No Homo?



  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    why is everyone so obsessed with the gay thing? I always hear they just want to be accepted as equals yet they are constantly throwing s**t like this in everyones faces...everyone gets offended sometimes but most don't constantly have to complain about it...grow up and get some balls and let it run off you!! I am fat have been have been ridiculed for it!!! should I get on here and start a thread about it!!??:explode: :grumble:

    There are a few differences. You can't change gay, nor is it a diseased state of the body. One does usually choose to be fat, however, as a result of their chosen activity level and food intake (disease and disability not withstanding.) Obesity has objective negative impacts on society, personal health, and family health. Not that that justifies bullying. There is just a bit of truth to the criticisms of obesity. Trust me, we have plenty of balls. We deal with crap on a daily basis that you couldnt even imagine. Some of us find strength in adversity, and sadly many others never find that strength, as evidenced by the extremely high rate of suicide among LGBT peoples, 2nd only to suicide rates among the elderly in the West. Its a completely different thing.

    Im sure there are plenty of other discussions on here that you don't find relevant to yourself. Do you join those discussions and criticize those people for engaging in a discussion you are not interested in? If you want to know why everyone is 'obsessed with the gay thing' you might consider reading what we are saying.

    LGBTQIA - please - don't want to offend....
  • SeaRunner26
    SeaRunner26 Posts: 5,143 Member
    why is everyone so obsessed with the gay thing? I always hear they just want to be accepted as equals yet they are constantly throwing s**t like this in everyones faces...everyone gets offended sometimes but most don't constantly have to complain about it...grow up and get some balls and let it run off you!! I am fat have been have been ridiculed for it!!! should I get on here and start a thread about it!!??:explode: :grumble:

    I think it's fair to elevate an issue about an inequality where even in present time you can be executed in other countries for even being perceived as gay. Even in the US, some states still had laws on the books making homosexual relations illegal in the past ten years. Can you say the same about anything you're referencing? Can you now understand why it's a different issue and does need to be recognized, not throwing it in your face?

    Come on now, this was a really good point. No takers?
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    I have never heard the term "no homo" and personally I think it's kind of stupid.
  • _Elemenopee_
    _Elemenopee_ Posts: 2,665 Member
    I'm not a fan of it myself but I can no more control what "adults" write over the internet than I can control my toddlers irrational temper tantrums.

    I do however excuse my child and wait for it to pass because she is...a child.
  • mytman
    mytman Posts: 218
    Are the majority of guys on this site so insecure with their sexuality that if they compliment another guy, they have to end the comment with "no homo"? As a gay guy, I find this kind of insulting. As if being gay is something I should be ashamed of and requires a disclaimer. Yes homo.

    Hi we are here to support each other despite of one sexual preferences so dont worry about what other people say you just be you and that is all anyone can ask. feel free to add me dude if u want
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,590 Member
    I must have my eyes closed half the time, I've never seen it!
  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    Just what we needed ... something else for someone to be offended by.

    Lighten up. I don't get my panties in a twist when someone makes a joke about a guy being a p***y. This is the real world. There are people who view things differently than you do, and no matter what you may think, nobody has some pre-ordained right to get through their day without seeing or hearing anything that offends them.
    Mmmm let me guess: white straight female?

    Sit down. You don't get to define who gets offended by what.
  • herstrawberri
    herstrawberri Posts: 347 Member
    Conversely, when we women give each other compliments, we are not compelled to clarify that it was not said in an attempt to get sex. I agree that's it's B.S. that people feel the need to make that distinction. Maybe I'm just getting old, but I've never understood why everything has to be about sex. Why can't it just be "saying something nice" to another human being?

    yep I agree !

    TOTALLY agree! people just need to relax. I give compliments to women ALL the time. The only person I want to have sex with, is my GF. :bigsmile:

    The 'Yes HOMO' thing totally cracked me up.
  • bigfatbino
    bigfatbino Posts: 136 Member
    Tolerance works both ways. If you're part of a 5% minority, and the 95% say "no homo" to eachother (and you included), then that's something that you have to tolerate. It's not up for the vast majority to change their habits because you find something offensive. Otherwise you turn what is probably a passing internet fad/meme/whatever into some kind of battle that only serves to make people irritated, and people are less tolerant when irritated.

