Doritos are not meth.



  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member

    doritos are not meth. or related to it. in any way, shape or form.

    cheez-its are.
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member

    can someone post cliff's plz?

    Summary: What works for one person should work for everyone else.

  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    One last point I think I should share while I'm on my high horse:

    If you have a clinically-diagnosed food addiction, this thread probably isn't for you. You are a special case, you do have to manage things in your universe differently than the average person.

    But for the run of the mill, average member of MFP, who doesn't see a doctor about their willpower and food, it's pretty safe to say you can enjoy Doritos in moderation with enough determination.
  • Siege_Tank
    Siege_Tank Posts: 781 Member
    I don’t want this to turn into some horrible flame war thread

    This should be good. The best threads always start off with a sentence a lot like that.

    But I agree with you OP, there's nothing wrong with fitting a little fun into your macro!
  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    As in my thread earlier today..

    I ate half a brownie batter donut..

    I enjoyed that *kitten*.
  • Topic intruiged me as Doritos were meth for me for a while. :) I love your attitude! WE have the power within us - food is meant to nourish our bodies. One good choice leads to another in my experience. One day at a time.....
  • sharonKay65
    sharonKay65 Posts: 93 Member
    You made a lot of good points!! I can't tell you how many times, I have eaten something I probably should not have and rather than just move on and think "next time I will try to make a better choice" I fall into the mindset of " oh well, I just blew my diet so I may as well eat whatever now" I think the key is moderation, and even though I have lost weight before, this time I am really trying to do it healthy and concentrate on the choices I make. I tend to like sweets, but when my Daughter went shopping last night and brought cookies home, I read the nutritional label and thought to myself "I can do better than this" meaning, for the calories and fat content, I thought about all the other foods I could eat for a lot fewer calories and fat grams.

    I am not saying, that I know without a doubt I will never eat cookies or a cupcake again or chips and dip, but each time I can make a healthier choice it makes me feel better. Then I know if I occasionally want to splurge or enjoy a special treat I can. When that time comes that I do, I will do like you said and log it the best I can and move on. Great job on the weight you have lost so far, you must be doing something right.:smile:
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member

    can someone post cliff's plz?

    Summary: What works for one person should work for everyone else.


    That's not what the OP said at all. Reading comprehension fail.
  • Rhonnie
    Rhonnie Posts: 506 Member
    While your post is correct - it is only practical once you have a healthy relationship with food. Everyone has different triggers and are at different stages in their struggle to have a healthy relationship with food. Moderation works for some right from the start, others have to work through some issues with their 'drug' before they can incorporate it back into their diet.
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member

    can someone post cliff's plz?

    Food does not control us. We should not feel shame or guilt. Learning self control is the key.
  • phildawson75
    phildawson75 Posts: 205 Member
    It's a great OP but I'm guessing 99% of the people reading this thread are already eating in moderation.

    It's a shame that a campaign can't be made to inform those that believe all the fad diets and weight watcher style meals.

    Whilst we're at it we could stop people buying that unnecessary Activia / yakult crap.
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    It's a great OP but I'm guessing 99% of the people reading this thread are already eating in moderation.

    It's a shame that a campaign can't be made to inform those that believe all the fad diets and weight watcher style meals.

    Whilst we're at it we could stop people buying that unnecessary Activia / yakult crap.

    Activia is yummy!
  • My0WNinspiration
    My0WNinspiration Posts: 1,146 Member
    Doritos are crack laced with meth!!
  • best post on mfp so far
  • majikmiker
    majikmiker Posts: 291 Member
    Eat Doritos in moderation? Unpossible!

    Seriously. It's not even remotely likely.

    So yeah, avoiding food which so easily defeats one's willpower is a good life choice.

    I'm going to venture a guess that if you're letting Doritos have so much power over you that you can't eat them in moderation, you need to work on your willpower.

    You are choosing the lazy way, and you are not making lifelong-sustainable choices.

    Wow! Talk about being judgemental! So if I choose to ban foods from my house, like doritos, then I'm being lazy and not making good life choices??? Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you are saying.

    Should we fill up our houses with all the junky foods we crave all the time in order to "be strong"??

    If I'm trying to eat healthy, why would I go to Wendy's for lunch? Same idea right? If I'm trying not to eat junk food, why keep it in the house. I believe I'm exercising my will power by not buying or allowing these foods into my home. :huh: :smile:
  • Dyann_Alvarez
    Dyann_Alvarez Posts: 61 Member
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    While your post is correct - it is only practical once you have a healthy relationship with food. Everyone has different triggers and are at different stages in their struggle to have a healthy relationship with food. Moderation works for some right from the start, others have to work through some issues with their 'drug' before they can incorporate it back into their diet.

    But the whole point is that you should be practicing a healthy relationship with food.

    You're not always going to get it right, but the more you practice, the better at it you will be. You can't restrict everything and then expect your food issues to be cured just because you reach your goal weight.
  • G30Grrl
    G30Grrl Posts: 377 Member

    I am a food addict, I don't understand moderation.

    That's just an excuse, everyone understands moderation, you just have to say NO to yourself and see it through.
    It isn't easy, but it's not impossible if you keep trying.

    I'm sorry, but are you a psychiatrist? A medical doctor? If not, perhaps you should not try speaking with authority on topics you do not understand.

    It's great that you can eat crap in moderation. Don't shame the people who cannot. It's just plain rude, and it makes you look like a jerk.

    I'm sorry? I don't understand, really? I've been there, done that, got the t-shirt & lost the weight, so please, go on & tell me how I do not understand.
    No actually, I was saying it in a stern encouraging "it is possible, you can do it" way! No shaming intended.

    It's nice to see that after a year MFP still has people who jump the gun & ride high horses.

    Dear, you are 19 years old. You are not an expert. I congratulate you on your weight loss; that is no easy feat. It took a lot of effort and insight on your part, and for that, I applaud you.

    Just remember that what is true or what works for you is NOT necessarily true for others. I notice you didn't quote or argue with the part of my post that said that food does actually act as a drug for some people, and therefore as an addiction, cannot be controlled with will power alone. You believe that self-knowledge and will power to eat in moderation should be enough for everyone, because they worked for you. That is incorrect.

    Telling someone that their addiction is just an excuse most certainly IS shaming, regardless of your intentions. Would you tell an alcoholic that their addiction is just an excuse, and that they should be able to suck it up and have just one drink?

    Some of us HAVE to completely refrain from eating certain foods. Period. We do what works for us. You do what works for you. We all lose weight. Yay!
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member

    can someone post cliff's plz?

    Summary: What works for one person should work for everyone else.


    That's not what the OP said at all. Reading comprehension fail.

    Gosh, I would love to get into an internet slapping match but I have not had my afternoon java yet.
  • Jaulen
    Jaulen Posts: 468 Member
    I don’t shiver and sob on my bathroom floor while rubbing Sensa crystals all over my body. I ate a cupcake, I didn’t hit someone with my car and keep driving, so why should I feel guilty?


    There’s no shifty dudes hanging out in the alley trying to sell you Cheetos. Doritos are not meth.


    These lines had me cracking up.

    i now have images of Chester Cheetah in a dark back alley....*Psst* Heya little lady, want some cheesy crack?
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