Please stop…I beg of you…



  • missmegan831
    missmegan831 Posts: 824 Member
    I don't understand..if this is not hurting you or you don't wish to enjoy such..why complain why not just pass by the post. To each their own you know..

    I for one am THANKFUL for the different options and personally love my cauliflower pizza crust among other variations.

    I do allow myself to indulge however I prefer to choose a healtheir option to provide myself for better lifestyle habits if I can. I don't do "diets" - I don't believe they work but changing how I eat will last me a lifetime.

    But that's just my 2 cents.

    ^^I Agree!
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    You guys are all ridiculous. Grow up. I don't know why some people feel the need to dictate what others do, but just cut it out and worry about yourself. If you like chicken wings and ice cream or w/e good for you. Go ahead and eat it. Not everyone can or wants to eat chicken, beef, cake, w/e and so they make up recipies using things that they can eat. If you don't like the way their recipies taste, take your own advice and just eat the real thing instead of complaining about people using the website in one of the ways it was meant to be used. If they want to call their version of pancakes 'pancakes' because to them they are pancakes, then why do you feel the need to dictate what names they give to their food? In the time it is taking all of you to collectively whine about other people not enjoying the same foods as you, you could've just had your damn pizza.

    MmmmmmmmmmmHHHHHMMMMMmmmmmm girl you go with your rant. I bet you burned a hundred calories typing this excellent rant and I hope you log those calories, make yourself a nice tasty cauliflower and baked bean chocolate brownie and use it to eat back that crazy deficit YOU just created.


    Seriously..this thread is just full of hilarity! Yay!!!!
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    I will eat whatever the hell I want. I will also call it whatever I want. I will most likely post a recipe AND a picture. Thanks and have a nice day. :bigsmile:

    I think that's totally awesome, but if you are adding things to the public database, I would personally appreciate clear labeling and accuracy.
  • Barbellerella
    Barbellerella Posts: 1,838 Member
  • geralynhoerauf
    geralynhoerauf Posts: 73 Member
    Also, whoever said making chocolate fudge out of pumpkin puree will likely suffer a special torment in hell for concocting that vomit.

    Yup. I tried these this weekend, ate one and sent the rest of the batch to my son at college. He'll eat them all before noticing the difference. Never again.
  • runfatmanrun
    runfatmanrun Posts: 1,090 Member
    Yeah...this is some funny *kitten*. Bump, just for the hel* of it.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    While I've never had a burger with each "bun" as an entire doughnut, there is a food truck in my area that does nothing but doughnut burgers.

    They make all of their own doughnuts, hand make all of their burger patties, and the sauces they used. But they split the doughnut so it's just one doughnut as the entire bun. I've had their barbecue bacon burger and holy crap was it one of the best burgers I've ever had. The sweetness of the doughnut paired with the hint of spice of the sauce, the salt of the bacon, and the richness of the burger was like a gift from the burger gods.

    Would I do it every day, or even every week or, heck, every month? Nope. But it's on my list of truly decadently delicious treats in my area. Along with the chicken and waffle burrito from a different food truck.

    Though, admittedly, I actually had both of those items on the same night once. But it was my birthday week, so none of the calories counted. ;)
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    I will eat whatever the hell I want. I will also call it whatever I want. I will most likely post a recipe AND a picture. Thanks and have a nice day. :bigsmile:

    I think that's totally awesome, but if you are adding things to the public database, I would personally appreciate clear labeling and accuracy.

    For the record, I do not add any of my recipes to the public database.
  • What's it to you? Honestly.

    I know, right? People are so lame.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    What's it to you? Honestly.

    I know, right? People are so lame.

    And what's it to either of you if OP doesn't like it?
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,069 Member
    I don't understand..if this is not hurting you or you don't wish to enjoy such..why complain why not just pass by the post. To each their own you know..

    I for one am THANKFUL for the different options and personally love my cauliflower pizza crust among other variations.

    I do allow myself to indulge however I prefer to choose a healtheir option to provide myself for better lifestyle habits if I can. I don't do "diets" - I don't believe they work but changing how I eat will last me a lifetime.

    But that's just my 2 cents.

    Why complain why not just pass by the post?

  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'm open minded. I've tried a lot of these things. I've had soy-burgers (tasted like a 2 day old McDonalds patty), spaghetti squash (completely edible, but nothing like spaghetti), "Miracle" noodles (texture of wet rubber bands), "pizza" made on English muffins (not a bad snack, but not a pizza), and recently oatmeal mixed with applesauce cookies, which were pretty good, but I'd rather have one of my traditional oatmeal cookies full of sugar, eggs and butter for 100 calories than 3 of the 33 calorie ones. I might make them again, because they're so damn easy and don't make as much mess.

