am a happily married man and must decline.

    And 2. If it's one of my threads that gets you your third strike, neener neener neener. :flowerforyou:

  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    whoever reported my mermaid picture, when I used the word "*kitten*" and when I put a bikini pic up that wasn't even a thong.

    a bitter jealous member?

    Me? Nope. Not bitter at all, I look great. Someone else is bitter I guess.

    methinks he was not referring to you, but to the person reporting.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    People who complain about rules, then get miffed when THEIR own lines are crossed.
    Be real!
    If there is not "A Set Of Rules," then there is not Your Rules, either!
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    ooOo jof started this......I get banned I'm taking you with me! I'm nice like that. xxo!

    * members should be given strikes when they start threads just to incite others. Troublemakers!

    1. However tempting your offer, I must tell you that I am a happily married man and must decline.

    And 2. If it's one of my threads that gets you your third strike, neener neener neener. :flowerforyou:


    * those rules state anything about threatening bodily harm....death know. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    whoever reported my mermaid picture, when I used the word "*kitten*" and when I put a bikini pic up that wasn't even a thong.

    a bitter jealous member?

    Me? Nope. Not bitter at all, I look great. Someone else is bitter I guess.

    methinks he was not referring to you, but to the person reporting.

    you're right, love. xo!
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    whoever reported my mermaid picture, when I used the word "*kitten*" and when I put a bikini pic up that wasn't even a thong.

    a bitter jealous member?

    Me? Nope. Not bitter at all, I look great. Someone else is bitter I guess.

    methinks he was not referring to you, but to the person reporting.

    you're right, love. xo!

  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    Members who stalk other members and find out about their real life jobs, children, where they live, etc. They should get flat out banned and their IP address blocked for sociopathic creepiness. Pretty low, if you ask me.
  • mtabh
    mtabh Posts: 128 Member
    Any post which mentions Body by Vi, Beachbody/Shakeology, Advocare, Isagenix, ItWorks, or any of the other MLM scams.

    NVREST Posts: 94
    Not having a profile pic... nor a filled profile...