Another Thought About Milk



  • sweetchildomine
    sweetchildomine Posts: 872 Member
    Am I the only one that thinks it's hilarious that people are getting aggressive over MILK? lol
  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    I love ice cream too much to give up dairy. If my genes mutate and I turn into a cow as a result, I can accept that.
    I know there's another "milk" thread going on but my question is different....

    A friend sent this to me earlier, wanted to see what you all thought:

    "Milk is for baby cows. Period. We're the only species to drink the milk from another species, and we're also the only species who continues to drink milk after infancy. "


    (PS - Cow/Heffer gifs welcome..... I'm not easily offended!!!) :)
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    Your friend is correct. This topic always turns into a debate and people insist "oh, yeah, my cat drinks milk". The fact is that we are the only species to regularly and intentionally drink milk past infancy and to regularly and intentionally drink the breast milk of another animal. And while my cat might milk a cow and drink if he could, that has more to do with the crappy processed junk aka cat food that he's eating, rather than his intended diet.

    Cow's milk totally grosses me out but I still cook with butter and eat yogurt. It's easier to get over the aversion when it's not in the form of milk and harder to kick! What's really funny is that all of these people who are avid milk drinkers would probably be completely disgusted by the idea of drinking human breast milk. I've been in numerous breastfeeding classes and lactation consultations and whenever they mention milk banks there's a collective "EWWWW" at the suggestion of giving another woman's breast milk to their babies or donating their own milk for another baby. But lets wait til they're a year old and we'll give them breast milk from cows! lol
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    ...The fact is that we are the only species to regularly and intentionally drink milk past infancy and to regularly and intentionally drink the breast milk of another animal...
    We're also the only species to cook meals, plant and harvest crops, have sanitation/purity standards and laws for foods, eat in restaurants, shop at grocery stores, take dietary supplements and refrigerate our food. We're also the only species to conduct research on health and nutrition rather than just eating instinctively. Your point?
  • LilMissDB
    LilMissDB Posts: 133

    Sigh...first worlders and their fad diets.

    Ha! Indeed :)
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    ...The fact is that we are the only species to regularly and intentionally drink milk past infancy and to regularly and intentionally drink the breast milk of another animal...
    We're also the only species to cook meals, plant and harvest crops, have sanitation/purity laws for foods, eat in restaurants, shop at grocery stores and refrigerate our food. Your point?

    My point was clear but you don't seem to have one. You're talking about things that we're the only species to do at all. It's not like all mammals did these things in infancy and then stopped. All mammals consume their mother's breast milk in infancy (with the exception of orphaned animals adopted by other animals, human intervention, and formula). Regardless of what we actually consume in infancy, we're designed to consume breast milk from our own species. All other animals stop consuming breast milk after infancy. They don't continue to nurse throughout life, or start drinking milk from other animals when their mother's stop producing. I don't care if you or anyone else drinks milk so I'm not sure why you're offended by the fact that only adult humans do it. It's a fact. Making pointless arguments won't change facts.
  • Hbazzell
    Hbazzell Posts: 899 Member
    I am not a vegan but I don't drink milk. I drink almond milk because milk makes my husband and I sick, though neighter of us have been diagnosed with food allergies or anything similar. I wanted to go vegan for the animals but I couldn't do it. I have however, significantly reduced my dairy content by taking out milk. I also don't use egg yolks when I cook (though they are in breads and restaraunt food usually) but that is a different forum.
  • rm7161
    rm7161 Posts: 505
    ...The fact is that we are the only species to regularly and intentionally drink milk past infancy and to regularly and intentionally drink the breast milk of another animal...
    We're also the only species to cook meals, plant and harvest crops, have sanitation/purity laws for foods, eat in restaurants, shop at grocery stores and refrigerate our food. Your point?

    My point was clear but you don't seem to have one. You're talking about things that we're the only species to do at all. It's not like all mammals did these things in infancy and then stopped. All mammals consume their mother's breast milk in infancy (with the exception of orphaned animals adopted by other animals, human intervention, and formula). Regardless of what we actually consume in infancy, we're designed to consume breast milk from our own species. All other animals stop consuming breast milk after infancy. They don't continue to nurse throughout life, or start drinking milk from other animals when their mother's stop producing. I don't care if you or anyone else drinks milk so I'm not sure why you're offended by the fact that only adult humans do it. It's a fact. Making pointless arguments won't change facts.

    That's because humans are the only species that are capable of milking other animals. Which goes along with the farming point. Rearing cows for milk is a form of mutualism, both humans and cows benefit from the relationship from a purely Darwinian viewpoint. Ants do a similar thing with aphids, btw.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,017 Member
    ...The fact is that we are the only species to regularly and intentionally drink milk past infancy and to regularly and intentionally drink the breast milk of another animal...
    We're also the only species to cook meals, plant and harvest crops, have sanitation/purity laws for foods, eat in restaurants, shop at grocery stores and refrigerate our food. Your point?

