No Homo?



  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    As a gay maybe I was being to sensitive to the term. I wish people would use it less but when I see it I won't get so up in arms. Anyway hope you all have a good night. And baby I was born this way.
    Yay someone got through to someone lol. I truly am sorry it offends you, and I'm not saying it's not with reason. But I'm glad to see that message.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    I say it (the "no homo" thing) occasionally, intended purely as a joke in a light-hearted manner. I also say lots of other politically incorrect things, mostly because "political correctness" makes me want to puke. With that said, I don't say such things to people who I feel would take them wrong or be hurt by them. There's a difference between being "politically incorrect" (which I am) and being mean/hateful (which I'm not).

    One can be politically incorrect and still have regard for common courtesy. I can string profanities together in various creative ways that would make a sailor blush; that doesn't mean I do it indiscriminately without regard for where I am/who I'm around. How I talk when I'm sitting around drinking beer with my buddies is different than how I talk when in mixed company and/or among people I'm not as familiar with. That's not a matter of being "politically correct", it's a matter of respect and courtesy.

    Not directed at the OP, but I do think there are too many hyper-sensitive people in the world who spend too much time finding ways to be offended when no such intent existed in the mind of the "offender".
  • andyisandy
    andyisandy Posts: 433 Member
    As a gay maybe I was being to sensitive to the term. I wish people would use it less but when I see it I won't get so up in arms. Anyway hope you all have a good night. And baby I was born this way.
    Yay someone got through to someone lol. I truly am sorry it offends you, and I'm not saying it's not with reason. But I'm glad to see that message.
    I try to practice what I preach ya know if I want others to grow I have to also.
  • Buy a firearm. You have the right to defend yourself like everyone else.

    Cis White Hetero Male Advice strikes again!
    No better oppression stopping power than a 44 magnum to a violent sexist back alley murder rapist's chest.
    Wait, are you advocating violence against yourself?

    Tell you what, if you see me barreling toward you with duct tape and a napkin drenched in chloroform, I wouldn't blame you if you shot first and asked me to stop second.
    Lmao! Wow, you have a plan of action already in are experienced in barreling at women with chloroform drenched napkins and duct tape. Lol...kidding! Couldn't resist.

    You made me choke on a piece of ice. Looking good in that pic btw. (just waiting for my favorite feminist to take the bait.)
    Now there's a different topic. I actually got into an argument with a bunch of guys in the department about how I hate what feminism has become...watched a feminist argue with Ron Jeremy over 'equality'. She lost lol. Everyone should be about 'equality'. Why they call it "Feminism" well I guess it's because of the history...but the guys were trying to convince me that it's a good idea to join those groups and my first thought was "But everyone I've met who is part of it is a angry lesbian who hates men who have no sense of humor" and now many are associating that with what feminism is...Apparently the guys want to send me on a crusade to stop it lol. We had a walk for women who have been raped here....and the guys weren't aloud to be part of the does that say....

    That's crazy stupid. I'd like to participate in one of those walks... never do know where to look to find any of the info on them though. I'm sure there are in my area though, very political area haha. Either way, my problem is with people who who haven't experienced half of what they're advocating or fighting for, then blindly make points in an argument. (I believe at one point I was called privileged... which is hilarious because I was practically homeless for 5 years.)
  • Admiral_Derp
    Admiral_Derp Posts: 866 Member
    As a gay maybe I was being to sensitive to the term. I wish people would use it less but when I see it I won't get so up in arms. Anyway hope you all have a good night. And baby I was born this way.
    Yay someone got through to someone lol. I truly am sorry it offends you, and I'm not saying it's not with reason. But I'm glad to see that message.

    Has this ever happened in a forum before? *a little bit scared*
  • SeaRunner26
    SeaRunner26 Posts: 5,143 Member
    I say it (the "no homo" thing) occasionally, intended purely as a joke in a light-hearted manner. I also say lots of other politically incorrect things, mostly because "political correctness" makes me want to puke. With that said, I don't say such things to people who I feel would take them wrong or be hurt by them. There's a difference between being "politically incorrect" (which I am) and being mean/hateful (which I'm not).

