Senior Golden Sneakers.....April...We are all young at hear



  • TexasAngelBeth
    TexasAngelBeth Posts: 315 Member
    Just hopping on and off here but I love the cut Sandy :)
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I too love your hair, Sandy. You look beautiful as always.

    Jeffrey I think Birdie said it all. Diane was such a pretty ladie.n enjoy reading her website. I recongnized you right off. Such a handsome dude. And a very good looking family you have.

    Barbie, goy her cook back. Glad to hear the dog park is fix. I bet your babies was glad too.

    Barbs good for you helping to get your folks TV going.

    Lafla its rain here this morning. , My beaded irish are blomming now. So pretty. The roses so pretty.. Just a wonderful time of the year.

    Hi Beth, Hello Irene, Hi Phoebe, Hey Elli been missing you. You have a birthday next month.,

    guess iI will go to facebook to see what my family is up too

    Love you all. Marie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Thanks everyone for the compliments on my hair, it is going to take me a little while to figure out how to do it, but all in all I like it.
    It is a lot shorter than I have been wearing it, so I am wondering if I made a mistake. :tongue:

    I have my 4 year old grand daughter here until I take her to preschool at noon and I am already tired. All the little bugger wants to do is eat, something her mom doesn't get is bad for her.

    The dancer has competition again this weekend, so I will be going there later and again on Sunday. This afternoon I will go and let my son's dog out since the dog sitter will be gone all day.

    Have a great weekend and will check in later or tomorrow.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Sandy, when I got my hair cut short after years of wearing it a lot longer, I had some misgivings but time and the encouraging compliments from others helped me get used to it and now I go in to the darling woman who cuts my hair and tell her to "make it cute" just like she always does.........getting your hair cut short is a lot like the "buyer's remorse" we all feel after buying a new car or house.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: no line dance today.....the building is needed for something I slept late, spent a lot of time talking to Jake, ate breakfast, rode the exercise bike, and now at almost 10:30 AM am thinking of getting in the shower.:laugh:
    have a happy day:heart: Barbie
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Since I missed posting on Friday, I will be the first to say "good morning" on Saturday, since it is after midnight!!:laugh: :laugh:

    Have a good Saturday, everyone.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Poo!!!!!!!!!!!!I I thought I would be first........................... Oh well you can't win them all.

    good Morning all you nice people. Where has our ellli gone too. I see her on facebook alot but she don't drift over here, Much anymore.. We love you Elli.

    We had a real good rain last night but it is ao nice out there now. We got our little garden in. All the seeds and plants will like that.

    Jerry is going to redo my kitchen cabinets starting Monday. Got to get them all sanded , stain and varnish. I wanted them all white. But we decided to go wiith the stain. I have these built 25 years ago.

    Thats all the news around here.
    Love you guys

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    It is Sunday and a dreary day here in Itasca, Illinois. We are having rain on and off so no sunshine to brighten our day. :ohwell:

    Went to Bryanna's competition last night where she did awesome as usual. If you would like to see a great picture of her, go to our new web site at and go to the photo gallery. She is the 6th from the last picture with reddish highlights in her hair and leaning against a brick wall. Look at those eyes!!! I just love her to death!!!! (they have her name spelled wrong but will get that corrected)

    Today I am not going to competition since she doesn't dance until tomorrow. I think I finally have a day to relax but will be sure to exercise. I think I might get some stuff together for my trip on Tuesday but relaxing sounds much better. :yawn:

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! Well, this is a first -- I wrote a long post yesterday and it did show up and then I left the site. Today it is not there. Maybe it was too boring!!! I was telling you about when I got my long hair cut and I think I made a short story long! Bottom line, once it was cut it has stayed short for a very long time.

    I stopped Neil's antibiotic as he has had 3 days of intestinal upset and there is only one day to go. I hope I won't regret that decision.

    Jeffrey -- I read much of Diane's journal, what a light she was in everyone's lives. My heart went out as she went through the stages of sadness, hope and acceptance. I can see why you loved her so much. Take care.

