C25K everyone welcome, just starting or in the middle



  • Betten
    Betten Posts: 41 Member
    I just finished week2! I did 4 days of week one and 4 days of week two so my weeks would start on Mondays. I felt really great today, like it came together for me. I walked in my house after the run and my husband said "Why do you have the goofy grin?" lol. I can't wait to start week three!
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Also, seen mixed post about outside vs inside. I don't have access to a gym or a treadmill so wondering if anyone else is doing 100% outside??

    100% outside is absolutely the way to go. I do have access to a treadmill at my gym, but I refuse to use treadmills. For one, I hate running inside and seeing the same scenery. If I'm running, I expect to accomplish some distance, and seeing the same person in front of me on the stationary bike just doesn't cut it for me :) Running on a treadmill surface is easier, yes you can increase the incline, but road (and trail) running are much more difficult for your muscles. There are cracks, small hills, large hills and uneven surfaces to deal with...and on the treadmill, you have the same flat conveyor for every bit of distance you run. Good luck!
  • Bleux
    Bleux Posts: 186
    I also like running outside better. I found I have faster times because I don't know how fast I am going until the very end and it pushes me further. On a treadmill, you see the speed and it can be a mental thing... "oh, I cannot run 4mph or 5mph". I say stick to outside.
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Just curious was anyone really big (over like 280 ) when starting this. I want to do (as i am loosing my motivation and I think i need something to to be committed to). I am 280ish right now my knee gives me problems, and i know my ankles and shins get sore when i walk. Just wondering if anyone else has pain like this and been successful. I know i would takes long time to get past the weeks.

    Also, seen mixed post about outside vs inside. I don't have access to a gym or a treadmill so wondering if anyone else is doing 100% outside??

    According to the program - at coolrunning.com - you need to be able to walk 30 minutes before starting C25K. If your knee is giving your problems, I would start walking and just increase time/speed for now. Also, maybe check with a doctor? As your legs get stronger from the walking and there are less problems, then I would give it a go. Make sure you buy good running shoes. Go to a specialty shop and get fitted right, it makes all the difference in the world! You can cause a lot of problems by not having proper shoes, and the heavier you are the easier they happen. I'm almost done and I'm just below 220 - so it can be done! Just don't want you to end out injured and then not being able to exercise at all! 100% outside is great, I'm about 66% outside right now - but I use the track at the Y on my inside days, not the treadmill.
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Hi everyone :happy: I've come to a point where I realize I really need to push myself to lose the last 8 pounds I have. I'm not a runner but I figure what better way to challenge my self than to do something I haven't done since high school! I've just started running at the gym on a treadmill. I'm currently walking 4 mins and running 6 mins. I hit my 2 mile mark at 23.5 mins and by the time I was done with the 30 min workout I went 2.6 miles.

    I'm wondering about the c25k thing. Is it a spacific progam you follow? Is this kinda a support thread for running (that's what I need)? Mind if I join all of you? :laugh: You get the idea, I'm full of questions :tongue:

    If you google Couch to 5K, you will come up with a couple of sites that have programs - I really like the one at cool running.com. This is a great thread - there are others also for runners. Congratulations on getting started! I'm chuckling that you go farther running/walking in 30 minutes than I will running the whole time :huh: But we all are doin' our thing - and doin' it well! :flowerforyou:
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    My heel is officially pissed off again. I'm so frustrated. Week 6 was just starting to feel easy and now I'm gonna have to take a break until it chills out. :mad: :angry: :explode: :grumble: :mad: :angry: :explode: :grumble: :sad: :sad: :sad: :brokenheart:
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    That stinks hun, :frown:

    but you should know better than anyone here what you need to do to heal! Think of what you would tell one of your patients and stick to it, even though it's hard when it's YOURSELF, and you just want to get out there...you don't want to make it worse!
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    I know I know.....I'm a big believer of Do as I say and not as I do. :laugh: :wink:
  • jlking
    jlking Posts: 29 Member
    As long as I don't have a big disaster or something, I will be finishing Week 8 tonight! I'm pretty stoked about it.
  • mindalyn
    mindalyn Posts: 128 Member
    just finished w5d1- it sucked big time. i didn't cheat. i just took about .2 km off my distance, but oh well, next time. but my time was 30 mins (including 5 min walk down) at about 4.2km.
  • mindalyn
    mindalyn Posts: 128 Member
    As long as I don't have a big disaster or something, I will be finishing Week 8 tonight! I'm pretty stoked about it.

    congrats!!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • nyuterru
    nyuterru Posts: 2
    I finished Week 3 today, and I'm still feeling pretty good -- we'll see what happens when I start Week 4 on Wednesday!
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Finished w5d1. It wasn't quite as hard as week 4 and it's even kinda windy out. I'm very happy. :happy: :happy: :happy:
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Will be doing Week 9 day 1 tonight. I can't tell you what saying that does inside me! I am in total awe that I am on my last week of the formal program! I am going to find a way come hell or highwater to do the Heart and Sole 5K in June - it's only $18 to sign up. So my goals after this week will be to add 2 - 3 minutes every week until then - June 12 is that race. At my current pace, it would take me almost 44 minutes to run a 5 K - I would like to be around 35 - 38 minutes. My 2 mile race is this Sat and I would like to be 25 - 26 mins. Sat I was at 27.15 for 2 miles - so that should be totally doable. I'll probably do a cartwheel if I can go under 25 minutes - and I've never done one of those in my life!

