Senior Golden Sneakers.....April...We are all young at hear



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jeffrey So glad you are back home. Would have love to hear your girls sang Somwhere over the Rainbow. It is one of my faverite too.
    I told my family I wanted Amazing Grace sang at my funeral. I may change my mind now.

    Gayla our cukes last year was all bitter. We just had to hot of a start on the garden last year. Hope it stays cooler a little longer this year.

    We expect a lot of pecans this fall for all the rain wwe had in the winter and early spring. Jerry is going to cut down the small pecans tree this year. Because we don't pick them up anyway and we have a flock of birds come in every year and eat the red berries and come back to that tree and you know what happen. I park my car under that tree and what a mess. It las about two weeks and they are gone.
    And our sidewalk is cover in their droppings too.

    See you guys later
    Love ya Marie
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Evening!

    The work out is done! Biked for 21 miles then ran for 55 minutes. Tomorrow I am going to swim, run, and bike. I am back!

    Good Night World!

  • Hello everyone! I've been gone for awhile. I got back from Oregon where we finally got our house sold. We took a loss, of course, but that is just the way the market is there. At least it is over.! Now maybe I can get on with other things. I won't be gone again for some time so I know it is time to "get tracking." I do so much better when I record everything.

    I wish you all well. God Bless. Irene
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Welcome back Irene!!

    We missed you.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello Irene, Glad to see you back. you was indeed missed. Glad you sold the house. Even at a lost but least it is off your hand. And no more worrries about it.
    Have a wonderful day.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Good Morning,

    Arrived in Minneapolis safely, where my granddaughter picked me up and took me back to my daughter's house. The boys weren't home but once they arrived it was great seeing them. They have seemed to have calmed down since the last time I was here, I will keep you posted on that. :tongue: We didn't do anything yesterday other than go for dinner where I had delicious walleye. :drinker:
    Today we are just staying home so the older boy can catch up on his school work from last week (his mother home schools them).
    Tomorrow they want to go to some indoor skate board park where I will drop them off and I understand there is a mall across the street where I can hang out The younger boy and I went to Target where I bought Julian Michaels 30 day shred, but my knees are bothering me so I am not sure I will try that today, I might just go for a long walk. :smile:

    Tonight I will make dinner probably some chicken breasts on the grill, not sure yet but something healthy. :happy:

    Jeffrey, happy you are back and that you are still training. Sorry, about Day's mother, we all have our crosses to bear, don't we?

    Irene, congratulations on the house and sorry there was no profit. These are really tough times and at least you won't have to be going back and forth worrying about the house. :noway:

    Boys are still sleeping, house is quiet, time to read my books of recovery.

    Have a great day.

  • charjeanne
    charjeanne Posts: 12 Member
    Hi everyone, been a while since I posted, been super busy. My aunt had a stroke last year, she's now moved close to me and since she can't drive, I have to take her wherever she needs to go and she keeps me hopping. But I love her and it's not a problem. I've been sticking to the diet but lately have had trouble sleeping. Toss & turn till 4am is no fun. I'm now taking magnesium and zinc, supposedly this will help. Time will tell.

    I've also joined a local senior center that has an exercise room and small pool for water aerobics. All free.:love: Now I've got the lovely task of trying to find a swimsuit I won't be too embarrassed to be seen in.

    Jeffrey, so sorry about Diane, I'm sure she was listening to the girls sing. Glad to have you back.

    Sandy, Minneapolis is a beautiful city, I lived in Hibbing for about a year. (20 years ago) First experience with snow this Alabama girl had ever had, my husband laughed till he cried when I tried to drive in it. Hope the 30 day shred helps, I know I couldn't do it. I'm going for shots in the right knee tomorrow. I'll just be happy to be able to walk without pain.

    Oops my aunt just called and I'm off again. Have a great day everyone!

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Greetings to all from windy and cold Rhode Island! Yikes!! It's freezing today!:noway:

    Last week we had a horrible storm that came upon us so quickly that I thought it was the end of the world!!!:noway:
    The skies opened and hail the size of golf balls came crashing down so fast, that piles of....what looked like ice cubes....were piling up everywhere. Everything turned to white/crystal within minutes and it looked like a river was rushing through out parking lot! The weird thing is that it stopped as quickly as it started! Wow...that was scary!