    Marie -- It is the season for renovations, I hope it goes well for you. We will be starting ours after the boat is done and Neil's bed is moved from the family room.

    Sandy -- Enjoy the dance tomorrow. I know Bryanna will make you proud.

    Barb -- Enjoy your Saturday as well.

    Barbie -- How nice to sleep late and have a leisurely breakfast! Enjoy.

    Take care all. Keep smiling.
    Gayla :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning guys.

    Nothing to report around here. we have a nice sunny but windy day. During the storm that went thru Texas Friday nite, We did not get any damage bu my daugther Kathy did. They live about 50 miles east of us. They lost 2 trees that Ricky just planted about 3 or 4 weeks agp. But he replanted them hope they will live. They had it pretty ruff. I just wonder how the Longhorn cattle handle situation like that. They have 2 little babies now. They are so cute running around with the bigger ones, But they were lucky for the father East the storm went the worst it got. Mississippi really got hit hard. So sad.

    Hae a great dau everybody.
    Love ya Marie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :flowerforyou: a week ago it was so warm that I took the quilted lining out of the coat I wear to the dog park and replaced the flannel sheets on the bed with regular cotton ones......since then it has gotten a lot colder....yesterday we had rain while we were at the dog park....the dogs didn't mind, but I had to hang my coat in the bathroom overnight to let it dry.......It's too cold for Jake to play golf or go for walks so he's been getting his exercise playing wii sports----tennis, golf, baseball, and boxing :bigsmile: We watched some DVD movies the last few days so I've gotten a lot of time on the exercise bike...I ride for 20 minutes then sit down and do something else, then get back on the bike for another 20 minutes and so on through the movie.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, I know Bryanna will be great in her competition and you'll be the best cheerleader grandma :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Marie there are new baby cows in the fields that I pass when I drive to line dance two days a week and I've enjoyed watching them grow up.:bigsmile: good luck on your kitchen renovations

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, good luck to Neil for a good recovery.

    Today is our cleanse day so no cooking, no heavy exercise, and a lot of relaxation.
    happy Sunday:bigsmile: :heart: hugs:heart: Barbie

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning everybody,
    It is a beautiful spring day out side. Everything looks so fresh after our rain Friday night.
    No plans today for me. Jerry is busy with the cabinets,
    I got mu embroideery machine back and it is still doing the same bad thing. So we took it back Sat. and I guess they will send it off to Arizona to get them to check it out. That great grandaughter will be grown befor we get that quilt made.
    I have my washing going today. that will keep me busy.

    Have a wonderful Day Barbie & Jake, Gayla & Dave, Jeffrey & Day,Barbs & the Three Piggies, Beth & her Texas Trip, Irene & her Husband Sorry I don't recalled his name}, Sandy & Babe, Elli & her new grandbaby,, Birdie & her busy days, Phoebe & JIm,
    this is as far as My brain will go for now.

    Love you all Marie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Monday!!

    Competition was great, again we swept the competition, it is quite amazing how wonderful these girls are.:heart:

    Packing for my trip to Minnesota tomorrow, I can't seem to get motivated but will get it done.

    When I got on the scale today I did meet my goal weight, but as I have said in the past it has to hold for 3 days before I change my ticker. :laugh: My husband and I have been walking Daisy for 3 or 4 miles so I think that is helping me a lot. Hopefully, I will walk in Minnesota or use my daughter's Wii for some exercise, although taking care of those boys will be exercise enough.

    Have a good day.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Way to go Sandy. Ane I bet Daisy reaaly like that walking. I know Sammy does till something scare him. Like a trash truck. He don't mind the UPS trucks tho., He wants to chase them. Or sometimes he hears thing that he don't like. The trains used to bother him but not no more.If there is a lot of traffic on Belt line Road which is the a loop around Dallas and it has lot of traffic and it is just about 100 feet from our house. He is ready to come home. He is a funny little doggie.
    So wonderful for Bryanna. Can't waait to hear where all of this will take her. Does she have any plans?

