Senior Golden Sneakers.....April...We are all young at hear



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :flowerforyou: Yesterday it was so warm that I worked in the yard in a cotton it was so cold that I wore my winter coat and wool scarf and hat to walk the dogs in the park. We all spoke too soon when we said that spring had come to NW Washington:laugh:

    With the dog park closed "until further notice" there will be a lot of on the leash dog walking. Jake and I took the girls together today and that was a lot easier than all the days I've taken them by myself.

    :flowerforyou: Jake's gift for the family when he came home from his trip was Wii Sports so before long we will be playing tennis, golf, and baseball in our living room.......I'm sure the dogs will figure out some way to get involved.

    :flowerforyou: Marie, I love the picture...thank you for sharing it.
    :heart: hugs Barbie:heart:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Gayla, Glad you mentioned the boat. I started sailing when I was 14. My dad got rid of his boat about 5 years ago, but still gets out occasionally on friends' boats. When I was married, we had a sailboat and we owned a sail repair and marine canvas shop. All my sailing was on the Columbia River. The one time I spent time in the ocean I discovered I am prone to seasickness:sick: --ONCE is enough of that. YUCK!!!

    I miss getting out on the water. The closest I get now is in the summer I make sure I get to a place on the river that serves great fish and chips and has a patio with a good view of all the sailing races. The beer is good too:blushing: :laugh: :laugh:

    So long for now.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member

    Dinner with my friends was great, we had a good time. I exercised in the morning so that I had some extra calories and I think I did ok. :drinker:

    Gayla the flower is beautiful as is the boat. When I was a kid we had a house trailer on a lake and we had a speed boat for water skiing. I prefer the big cruise ships with all their amenities. :laugh: I don't think I was ever on a sail boat, always thought they could tip over.

    Barbie, bummer on the dog park being closed. I haven't been taking Daisy, I am going to wait until she is spayed on May 20.
    I do walk her on the leash on our new river walk so she gets her exercise and so do I. :bigsmile:

    Kind of tired today and my brain is tired also. Going to bingo tonight so I think I will get a nap in before then.

    Have a great day!

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Those small daysailer boats without cabins can capsize under the right conditions, but it is more difficult to tip a larger boat with a cabin. You have to really work at it or be completely clueless about where your bow ought to be in relation to heavy wind or big waves. Your comment made me remember one of the considerations my parents had when we got our first boat.

    You see, my dad was a very accomplished carpenter, and he hooked up with a guy who was a general contractor and together they built the beautiful home that dad and mom lived in for 42 years. That is the one I grew up in (well, maybe lived in as a child is closer to the truth, as I have been told I haven't grown up yet!!:blushing: :laugh: :laugh: ) Anyway they moved out of it 3 years ago this month.

    As for buying the boat, dad built our house and worked on two or three others with his friend and split the profit. He reached a point where it wasn't "fun" anymore. His work schedule on his regular job was such that he worked 11 days on, 4 days off, and then 10 days on and 5 days off, so on his days off, he was busy building, and the rest of the time working, and I am sure my mom got sick of that routine as well. Anyway, he looked around and decided since the river was right there, sailing was something we could do as a family, and he didn't believe in buying anything on credit except the house, so he had the funds available to buy a brand new boat.

    They considered a powerboat, but my dad was intrigued by sailing. We looked at several boats, and what ultimately sold them on the one they purchased was the fact that it had a weighted keel. Supposedly you could tip it so far over that the wind would spill out of the sails,:noway: but the keel would cause it to right itself. I am happy to report we never tried this feature out!!!:laugh: :laugh:

    We eventually traded this fairly "racy" boat for one with full standing headroom that was more suitable for cruising--something my parents did a lot of before they got up in age. It was on that boat I had my seasick episode, off the west coast of Vancouver Island, which is on the coast of British Columbia, Canada. That boat was a great cruiser but sailed like a tub. It was very "beamy" (wide in relation to length), and when my dad did race it, the handicap on it was so extreme that a friend with a boat in a similar class used to joke that he could finish a race, put his boat in the moorage and go home and have a martini and if my dad's boat crossed the finish line before the drink was finished, dad would still win the race on corrected time!!!:noway: :laugh: :laugh:

    Well so much for "salty tales." I have to get going, once I get two "hairy tails" off my lap, along with my "other laptop."

