Observations on Body Shaming



  • Hirgy03
    Hirgy03 Posts: 332 Member
  • oldandhealthier
    oldandhealthier Posts: 449 Member
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    My only comment on that would be, I find that people often critique the "skipping leg day" crew because a large consensus would agree it's not smart to do; overtraining certain body parts over others can result in literally throwing the body off balance, increase in injuries, etc. etc. I don't think it's necessarily a, "You look bad with big arms and skinny legs!" it's more of a, "It's very visible to us that you might not know as much about strength training as you say you do" as, falling back on stereotypes here, "bros" tend to do.

    Otherwise, I'm 100% behind the "It's just as body shaming to make fun of skinny."

    Good post, and I hope it keeps getting bumped in light of the 2-3 body shaming posts we have a day here...

    I see it two ways.

    1. Some people are oversensitive and go nuts on "shaming", when it's really an observation, fact, or opinion, you say above. Sometimes it's a trap: "do you like abs on women?" "No, it seems too manly to me" "BODY SHAMER!" Well, why the hell did you ask?

    2. Some people do feel free to body-shame, but only if it's a pre-approved group that's OK to mock.

    Often, they're the same people.

    I definitely see what you're saying with #1. I've gotten roped into several convos of that nature on this site, when some people equated "I don't find overweight people attractive" with "BODY SHAMING." That's not what body shaming is, or what I think this thread is about... adding on the, "I don't find overweight people attractive... because humans aren't meant to be/they're gross/they're not real menwomen" etc. etc. creates the shame.

    I'm curious as to the "same people"; are you still talking about the "skinny guy" group?