No Homo?



  • bmiller211
    bmiller211 Posts: 222 Member
    Just what we needed ... something else for someone to be offended by.

    Lighten up. I don't get my panties in a twist when someone makes a joke about a guy being a p***y. This is the real world. There are people who view things differently than you do, and no matter what you may think, nobody has some pre-ordained right to get through their day without seeing or hearing anything that offends them.
    Mmmm let me guess: white straight female?

    Sit down. You don't get to define who gets offended by what.
    ! love this original post!!
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    I think it's fair to elevate an issue about an inequality where even in present time you can be executed in other countries for even being perceived as gay. Even in the US, some states still had laws on the books making homosexual relations illegal in the past ten years. Can you say the same about anything you're referencing? Can you now understand why it's a different issue and does need to be recognized, not throwing it in your face?
    Come on now, this was a really good point. No takers?
    I've certainly heard comments said about Jewish people (my fathers side had Jewish ancestry) in all sorts of ways - from what I'd consider pretty nasty, to jovial - "oh, that's your jewish side" (when not spending money).
    Yet people are still being seriously persecuted for this in some parts of the world and thanks to Southpark it certainly became a youth fad to use 'Jew' as a derogatory phrase.

    If someone said "well, I'm not Jewish" in reply to some on penny-pinch suggestions, I certainly wouldn't be offended.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    I guess I don't understand why it's such a big deal.

    To me it's just the same as saying "I'm not hitting on you but you look amazing."

    I think it's you who's assuming there's a negative connotation to it.
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    Racism isn't always negative, but it's always stupid. Easiest example: "I like black people". That is a racist statement because it makes the assumption that a group of people are all similar.

    Everybody does it to one degree or another, but whenever you treat people like a member of a class instead of an individual, you're engaging in "racism".

    So we should just rename it classism? I like you, you're funny - not like other white <or insert whatever applies here> people. (Not racist, though, right? Just because I'm making an assumption that a group of people are similar. Just want to make sure I understand your logic.)

    Ahem. So, sarcasm aside... intent DOES make a difference in that individual circumstance and in that individual's mind. However, I think some of the "funny jokes" that appear harmless or poke fun can be detrimental if overheard out of context, and perpetuate the idea that it's okay to use inflammatory phrases with a heavy history (aka the aforementioned penny-pincher-but-I’m-not-Jewish). That’s offensive.

    As the person above me posted, perhaps it was meant as I'm not hitting on you, but good job or whatever... Great, that's the intent. But it does send another message easily, perhaps without intention, and it isn't a good one.
  • SeaRunner26
    SeaRunner26 Posts: 5,143 Member
    There are Asian countries that frown on being overweight ( we were talking about this the other day) and will administer a lethal injection if you don't drop the weight in a " legal" amount of time( so we read on the internet) I BELIEVE what everyone is saying is that, you can't possibly be that sensitive. Your always saying that your gay. And for a man to say he's not, is not and should not be offensive to any one. We don't need to know that your gay/ homo. If you want to be treated equally then keep your private business private. Since when did the entire world need to know about your sexual orientation...does it affect your weight loss... No. This is one thing I just don't understand, like many other people. I have gay friends no doubt. But they don't shove their private business down our throats. I don't shove mine in everyone's face stating how the gay community offends me left and right. Get the point here. Everyone has inside jokes or their own reason for the joke. And because some one isn't gay doesn't make them insecure to write no homo. How do you know that they haven't been solicited by other gay men, and they state no homo to avoid an uncomfortable pm. That could be it. You just never know.

    I think this is topic is way beyond exaggerated. I think f@g is offensive not no homo.

    It's just my opinion.... PS the lethal injection in Asia was read on the Internet by a co worker.... So you know they can't put stuff on the Internet that isn't true.....I heard that on the Internet.

    I had no idea that I was pointing out my sexuality too much. Rather, I thought I was keeping mention of it to a minimum. My apologies.
  • bmiller211
    bmiller211 Posts: 222 Member
    why is everyone so obsessed with the gay thing? I always hear they just want to be accepted as equals yet they are constantly throwing s**t like this in everyones faces...everyone gets offended sometimes but most don't constantly have to complain about it...grow up and get some balls and let it run off you!! I am fat have been have been ridiculed for it!!! should I get on here and start a thread about it!!??:explode: :grumble:

    I think it's fair to elevate an issue about an inequality where even in present time you can be executed in other countries for even being perceived as gay. Even in the US, some states still had laws on the books making homosexual relations illegal in the past ten years. Can you say the same about anything you're referencing? Can you now understand why it's a different issue and does need to be recognized, not throwing it in your face?

