Another Thought About Milk



  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Maybe other animals aren't smart enough to advantage of nutritious milk from other sources.

    What about milk is actually nutritious?
    Natural calcium, natural proteins (great for building muscle), natural vitamins.. what ISN'T nutritious about milk?

    You can get all of that from other sources other than milk by the way. Would you go to the store and buy a gallon if human breast milk ?

    Back to back ridiculous statements.

    Is that really what you want to go with? That if we can get similar nutrition from another source then the first source isn't nutritious? Coach, you're going to need stronger players on your team if you're going to win this
  • medaud10
    I will start worrying when I consume as much cow's milk in one day as a calf does. I drink 8-10 ounces at the max a day. calories and nutrition is not so dense that that much will hurt me.
  • stargazer008
    Maybe other animals aren't smart enough to advantage of nutritious milk from other sources.

    I agree. If there was another intelligent species, they would likely take milk from other species too.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    If anyone is interested......
    "From a Primal perspective, however, dairy still remains somewhat of an enigma. Hardly one of the original, universal foods in human evolution, milk entered the scene at a surprisingly late date – only some 9,000 years ago with the advent of animal domestication. Researchers have long traced the “progression” of Grok‘s dairy intake from the Middle East into Europe, where milk actually became an unusually significant dietary staple. New research into the dairy “drift” now offers more details than ever surrounding this relatively isolated, albeit dramatic, evolutionary event.


    "Previous theory suggested the gradual interbreeding of the immigrant group with existing hunter-gatherers. Not so, say researchers now. In addition to the grisly discovery of a Neolithic Age mass grave (the remains in which indicate violent beating and bludgeoning), bones from the period reveal two distinct genetic lines, one lactose tolerant (the farmer immigrants) and the other not (existing hunter-gatherers that had come to Europe some 46,000 years prior). Archeological remains confirm that modern day Northern Europeans are descended from that immigrant farming group. With evidence of a wholly different culture, religion and language, the settlers apparently resisted rather than absorbed the original population, and their genetic line as well as agricultural practices, eventually won out. Today, the genetic pattern lingers. Lactose tolerance levels increase in a northwesterly progression across Northern and Western Europe and into the Northwest tip of Africa, where lactose tolerance hits a peak 80%."

    Read more:

    Milk Drinking Started Around 7,500 Years Ago In Central Europe

    The genetic change that enabled early Europeans to drink milk without getting sick has been mapped to dairying farmers who lived around 7,500 years ago in a region between the central Balkans and central Europe.
    Previously, it was thought that natural selection favoured milk drinkers only in more northern regions because of their greater need for vitamin D in their diet. People living in most parts of the world make vitamin D when sunlight hits the skin, but in northern latitudes there isn't enough sunlight to do this for most of the year.

    "Many reasons have been put forward for why being able to drink fresh milk should be such an advantage. For example, milk can compensate for the lack of sunlight and synthesis of vitamin D in skin at more northern latitudes, since vitamin D is required for calcium absorption and milk provides a good dietary source of both nutrients. Milk also provides a calorie- and protein-rich food source, comes in a relatively constant supply compared to the boom-and-bust of seasonal crops, and would have been less contaminated than water supplies."
  • TheConsciousFoody
    TheConsciousFoody Posts: 607 Member
    You can get all of that from other sources other than milk by the way.

    Wait, what? By that logic, there's no need to eat oranges or strawberries because you can get vitamin C from tomatoes. Just because two different foods have the same nutrients doesn't make one of them obsolete.

    That doesn't mean we were designed to drink cows milk. Lol. We are weened off breast milk, that's full of nutrients...why not just continue that if you're just going to switch to cows milk? Turds might have some nutrients in it, are you going to chew on a turd?
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member



    I could quote The China Study but you'd still laugh because you don't buy it - even though it's extremely thorough, comprehensive research.

    you just don't agree with it.
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member



    I could quote The China Study but you'd still laugh because you don't buy it - even though it's extremely thorough, comprehensive research.

    you just don't agree with it.

    I don't like you and your stupid arguments.... so Science... the end...
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    Maybe other animals aren't smart enough to advantage of nutritious milk from other sources.

    What about milk is actually nutritious?
    Natural calcium, natural proteins (great for building muscle), natural vitamins.. what ISN'T nutritious about milk?

    You can get all of that from other sources other than milk by the way. Would you go to the store and buy a gallon if human breast milk ?

    Back to back ridiculous statements.

    Is that really what you want to go with? That if we can get similar nutrition from another source then the first source isn't nutritious? Coach, you're going to need stronger players on your team if you're going to win this

    I don't really care to win, because I don't care how you folks choose to live your lives!
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    what's nutritious about milk? you'll say calcium - you can get 50% more calcium from Almond Milk.

    so then what other reason is there to drink it?

    You can fortify any food with any micronutrient if you so choose. I could fortify cow's milk with the full array by using a liquid multivitamin/ mineral, some triple strength fish oils and trump your almond milk which is only fortified with vitamins D, E, B12 and chalk. Manufacturers fortify sugary breakfast cereals, doesn't make them superfoods.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member



    I could quote The China Study but you'd still laugh because you don't buy it - even though it's extremely thorough, comprehensive research.

    you just don't agree with it.

