Health concerns about dairy products



  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    Simple rule: If you are lactose intolerant... don't use dairy...
    If you aren't lactose intolerant why cut it out?
    If it ain't broke don't fix it!
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    Everything now days causes cancer and every other ailment known to man.

    I like milk.

    I like cheese.

    I will continue to drink and eat both.
  • RachMarie247
    RachMarie247 Posts: 26 Member

    Thank you!

    Yeah, I stopped feeding off the boob when I was an infant. Gross.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    there are no studies to counter the argument that weren't done with the backing of the dairy industry.

    and to those who say this is propaganda, what does the author stand to gain by disavowing dairy? once you give me that shred of info, then I'll hear you out on why it's "propaganda"

    Are we supposed to believe your first sentence without a shred of evidence?
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    there are no studies to counter the argument that weren't done with the backing of the dairy industry.

    and to those who say this is propaganda, what does the author stand to gain by disavowing dairy? once you give me that shred of info, then I'll hear you out on why it's "propaganda"

    Are we supposed to believe your first sentence without a shred of evidence?

    i was hyperbolizing to counter-balance the propaganda comment. :P
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
  • naschulze
    If Milk was bad....woman would not produce it for their babies. Milk is part of a balanced diet supported by many state governments in their food guides.

    You must not have read the article.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    If Milk was bad....woman would not produce it for their babies. Milk is part of a balanced diet supported by many state governments in their food guides.

    You must not have read the article.

  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    It seems to me that the dairy industry is being targeted by vegan's and lactose intolerant persons who want you to eat more of something else that has calcium (the agriculture industry involved?..hmm).

    Hey now. Don't go lumping us lactose intolerant people in with vegans. I didn't CHOOSE to not be able to digest certain kinds of dairy for the rest of my f-ing life. If I could still digest cheese I'd be eating tons and tons of pizza. And yes I've tried the lactaid pills. When I was taking like 10 per meal and they weren't doing anything I just had to eliminate cheese (especially) from my diet, and way limit my consumption of all other kinds of dairy. I'm hoping all the vegan-"scientists" with agendas could just start working on the cure for lactose intolerance so I can eat copious amounts of pizza again.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    If that article is what you consider research, you need to lern more about science.

    The article does not link dairy to osteoporosis, it actually says there may well not be any link at all. You drew your conclusion using the same faulty logic that the author uses. All of the studies cited are based on correlation and few to none of them draw the same conclusions as your author does.

    If you want to be vegan, that is fine, but you don't need to try to scare the rest of the world into joining you.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    If that article is what you consider research, you need to lern more about science.

    The article does not link dairy to osteoporosis, it says that it may not help. You drew your conclusion using the same faulty logic that the author uses. All of the studies cited are based on correlation and few to none of them draw the same conclusions as your author does.

    does smoking cause cancer?

    because those studies only found a correlation as well. there's almost no way for a scientific study to prove causation, just a very high level of correlation, as exists with dairy products.
  • amandanilo
    amandanilo Posts: 62 Member
    I don't eat nearly as much dairy as I used to either. Don't drink milk anymore and my animal products in general are very, very limited. Working towards 80% vegan - the 20% being what I can't be in control of 100% of the time. Since I cut way back I don't have the joint pain that I used to. That is proof enough for me. I am a follower of Eat to Live by Dr. Joel Fuhrman. He has compiled research over the last 20 years or so and has used the research in his private practice to overcome heart disease, type two diabetes, autoimmune diseases, and even cancer. A lot of these things are brought on by eating animal products. I don't have a specific article to refer you to but his website and www are loaded with information regarding this very topic. As for propaganda? I believe it has been the meat and dairy industry leading the way for decades. The quiet little voice in the dark can be read on vegetable packages when you buy bagged veggies to eat 5 a day for better health, etc. Mother Nature knows best. Dr. Fuhrman isn't so bad either. Lots of people like to bash on this topic, but good for you for putting it out there.

    I would have to agree with you. The meat and dairy industries have certainly been pushing for us to continue consuming their products.

    Many people say that after cutting dairy from their diet, they feel better overall. In fact, a lot of people have seemed to overcome certain diseases and pains because of it. While I agree it has a lot of vitamins, I also think there are several other places you can get those vitamins.

    "if milk was bad, woman would not produce it for their babies." Really? That's your argument?
    Humans are the only species who continue to drink milk as adults. Women produce milk to feed their babies so they can grow. This goes for all animals that produce milk. However, humans don't stop consuming dairy after they're babies. Are we doing it wrong? I'm not a doctor.

