Another Thought About Milk



  • lilmissbamaqueen
    Almond milk also has Carrageenan, which I try to stay away from.

    Dr. Blaylock says about carrageenan (Health and Nutrition Secrets That Can Save Your Life; pg. 196):

    "Carrageenan is a rather new additive. It is a complex polysaccharide extract made from seaweed, and is used as a binding agent. Experimentally, carrageenan is used as an agent to induce intense inflammation in experimental animals. A recent study found that when carrageenan was injected in animals along with a cancer-causing chemical, tumors appeared more rapidly and in significantly higher numbers than in control animals injected with carcinogen alone. The same was seen when human breast cancers were implanted in animals along with carrageenan: the combination made the tumores grow faster and spread more widely than in control animals. As a result, carrageenan is classified as a tumor promotor.


    As someone who is lactose intolerant and has turned to almond milk as a substitute.... GREAT... Thanks a lot... :(
  • Kadesha72
    Kadesha72 Posts: 109 Member
    I personally don't care what other mammals drink or don't drink. I drink milk because I like it. I'm not going to waste my time trying to talk milk haters into drinking it and they shouldnt waste theirs trying to talk me out of drinking it. :happy:

  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member

    Don't even try to school me.

    I've been singing for half my life, and have been behind the scenes of the music industry for at least 6 years.

    Aside from opera singers (and even then, Sarah Brightman smokes like a chimney), most professional singers don't do diddly squat besides suck on a lemon before a performance.

    You don't even know who you're trying to school. Just stop while you're ahead.

    And you don't know who you're trying to school, but I agree let's quit fighting because it's silly.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member

    Okay, fair enough but let's discuss this here then. Let's drop the animosity at least for a few minutes. Can we at least agree that a diet made of up 80% "quality" foods (or "clean" if you like) and 20% not so "quality" or "clean" is still going to cover your bases and allow you to live a healthy, fit and, for many athletes, competitive life? It seems to be what you're doing and is at least what I strive for.

    I usually shoot for 90/10, but yes, I agree with you completely.

    Then on IIFYM, we don't seem to have an argument and I also agree with your approach.

    As for milk, I think your concerns with milk are based on popular misconceptions. I've certainly had mine and can't fault you. I'm not a scientist though, but there are two participating in this thread and I think its worth listening to what they have to say.

    Does that make sense?
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I dont need stronger anything Mr. i know everything and like to internet bully.
    Ask a nutritionist if our bodies were designed for cows milk. Its not. If you can get nutrients from a source your body can actually break down with ease why settle for something that puts your body into over drive?

    Fyi, mentioning breast milk is not ridiculous. I'm sure you sucked on a tit for nutrition so spare me.

    You like to "internet bully", Coach Reddy?
    Uh, consider yourself reported.
    What a HORRIBLE thing to say, dude - you know that isn't allowed here AT ALL!!!

    that wasn't my post.................. might wanna re-check that.

    Just so we're clear, i don't anyone reported for anything they say to me. Never. I'm not so sensitive that words on the internet hurt my feelings. And it wasn't Coach that said it anyway
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    (Time out. Let's straighten something out real quick, and then we can all get back to discussing cow milk.)

    Almond milk is not really milk. If anything, it's more like almond juice...but even that isn't accurate since it's not actually the juice of an almond. It's water than has been blended with almonds and then the almonds are strained out leaving the water-soluble parts of the almonds behind.

    Anyhow, my point is, suggesting almond milk as a substitute for milk is's like suggesting ______ as a substitute for _________.

    (...uh, someone help me out here and fill in the blanks.)
  • lilmissbamaqueen

    Almond Milk looks worse and worse the more I look at it.. that extra calcium is CHALK!

    Calcium Carbonate – This is a non organic, non-living mineral source of calcium and, most of the time, it is just plain chalk! That’s right- you are consuming chalk – the same stuff you use to write on a blackboard. Good luck with that!

    Vitamin A Palmitate – This is a synthetic version of vitamin A that is associated with birth defects and bone fractures while providing zero health benefits. Other side effects of this isolated chemical form of vitamin A include tumor enhancement, joint disorders, osteoporosis, extreme dryness of eyes, mouth and skin, enlargement of liver and spleen, and immune suppression. As an added note, vitamin A toxicity, known as hyper-vitaminosis, always results from consuming too much synthetic “purified” vitamin A and never from naturally occurring vitamin A found from natural food sources. Still haven’t thrown out your store-bought “almond milk?”

    Vitamin D2 – This synthetic chemical needs to be avoided at all costs as toxicity occurs easily with ingested synthetic D2. This occurs especially in children. In fact, a single dose of synthetic vitamin D of 50mg or greater is toxic for adults. The immediate effect of toxicity is abdominal cramps, nausea, and vomiting. In time, as toxicity builds, the result is a buildup of irreversible deposits of calcium crystals in the soft tissues of the body that damage the heart, lung and kidneys.*

    This too..... Geez... But then again, if you look hard enough, EVERYTHING causes cancer.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member

    Don't even try to school me.