    Come on now, this was a really good point. No takers?

    My problem is when you said "not throwing it in your face" I almost spit my coffee everywhere. Here is my take and we have interacted for a long time. My religious beliefs growing up have taught me homesexuality is wrong. As I have grown and worked with, been around and become friends with homosexuals I have found that...OMG, they are people too. I am not saying that people do not have the right to believe that gays are going to Hell as they have that right. I choose to believe that the God I pray too is a tolerant God and that something is lost in the translation.

    I also believe those that say no homo have a reason and it goes back to something they feel insecure about whether it is to impress the ladies with testosterone or due to religion of whatever else. Honestly, I hate the politcal correct world we have become but hey, that is my opinion and although I am 100% heterosexual I love my gay friends as I do the straight ones.

    So, did you get the Dinosour for your shower? I mean that thing had a big bone!
    again have to be offended by my choice of words...throwing it in my face is a figure of speech. I can use it if I want without everyone telling me it is wrong. I could have said "telling me about it" but I didn't and someone still would have been offended cause I disagreed with what they feel. that is what this whole tread boils down to. I am not allowed to disagree with what the poster and his cronies say...and yes I know your response will be that I can disagree but you are just trying to get me to see your point of view...again I an not allowed to disagree!!!
  • wikitbikit
    wikitbikit Posts: 518 Member
    I would also like to add that this "no homo" thing isn't a passing internet fad--it originated in a ridiculous Kanye West song in 2008 and has since become common practice, especially among young people. As a former teacher, it really disturbed me that even the closest of male friends felt like they had to disclaim their actions with an ignorant phrase.

    BLAHHHH. Wise up, people.
    It has been around a lot longer than that. I don't know where or why it started, but I distinctly remember hearing it in the early 2000s.

    I'm utterly un-stunned that a cool dude like Kayne West is responsible for its resurgence and/or more widespread popularity though.
  • seena511
    seena511 Posts: 685 Member
    i will sometimes say this around close friends (even gay and lesbian ones) as a joke, but i understand that it can be offensive. i think a lot of times people make jokes like this to try and make up for the fact that we grew up with a not particularly tolerant view of homosexuals. i thought it was a choice up through high school. so when i started opening up more, i overcompensated by trying to be all, "look, i love the gays so much i can joke about homosexuality!" i've been working on it. some jokes are better kept among people who know each other in real life, and off the internet as it's hard to interpret sarcasm.
  • I completely agree. As a woman, I'll never understand why men can be so sensitive about their sexuality. It's just silly. Women have no trouble complimenting other women--gay or straight.
  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    In summary can someone state they aren't homosexual without implying its bad to be homosexual?

    You can call yourself a "breeder". Then it's OK.
  • SeaRunner26
    SeaRunner26 Posts: 5,143 Member
    why is everyone so obsessed with the gay thing? I always hear they just want to be accepted as equals yet they are constantly throwing s**t like this in everyones faces...everyone gets offended sometimes but most don't constantly have to complain about it...grow up and get some balls and let it run off you!! I am fat have been have been ridiculed for it!!! should I get on here and start a thread about it!!??:explode: :grumble:

    I think it's fair to elevate an issue about an inequality where even in present time you can be executed in other countries for even being perceived as gay. Even in the US, some states still had laws on the books making homosexual relations illegal in the past ten years. Can you say the same about anything you're referencing? Can you now understand why it's a different issue and does need to be recognized, not throwing it in your face?

    Come on now, this was a really good point. No takers?

    My problem is when you said "not throwing it in your face" I almost spit my coffee everywhere. Here is my take and we have interacted for a long time. My religious beliefs growing up have taught me homesexuality is wrong. As I have grown and worked with, been around and become friends with homosexuals I have found that...OMG, they are people too. I am not saying that people do not have the right to believe that gays are going to Hell as they have that right. I choose to believe that the God I pray too is a tolerant God and that something is lost in the translation.

    I also believe those that say no homo have a reason and it goes back to something they feel insecure about whether it is to impress the ladies with testosterone or due to religion of whatever else. Honestly, I hate the politcal correct world we have become but hey, that is my opinion and although I am 100% heterosexual I love my gay friends as I do the straight ones.

