DUMBEST thing you ever believed



  • That size doesn't matter
    Not everyone wants one the size of a forearm. :noway:

    one what?
    Leprechaun. Camel. Walrus. All various things that should be bigger than one's forearm...
  • That my grade 1 teacher never left the classroom and that her desk just magically turned into a bed at night...
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    When I was little I thought when you drain the tub after a bath you could get sucked down.

    My big sis told me when I was 5 that if I really didnt like my freckles I could scrape them off my nose with a butter knife. And I tried it. Ouch. That was dumb but I believed her because she was 18. Old enough to know little kids dont understand sarcasm well.
  • mussmom
    mussmom Posts: 362 Member
    That " Snipe hunting" was real. College buddies got me bad on that one- sat behind a rock( at night) down at the golf coarse for 1/2 hour before they had any mercy on me. Stupid.
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    As a little one, I used to wonder why they couldn't just drain the Loch Ness lake, to find out if the monster lived in it once and for all. I just didn't get why this logical idea never occurred to the people in charge. :tongue:

    I also wondered why 'they' couldn't just print/make more money at the money factories, if everyone needed more so badly.
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    That tiramisu contained real ladies' fingers. Old ladies who died had their fingers snapped off, they were so dry that you had to soak them in coffee. I refused to eat it til I was 13.
  • wdwgirl3
    wdwgirl3 Posts: 36 Member
    That you always have to fart twice or your tummy will explode.
  • NewMsT
    NewMsT Posts: 33
    That the bank held my money in a safe spot and that when I went back to get it I would get the same exact bills that I had given them. Totally destroyed me when I realized that they gave my money away and gave me money from a stranger! :)
  • Silver_Star
    Silver_Star Posts: 1,351 Member
    when i was little, in the movies, two people kissed and the next day they had a baby. That's what i believed would happen to me if i got kissed by a boy!

    i thought coffee grounds were mud after my dratted cousin told me very convincingly!!! Mud Drinks!
  • When u said ur prayers you had to clasp ur hands together as that was the microphone that god could hear u with!

    That is adorable!
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    That there was candy in that van.
  • LMT2012
    LMT2012 Posts: 697 Member
    I have no idea how, but when i was very small i thought a couple had sex once and they had however many babies they were gonna have....from ONE act of intercourse. My mother set me straight and thank goodness that is not true!!!
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    when I was about 3 I thought my parents were brother and sister and when I grew up I'd get married to my brother. I was rather perplexed about what would happen to my friends who were not brother/sister siblings, but both the same gender, how they'd get married. My mum, on finding out that I believed this, explained to me that people grow up and then meet someone else who's not their brother/sister and get married. So after that I believed that once you were grown up, you went to a special street for people who wanted to get married, and whoever you met you got married to. LOL

    Also I believed even when I was like 8 or 9 or so, that if you had a cheque book you could just write a cheque for any amount of money and the cheque itself counted as money and I wondered why my parents didn't just write cheques for anything that they wanted to buy, and why they didn't just write each other a cheque for a million pounds so they could be millionnaires.
  • bump. these are great.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    That my guy friends only just wanted to be friends... not see me naked and jump on me.
  • Okay these are really cute:

    When I was a kid I thought that the doctor had to cut the mother's stomach in order to get the baby out. So in my world, all women had C-sections :/
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Also I believed even when I was like 8 or 9 or so, that if you had a cheque book you could just write a cheque for any amount of money and the cheque itself counted as money and I wondered why my parents didn't just write cheques for anything that they wanted to buy, and why they didn't just write each other a cheque for a million pounds so they could be millionnaires.

    what? that's not true??!!! NOOOOOOO!!! I suppose next you're gonna say there's no Santa either!

    [storms out of this stupid topic and slams door behind her].
  • pili90
    pili90 Posts: 302 Member
    I was in a catholic school and always believed the nuns would hit me if I did something wrong.... when I was about 10 I found out that it was illegal... It was nice day...
  • Fat_Bottomed_Girl
    Fat_Bottomed_Girl Posts: 355 Member
    When I was a kid, I thought the handicapped parking spots were for people who were in a rush to go to the bathroom. Thought it was a guy on the toilet. True story.

    So cute, and how very practical! :) -On a related note, whenever I see an orange construction sign with an image of a flagger, it always looks to me like someone holding a lunch bag out to be grabbed while driving by.

    -I have a friend who tells her kids that the smoke detectors are "Santa cams", lol.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member

    -I have a friend who tells her kids that the smoke detectors are "Santa cams", lol.

    great one, telling this fib tomorrow!
  • xFamousLastWordsx
    xFamousLastWordsx Posts: 301 Member
    My sister convinced me that we had to hold our breath when driving near a cemetery, or the evil spirits would go inside of us. I seriously believed in this till I was a teenager, and hated going some places because I had to hold my breath for a really long time.

    My sister told me the same thing!
  • akkimberly
    akkimberly Posts: 63 Member
    I used to believe that if I cracked my knuckles enough I would one day be able to walk on them. This was told to me to get me to stop cracking my knuckles. But all I did was crack them more to see how big they would grow.
  • MissDevin
    MissDevin Posts: 608 Member
    I use to believe, until very recently, that speeding increased the mileage on your odometer.
    When someone explained it to me, it was like a life-changing moment.

    Also, when I was little, whenever I would see commercials for yeast infection creams, I thought it was used to fix your bad bread. I use to think, "why not just buy another loaf?"
    Forgive me. I was an innocent child.
  • that honey came from a flower. haha
  • tryclyn
    tryclyn Posts: 2,414 Member
    That Miss Sally really could see me through her magic mirror.
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,364 Member
    when I was really little, I lived near a park that was next to the Hudson river. Whenever we would walk by the river, people would say that rats lived in the rocks.

    I didn't understand how the rats could get inside the rocks, but then I realized there must be holes in each rock where a family of rats would make their home. I never did see the holes though.... :huh:
  • My Dad told me that he adopted my brother. I was younger so I didn't know that that meant he was still my Mom's biological son. I thought he was full on adopted, and Mexican. For years. Still get made fun of for it at every family gathering. Sigh.
  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
    I've convinced my fiance while playing Mario on the Wii that if sunk in the quicksand instead of jumping over it, that there was a bonus world underneath. He believed me. The only thing underneath is death, and my LOUD laughter that he actually believed me.

    You might not understand what I mean unless you've played Super Mario 3 extensively lol
  • My sister told me, when I was little, that if I didn't jump off the end of the escalator quick enough, I'd get sucked under, chopped into the little bits and fed to the man who lived underneath it. Genuinely believed this for a good few years.

    I also believed that the number of spots on a ladybird's back was its age up until last year.
  • Karabobarra
    Karabobarra Posts: 782 Member
    My mom told us that if we found a rock with a white line all the way around it that meant it was alive!! I believed this all the way until I had kids of my own and told them the same thing only to realize it would keep them busy and burn some energy. lol

    I also told my oldest daughter that the ice cream truck only plays music when it was out of her favorite ice cream...lol (we still laugh about this and the fact that she passed it on to her younger siblings)
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