    One can be politically incorrect and still have regard for common courtesy. I can string profanities together in various creative ways that would make a sailor blush; that doesn't mean I do it indiscriminately without regard for where I am/who I'm around. How I talk when I'm sitting around drinking beer with my buddies is different than how I talk when in mixed company and/or among people I'm not as familiar with. That's not a matter of being "politically correct", it's a matter of respect and courtesy.

    Not directed at the OP, but I do think there are too many hyper-sensitive people in the world who spend too much time finding ways to be offended when no such intent existed in the mind of the "offender".

    No offense taken. As many who have read or posted on this thread, I'm actually not easily offended and hate politically correct garbage too. I just had seen the "no homo" thing once too many times and I posted more in a reactive way. I should have thought better and just let it go.
  • dave4d
    dave4d Posts: 1,155 Member
    I've never seen that statement before this post. I don't play in all the forums, though.

    I will admit, I am still homophobic. I grew up in a very religious, very conservative community. I had never even heard the term "Gay" until I was 12. My opinions have changed dramatically in the last 25 years, but I refuse to watch Brokeback Mountain, and I have never seen an episode of Will & Grace. My wife, and I do watch The New Normal, though, I usually turn my head, and look away if it looks like they are going to kiss. That being said, I do believe in gay rights, and that same sex marriage should be legal. I don't hate gays, I just don't know any either, so I haven't gotten used to seeing any together.
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    I say it (the "no homo" thing) occasionally, intended purely as a joke in a light-hearted manner. I also say lots of other politically incorrect things, mostly because "political correctness" makes me want to puke. With that said, I don't say such things to people who I feel would take them wrong or be hurt by them. There's a difference between being "politically incorrect" (which I am) and being mean/hateful (which I'm not).

    One can be politically incorrect and still have regard for common courtesy. I can string profanities together in various creative ways that would make a sailor blush; that doesn't mean I do it indiscriminately without regard for where I am/who I'm around. How I talk when I'm sitting around drinking beer with my buddies is different than how I talk when in mixed company and/or among people I'm not as familiar with. That's not a matter of being "politically correct", it's a matter of respect and courtesy.

    Not directed at the OP, but I do think there are too many hyper-sensitive people in the world who spend too much time finding ways to be offended when no such intent existed in the mind of the "offender".

    While I hear what you're saying, and agree to some level, I think people have a common misconception that the intent of the sender has more weight than how the message is received.
  • I say it (the "no homo" thing) occasionally, intended purely as a joke in a light-hearted manner. I also say lots of other politically incorrect things, mostly because "political correctness" makes me want to puke. With that said, I don't say such things to people who I feel would take them wrong or be hurt by them. There's a difference between being "politically incorrect" (which I am) and being mean/hateful (which I'm not).

    One can be politically incorrect and still have regard for common courtesy. I can string profanities together in various creative ways that would make a sailor blush; that doesn't mean I do it indiscriminately without regard for where I am/who I'm around. How I talk when I'm sitting around drinking beer with my buddies is different than how I talk when in mixed company and/or among people I'm not as familiar with. That's not a matter of being "politically correct", it's a matter of respect and courtesy.

    Not directed at the OP, but I do think there are too many hyper-sensitive people in the world who spend too much time finding ways to be offended when no such intent existed in the mind of the "offender".

    No offense taken. As many who have read or posted on this thread, I'm actually not easily offended and hate politically correct garbage too. I just had seen the "no homo" thing once too many times and I posted more in a reactive way. I should have thought better and just let it go.

    At this point I'm just trying to egg on that one feminist chick. She stopped posting though.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I say it (the "no homo" thing) occasionally, intended purely as a joke in a light-hearted manner. I also say lots of other politically incorrect things, mostly because "political correctness" makes me want to puke. With that said, I don't say such things to people who I feel would take them wrong or be hurt by them. There's a difference between being "politically incorrect" (which I am) and being mean/hateful (which I'm not).

    One can be politically incorrect and still have regard for common courtesy. I can string profanities together in various creative ways that would make a sailor blush; that doesn't mean I do it indiscriminately without regard for where I am/who I'm around. How I talk when I'm sitting around drinking beer with my buddies is different than how I talk when in mixed company and/or among people I'm not as familiar with. That's not a matter of being "politically correct", it's a matter of respect and courtesy.