    And I realized... there's absolutely no need for this silliness. With an appropriate calorie deficit, I can eat normal servings of normal food. Why should I have 10 calories of rubber miracles noodles when the 200 calories or real pasta fits? A full-sized bagel fits, so why have a tiny flat one? Pizza fits. Cheeseburgers fit. Potatoes fit. Sometimes even cookies, cakes, brownies and candy bars fit.

    I'm not THAT active of a person. I'm a middle aged artist/housewife (read: unemployed and looking for work) who spends the bulk of her day on her *kitten* in front of the computer, and exercises about 4 hours a week. But I need 2300 calories to maintain my weight. I lose easily on 1800-2000 calories. And judging by my successful friends on here, that's not so unusual.

    Allergies and intolerance aside, there's no need for faux food.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    I don't understand..if this is not hurting you or you don't wish to enjoy such..why complain why not just pass by the post. To each their own you know..
    There's gotta be some internet law that covers this. It happens in every single one of these threads, along with the also-obligatory, "pot meet kettle" or, "great advice, you should try it" response. :laugh:
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member

    I want to have babies with this creation......
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I love to "healthify" recipes. Works bloody brilliantly for someone like me who eats very large meals. Agreed that they can be hit or miss though.
  • Wolf_
    Wolf_ Posts: 442
    I don't understand..if this is not hurting you or you don't wish to enjoy such..why complain why not just pass by the post. To each their own you know..

    I for one am THANKFUL for the different options and personally love my cauliflower pizza crust among other variations.

    I do allow myself to indulge however I prefer to choose a healtheir option to provide myself for better lifestyle habits if I can. I don't do "diets" - I don't believe they work but changing how I eat will last me a lifetime.

    But that's just my 2 cents.
    Irony. Slathered in hot sauce.
  • slroggemann
    slroggemann Posts: 168 Member
    I've found ways to work regular foods into my diet, like pizza and girl scout cookies, but I also enjoy modifying recipes to make them healthier (adding applesauce to replace butter, using egg whites instead of whole eggs, etc). Some of the recipes people come up with are absolutely ridiculous but hey, to each their own. If OP wants to eat normal food, cool. If someone else wants one of those egg/banana patty-things, cool.
  • CarmenSRT
    CarmenSRT Posts: 843 Member
    You guys are all ridiculous. Grow up. I don't know why some people feel the need to dictate what others do, but just cut it out and worry about yourself. If you like chicken wings and ice cream or w/e good for you. Go ahead and eat it. Not everyone can or wants to eat chicken, beef, cake, w/e and so they make up recipies using things that they can eat. If you don't like the way their recipies taste, take your own advice and just eat the real thing instead of complaining about people using the website in one of the ways it was meant to be used. If they want to call their version of pancakes 'pancakes' because to them they are pancakes, then why do you feel the need to dictate what names they give to their food? In the time it is taking all of you to collectively whine about other people not enjoying the same foods as you, you could've just had your damn pizza.

    Somebody's cranky. :laugh:
  • avababy05
    avababy05 Posts: 930 Member
    I agree with most of this.First I wouldn't trust the calorie count on most of these recipes and in most cases would make me want the real thing even more. The one suggestion I recently tried and loved is spaghetti squash.It's versatile and I can eat alot of it.But I make my own variations.
  • I'm open minded. I've tried a lot of these things. I've had soy-burgers (tasted like a 2 day old McDonalds patty), spaghetti squash (completely edible, but nothing like spaghetti), "Miracle" noodles (texture of wet rubber bands), "pizza" made on English muffins (not a bad snack, but not a pizza), and recently oatmeal mixed with applesauce cookies, which were pretty good, but I'd rather have one of my traditional oatmeal cookies full of sugar, eggs and butter for 100 calories than 3 of the 33 calorie ones. I might make them again, because they're so damn easy and don't make as much mess.

    And I realized... there's absolutely no need for this silliness. With an appropriate calorie deficit, I can eat normal servings of normal food. Why should I have 10 calories of rubber miracles noodles when the 200 calories or real pasta fits? A full-sized bagel fits, so why have a tiny flat one? Pizza fits. Cheeseburgers fit. Potatoes fit. Sometimes even cookies, cakes, brownies and candy bars fit.

    I'm not THAT active of a person. I'm a middle aged artist/housewife (read: unemployed and looking for work) who spends the bulk of her day on her *kitten* in front of the computer, and exercises about 4 hours a week. But I need 2300 calories to maintain my weight. I lose easily on 1800-2000 calories. And judging by my successful friends on here, that's not so unusual.

    Allergies and intolerance aside, there's no need for faux food.

    this sums it up...if you can manage portion control you can eat pretty much anything (food allergies asside) while still at a calorie deficate.

    Also isnt the Broccomoli just called broccoli dip?