    Nice to hear from you Jeff. :wink: You sound like you've survived this past week with great strength!:flowerforyou:

    Still very busy, but had to post.... to report my Wed. weigh in. Lost another lb!:bigsmile:
    Exercising sure makes a difference! Hubby and I went to Boston Sat (Love to walk the Freedom Trail) and had a nice dinner at Legal Seafoods!:tongue: I thought...again...that I had gained :blushing: and was hoping that I at least stayed the same but I lost!!!:bigsmile: I have been exercising everyday (treadmill...I'm no Jeffrey!!!:laugh: ) but I'm doing it for a longer time and using the "Incline" more.

    Well got to run! Have agreat day all! :flowerforyou: Reading posts when I can but don't have time to respond:ohwell:

  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Evening!

    Very quiet day here! Finally! I worked a little on the lawn. It is really looking good right now. I will be starting on the garden and the flower beds next week. We have a frost warning again tonight so I will have to out and cover my azealas. I have a job interview tomorrow and then probably another in Chicago next week. Things are picking up!

    I enjoyed a great workout today. I swam 1/2 mile non stop then and additional 1/4 to workout some breathing technique that had been causing me a little "drag" in my speed. My coach will be with me again next week so that will help. After that I mowed my friends lawn. He has been very busy with work. Then I came home a did my strength and ab routine for shoulder and arms. Probably not the brightest scheduling on my part after all the swimming. Then I had a coffee and went for a 5k run. Just a nice relaxing run listening to my Ipod podcast on training (what else would I listen too?). I then cooked spaghetti for supper and did the dishes. I still have a load of laundry to dry and one to fold. I have been busy!

    Tomorrow I have yoga and I am planning on a 30 mile bike ride in the afternoon. "Just a good stretch of the legs!" You can win a prize if you can tell me what movie that quote was from and who said it!!!

    Work on the prize! and have a wonderful evening!

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hi Jeffrey--

    Would you please clone yourself:noway: and have the "other one" come out to see me? I have laundry that needs doing and I would LOVE some home made spaghetti!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Seriously, sounds like you are the king of the workout. I am glad things are picking up for you workwise and that your life is getting back to normal after all the sadness and the special challenges that your MIL has created at times.

    Take care.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Ok Jeffrey, I cheated and looked it up on the Internet does that count? It is from the Quiet Man and John Wayne said it. What do I win??:laugh:

    Things are going well in Minnesota. I just drove the boys to an indoor skate board park where they will be for the next 6 hours. :tongue: Tomorrow their sister will come and we will go to lunch and a movie. Saturday night the parents come home, but who is counting? :smile: I miss my hubby and my baby (Daisy) so much, I think my sitting days are coming to an end when it involves going out of state. :glasses:

    I did my second day of Shred and it is hard. I am trying to watch what I eat, but I don't think I am burning enough calories with the shred, so it seems like I am going over. Time will tell when I get home Sunday. :drinker:

    Everyone seems to be missing in action, so I hope they are just busy and everything is fine in their lives.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hi Sandy--

    Hope you are enjoying the time with your family. Keep "shredding" and when you catch up on your logging, the news will be better than you think. Have a good afternoon, all


  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Oh, Sandy!! You are bad, bad, bad!! Truth be told I planned on looking it up 'later' and then forgot about it. :laugh: Can't wait to see what the prize is. I am betting on a fitness plan, a very strenuous fitness plan. Have fun!!

    I may be back later today, if not, will be here tomorrow. I am off to dinner and then a play The Full Monty, expecting it to be fun.

    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :smile: :heart:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    If the play is half as funny as the movie, you will laugh some calories off.:noway: Not sure how to log them though...:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi, I just checked my email and there was a message from Marie's daughter, Alice.

    Hi. This is Marie's daughter Alice. Momma is in the hospital but she wanted me to log in and send you an email to let you know. She was experiencing some pain in her chest and at the base of her neck yesterday and they admitted her. They have ran tests and ruled out a heart attack, stroke and blood clots in her lungs. More tests are being run but they hope to move her from ICU to a regular room tomorrow and hopefully release her on Saturday. she is resting well and didnt want you to worry.
    I will keep you posted on her progress.