    Not directed at the OP, but I do think there are too many hyper-sensitive people in the world who spend too much time finding ways to be offended when no such intent existed in the mind of the "offender".

    Yes, I love how I have to learn the new terms every few years of what's acceptable to say and what use to be ok words are now not

    And agreed, like I said before, I've never said that but I'm sure I've said something to offend someone. And in the "no homo" case they mean it in exactly the way they say it...I wouldn't take it as negative...I wouldn't be surprised if a homosexual said it...I like being clear in my intent, and if I knew it was a thing I probably would have said it to clear up giving people vibes I'm not giving. And I'm sure there's a clear example I could give of something that's happened to me that's similar but...drawin' blanks.
  • SeaRunner26
    SeaRunner26 Posts: 5,143 Member
    I say it (the "no homo" thing) occasionally, intended purely as a joke in a light-hearted manner. I also say lots of other politically incorrect things, mostly because "political correctness" makes me want to puke. With that said, I don't say such things to people who I feel would take them wrong or be hurt by them. There's a difference between being "politically incorrect" (which I am) and being mean/hateful (which I'm not).

    One can be politically incorrect and still have regard for common courtesy. I can string profanities together in various creative ways that would make a sailor blush; that doesn't mean I do it indiscriminately without regard for where I am/who I'm around. How I talk when I'm sitting around drinking beer with my buddies is different than how I talk when in mixed company and/or among people I'm not as familiar with. That's not a matter of being "politically correct", it's a matter of respect and courtesy.

    Not directed at the OP, but I do think there are too many hyper-sensitive people in the world who spend too much time finding ways to be offended when no such intent existed in the mind of the "offender".

    No offense taken. As many who have read or posted on this thread, I'm actually not easily offended and hate politically correct garbage too. I just had seen the "no homo" thing once too many times and I posted more in a reactive way. I should have thought better and just let it go.

    At this point I'm just trying to egg on that one feminist chick. She stopped posting though.

    I know it. I was just sitting back and watching you two duke it out.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Buy a firearm. You have the right to defend yourself like everyone else.

    Cis White Hetero Male Advice strikes again!
    No better oppression stopping power than a 44 magnum to a violent sexist back alley murder rapist's chest.
    Wait, are you advocating violence against yourself?

    Tell you what, if you see me barreling toward you with duct tape and a napkin drenched in chloroform, I wouldn't blame you if you shot first and asked me to stop second.
    Lmao! Wow, you have a plan of action already in are experienced in barreling at women with chloroform drenched napkins and duct tape. Lol...kidding! Couldn't resist.

    You made me choke on a piece of ice. Looking good in that pic btw. (just waiting for my favorite feminist to take the bait.)
    Now there's a different topic. I actually got into an argument with a bunch of guys in the department about how I hate what feminism has become...watched a feminist argue with Ron Jeremy over 'equality'. She lost lol. Everyone should be about 'equality'. Why they call it "Feminism" well I guess it's because of the history...but the guys were trying to convince me that it's a good idea to join those groups and my first thought was "But everyone I've met who is part of it is a angry lesbian who hates men who have no sense of humor" and now many are associating that with what feminism is...Apparently the guys want to send me on a crusade to stop it lol. We had a walk for women who have been raped here....and the guys weren't aloud to be part of the does that say....

    That's crazy stupid. I'd like to participate in one of those walks... never do know where to look to find any of the info on them though. I'm sure there are in my area though, very political area haha. Either way, my problem is with people who who haven't experienced half of what they're advocating or fighting for, then blindly make points in an argument. (I believe at one point I was called privileged... which is hilarious because I was practically homeless for 5 years.)

    gluck, someone tried here and they actually got removed from the walk....they were trying to support their gf...apparently some of the rest of the group didn't want him to support not raping people lol. Because you know, all men are rapists.
  • Buy a firearm. You have the right to defend yourself like everyone else.

    Cis White Hetero Male Advice strikes again!
    No better oppression stopping power than a 44 magnum to a violent sexist back alley murder rapist's chest.
    Wait, are you advocating violence against yourself?

