Just watched Forks Over Knives...



  • HardRockCamaro
    OK, here's a problem: vitamin B12 is only found in animal products (unless you grow veggies in your garden and don't wash off all the bacteria because this is where B12 is from, and animals often eat veggies from the ground or dirt). Our body can store B12 for years and years, so if I wasn't supplementing I could be slowly deminishing my supply without knowing it. I could feel fine for five years and then show signs of dimentia due to lack of this vital vitamin. B12 is necessary to produce the mylin sheath around our nerves; it is incredibly important. Even meat eaters over 50 need to be aware of their B12 intake because as we age we are less able to absorb B12 from animal products. I eat fortified foods such as nutritional yeast, veggie burgers and cereals. I also take a vegitarian multivitamin.
    Other things to be aware of are vitamin D (even meat eaters who live in Canada like I do need to check this), Calcium, and iron. I have never been iron deficient and doubt I will be on a plant based diet.

    You're right - it is a necessary vitamin. But it's actually not a problem, because the supplementation is so easy to come by. Many prepared vegan foods are also supplemented with B vitamins and vitamin D. A multivitamin is a good idea for everyone.

    *sigh* I miss VoV.

    Oh yes, because truly healthy diets always need vitamin supplementation to actually be healthy. I can't wait to get started!



    The fact you are not getting what you need from the diet without supplements be they multivits (the effectiveness of which btw is questionable) or fortified products (read processed and again the effectiveness of which are questionable) should tell you that you that this diet is not what nature (which designed your body) intended for your body. It is deficient.

    Until you show me a multi year study with a large number and variety of people comparing the following 4 groups with similar activity/exercise levels:

    1. unhealthy eaters
    2. healthy eaters inc dairy and meat
    3. vegans with fortification or supplements
    4. vegans *without* fortification and supplements

    I am not interested in anything except option 2 which is what nature intended for me.

    If you want to compare option 1 with option 3 as the movie did, and from that say option 2 is bad I can't have a debate with you as all logic and scientific process and measurement is absent.
  • HardRockCamaro
    Actually I'll throw you a bone on the dairy thing.
    Not as nature intended.
  • ItsGoodToHaveGoals
    ItsGoodToHaveGoals Posts: 58 Member
    When I decided to make a change to vegetarian, rather Pescatarian now, I had the opportunity to speak with a nutritionist. My health group offered it free of charge, I just had to make the appointments and show up. I discussed my reasons and what I was looking to gain and give up in order to make a choice I was happy with both mentally and nutritionally. She helped me to put meals together that would work for my body to get the nutrients I need. I was much more comfortable knowing options and the right amount of protein etc I needed to achieve my goals.
    Maybe your health group offers this service as well.
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    I hate you for necroing this.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Oh why?!?!?
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I've seen it. I'm vegetarian but I don't eat eggs and limit dairy. You don't need a high protein diet...but if you want to try going veg I suggest getting some books to read about it "becoming vegetarian" is a great starting point and includes a lot of nutritional information as well.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    why did you resurrect a 3 year old thread for this?