over 200 club New year New me Part 13



  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Cris: Way to go on being #5 at your gym AND completing a spin class. You're unstoppable! You are not going to stop at 213 because we'll get through the plateau together. I'm bouncing between 191-192 right now and can't seem to drop below that. But, we'll get there!

    PosMe: Great job spending time in a state park yesterday!

    Jess: I knew you would finish your C25K workout! You'll be fine with W5D3, I just know it. It took me a few attempts, but you seem to be more focused and dedicated to it than I was! Speaking of which, I need to start Week 8...

    Littlespy: I agree on the "running" that endurance should come first, then speed. I jog like a turtle outside but can manage a 4.6-5.0 on the treadmill for 25 minutes. I'm going to say it's because we've had a super windy spring and the resistance is too much! It's awesome that you're working on Gateway to 8K. I'm shooting for doing an 8K on Thanksgiving, but I like variety so much that I haven't been focused on the running as much as I should be.

    CoGirl: Great job on you "wogging" I love the new term and will probably have to use it!

    Yesterday I didn't do so great on the eating, but after I exercised I had calories left over. I think I need to stop eating my exercise calories again to start losing. Something isn't working since I'm in this little plateau right now, but at least I know it's not permanent and my body is just taking some time to adjust a bit.

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: under by 109 calories
    Sodium: over by 1815! (brats and beans...)
    Water: 48 oz.
    Exercise: Prevention's Ultimate Walking Workout DVD...way too easy!
    Proud: That I bought new running shoes last night and will be throwing away the worn out ones (finally). I know the old shoes were causing sore legs, so we'll see how the new ones do!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Awestfall-I am really sorry your town has to deal with such ignorant and disrespectful "people" coming to your town after such a tragic event. Unfortunately there are losers like that everywhere...Not sure how many people in this thread are from Canada, But last year on this day a little girl named Tori Stafford was kidnapped one town over from me. Three months later they found her body in the woods. Her godmother and a friend had planted a memorial tree for her in my town and I found out that three weeks ago some cruel and heartless idiot decided that they'd vandalize the tree and steal the memorial stone in front of it. This was an event that shook us as a country, let alone as a community. We now watch our children so much closer than before and someone like that can just come along and inflict pain on that poor little girl's family without a second thought. It's saddening how little people can care sometimes. I hope they aren't allowed anywhere near any memorials or funerals your community will be holding. The families and friends of those who lost a loved one in that mining tragedy deserve to mourn and say goodbye in peace. Sorry that was longer than I expected it to be:embarassed:

    Cris-Great job getting to #5 on your BL list!! Thats some awesome encouragement to stay motivated :D

    Snowflakes-I give in every once in a while to a sweet and salty bar just for this reason:smile: no not the healthiest decision but I find it so worth it

    LilDebbie- Great job getting back on track with your exercising :D Sorry you had a rough night with your daughter. You want what's best for your kids, it's hard seeing them upset about anything.

    Checking in..

    Exercise- I..Uh..Cleaned my kitchen for 20mins lol..that was about the extent of it today. I tried to do some crunches, but anything that requires me laying on my back and sitting upwards [crunches, situps etc] does not work yet, apparently my joints are still loose from having my daughter and I can literally feel every bone in my spine from my tailbone up moving and shifting, really hurts! I'll just have to take it easy with that I guess :(
    Proud-After a long discussion with my fiance about what he thinks he needs to eat I finally got him to use portion controls tonight at dinner [He's like 5"11 and 145lbs...skinny and tall and is a farm manager who's constantly on the go burning calories...does he eat properly? No, fills up on pop and chocolate when he snacks and when he eats [usually only dinner] His plate is a mountain of meat and starch filled carbs...Tonight it was a bit of meat [your average 3oz] and the rest of the plate veggies :D I'm sure he hates me now LOL
    Jesyka-I have heard that some of the protestors are suppose to show up at the miners funerals today and hold signs saying they got what they deserved and GOD HATES WV!! I just think it is so pathetic of these people and disrespectful at that.Yesterday when I was in town (Whitesville) a man was passing out flyers( from this church that is protesting) and the man happened to hand it to all kinds of men and women that had lost loved ones in this accident.Well I was watching and he handed one to a coal miner I knew that was getting ready to go to work because I had talked to him a few minutes before this and when he read the flyer he halled off and knocked this man flat on his butt.The cops were called and the coal miner went to work and the protestor went to jail.We don't put up with BS like that here in my community.They continue to bring theirselves in my town and they might as well place a post it sign on there heads saying "please point 12 gauge here" in this town the law doesn't put up with people disrespecting GOD and his family.So I would say that protestor got what he had coming to him.