    Tell you what, if you see me barreling toward you with duct tape and a napkin drenched in chloroform, I wouldn't blame you if you shot first and asked me to stop second.
    Lmao! Wow, you have a plan of action already in are experienced in barreling at women with chloroform drenched napkins and duct tape. Lol...kidding! Couldn't resist.

    You made me choke on a piece of ice. Looking good in that pic btw. (just waiting for my favorite feminist to take the bait.)
    Now there's a different topic. I actually got into an argument with a bunch of guys in the department about how I hate what feminism has become...watched a feminist argue with Ron Jeremy over 'equality'. She lost lol. Everyone should be about 'equality'. Why they call it "Feminism" well I guess it's because of the history...but the guys were trying to convince me that it's a good idea to join those groups and my first thought was "But everyone I've met who is part of it is a angry lesbian who hates men who have no sense of humor" and now many are associating that with what feminism is...Apparently the guys want to send me on a crusade to stop it lol. We had a walk for women who have been raped here....and the guys weren't aloud to be part of the does that say....

    That's crazy stupid. I'd like to participate in one of those walks... never do know where to look to find any of the info on them though. I'm sure there are in my area though, very political area haha. Either way, my problem is with people who who haven't experienced half of what they're advocating or fighting for, then blindly make points in an argument. (I believe at one point I was called privileged... which is hilarious because I was practically homeless for 5 years.)

    gluck, someone tried here and they actually got removed from the walk....they were trying to support their gf...apparently some of the rest of the group didn't want him to support not raping people lol. Because you know, all men are rapists.

    How dare I (and they) be sensitive and supportive.
  • SeaRunner26
    SeaRunner26 Posts: 5,143 Member
    I've never seen that statement before this post. I don't play in all the forums, though.

    I will admit, I am still homophobic. I grew up in a very religious, very conservative community. I had never even heard the term "Gay" until I was 12. My opinions have changed dramatically in the last 25 years, but I refuse to watch Brokeback Mountain, and I have never seen an episode of Will & Grace. My wife, and I do watch The New Normal, though, I usually turn my head, and look away if it looks like they are going to kiss. That being said, I do believe in gay rights, and that same sex marriage should be legal. I don't hate gays, I just don't know any either, so I haven't gotten used to seeing any together.

    Would you believe that I was quite homophobic for most of my life? WHILE I"M NOT SAYING ANY OF THIS APPLIES TO YOU, I was having a lot of trouble accepting my sexuality because I grew up in a household where being gay was unacceptable. I didn't come out until I was 30 and that was after six years of marriage. I wanted so badly to be straight to "fit in". But I couldn't fight nature. So I finally came out and accepted who I was. I'm so much the better for it.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I say it (the "no homo" thing) occasionally, intended purely as a joke in a light-hearted manner. I also say lots of other politically incorrect things, mostly because "political correctness" makes me want to puke. With that said, I don't say such things to people who I feel would take them wrong or be hurt by them. There's a difference between being "politically incorrect" (which I am) and being mean/hateful (which I'm not).

    One can be politically incorrect and still have regard for common courtesy. I can string profanities together in various creative ways that would make a sailor blush; that doesn't mean I do it indiscriminately without regard for where I am/who I'm around. How I talk when I'm sitting around drinking beer with my buddies is different than how I talk when in mixed company and/or among people I'm not as familiar with. That's not a matter of being "politically correct", it's a matter of respect and courtesy.

    Not directed at the OP, but I do think there are too many hyper-sensitive people in the world who spend too much time finding ways to be offended when no such intent existed in the mind of the "offender".

    No offense taken. As many who have read or posted on this thread, I'm actually not easily offended and hate politically correct garbage too. I just had seen the "no homo" thing once too many times and I posted more in a reactive way. I should have thought better and just let it go.

    At this point I'm just trying to egg on that one feminist chick. She stopped posting though.
    Yeah I made a couple posts to her and she seems to have stopped replying...wonder if she's writing an extra long note to me and how repressed I am again :P
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    As a gay maybe I was being to sensitive to the term. I wish people would use it less but when I see it I won't get so up in arms. Anyway hope you all have a good night. And baby I was born this way.
    Yay someone got through to someone lol. I truly am sorry it offends you, and I'm not saying it's not with reason. But I'm glad to see that message.