    It's the internets, there is always something offensive to someone on the internets.

    Yay there's my contribution to 16 pages of internet message board soup.

    So congratulations on the weight loss, good progress, and keep living well. =)

    (no sugar)
  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
    Tolerance works both ways. If you're part of a 5% minority, and the 95% say "no homo" to eachother (and you included), then that's something that you have to tolerate. It's not up for the vast majority to change their habits because you find something offensive. Otherwise you turn what is probably a passing internet fad/meme/whatever into some kind of battle that only serves to make people irritated, and people are less tolerant when irritated.

    It's the internets, there is always something offensive to someone on the internets.

    Yay there's my contribution to 16 pages of internet message board soup.

    So congratulations on the weight loss, good progress, and keep living well. =)

    (no sugar)

    that response/attitude is ghey...
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    Tolerance works both ways. If you're part of a 5% minority, and the 95% say "no homo" to eachother (and you included), then that's something that you have to tolerate.

    LOL! SUCK IT UP ROSA GET YO BUTT TO THE BACK! Nice job bro, you tell 'er. (this is sarcasm.)
  • LaurenVamp
    LaurenVamp Posts: 74 Member
    Are the majority of guys on this site so insecure with their sexuality that if they compliment another guy, they have to end the comment with "no homo"? As a gay guy, I find this kind of insulting. As if being gay is something I should be ashamed of and requires a disclaimer. Yes homo.

    ^^Yes, completely insecure and probably tend to be afraid that if they compliment a guy, they might be harboring same-sex tendencies. It's a closeted world. I really wish people would just realize that sexuality is fluid and stop trying to overcompensate. YES HOMO! YES HETERO! Start paying people compliments without having to feel guilty about it. Geeze.
  • harvo
    harvo Posts: 4,676 Member
    why is everyone so obsessed with the gay thing? I always hear they just want to be accepted as equals yet they are constantly throwing s**t like this in everyones faces...everyone gets offended sometimes but most don't constantly have to complain about it...grow up and get some balls and let it run off you!! I am fat have been have been ridiculed for it!!! should I get on here and start a thread about it!!??:explode: :grumble:

    I think it's fair to elevate an issue about an inequality where even in present time you can be executed in other countries for even being perceived as gay. Even in the US, some states still had laws on the books making homosexual relations illegal in the past ten years. Can you say the same about anything you're referencing? Can you now understand why it's a different issue and does need to be recognized, not throwing it in your face?

    Come on now, this was a really good point. No takers?

    My problem is when you said "not throwing it in your face" I almost spit my coffee everywhere. Here is my take and we have interacted for a long time. My religious beliefs growing up have taught me homesexuality is wrong. As I have grown and worked with, been around and become friends with homosexuals I have found that...OMG, they are people too. I am not saying that people do not have the right to believe that gays are going to Hell as they have that right. I choose to believe that the God I pray too is a tolerant God and that something is lost in the translation.

    I also believe those that say no homo have a reason and it goes back to something they feel insecure about whether it is to impress the ladies with testosterone or due to religion of whatever else. Honestly, I hate the politcal correct world we have become but hey, that is my opinion and although I am 100% heterosexual I love my gay friends as I do the straight ones.

    So, did you get the Dinosour for your shower? I mean that thing had a big bone!
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    That is insulting and we as a whole should be ashamed of ourselves.
  • _DaniD_
    _DaniD_ Posts: 2,186 Member
    Yes homo!
  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
    Yes homo!

    maybe homo?
  • LaurenVamp
    LaurenVamp Posts: 74 Member
    I would also like to add that this "no homo" thing isn't a passing internet fad--it originated in a ridiculous Kanye West song in 2008 and has since become common practice, especially among young people. As a former teacher, it really disturbed me that even the closest of male friends felt like they had to disclaim their actions with an ignorant phrase.