    I sent a reply that we wished her a speedy recovery because I knew you all would, of course. I am glad they are doing such a thorough check and hope she is back at her computer soon.

    Barb -- You are so right, we laughed until we nearly cried. It is so good for us to have a good belly laugh.

    Take care all. I hope you are all tucked in bed and having a good sleep.
    Gayla :heart:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Thank you for the news about Marie. I will add her to my prayer list. This is a quickie as I am on my way to dreamland.:yawn: It is so late the doggies are already snoring.:laugh:

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :flowerforyou: Busy day yesterday finished off with dinner in a Mexican restaurant to celebrate a friend's birthday. I did some research on the internet and MFP about what to order in a Mexican restaurant, then made sure to get lots of exercise (line dance, over an hour walking at the dog park, an hour of gardening, and some time on the exercise bike). I ordered vegetable fajitas with corn tortillas and whole beans.......I didn't eat the guacamole and sour cream or the chips and salsa at the beginning of the meal so except for the sodium and fluid retention, there are no aftereffects.

    :flowerforyou: Weeds have been pulled in part of the area where we're going to plant a wonderful purple ground cover, the holes are dug to plant the rhodies and the weekend is supposed to be in the high 60's and sunny.

    :flowerforyou: Marie, you asked about the rose hedge......the rose bushes are still growing but the combination of the shade on the hill and the shorter Washington summers mean that the roses are still small individual bushes and nowhere near becoming a hedge.

    :flowerforyou: I think I may be ready for more wii tennis today unless I put all my extra energy into yard work this afternoon.

    :flowerforyou: Irene, welcome back........:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: charjeanne, it's good to hear from you again.......I hope you'll keep in touch with us and share how your life is going

    Breakfast calls----:heart: hugs Barbie
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Hi, I just checked my email and there was a message from Marie's daughter, Alice.

    Hi. This is Marie's daughter Alice. Momma is in the hospital but she wanted me to log in and send you an email to let you know. She was experiencing some pain in her chest and at the base of her neck yesterday and they admitted her. They have ran tests and ruled out a heart attack, stroke and blood clots in her lungs. More tests are being run but they hope to move her from ICU to a regular room tomorrow and hopefully release her on Saturday. she is resting well and didnt want you to worry.
    I will keep you posted on her progress.

    I sent a reply that we wished her a speedy recovery because I knew you all would, of course. I am glad they are doing such a thorough check and hope she is back at her computer soon.

    Gayla :heart:

    I am going on a women's retreat this weekend. I will bring a prayer request for her recovery with me. :love: Hang in there! :love: We love Marie!:heart::heart: :heart: Make sure you tell her that again!!
  • Praying for Marie....she is such a sweetheart and inspiration.

    God Bless. Irene
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Marie is definitely in my prayers for a speedy recovery.:heart: Thanks Gayla for sharing with us, please keep us up to date.

    Well quite an experience yesterday. I took the boys to an indoor skateboard park with their parents permission that is a half hour away. The parents said it was okay to drop them off for the six hour session and go back home. It was very relaxing until the phone rang three hours later and my older grandson asked if I could pick him up since he split his chin open. The man at the park said they had the bleeding under control but he was going to need stitches, he asked if they should call 911. I said no that I would pick him up and take him to the ER. I got lost going back and it was probably more like 45 minutes before I got there, thank goodness he didn't bleed to death. :tongue: In the meantime I was on the phone almost constantly with my daughter who was helping me with directions and getting the information to where I would be taking him for the stitches. Once there and they were going to start stitching I left the room and his younger brother stayed with him. I couldn't even stay in a room where my own children were stitched. :laugh: He is a trooper though and didn't even flinch when stitched, he ended up with 6. I knew I didn't like the idea of leaving them for six hours but then I don't like skate boards either. Their parents are fine and felt bad for me that it happened on my watch, but they did understand.:happy:

    Today I will be spending time with their college sister, maybe lunch and shopping, the boys might just stay home. Again, something I am not comfortable with but seems to be okay with my daughter. Maybe I will take the younger one (11) with me.

    Time to go shred!!!

    Is it Sunday yet??? (the day I leave)

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