    Has this ever happened in a forum before? *a little bit scared*
    omg you have a good point *cowers in the corner with you*
  • mattagascar
    mattagascar Posts: 708 Member
    I'm a homo....wner. I'm comfortable with that.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I say it (the "no homo" thing) occasionally, intended purely as a joke in a light-hearted manner. I also say lots of other politically incorrect things, mostly because "political correctness" makes me want to puke. With that said, I don't say such things to people who I feel would take them wrong or be hurt by them. There's a difference between being "politically incorrect" (which I am) and being mean/hateful (which I'm not).

    One can be politically incorrect and still have regard for common courtesy. I can string profanities together in various creative ways that would make a sailor blush; that doesn't mean I do it indiscriminately without regard for where I am/who I'm around. How I talk when I'm sitting around drinking beer with my buddies is different than how I talk when in mixed company and/or among people I'm not as familiar with. That's not a matter of being "politically correct", it's a matter of respect and courtesy.

    Not directed at the OP, but I do think there are too many hyper-sensitive people in the world who spend too much time finding ways to be offended when no such intent existed in the mind of the "offender".

    No offense taken. As many who have read or posted on this thread, I'm actually not easily offended and hate politically correct garbage too. I just had seen the "no homo" thing once too many times and I posted more in a reactive way. I should have thought better and just let it go.
    Meh I don't blame you, I probably would have done the same thing lol...look...I already started on the feminist thing lol
  • andyisandy
    andyisandy Posts: 433 Member
    I've never seen that statement before this post. I don't play in all the forums, though.

    I will admit, I am still homophobic. I grew up in a very religious, very conservative community. I had never even heard the term "Gay" until I was 12. My opinions have changed dramatically in the last 25 years, but I refuse to watch Brokeback Mountain, and I have never seen an episode of Will & Grace. My wife, and I do watch The New Normal, though, I usually turn my head, and look away if it looks like they are going to kiss. That being said, I do believe in gay rights, and that same sex marriage should be legal. I don't hate gays, I just don't know any either, so I haven't gotten used to seeing any together.

    Would you believe that I was quite homophobic for most of my life? WHILE I"M NOT SAYING ANY OF THIS APPLIES TO YOU, I was having a lot of trouble accepting my sexuality because I grew up in a household where being gay was unacceptable. I didn't come out until I was 30 and that was after six years of marriage. I wanted so badly to be straight to "fit in". But I couldn't fight nature. So I finally came out and accepted who I was. I'm so much the better for it.
    I can relate to this. I went through two failed marriages because I wanted to be straight so bad. I recently came out and now I'm starting to be Well me.
  • I say it (the "no homo" thing) occasionally, intended purely as a joke in a light-hearted manner. I also say lots of other politically incorrect things, mostly because "political correctness" makes me want to puke. With that said, I don't say such things to people who I feel would take them wrong or be hurt by them. There's a difference between being "politically incorrect" (which I am) and being mean/hateful (which I'm not).

    One can be politically incorrect and still have regard for common courtesy. I can string profanities together in various creative ways that would make a sailor blush; that doesn't mean I do it indiscriminately without regard for where I am/who I'm around. How I talk when I'm sitting around drinking beer with my buddies is different than how I talk when in mixed company and/or among people I'm not as familiar with. That's not a matter of being "politically correct", it's a matter of respect and courtesy.

    Not directed at the OP, but I do think there are too many hyper-sensitive people in the world who spend too much time finding ways to be offended when no such intent existed in the mind of the "offender".

    No offense taken. As many who have read or posted on this thread, I'm actually not easily offended and hate politically correct garbage too. I just had seen the "no homo" thing once too many times and I posted more in a reactive way. I should have thought better and just let it go.

    At this point I'm just trying to egg on that one feminist chick. She stopped posting though.
    Yeah I made a couple posts to her and she seems to have stopped replying...wonder if she's writing an extra long note to me and how repressed I am again :P
    Maybe she's reevaluating the way she sees things. Or she's got a meeting with the other turtleneckers. Maybe they're planning to egg my house.