    I've been singing for half my life, and have been behind the scenes of the music industry for at least 6 years.

    Aside from opera singers (and even then, Sarah Brightman smokes like a chimney), most professional singers don't do diddly squat besides suck on a lemon before a performance.

    You don't even know who you're trying to school. Just stop while you're ahead.

    And you don't know who you're trying to school, but I agree let's quit fighting because it's silly.

    I'm incredibly confident that it's just a matter of time before you tell us all of the details about it though.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member

    Don't even try to school me.

    I've been singing for half my life, and have been behind the scenes of the music industry for at least 6 years.

    Aside from opera singers (and even then, Sarah Brightman smokes like a chimney), most professional singers don't do diddly squat besides suck on a lemon before a performance.

    You don't even know who you're trying to school. Just stop while you're ahead.

    And you don't know who you're trying to school, but I agree let's quit fighting because it's silly.

    I love hearing recordings of you have anything I can listen to?
  • kjw1031
    kjw1031 Posts: 300 Member
    it's like suggesting ______ as a substitute for _________.

    (...uh, someone help me out here and fill in the blanks.)

    Boca as a substitute for a ribeye?
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    The "natural" arguments, of which this is one, are logically fallacious. There is no food at all that is specifically designed to be eaten by adult humans. I don't, for example, ever remember seeing a Shakeology tree.
    Absolutely love it! :bigsmile:

    OP - we're also the only species to watch television, drive cars, build rocketships, use telephones, create and use musical instruments, explore space and a lot of other things. Being at the top of the food chain is a good thing.

    Not true. Humans are fantastically successful because they are generalist omnivores - we eat everything. Including dairy. And if you want to get into a 'designed' debate, there is excellent evidence (referred to above), that natural selection has promoted the adult persistence of the expression of the gene that encodes the enzyme lactase, allowing humans to cleave milk sugar into usable glucose.
    Robin, I love the way you take the 'bro' out of 'science' in these threads!
  • kms1320
    kms1320 Posts: 599 Member
    Almond milk also has Carrageenan, which I try to stay away from.

    Dr. Blaylock says about carrageenan (Health and Nutrition Secrets That Can Save Your Life; pg. 196):

    "Carrageenan is a rather new additive. It is a complex polysaccharide extract made from seaweed, and is used as a binding agent. Experimentally, carrageenan is used as an agent to induce intense inflammation in experimental animals. A recent study found that when carrageenan was injected in animals along with a cancer-causing chemical, tumors appeared more rapidly and in significantly higher numbers than in control animals injected with carcinogen alone. The same was seen when human breast cancers were implanted in animals along with carrageenan: the combination made the tumores grow faster and spread more widely than in control animals. As a result, carrageenan is classified as a tumor promotor.


    As someone who is lactose intolerant and has turned to almond milk as a substitute.... GREAT... Thanks a lot... :(

    You can make your own almond milk and it's actually pretty easy.

    You may also be able to find almond Milk without these added ingredients. They aren't because of the almond milk itself, they are added to it during production.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    (Time out. Let's straighten something out real quick, and then we can all get back to discussing cow milk.)

    Almond milk is not really milk. If anything, it's more like almond juice...but even that isn't accurate since it's not actually the juice of an almond. It's water than has been blended with almonds and then the almonds are strained out leaving the water-soluble parts of the almonds behind.

    Anyhow, my point is, suggesting almond milk as a substitute for milk is's like suggesting ______ as a substitute for _________.

    (...uh, someone help me out here and fill in the blanks.)

    Tang as a substitute for orange juice?
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member

    Okay, fair enough but let's discuss this here then. Let's drop the animosity at least for a few minutes. Can we at least agree that a diet made of up 80% "quality" foods (or "clean" if you like) and 20% not so "quality" or "clean" is still going to cover your bases and allow you to live a healthy, fit and, for many athletes, competitive life? It seems to be what you're doing and is at least what I strive for.

    I usually shoot for 90/10, but yes, I agree with you completely.

    Then on IIFYM, we don't seem to have an argument and I also agree with your approach.

    As for milk, I think your concerns with milk are based on popular misconceptions. I've certainly had mine and can't fault you. I'm not a scientist though, but there are two participating in this thread and I think its worth listening to what they have to say.

    Does that make sense?

    the problem - unfortunately - is that I don't really buy into a lot of what the medical establishment has to say about food. for example, the food pyramid is a horribly misguided and outdated method of determining diet - but for some reason it's still widely accepted as fact.

    although I'd love to know who the scientists are so I could value those opinions more highly! :)
  • lilmissbamaqueen
    (Time out. Let's straighten something out real quick, and then we can all get back to discussing cow milk.)

    Almond milk is not really milk. If anything, it's more like almond juice...but even that isn't accurate since it's not actually the juice of an almond. It's water than has been blended with almonds and then the almonds are strained out leaving the water-soluble parts of the almonds behind.