    Have a good day. enjoy your trip.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Daisy loves her walks Marie, she is getting much better with us and not pulling so much. The trainer was here today and is impressed how well Daisy does in just a week and a half. Daisy was at the groomer today and we are talking about giving her a shorter summer cut. It is a hard decision since she is so adorable with her long hair. I think we will try a few inches just to see how that would look. :bigsmile:

    I am in the middle of packing and think it might be the first time I am done before midnight. :laugh:

    Hope everyone is well or as well as to be expected with all that is going on in their lives. I am going to try to get to Target to buy the Julian Michaels DVD Shred. It is a 20 minute power tape that is supposed to be great. It is free from Comcast On Demand right now but my daughter doesn't have any cable channels. Not sure I will be able to do what she asks with my bad knees but I hear the DVD is only $10 so it will be worth it to try. Summer is coming, the pool is calling.

    Talk to you from Minnesota.

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! We did our usual lunch at the restaurant where my son is the chef, yummy as always. We got a few groceries and am always amazed that getting a few groceries quickly turns to over $100. I did buy myself some tulips and then thanked Dave for them. He said your welcome like it was really his idea.:laugh: I love the Spring flowers and the season is so short that I buy some every week. Bad, I know!
    Neil's foot is looking good and am hopeful for a good report at the doc's tomorrow.
    We have had a bird in the yard that I can't identify. I think it may be some kind of parrot but I can't get a good look at it's beak. It is grey with a red patch on the top of his head and a black oval patch surrounded by a narrow white band on his neck. He is pecking rapidly at the ground close to a birch tree. I tried to get a picture but he is a bit timid and flew away. Any thoughts?

    Marie -- I hope your cabinets turn out great. Enjoy your spring weather. Did you plant lots of veg. this year.

    Sandy -- Way to go girls!! They have an amazing record of wins. Perhaps we will see your lovely Bryanna on So You think You Can Dance someday. Enjoy your trip to Minnesota.

    Barbie -- You never really know what the weather will be during Spring. We had snow yesterday. Not the kind that stays thankfully. It is dull and dreary looking today. Enjoy your Wii sports!

    Take care everyone, thinking of you all. Gayla :heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :flowerforyou: Greetings from the windy west coast.....I looked out the back and saw the trees leaning over in the wind and tried to convince the poodles that it was terrible weather for the dog park......they wasn't all that bad when we got there and we ended up spending about 45 minutes in the off leash area and then walking on leash for another 15 minutes or got warmer and looked like it might rain but it didn't.....when I got home, Jake was eager to go shopping for rhodies for the side of the house.....we wandered around the nursery in the wind until we found exactly the right plants and brought them the time we got home it was seriously raining so no rhodies got planted today but they're sitting in pots where they'll be planted soon.

    :flowerforyou: I decided today that I needed to play wii sports sometimes right handed and sometimes left handed so I develop muscles on both arms....I'm not too bad playing tennis left handed :laugh:
    :heart: hugs:heart: Barbie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Gayla, we did not plant much. Just some tomatoes, and cucumbers. I am like Neil got to have my cucumbers. We have some turnips coming up and planted some white squash. Thats about it.

    The city is out working on our front street. they are replacing some water lines. They left us a note around the first of the year they would be doing it. It took them long enought to do it. they are keeping Sammie pretty shook up.

    Jerry got all the cabinets done yesterday now they need to dry good, Still stickie this morning. They look pretty good, Darker than I wanted them. I really wanted them white of off white but I let Jerry talk me out of it. They are darker than the original now.

    Barbie, you just keep going . Thats good. I have not felt like getting out much.Didn't Jake planted some rose Hedges last year, How did they do? I have been looking for some but have not found any yet? I see them Blooming around here and they are so pretty. May have to order some out of the catalog.