    BLAHHHH. Wise up, people.
  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    why is everyone so obsessed with the gay thing? I always hear they just want to be accepted as equals yet they are constantly throwing s**t like this in everyones faces...everyone gets offended sometimes but most don't constantly have to complain about it...grow up and get some balls and let it run off you!! I am fat have been have been ridiculed for it!!! should I get on here and start a thread about it!!??:explode: :grumble:

    I think it's fair to elevate an issue about an inequality where even in present time you can be executed in other countries for even being perceived as gay. Even in the US, some states still had laws on the books making homosexual relations illegal in the past ten years. Can you say the same about anything you're referencing? Can you now understand why it's a different issue and does need to be recognized, not throwing it in your face?

    There are Asian countries that frown on being overweight ( we were talking about this the other day) and will administer a lethal injection if you don't drop the weight in a " legal" amount of time( so we read on the internet) I BELIEVE what everyone is saying is that, you can't possibly be that sensitive. Your always saying that your gay. And for a man to say he's not, is not and should not be offensive to any one. We don't need to know that your gay/ homo. If you want to be treated equally then keep your private business private. Since when did the entire world need to know about your sexual orientation...does it affect your weight loss... No. This is one thing I just don't understand, like many other people. I have gay friends no doubt. But they don't shove their private business down our throats. I don't shove mine in everyone's face stating how the gay community offends me left and right. Get the point here. Everyone has inside jokes or their own reason for the joke. And because some one isn't gay doesn't make them insecure to write no homo. How do you know that they haven't been solicited by other gay men, and they state no homo to avoid an uncomfortable pm. That could be it. You just never know.

    I think this is topic is way beyond exaggerated. I think f@g is offensive not no homo.

    It's just my opinion.... PS the lethal injection in Asia was read on the Internet by a co worker.... So you know they can't put stuff on the Internet that isn't true.....I heard that on the Internet.
  • SeaRunner26
    SeaRunner26 Posts: 5,143 Member
    why is everyone so obsessed with the gay thing? I always hear they just want to be accepted as equals yet they are constantly throwing s**t like this in everyones faces...everyone gets offended sometimes but most don't constantly have to complain about it...grow up and get some balls and let it run off you!! I am fat have been have been ridiculed for it!!! should I get on here and start a thread about it!!??:explode: :grumble:

    I think it's fair to elevate an issue about an inequality where even in present time you can be executed in other countries for even being perceived as gay. Even in the US, some states still had laws on the books making homosexual relations illegal in the past ten years. Can you say the same about anything you're referencing? Can you now understand why it's a different issue and does need to be recognized, not throwing it in your face?

    Come on now, this was a really good point. No takers?

    My problem is when you said "not throwing it in your face" I almost spit my coffee everywhere. Here is my take and we have interacted for a long time. My religious beliefs growing up have taught me homesexuality is wrong. As I have grown and worked with, been around and become friends with homosexuals I have found that...OMG, they are people too. I am not saying that people do not have the right to believe that gays are going to Hell as they have that right. I choose to believe that the God I pray too is a tolerant God and that something is lost in the translation.

    I also believe those that say no homo have a reason and it goes back to something they feel insecure about whether it is to impress the ladies with testosterone or due to religion of whatever else. Honestly, I hate the politcal correct world we have become but hey, that is my opinion and although I am 100% heterosexual I love my gay friends as I do the straight ones.

    So, did you get the Dinosour for your shower? I mean that thing had a big bone!

    Sadly, no dinosaur. But I agree with you 100%. Thanks for the support.
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    Best response.... E V E R
    Tolerance works both ways. If you're part of a 5% minority, and the 95% say "no homo" to eachother (and you included), then that's something that you have to tolerate.

    LOL! SUCK IT UP ROSA GET YO BUTT TO THE BACK! Nice job bro, you tell 'er. (this is sarcasm.)