    Anyhow, my point is, suggesting almond milk as a substitute for milk is's like suggesting ______ as a substitute for _________.

    (...uh, someone help me out here and fill in the blanks.)

    Okay, so it's something other than cow milk to put in my cereal since cow milk makes me sick. I realize that there's not a such thing as actual "almond milk", but how is this any different than using Equal or Splenda or Stevia or whatever instead of sugar?
  • MidwestAngel
    MidwestAngel Posts: 1,897 Member

    Okay, fair enough but let's discuss this here then. Let's drop the animosity at least for a few minutes. Can we at least agree that a diet made of up 80% "quality" foods (or "clean" if you like) and 20% not so "quality" or "clean" is still going to cover your bases and allow you to live a healthy, fit and, for many athletes, competitive life? It seems to be what you're doing and is at least what I strive for.

    I usually shoot for 90/10, but yes, I agree with you completely.

    Then on IIFYM, we don't seem to have an argument and I also agree with your approach.

    As for milk, I think your concerns with milk are based on popular misconceptions. I've certainly had mine and can't fault you. I'm not a scientist though, but there are two participating in this thread and I think its worth listening to what they have to say.

    Does that make sense?

    the problem - unfortunately - is that I don't really buy into a lot of what the medical establishment has to say about food. for example, the food pyramid is a horribly misguided and outdated method of determining diet - but for some reason it's still widely accepted as fact.

    although I'd love to know who the scientists are so I could value those opinions more highly! :)
    You're right it's outdated, that's why they don't use it anymore. They use "my plate" instead.
  • FitnessPalWorks
    FitnessPalWorks Posts: 1,128 Member
    Just so we're clear, i don't anyone reported for anything they say to me. Never. I'm not so sensitive that words on the internet hurt my feelings. And it wasn't Coach that said it anyway

    I noticed that and retracted my post. Either way, no matter who it is - bullying is not cool.....
    Carry on....
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Almond milk also has Carrageenan, which I try to stay away from.

    Dr. Blaylock says about carrageenan (Health and Nutrition Secrets That Can Save Your Life; pg. 196):

    "Carrageenan is a rather new additive. It is a complex polysaccharide extract made from seaweed, and is used as a binding agent. Experimentally, carrageenan is used as an agent to induce intense inflammation in experimental animals. A recent study found that when carrageenan was injected in animals along with a cancer-causing chemical, tumors appeared more rapidly and in significantly higher numbers than in control animals injected with carcinogen alone. The same was seen when human breast cancers were implanted in animals along with carrageenan: the combination made the tumores grow faster and spread more widely than in control animals. As a result, carrageenan is classified as a tumor promotor.


    As someone who is lactose intolerant and has turned to almond milk as a substitute.... GREAT... Thanks a lot... :(
    Not to mention the fact it seems like almond milk gets a boost in popularity because of the fear of lack of calcium in one's diet when this has little calories but still has calcium...But there's so many reasons a person can be deficient in calcium not necessarily because they're not getting enough but because they're not absorbing it.

    "Availability of Calcium for absorption depends on many dietary factors including the presence of Phosphate, Oxalates, Fats and Phytates which bind Calcium and render it less available for absorption" -

    I also love how milk has 'complete' proteins...and has many of the things needed to absorb calcium.

    But as for the Carrageenan...there's always making your own almond milk...or getting whey isolate which is usually over 99% lactose free (check the labels) and is a complete protein (contains all the amino acids a body needs).
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    (Time out. Let's straighten something out real quick, and then we can all get back to discussing cow milk.)

    Almond milk is not really milk. If anything, it's more like almond juice...but even that isn't accurate since it's not actually the juice of an almond. It's water than has been blended with almonds and then the almonds are strained out leaving the water-soluble parts of the almonds behind.

    Anyhow, my point is, suggesting almond milk as a substitute for milk is's like suggesting ______ as a substitute for _________.

    (...uh, someone help me out here and fill in the blanks.)

    Tang as a substitute for orange juice?

    Thanks. Yes, ^this.

    And sure, if you're orange juice intolerant, and you want to drink an orangey-flavored drink, then you can drink Tang...but it isn't orange juice. (Oh, and there's a pill that costs about 25 cents that will let you enjoy orange juice again.)
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    (Time out. Let's straighten something out real quick, and then we can all get back to discussing cow milk.)

    Almond milk is not really milk. If anything, it's more like almond juice...but even that isn't accurate since it's not actually the juice of an almond. It's water than has been blended with almonds and then the almonds are strained out leaving the water-soluble parts of the almonds behind.

    Anyhow, my point is, suggesting almond milk as a substitute for milk is's like suggesting ______ as a substitute for _________.

    (...uh, someone help me out here and fill in the blanks.)

    All i know is that humans are the only species to make a liquid out of almonds and drink it. Plus we can get all the nutrition of almonds milk from other sources.

    Therefore, it is both unnatural and not nutritious.