    So - if you're looking at the later weeks and panicing - like I did - have faith in yourself. Even though it seems impossible, you CAN do it! Keep it up - it's a great feeling!
  • Pollart77
    Pollart77 Posts: 263 Member
    FInished W2D1. Seems to be getting a little easier so I am excited to see what the rest of the week brings! Have a great week everyone!
  • Bleux
    Bleux Posts: 186
    Will be doing Week 9 day 1 tonight. I can't tell you what saying that does inside me! I am in total awe that I am on my last week of the formal program!

    So - if you're looking at the later weeks and panicing - like I did - have faith in yourself. Even though it seems impossible, you CAN do it! Keep it up - it's a great feeling!

    How did W9D1 go?! I am starting W5 today. It doesn't make me nervous but W6 does! But, you're right... we CAN do this!
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Week 9, Days 1 & 2 (Sunday and today) done. I've had a harder time since I got sick and took days off from running. Today I definitely had my leg problems flare up, but not so bad that I had to stop. I need to spend a bit of quality time with my foam roller (at least every day I run) to try and get my IT Band to stop flaring up.

    Today I ran more miles than I should have. I switched up my route and made it hillier (and harder) for myself. When I reached my turn around point on my one loop, I had hit 3.1, but I opted to just keep running so I could hit the MASSIVE hill on the way up. So I ran another .9 miles and ran up that hill at 7 mph. I'm proud of myself, because even when I was completely healthy (and a much better runner) in high school I had a hard time with that hill.

    You all sound like you're doing so well! Push through it and before you know it, you'll be finishing it up and getting some 5Ks under your belt!!
  • Bleux
    Bleux Posts: 186

    Today I ran more miles than I should have. I switched up my route and made it hillier (and harder) for myself. When I reached my turn around point on my one loop, I had hit 3.1, but I opted to just keep running so I could hit the MASSIVE hill on the way up. So I ran another .9 miles and ran up that hill at 7 mph. I'm proud of myself, because even when I was completely healthy (and a much better runner) in high school I had a hard time with that hill.

    Well done!!!!

    W5D1 completed!!
    Time: 32:04
    Distance: 5.21km
    Av/KM: 6:09 min/km

    A slightly slower average per kilometer, but that is normal on day one of a new week. Not dreading, but not looking forward to day two. Having to listen to the different start and stop times on the Podcast sort of psyched me out... but I am sure I will be fine on Thursdays 8 minute runs.
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Will be doing Week 9 day 1 tonight. I can't tell you what saying that does inside me! I am in total awe that I am on my last week of the formal program!

    So - if you're looking at the later weeks and panicing - like I did - have faith in yourself. Even though it seems impossible, you CAN do it! Keep it up - it's a great feeling!

    How did W9D1 go?! I am starting W5 today. It doesn't make me nervous but W6 does! But, you're right... we CAN do this!

    Well, I did it! lol. I made it much harder on myself because I ate a bunch of sugary stuff. You'd think I'd learn my lesson, but apparently not yet. Maybe now though! Really, once you conquer the 20 minute run, then the first 25 minute run, you gain a major confidence boost and adding 2 or 3 minutes is not as daunting. I was slower than Sat, by a full minute. I hit 2 miles at 28.16 but I finished 2 1/8 miles in the 30 minutes - so I was happy. Amazing how empowering this is :drinker:

    On the longer runs I gave myself permission to quit at 15 or 20 minutes, then when I hit that time I realized that I had already run so much and only had 5 more minutes, so I always finished my time. But I always gave myself a chance to stop early and calculated how I could still make it work. Like doing 15 instead of 20 then the next week 20 instead of 25, then week 6 doing the 25 minute runs all 3 times. But I always managed to stay on schedule. I think that's why I was successful this time, I didn't give my inner rebel any thing to rebell against :) Just what worked for me - if I set a hard and firm goal and try to make myself do something, I will sabatoge myself at every turn.
  • Bleux
    Bleux Posts: 186
    I'm currious... does everyone start tracking their distance including the Warm-up and Cool-down or "just" the in between intervals?