    Well I better get up and get dress for today. I need to make a run to the store.

    Hello to all of you Seniors
    Love ya ......Marie
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Afternoon Everyone!

    Thank you all for your condolences. We appreciated them deeply. I have tried to catch up on everything but I am sure I will miss someone. It will not be intentional!

    Diane's funeral went beautifully. My daughters sang "Somewhere Over The Rainbow". It was her favorite song. Not a dry eye in the place. We had a very nice luncheon Saturday after the funeral service. I believe that I was the last one to see Diane on this earth and it will always stick with me.

    We had to take Amanda to the airport on Sunday, but Day's mom really messed that trip up. What a jerk! I am dealing with all that now here at home. Sam is graduating in 2 weeks and we will be going to Terre Haute for that on the May 8. Amanda will be home for that too. Fun!

    I have started working a little on the flower beds but we have a freeze warning for tonight so I am really glad I am running behind schedule. I will have to cover my Azeala's again. They are just beautiful and in full bloom right now. The yard needs mown but it is cold and windy today so I am doing everything but that, LOL.

    Yes, I have resumed my training. I have really upped it now that I am only about 8 weeks out from the first big triathlon. Yesterday I swam 1,250 yd (3/4 mile) then ran for 2 miles, and then did 1.5 hours of strength training. I was really beat last night. Next week I am upping to mile swims 3 days a week. I have not been on the road bike in the past few days but I will make up for that later this week. Today I am going to do all cardio. probably about 4 miles running then 25 miles on the spin bike. My weight is good and still way down. I feel fast and strong. I have been thinking about running another race on Sunday. It looks like a fun little 5k. As soon as the lakes here warm up enough I will start swimming in them in final prep for the triathlons. I am going to enter a few more "tri's" and I will keep you all posted.

    That is really about it for now. It has been whirl wind here for the last week. And now the quiet is deafening... I am glad that all is going well for everyone.

    Sandy the new hair cut is HOT!

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! We had a great appt. today and got the go ahead for Neil to start putting weight on his foot. Of course, he overdid it very quickly and now is a bit timid about trying again. It will come. I scheduled a bath for him for next Monday and he is over the moon about that. They put him into a very deep bath with lots of bubbles using a lift. It will be good for his scabs to have a good soak and did get the thumbs up from the Dr. It is such a relief to be rid of the infection.
    Last night I went for dinner with several old colleagues, some who have retired and some who have moved to a different dept. It was fun to be with them all and look forward to doing this again soon. We used to have so much fun at work.

    Jeffrey -- Glad to see a post from you. It must have been a very tough week for all. Sorry the mil is still up to her usual behavior. Odd how one never gets used to bad behavior, isn't it? Enjoy your exercise! and your 'little 5k". I had a good laugh at that.

    Barbie -- Sounds like a nice time at the dog park. Your dogs are very lucky, they get so much wonderful attention.

    Marie -- Your memory amazes me! I am not sure how you remembered Neil's love of cucumbers!! My cukes did not do well last year but will try for better this year. I am also going to attempt to grow some strawberries, I spend way too much money on them. Glad that your turnips have shown up.

    Sandy -- I expect the Minnesota fun has started!! Enjoy!

    Take care everyone and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jeffrey So glad you are back home. Would have love to hear your girls sang Somwhere over the Rainbow. It is one of my faverite too.
    I told my family I wanted Amazing Grace sang at my funeral. I may change my mind now.

    Gayla our cukes last year was all bitter. We just had to hot of a start on the garden last year. Hope it stays cooler a little longer this year.

    We expect a lot of pecans this fall for all the rain wwe had in the winter and early spring. Jerry is going to cut down the samll pecans tree this year. Because we don't pick them up anyway and we have a flock of birds come in every year and eat the red berries and come back to that tree and you know what happen. I park my car under that tree and what a mess. It las about two weeks and they are gone.
    And our sidewalk is cover in their droppings too.

    See you guys later
    Love ya Marie

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