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Believe it ...or not.....I'm still very busy!!!!:noway: We're looking for a new office and my daughter is thinking of buying a house that needs a lot of work! So I don't know how much time on the computer I'll have.:ohwell:
    But do want to stay connected! :smile: My weight stayed the same this week which is okay as I did go out to eat several times. I'm still trying to make wise choices when I do, but it is far easier to lose weight when you have COMPLETE control over the preparation of what you're eating!
    So Greetings to all!!!
    I'll try to read the posts when I can. I am now going to close the office and hopefully go on a bike ride with hubby!!!
    God Bless!!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi all,getting reated up today. Yesterday we spent cleaning out my craft closet. How do so much stuff get so clutter.?

    Gayla, that is a nice looking boat. I know Dave is proud of it. Have you got a trip planned? Pretty flower too.

    Jeffrey, thinking about you.

    Sandy, I bet that river walk if interesting. Is it close by.

    Barbie, Has Jake fix you a meal yet.?

    Barbs, you are a regular Sailor.

    Birdie, Glad to hear from you.

    Irene, where are you?

    Phoebe, Have you left Calif. yet

    Beth, One busy girl

    Well time to go check my blood sugar and go to bed.

    Have a good night~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Evening Everyone,

    My sister in law Diane has completed her earthly journey. Her trip ended at 2:10 this afternoon. I will most likely be away for a few days. Her story may be read at the Caring Bridge web site. Diane Ross. Thank you all for your prayers and support. I had said my good bye to Diane last week and Day and I are holding up quite well for now.

    Smile and go forth with a happy heart! Never waste a day in gloom or anger.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    You and your family are in my prayers. I am glad that Diane is no longer suffering, but I am sorry you all had to lose her presence in your lives.

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone. We had a lovely Spring day today. I had another trip to the dentist and he didn't like the way my new crowns fit so sent them back to the lab to be redone (after taking off the temporary ones, of course). So now I have new temp. ones back on and have to have this little exercise redone later this week or early next week.
    Drumroll, please -- Neil's wound had almost no drainage today!!! I really think it is healing.

    Jeffrey -- My condolences to you and your family. You will miss her but remember better times.

    Barb -- Your Dad and my husband sound like clones. We, too, never buy anything that we can't pay by the end of the month except of course the mortgage which thankfully has been paid for awhile now. We live in the second home that Dave built for us. Our first home (a very old home that we bought) needed a lot of improvements which he did before we sold it. The boat in the picture is a 30 foot wooden boat which he built over a period of about 3 years. It has a full cabin which slept the five of us comfortably when the boys were young. I don't think they would be very comfortable now. Our 6 foot guys can stand comfortably which is a good thing when they do dishes!! I am not much of a sailor. I can keep the sails full with minor adjustments but when we are dealing with big wind it is not my job. My job is to be yelled at mostly because it has been my experience that any time there is more than one sailboat on the water, you are racing. I really don't care about being first, I enjoy the sun and the wind and lying in the sun reading my book. We do lean over on the side but it has never tipped. We were tied up at shore one night and the winds were howling and the sky was bright with lightening. Dave got out of bed to make sure everything was ok and stepped on a panel of switches which are close to the floor but on the side of the bench. We hadn't realized that we were leaning that much with no sails up, of course!! We sail on a gorgeous lake which is the result of a dammed river. It is large enough that it takes us 5-6 days to get to from one end of the lake and back. The motor boaters are much quicker but the quiet of sailing is lovely. About 3 or 4 years ago Dave rolled the boat (and truck) on the way home from the lake. Part of our trip is a very rough gravel road with many,many potholes. He has been slowly rebuilding it and I think it will be ready for water this summer. During that time he and the kids reconstructed a canoe that was broken in half in rapids. It turned out really well and was given to the couple who were in it when it broke as their wedding gift. The pictures of their looks of surprise are reward enough, I think.

    Marie -- No holidays planned, not even thinking about it until we get Neil well and hopefully into his group home.