    I don't like you and your stupid arguments.... so Science... the end...

    The China Study is science. ruh roh.
  • kjw1031
    kjw1031 Posts: 300 Member



    I could quote The China Study but you'd still laugh because you don't buy it - even though it's extremely thorough, comprehensive research.

    you just don't agree with it.

    You could, I would, I don't.
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    All the food is poison. All the food is poison.

    The carrots, the peas, the celery sticks, the meat and the fish will make you sick

    All the food is poison. All the food is poison.

    Apples, tomatoes, wheat and the corn, all the food is poison. Don’t eat the food, its poison food

    :sad: Aint it true! If we eliminated everything that we "shouldn't" eat or drink we would all die of malnourishment. :bigsmile:
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Turds might have some nutrients in it, are you going to chew on a turd?

    Be careful what you wish for, might be the next fad diet!
  • TheConsciousFoody
    TheConsciousFoody Posts: 607 Member
    Maybe other animals aren't smart enough to advantage of nutritious milk from other sources.

    What about milk is actually nutritious?
    Natural calcium, natural proteins (great for building muscle), natural vitamins.. what ISN'T nutritious about milk?

    You can get all of that from other sources other than milk by the way. Would you go to the store and buy a gallon if human breast milk ?

    Back to back ridiculous statements.

    Is that really what you want to go with? That if we can get similar nutrition from another source then the first source isn't nutritious? Coach, you're going to need stronger players on your team if you're going to win this

    Ask a nutritionist if our bodies were designed for cows milk. Its not. If you can get nutrients from a source your body can actually break down with ease why settle for something that puts your body into over drive?

    Fyi, mentioning breast milk is not ridiculous. I'm sure you sucked on a tit for nutrition so spare me.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Turds might have some nutrients in it, are you going to chew on a turd?

    Be careful what you wish for, might be the next fad diet!

    South Park Did It! South Park Did it! hehehehe :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    That doesn't mean we were designed to drink cows milk. Lol. We are weened off breast milk, that's full of nutrients...why not just continue that if you're just going to switch to cows milk? Turds might have some nutrients in it, are you going to chew on a turd?

    So what were humans 'designed' to eat? And what natural foods (not factory/ laboratory cheats) should we be eating to get the full daily dose of calcium?
    I dont need stronger anything Mr. i know everything and like to internet bully.
    Ask a nutritionist if our bodies were designed for cows milk. Its not. If you can get nutrients from a source your body can actually break down with ease why settle for something that puts your body into over drive?

    Fyi, mentioning breast milk is not ridiculous. I'm sure you sucked on a tit for nutrition so spare me.

    Dieticians in many countries recommend cow's milk for adults based on published research. I don't call myself a nutritionist because that is a meaningless term in most countries, but I am qualified to degree level in lifestyle healthcare including being permitted to give nutritional advice. I too advocate dairy unless there is a health condition precluding it. Please link to the meta analysis or longitudinal population studies that prove dairy puts your body into overdrive.
  • Coquette6
    Coquette6 Posts: 158 Member
    That doesn't mean we were designed to drink cows milk.

    Cows milk, horse milk, goat milk, camel milk... Lots of cultures do it. And we weren't "designed" to drink it. Some populations evolved to do it. I happen to belong to one of those populations (it's fairly common in Northern Europeans) and I apparently have lactase, so I consume dairy.
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member



    I could quote The China Study but you'd still laugh because you don't buy it - even though it's extremely thorough, comprehensive research.

    you just don't agree with it.

    I don't like you and your stupid arguments.... so Science... the end...

    The China Study is science. ruh roh.

    I said the end.... which means the end... stop.. no more... you know its over... show will not go on...curtain is closed... the end.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    Maybe other animals aren't smart enough to advantage of nutritious milk from other sources.

    What about milk is actually nutritious?
    Natural calcium, natural proteins (great for building muscle), natural vitamins.. what ISN'T nutritious about milk?

    You can get all of that from other sources other than milk by the way. Would you go to the store and buy a gallon if human breast milk ?

    Back to back ridiculous statements.

    Is that really what you want to go with? That if we can get similar nutrition from another source then the first source isn't nutritious? Coach, you're going to need stronger players on your team if you're going to win this

    I dont need stronger anything Mr. i know everything and like to internet bully.
    Ask a nutritionist if our bodies were designed for cows milk. Its not. If you can get nutrients from a source your body can actually break down with ease why settle for something that puts your body into over drive?

    Fyi, mentioning breast milk is not ridiculous. I'm sure you sucked on a tit for nutrition so spare me.

    :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • JonathonMars
    JonathonMars Posts: 358 Member
    Another fun fact I was told about milk while studying voice at university: all humans are somewhat lactose intolerant, which causes milk to coat the vocal cords, which is why singers try to shy away from milk before performances.

    Just something interesting.