    So, did you get the Dinosour for your shower? I mean that thing had a big bone!
    again have to be offended by my choice of words...throwing it in my face is a figure of speech. I can use it if I want without everyone telling me it is wrong. I could have said "telling me about it" but I didn't and someone still would have been offended cause I disagreed with what they feel. that is what this whole tread boils down to. I am not allowed to disagree with what the poster and his cronies say...and yes I know your response will be that I can disagree but you are just trying to get me to see your point of view...again I an not allowed to disagree!!!

    Actually, I was trying to be polite. I wasn't offended by "throwing it in your face". Ironically, it's appearing more like the over-sensitive one is not me.
  • Cameron_1969
    Cameron_1969 Posts: 2,855 Member
    This may have been said..I didn't read all 16 pages (I'm lazy).. but. . here goes.

    I'm straight. I'm happy that I'm straight. . I don't want to be gay and Idon't want to be perceived as gay. This has no bearing whatsoever on my attitude toward people who are gay. Go be gay! What do I care?. . I'm busy being straight. .

    I think what has changed in our society is that homosexuality has become MUCH more accepted and out in the open than ever. It's something that people (straigt and gay ) think about regularly. . so because of this the old traditional close-knit male freindships of the past are now strained. Admit it . . you see two guys sitting in a booth at a restaurant. it crosses your mind. .In my dad's day.. it wouldn't have.

    The "no homo' thing isn't necessarily anti-gay. . it's just that guys are now afraid to compliment each other for fear of our compliment being mistaken for a come-on. .

    The irony is that it's society's acceptance of gays that has created this vexing and "offensive" statement. .

    Oh. . and OP. . lighten up. .
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Depends on what you are complimenting I imagine. "Nice package" probably would not go over well with certain people.:wink:

    Yet I can get away with saying to a gal "nice rack" without ending the comment with "no hetero".

    That would be hilarious, actually.

    But I agree. I also hate it when kids say "That's so gay" for something. I finally got my kids to quit saying it. (At least around me)
  • disasterman
    disasterman Posts: 746 Member
    I've never used it but I have a slightly different take on it. Rather than being something negative or homophobic, I think it could be understood as a way to clarify intentions. We've all heard that easy to be misunderstood through email and text. In case the person being spoken to is gay, it's a ('perhaps crude) way of saying "don't get your hopes up-I'm not hitting on you" which really could avoid misunderstandings and hurt feelings.

    Edited to say: it took me far too long to come up with this and I see that several people on this page said essentially the same thing- but more eloquently than I did.
  • Dude.. Chill out! Everything can be offensive to someone, people aren't trying to offend the gay population. I have a group of 3 gay couples that we hang out with often. I call NO HOMO all the time with them and it's frickin hilarious. So maybe the issue is you're not secure in yourself.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I think it's funny when people say that and actually mean it, because it makes them look so unbelievably stupid.
  • Irontri7
    Irontri7 Posts: 143 Member
    Nope. I'm confident enough that I can even admit another guy is good looking :noway:, shocker I know, and I'm straight.

    PS. your and you're. a few people need some training on usage.
  • _Witsy_
    _Witsy_ Posts: 609 Member
    My head just exploded all over the screen.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I would also like to add that this "no homo" thing isn't a passing internet fad--it originated in a ridiculous Kanye West song in 2008 and has since become common practice, especially among young people. As a former teacher, it really disturbed me that even the closest of male friends felt like they had to disclaim their actions with an ignorant phrase.

    BLAHHHH. Wise up, people.
    It has been around a lot longer than that. I don't know where or why it started, but I distinctly remember hearing it in the early 2000s.

    I'm utterly un-stunned that a cool dude like Kayne West is responsible for its resurgence and/or more widespread popularity though.

    Pretty good article about it here:

    This bit was pretty interesting as well:

    The term's appearance in hip-hop coincided with the rise of the so-called "down-low brother," a closeted black figure often demonized as a disease-spreading boogeyman, invisible by definition and thus potentially, frightfully, everywhere. Saying "no homo" might have started as a way for rappers to acknowledge and distance themselves from the down-low phenomenon. As the phrase has spread, many have decried no homo as depressingly retrograde, a pigheaded "That's what she said" for homophobes. But the term functions in a more complicated way than a simple slur. As society becomes increasingly gay-tolerant, hip-hop is reassessing its relationship to homosexuality and, albeit in a hedged and roundabout way, it's possible that no homo is helping to make hip-hop a gayer place.

    As someone who loves hip hop I find that very encouraging.
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    Wow, didn't know anyone was doing that :/ Guess I am not a guy with guys friends on here so that might explain it but... why would it need to be said? haha silly.