AM I CRAZY?!? Starting "Total Cleanse" Today! (CDN)



  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    3) One does not sweat out toxins - We sweat primarily salt and water with a splash of dermcidin and phermones (not everywhere), perhaps a little sugar in certain disease states.

    so why does eating too much curry make your sweat smell of curry?

    ETA: this is a lighthearted fun question, not a confrontational one (have to make stuff like that clear on the internet lol)

    That's a really good question. I don't know.

    I'd guess (pure conjecture) that the various aromatics molecules (benzene like molecules) being highly volatile, evaporate easily and cross tissue layers - when they are not used in amino acid conversion (like tyrosine) they escape across areas with high potential transport - breath, pores, urea.

    Might be the ally methyl sulfides (like in garlic) but I don't know the transport mechanism.

    If your fresh sweat "smells" of ammonia or urine, it isn't the sweat that is smelling but urea - and is an likely indicator of liver issues.