C25K everyone welcome, just starting or in the middle



  • Bleux
    Bleux Posts: 186
    W6D1 completed!!! I hate taking 2 days off in between runs. Going to try and not do that any more unless I have to.

    Time: 35:02
    Distance: 6.08km
    Av/KM: 5:46 min/km

    Felt good during and after. A little nervous about D3, but I am sure it won't be as bad as I think :-)
  • Mom2Emery_Liam
    Week 1 completed! I will probably do an extra day of week 1 on friday so I can be on week 2 on Monday.
    A question to those who are farther in? Did you deal with a lot of knee, shin, hip or ankle pain early on? My first two days weren't bad but today my knees hurt so bad I had a hard time running. Now all my joints are just throbbing! I know it's going to take my body some getting used to the running...but I don't want to overdo it either and cause permenant damage. Maybe my break this weekend will help...
  • Bleux
    Bleux Posts: 186
    Week 1 completed! I will probably do an extra day of week 1 on friday so I can be on week 2 on Monday.
    A question to those who are farther in? Did you deal with a lot of knee, shin, hip or ankle pain early on? My first two days weren't bad but today my knees hurt so bad I had a hard time running. Now all my joints are just throbbing! I know it's going to take my body some getting used to the running...but I don't want to overdo it either and cause permenant damage. Maybe my break this weekend will help...

    I have had knee problems for 10+ years. I wear supports any time I do any training, even if they don't hurt just for the extra support. I also ice them as soon as I feel any extra pain (they sort of constantly hurt, but I am at a point where I can tell if it is normal or more than). I suggest elevating and icing if they hurt. I would also say that if it continues, go see a doctor. Better safe than sorry. But, they are bound to be a little sore as you are starting out. This is new to your body and the pounding impact of running is new stress on your joints. Just be careful and don't hesitate to go see someone about it.
  • missouri_rain
    missouri_rain Posts: 560 Member
    Tomorrow will be day 5 for me, I'm doing week 1 over, so far it's going pretty good, I wouldn't say I'm one of those people who loves it, but at least I'm forcing myself to just do it.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Did week 4 today.
    Pushed a little harder at one point and actually did 10.5 minutes STRAIGHT!
    This is like a miracle for me. My record was 6 minutes before today.

    Did a total of 1.97 miles in 30 minutes, also a new record, before today the most I managed in 30 minutes was 1.86 miles!
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Tomorrow will be day 5 for me, I'm doing week 1 over, so far it's going pretty good, I wouldn't say I'm one of those people who loves it, but at least I'm forcing myself to just do it.

    Don't get discouraged. I did each week for at least 2 weeks, I've been at this for 2 months and am only on week 4.
    Some people take longer at things and I am definitely one of them!
    2 months ago I couldn't walk around the block without wheezing, then I quit smoking and started this program.
  • Bleux
    Bleux Posts: 186
    Did week 4 today.
    Pushed a little harder at one point and actually did 10.5 minutes STRAIGHT!
    This is like a miracle for me. My record was 6 minutes before today.

    Did a total of 1.97 miles in 30 minutes, also a new record, before today the most I managed in 30 minutes was 1.86 miles!

    This is awesome Robin. Good job pushing yourself. Keep it up!!!
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Thanks! I really want to do it again today but I know I need the day off to rest, luckily i have to work a ten hour day today so I won't have time even if I want to!
  • missouri_rain
    missouri_rain Posts: 560 Member
    Thanks Robin for the encouragement, I was trying to talk myself out of doing it tonight, that was until I read your reply, Thanks again
  • NancyMoedt
    NancyMoedt Posts: 207
    I think I'm going to start week one over again. It's been a tough start to the first week. (Had the wrong shoes, life got in the way and etc.) So I'm going to start today again and work on Week 1, Workout 1. That would only be fair. BUT I BELIEVE I CAN DO THIS! I KNOW I CAN! (or die trying, hence my quote below :):happy:
  • Bleux
    Bleux Posts: 186
    I think I'm going to start week one over again. It's been a tough start to the first week. (Had the wrong shoes, life got in the way and etc.) So I'm going to start today again and work on Week 1, Workout 1. That would only be fair. BUT I BELIEVE I CAN DO THIS! I KNOW I CAN! (or die trying, hence my quote below :):happy:

    Nancy, Taking it slow and working your way into it is the whole point of the program. Even if you have to redo a week two or three times it doesn't matter. What matters is that you stick with it, push yourself every time, and you WILL see improvement and you WILL finish it! Good luck and happy running
  • ccgisme
    ccgisme Posts: 239 Member
    Week 4 Day 1 done!!! Phew - that was the biggest transition yet.

    Nancy - you can do it! Be patient with yourself and remember it's not a race :smile:
  • missouri_rain
    missouri_rain Posts: 560 Member
    So I should start week 2 today, how much harder is than week one?
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I haven't posted for a little while but I'm still running. Friday I was off work so I didn't run my normal route. I ran on a treadmill instead. It was easier than running outside and I ran for 25 minutes. Actually about 26 or 27 minutes because I was really close to 2 miles and wanted to go ahead and run the whole 2 miles. Today I'm back at work and will be running outside. I think I will try the 20 minutes run and see how that goes. If it goes well, I'll finish the week with a couple 25 minutes runs.

    Good luck everyone and keep up the good work. I'll have to go back and read the posts I missed. :bigsmile:
  • corndog05
    corndog05 Posts: 53
    Week 4 Day 1 done!!! Phew - that was the biggest transition yet.

    Nancy - you can do it! Be patient with yourself and remember it's not a race :smile:

    I started Week 4 last week. It did seem like a HUGE transition. Hence the reason I'm still on Week 4. The 3 minute runs seem a little easy now, so I'm gonna keep doing Week 4 until I feel the same way about the 5 minute runs. :) Hope your runs are going well. :)
  • ccgisme
    ccgisme Posts: 239 Member
    Has anyone else been foolish enough to start another physical activity (in my case flag football) that involves running while doing C25K? :laugh: If so, how did that work out for you and did you modify your C25K timeline at all? I ran Wk 4 D1 on Monday. Football on Tuesday for an hour, aikido today, and football practice tomorrow. I'm really stiff and don't think I should run again until Friday or Saturday. I'm looking to stay healthy (particularly my knees) while not losing the progress I've made on my C25K goals.
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    Ok so after I finished Day 1, Week 1 a few weeks ago (and really liked it) I never did Day 2....yes, I know, I'm ashamed, lol....BUT today is the last day of school and I plan to do the program over the summer. The last month of school has been so crazy! So my plan is to start Week 1 over again next week and keep going from there. I really want to take advantage of my time off for the summer instead of being lazy the whole time like last year :blushing: Here's to losing weight and getting toned! :laugh:
  • ltlemermaid
    ltlemermaid Posts: 637 Member
    Just started the C25K yesturday on the tredmill. I used to run 5k's in HS but that was almost 11 years ago so I am happy how this program eases you back into running.

    Question for those that do this on the tredmill...what speed/incline do you use for the walking and for running?

    Yesturday I did an incline of 0.5 (too chicken to try higher but I think I will next time) walking speed was 3.4 and running was 4.2 (a little over 14min/mile) on the tredmill.
  • jmjc333
    jmjc333 Posts: 3
    Hi everyone! I am new to the site, but I just finished w2d1. I was pretty excited b/c I found it easier than week 2. Any suggestions on breathing techniques? I feel like my breathing is all over the place.
  • seymone
    seymone Posts: 6
    I would like to join... I am on week 1 day 3...