    My point was clear but you don't seem to have one. You're talking about things that we're the only species to do at all. It's not like all mammals did these things in infancy and then stopped. All mammals consume their mother's breast milk in infancy (with the exception of orphaned animals adopted by other animals, human intervention, and formula). Regardless of what we actually consume in infancy, we're designed to consume breast milk from our own species. All other animals stop consuming breast milk after infancy. They don't continue to nurse throughout life, or start drinking milk from other animals when their mother's stop producing. I don't care if you or anyone else drinks milk so I'm not sure why you're offended by the fact that only adult humans do it. It's a fact. Making pointless arguments won't change facts.
    It's called adaption to the environment and we've been doing that for over 2 million years. Ask the people in Countries where milk sustains life and tell them not to consume it because we're not suppose to. Yours is an elitist attitude, that would crumble in the face of starvation.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Blue tits used to regularly peck through the milk tops to get to the milk when we used to have milk delivered in bottle and left outside the house in the morning. I never asked them how old they were.
  • EmmaR31
    EmmaR31 Posts: 184
    My husband is currently cutting out dairy due to the research done in the China Study. Don't know if anyone has mentioned it already (lots of posts to go through!) but it makes compelling arguments for cutting out diary and switching to vegetable protein over animal protein which has been linked to cancer.

    I am normally sceptical about diets that claim that a particular type of food is evil, but the results of the studies done are pretty interesting and worth a read.
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    Yours is an elitist attitude, that would crumble in the face of starvation.

    Me pointing out a fact about the history of milk and mammals is an elitist attitude? Seriously? I plainly stated that I don't care who drinks it or who doesn't - it's none of my business. Drinking milk grosses me out b/c it's cow's breast milk. Just like you might not like potatoes because they're dirty or insert some other weird food thing here. I eat dairy. I think people should eat what they like and skip what they don't like. I never said it's unhealthy or that we're doing it wrong and other animals have it right. If I was starving and there was a glass of milk in front of me, I'd drink it. My 3 year drinks milk and she'll keep drinking milk as long as she prefers it to milk alternatives. Judgmental much?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    My husband is currently cutting out dairy due to the research done in the China Study. Don't know if anyone has mentioned it already (lots of posts to go through!) but it makes compelling arguments for cutting out diary and switching to vegetable protein over animal protein which has been linked to cancer.

    I am normally sceptical about diets that claim that a particular type of food is evil, but the results of the studies done are pretty interesting and worth a read.

    The China Study is a terrible, cherry picked, misinterpreted "study" which has basically been debunked.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I was having arguments with people (taso) who feel that 800-1000 calories of fast food EVERY DAY is fine.

    a donut every couple days that's 270 calories is a massive difference.

    hey now! just noticed this.

    no, this is false. find somewhere on the internet where i said or implied "800-1000 calories of fast food every day is fine" and I will paypal you $20.
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    Mental health is important too......
    It is sorely lacking here. Just an observation.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    I was having arguments with people (taso) who feel that 800-1000 calories of fast food EVERY DAY is fine.

    a donut every couple days that's 270 calories is a massive difference.

    hey now! just noticed this.

    no, this is false. find somewhere on the internet where i said or implied "800-1000 calories of fast food every day is fine" and I will paypal you $20.

    I had a feeling this statement was false. The IIFYM counter arguments tend towards the straw man variety and I was thinking this had gone there.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    "Milk is for baby cows. Period. We're the only species to drink the milk from another species, and we're also the only species who continues to drink milk after infancy. "
    Because we're the only ones that have worked out how to farm milk. Is it really so hard to comprehend? Nearly all other mammal species will drink milk if it's available.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I am just going to through out a little common sense approach to this... For those that think Milk is evil and should not be consumed by humans then don't drink it and for the rest of us that do not have any issues with it (and yes my big ole glass of chocolate milk I just had for breakfast was delicious) we will continue to drink it everyday no harm no foul to either party... Best of Luck......
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    "Milk is for baby cows. Period. We're the only species to drink the milk from another species, and we're also the only species who continues to drink milk after infancy. "
    I wonder why they always say "baby cows" and not "calfs". Just curious.
  • kms1320
    kms1320 Posts: 599 Member
    I love ice cream too much to give up dairy. If my genes mutate and I turn into a cow as a result, I can accept that.
    I know there's another "milk" thread going on but my question is different....

    A friend sent this to me earlier, wanted to see what you all thought:

    "Milk is for baby cows. Period. We're the only species to drink the milk from another species, and we're also the only species who continues to drink milk after infancy. "


    (PS - Cow/Heffer gifs welcome..... I'm not easily offended!!!) :)
    Just skipped the whole thread didn't you.. kind of amusing to see you brng up points that were argued to death 7 page ago. To put it bluntly, you're wrong. So is her friend.