    Personally, I prefer to stay away from most dairy. I enjoy a yogurt in the morning or as a snack, but I try not to load up on it. I also agree that while vegetarians/vegans are against dairy and/or meats, I think a lot of them are healthier than people who do eat those things. The vegans/vegetarians who do it correctly, have lower cholesterol, less health problems, and are at an ideal weight. Just my opinion. Of course there are overweight vegetarians. I am speaking of the vegetarians who do it correctly and learned how to eat a healthy vegetarian diet without leaning on pastas and fries for their main meals.

    Again...just MY opinion!
  • WhoTheHellIsBen
    WhoTheHellIsBen Posts: 1,238 Member
    Thank you cow milk for making both of these means Epic!!

    hot dogs + sharp cheddar + lean hamburg + Thick cut hickory bacon + Sweet Baby rays bbq sauce + TURTLE BURGERS!


    Check it out! Last night I made home made mac n cheese with bacon bits stuffed jalapeno meatloaf wrapped in apple cider cured BACON!! It...was...epic!!!!

  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    Thank you cow milk for making both of these means Epic!!

    hot dogs + sharp cheddar + lean hamburg + Thick cut hickory bacon + Sweet Baby rays bbq sauce + TURTLE BURGERS!


    Check it out! Last night I made home made mac n cheese with bacon bits stuffed jalapeno meatloaf wrapped in apple cider cured BACON!! It...was...epic!!!!


    you need to stop.
  • naschulze
    PCRM is basically a radical animal rights group promoting a vegan diet for everyone, so it makes sense that they're against milk. Their "scientific" studies are heavily funded by groups like PETA, but more often they just pick information out of context from other studies, and apply it to whatever point they're trying to prove. If you follow sources and fact-check, you'll see what I mean.

    WebMd glosses over some risks of dairy as well. They mention that it doesn't really strengthen bones and has high risk for prostate cancer with the only benefits being it's high potassium, calcium and vitamin D which are all easily found in healthier sources.

    I will follow the sources and fact check, but I personally am more likely to believe this. My health is a more important investment to me than buying a car or house, because this is the only life I have. I would rather not cut it short by ignoring everything I read that may seem controversial or inconvenient. And radical doesn't always = wrong, but you're right, you can't believe everything you read.
  • rm7161
    rm7161 Posts: 505

    In a nutshell, it's linking dairy with osteoporosis

    lolno, dairy is one of the best sources of calcium out there, far more digestible than vegetable sources.

    Some people need to feel "pure" in their eating... I get it. I'm gonna die of something else anyway, I might as well not GIVE myself osteoporosis by avoiding dairy. Also, yogurt saved my fracking life in Egypt when I came down with an intestinal bug. That and plain potato chips. Yup. I couldn't keep down water until I finally got some good bacteria and some salt in my system.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member

    In a nutshell, it's linking dairy with osteoporosis

    lolno, dairy is one of the best sources of calcium out there, far more digestible than vegetable sources.

    and that doesn't mean it helps prevent osteoporosis. because it doesn't. :)
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Thank you cow milk for making both of these means Epic!!

    hot dogs + sharp cheddar + lean hamburg + Thick cut hickory bacon + Sweet Baby rays bbq sauce + TURTLE BURGERS!


    Check it out! Last night I made home made mac n cheese with bacon bits stuffed jalapeno meatloaf wrapped in apple cider cured BACON!! It...was...epic!!!!


    Thanks for posting these pics! YUMMMM!!!!
  • rm7161
    rm7161 Posts: 505

    In a nutshell, it's linking dairy with osteoporosis

    lolno, dairy is one of the best sources of calcium out there, far more digestible than vegetable sources.

    and that doesn't mean it helps prevent osteoporosis. because it doesn't. :)

    My disease is good at giving me osteoporosis... and no amount of you harping about it is going to change me from eating nonfat plain yogurt on a daily basis.
  • naschulze
    Thank you cow milk for making both of these means Epic!!

    hot dogs + sharp cheddar + lean hamburg + Thick cut hickory bacon + Sweet Baby rays bbq sauce + TURTLE BURGERS!

    Check it out! Last night I made home made mac n cheese with bacon bits stuffed jalapeno meatloaf wrapped in apple cider cured BACON!! It...was...epic!!!!

    This is immature. I suppose you want a cookie or something?