    I have to work tomorrow so I better start thinking about getting to bed. I think I will be dreaming of sailing.

    take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jeffrey..... so sorry. I know how much you loved Diane. take care
  • TexasAngelBeth
    TexasAngelBeth Posts: 315 Member
    Jeffrey - I am so sorry for your family's loss. I am sure everyone will smile when they reflect on her life and how much they loved her.
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Jeffrey: Thank you for sharing the website with Diane's pictures and story. She was absolutely beautiful! Faith always sustains us and gives us hope at time like these. However, the absence of that person in your life is always difficult. I find that when a person is almost gives you the strength to let go so they can start a new and beautiful, painfree, journey. May the consolation, that only God can give, shower you & your family with peace.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    My prayers and condolences are with you and your family Jeffrey.:brokenheart: I agree with Birdie, Diane was a beautiful lady and the pictures on the web site are just wonderful. Remember the good times and be thankful she is in a better place. :heart:

    Gayla and Barb, you make me want to go sailing with how wonderful you described everything. It sounds peaceful and relaxing, something we can all use. :love:

    I will check in later because I am behind in getting myself together this morning and it is afternoon and I still haven't been in the shower. TMI

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Greetings again from sunny Rhode Island!!! :happy: Hubby and I took a bike ride last night for an hour. It was real nice. :blushing: I don't know much about bike gear,:embarassed: (even though I've been doing it for the last few years....or trying to):embarassed: but....those helmets!!! I hate them! So uncomfortable!! Maybe the one I have doesn't fit right. (It was my husband's). I have very thick hair and a big head!!! :laugh: :laugh: It looks like someone bobbed me over the head and a big blue bump is growing on the top of it!!!:laugh: :laugh: Also, I have a seat that I keep slipping off of. We've tried to reposition it but I have to keep pushing myself up....back onto the seat!:angry: Quite a sight, I might add!!:laugh:
    But all kidding aside, I have a seat that is in 2 parts (each part shaped like a kidney for each cheek:blushing: ) so you can seperate them....tilt them etc. It's made especially for women to protect their (privates :blushing: ) from getting sore. Has anyone ever had any experience with this type of seat? I've had it a few years and am still trying to figure it out!:ohwell: Maybe I should just go back to a standard seat...hmmm:huh:
    Take care all!!!!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member


    Here is my new haircut, what do you think???
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member


    Here is my new haircut, what do you think???

    It's adorable!!!!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello All,

    I am coming to you live and direct from my parents' NEW PC!! Just finished downloading a bunch of updates, and had an interesting problem before rebooting. I was trying to read posts and found I could only see part of each post, so all I got the first time was the top of
    Sandy's head!! :noway: The full pic is much better!! :laugh:

    Sandy--Like your new "do"

    Apparently IE 7 doesn't cooperate very well once IE 8 is waiting to be installed. All is well now. Might pop in later when I am home.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello All,

    I am coming to you live and direct from my parents' NEW PC!! Just finished downloading a bunch of updates, and had an interesting problem before rebooting. I was trying to read posts and found I could only see part of each post, so all I got the first time was the top of
    Sandy's head!! :noway: The full pic is much better!! :laugh:

    Sandy--Like your new "do"

    Apparently IE 7 doesn't cooperate very well once IE 8 is waiting to be installed. All is well now. Might pop in later when I am home.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :brokenheart: Jeffrey, I am so sorry about Diane, as the others have said, you will always have her presence in your life because of the love and kindness she has given you over the years of her life.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, I love your new haircut.......It looks like it will be easy to take care of

    :flowerforyou: Barb, congrats on getting your parents' pc up and running.

    :flowerforyou: Marie, Jake fixed lunch yesterday----baked cod fillets, salad, and roasted veggies (mushrooms, onion, cabbage, zucchini)

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, it's good to hear from you again........your bike ride sounds great.....I know nothing about bikes....I ride the stationery bike in the living room:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, I'm glad to hear there's good news about Neil's foot.

    :flowerforyou: Jake hooked up the wii sports and I've been trying the tennis
    not very good tennis playing, but good exercise for muscles I don't ordinarily use. We went out for curry chicken for lunch today so I'll have to do a lot on the exercise bike and wii tennis to work off all the calories

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: the dog park is open again......the new chain link fence is in place to replace the useless orange plastic one......we went for a walk at the park and went past the off leash area to see what progress had been made with the fence and were amazed to see dogs playing.......the girls took one look at the chain link fence and figured out immediately that they couldn't get through, over, under, or around it and went to play with the other dogs.

    :bigsmile: I've been sailing a few times but I get motion sick so it's not something I want to do again......I was fine on a cruise ship and on the ferry.
    :heart: Barbie
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Just a quick Hi and to tell you, Sandy, love the new cut! It has been a long day, worked and visited too long at the office so dinner was late. Life is good.

    take care and keep smiling. I will be back tomorrow. Gayla :heart:
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