Stop the Fat Bashing!



  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I think when I see a person who carries more wieght and exercises you go person atleast your trying to be healthier,Im not impressed by those who are already fit running so on.Maybe they were bigger maybe not but they are already at thier goal.Good to keep it up but the first step is the hardest afte that its just upkeep.

    That only applies to weight loss and running, yoga, etc. as it's generally static. Lifting on the other hand actually gets harder and harder to progress in as you go.

    Not correct. All sports and physical arts involve progression and further and further improvement. Also, as you get older, you simply work harder to even maintain the same level of skill and ability that you had when you were younger.
  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
    Ya! When I see someone working out and they're totally built, I'm like, "what are you doing? Go home! You're already done!"

    They got fit and built from working their *kitten* off and still go so tat they can keep it up. You dont just stop working out once you reach your goal, you keep going to maintain it.
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    If I see one more "real woman" comment on the Internet, I'm going to punch a kitten.
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    I think when I see a person who carries more wieght and exercises you go person atleast your trying to be healthier,Im not impressed by those who are already fit running so on.Maybe they were bigger maybe not but they are already at thier goal.Good to keep it up but the first step is the hardest afte that its just upkeep.

    That only applies to weight loss and running, yoga, etc. as it's generally static. Lifting on the other hand actually gets harder and harder to progress in as you go.

    Not correct. All sports and physical arts involve progression and further and further improvement. Also, as you get older, you simply work harder to even maintain the same level of skill and ability that you had when you were younger.

    Truth. The further I go in yoga the more I'm improving.
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    Time for a rant so if you don't want to see complaining- don't read it! :)

    I'm so sick of the looks I get because I'm trying to be healthier. At 245 lbs, if I were eating a hamburger and fries I'd get looks from people because I shouldn't be eating like that in my condition. "Try a salad fatty!" is what their eyes say. We've grown up to accept that and to expect. What I absolutely hate is the people who stare at me (and others) who are trying to do better for themselves like they're worthless too. Either way I'm screwed! If I'm fat and getting fatter I'm criticized. If I'm fat and trying to get healthy I'm a poser.

    Every Tuesday and Thursday I wear fitted workout pants/capris and a t-shirt to class because I go to the gym before I go to campus. I get looks each and everyday like I shouldn't be wearing fitted clothes and at this point I really don't care. I'm wearing these clothes because I've already been to the gym burning a ton of calories before most of these people have even woken up. Get over it! I fill up my plate with tons of veggies and lean proteins at school and people look at it like me like "Why are you even trying that? You know you want that greasy pizza!"

    Either way I'm rocking these pants and making my body healthy so think what you want. :)


    When I was obese in the 80s, when the world was still skinny, I got stared out. Now that I'm fit in 2013, while the rest of the world is gaining weight, I get the glares from women. I have a new co worker who talks about how "fat" she is and glares at me and looks me up and down. Sorry chickie but I was once heavy and you don't know it b/c you're judging me by my appearance and don't know I was once obese and I spend my spare time helping others lose weight so they don't have to feel that way anymore.

    So this goes both ways. I'm a school bus driver. You should see the looks I get at the safety meetings when I'm there with 100 of my morbidly obese co-workers. I don't look at them any way except I see by their glares and their general unfriendliness to me that they don't care much for my "skinny" *kitten*. If I see you in gym clothes or the gym, I'm likely to smile at you and if you smile back, I will talk to you b/c that's who I am. If you ask me for help, I will surely do what I can to help and I pull no punches.

    So, really, you're right. Damned if you do and damned if you don't. Lucky for me, I don't base how I feel about myself on other people's perceptions of me.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    If I see one more "real woman" comment on the Internet, I'm going to punch a kitten.

  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    When I was fat I got snide comments (my fave was the "wow, she's even fatter than YOU!") and the occasional look when I was eating (yes, yes- it might not have been that I was fat and eating, just go with me on this...).

    When I started loosing weight I got the "why are you eating THAT??? You'll stay fat!!" comments.

    Now, 50 pounds later, I'm getting "ZOMG YOU'RE SO THIIIIIIIIIIIIIN STAAAAAAAHP" in spite of the fact that I'm still fat and have another 30-40 pounds to go.

    Solution? Giving not one single f**k. I will eat what I want and live how I want to live, to heck with everyone else. Maybe, when I was fat there was a wake of people wondering how I was walking. Maybe there wasn't. The point is moot because there will always be someone who will judge you no matter what you look like or weigh, so why think on it? You can loose years obsessing over this kind of thing. Unless someone actually says something to you, who cares? And if they say something, you get the joy of telling them to mind their own business!

    I can honestly say that the best thing about this whole getting healthy thing is that I really stopped caring about what other people think. A year ago, I'd never go into the weights side of the gym with all the 21-year-old male body builders, but now I don't care if they care. And, you know? They don't. No one cares. That's the greatest punchline of all; I finally don't care what strangers think, and the strangers don't care! The judging people are the exception, not the rule. So, I probably wasn't getting stared at when I was fat and eating after all.

    TL; DR- get some self worth and think good things about yourself, then you won't look for the stares from strangers anymore. :)
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    I think when I see a person who carries more wieght and exercises you go person atleast your trying to be healthier,Im not impressed by those who are already fit running so on.Maybe they were bigger maybe not but they are already at thier goal.Good to keep it up but the first step is the hardest afte that its just upkeep.

    That only applies to weight loss and running, yoga, etc. as it's generally static. Lifting on the other hand actually gets harder and harder to progress in as you go.

    Not correct. All sports and physical arts involve progression and further and further improvement. Also, as you get older, you simply work harder to even maintain the same level of skill and ability that you had when you were younger.

    In retrospect, I see your point. What I said wasn't necessarily fair, and I intended it more as aimed toward the 'average' than 'athlete'. Obviously, the law of diminishing returns applies to pretty much everything we do.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I think when I see a person who carries more wieght and exercises you go person atleast your trying to be healthier,Im not impressed by those who are already fit running so on.Maybe they were bigger maybe not but they are already at thier goal.Good to keep it up but the first step is the hardest afte that its just upkeep.

    That only applies to weight loss and running, yoga, etc. as it's generally static. Lifting on the other hand actually gets harder and harder to progress in as you go.

    Not correct. All sports and physical arts involve progression and further and further improvement. Also, as you get older, you simply work harder to even maintain the same level of skill and ability that you had when you were younger.

    In retrospect, I see your point. What I said wasn't necessarily fair, and I intended it more as aimed toward the 'average' than 'athlete'. Obviously, the law of diminishing returns applies to pretty much everything we do.

  • CharityGC
    CharityGC Posts: 499 Member
    The only fat I bash is "trans."
  • hrubyk1804
    those pictures repulse me. We all like what we like. To each his/her own.

    i completely agree. but people have issues with that. i once asked a gal out but she gave me rules

    1) had to have a nice car - check
    2) wanted to go to a nice dinner - check
    3) had to make a certain amount of money yearly - check
    4) would only sleep with me if i could give her a solid 9

    thats where i drew the line. i have yet to find a woman who is worth cutting 2.5 inches off

    LOL! Awesome...
  • jnichel
    jnichel Posts: 4,553 Member
    If I see one more "real woman" comment on the Internet, I'm going to punch a kitten.

    Real women don't eat quiche*

    * I hate kittens
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    When I was fat, nobody said two cents and could care either way. However, when I got skinny, folks watched me like a hawk as to what I was eating, and were always commenting on my food choices. This happened most commonly from those who were overweight.

    If I see somebody who's overweight sweating their *kitten* off at the gym, I'm more apt to give them a high five instead of a glare.

    OP, I think this is mostly in your head.
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    if someone came up to me and said two cents to me id twist their nickles so they know not to do that anymore
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    if someone came up to me and said two cents to me id twist their nickles so they know not to do that anymore

    Be careful about that. You might get a line of people who keep coming back to get their nickles twisted.
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    if someone came up to me and said two cents to me id twist their nickles so they know not to do that anymore

    Be careful about that. You might get a line of people who keep coming back to get their nickles twisted.

    i will stop only once jefferson cries uncle
  • ApexLeader
    ApexLeader Posts: 580 Member
    so people are looking at you, and you are putting words in their heads? i didn't read anywhere in your post that said they actually said something to you
  • RoseDarrett
    RoseDarrett Posts: 355 Member
    I don't understand.... If you have a vagina and uterus.... Aren't you a real woman???

    No, that's just a part of the equation. It's all very sciencey. We're going to have classes later on tonight to explain it all. There will be punch and cake afterwards.
    Free Hat?

    You think we'll get a better attendance?

    In for the hat

    Can I request a Nacho hat?You know,like the one Homer wears ;)
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I don't understand.... If you have a vagina and uterus.... Aren't you a real woman???

    No, that's just a part of the equation. It's all very sciencey. We're going to have classes later on tonight to explain it all. There will be punch and cake afterwards.
    Free Hat?

    You think we'll get a better attendance?

    In for the hat

    Can I request a Nacho hat?You know,like the one Homer wears ;)

  • RoseDarrett
    RoseDarrett Posts: 355 Member
    I don't understand.... If you have a vagina and uterus.... Aren't you a real woman???

    No, that's just a part of the equation. It's all very sciencey. We're going to have classes later on tonight to explain it all. There will be punch and cake afterwards.
    Free Hat?

    You think we'll get a better attendance?

    In for the hat

    Can I request a Nacho hat?You know,like the one Homer wears ;)


    OK!!YOU are officially my favourite person right now.I LOVE IT!!!!
    It's like everything I ever wanted in a hat and more :)