    On a good note TOM is here today and I am only up 3 pounds and it doesn't bother me.I usually am up 6 or more pound around PMS time but today only 3 and I am ok with it.I am learning this whole new lifestyle thing and I am loving it and the new me.My face is shrinking and my waistline too.I feel great about myself no matter what the scale says and I am glad I am finally too the point of not caring what it says.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    No loss for me this week because of TOM but I'm not upset because I know this 3 pounds will vanish.
    Cris-I am with Littlespy and Jess.We will bug the crap out of you until you finish this journey with us all.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Is it okay if I complain for a second? I HATE some of these weight loss adds. You see a girl who is obviously pregnant and then they show her later flat bellied and pretty thin saying she lost this much weight. Yeah, I guess so 8 pounds baby, 3 pounds placenta and blood, 1-2 pounds water, plus she worked out and lost the 15 she gained while preg. but instead they add up all the weight including the baby and call it a weight loss, she lost 27 pounds. I guess so. I went to the hospital to have my second daughter and went home nearly 15 pounds lighter. Yeah, my baby weighed 9.4 pounds and then all the other junk that drops out. :noway: I saw an add on the side that looked like the woman was preg and then her after pic. There is a difference in a fat belly and a pregger one. It reminded me of a reporter that is in Southern CA that we would see every year when we went to Disneyland. She went on some weight loss plan like nutri system or jenny craig. I was so mad because they showed her before pic as her self 9 months preggers than her "after" photo. I remember the dress because I saw her wearing it while she was preg and thought it was awful. Never could forget it. Just irritates me. Do not try to fool me into using your plan show me a chick that was actually fat, not a pregnant one that wants back into her size 4 because she was unhappy at a size 8 while she was preg. :explode: Sorry for the rant just annoyed.
    I'm with you Momma. :laugh:
    I hate (love) the ones where a woman is obviously sticking out her gut as far as she can in the "before" picture & then sucking it in in the "after" picture. "Lose 5 inches from you waist in 2 weeks!" I have news for those advertisers -- I can lose 5 inches from my waist in 1 second with that same method. :tongue:

    Awestfall -- I'm so happy for you and your lifestyle change. :happy:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    On a good note TOM is here today and I am only up 3 pounds and it doesn't bother me.I usually am up 6 or more pound around PMS time but today only 3 and I am ok with it.I am learning this whole new lifestyle thing and I am loving it and the new me.My face is shrinking and my waistline too.I feel great about myself no matter what the scale says and I am glad I am finally too the point of not caring what it says.

    Awestfall: Good for you for being able to ignore the scale today! You know why you are up and that it will go away. I know this has to be a stressful time for you, hang in there! We are all thinking of you and your community!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Thanks girls, really if only I could show/tell you how much you all mean to me!

    Dont worry I am not quitting, just frustrated. I would even have been happy with a .2 loss or something even maintaining, I hate seeing the scale move up! Regardless I have been sitting here trying to 'tweak' my game plan.

    1. Im going to start by increasing my calories to 1250. Its only a 50 cal increase but most days I am under so it will be a big change. I will eat as close to 1250 as possible. This is something that will be really hard for me and its going to take sometime to get eating that much

    2. Change up workout routine- I am doing runs on Monday, bike/arc trainer tuesday, strength training Wed, spin class thursdays, strength training fridays- off weekends (dont have time with the kids)

    I figure my body wants to play games with me, I say bring it on!!!
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Love your attitude Cris.. You can do it!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Thanks girls, really if only I could show/tell you how much you all mean to me!

    Dont worry I am not quitting, just frustrated. I would even have been happy with a .2 loss or something even maintaining, I hate seeing the scale move up! Regardless I have been sitting here trying to 'tweak' my game plan.

    1. Im going to start by increasing my calories to 1250. Its only a 50 cal increase but most days I am under so it will be a big change. I will eat as close to 1250 as possible. This is something that will be really hard for me and its going to take sometime to get eating that much

    2. Change up workout routine- I am doing runs on Monday, bike/arc trainer tuesday, strength training Wed, spin class thursdays, strength training fridays- off weekends (dont have time with the kids)

    I figure my body wants to play games with me, I say bring it on!!!

    I love your spirit and motivation...YOu will see the scale move the other direction and beat this..don't worry! I am with Jess, Littlespy, awestfall, and heather..we are in this together so please don't give up:heart:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Okay, so you guys basically have me blubbering at work. :laugh:

    I just think it's so awesome that you ladies are here. :smile: I mean, I can't even imagine trying to do this without you. All of those of us who have stuck with this group for some time now are doing *SO WELL.* We are the keys to each others' success. It just helps so much to have people to talk to that are going through the same things & who hit the same road blocks & we can work to find solutions together. I mean, sure what works for one of us may not work for the rest, but... Yeah, I don't know, it's really awesome that you all are here.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I have to agree. I just joined this group a month or so ago...seems like it was forever and ever since I did I have had nothing but success and my weigh loss has increased tremndously. Since joining I have lost 15 pounds. That's half of what I had lost in 2 years before I joined. I think that right there says it all!

    Cris-I think your workout routine will really help get you passedt his plateau. I got an article from my Jillian Michaels newsletter this morning on what to do when you hit a plateau. I can send it to you if you would like.

    So I need some suggestions. I'm looking for some really good peppy bouncy motivational songs to put on my iPhone. I want to have them ready for week 5 day 3 and my 20 minute run! Any suggestions? :bigsmile:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Ok you are going to think Im gay but here are my faves-

    hit me with your best shot -pat benatar
    stronger- britney spears
    fighter- christina aguilera

    I dont even listen to them on a regular (I like country music) but those songs get me pumped up :laugh:

    yes! Please send me the newsletter from Jillian! Thanks!!!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Ok you are going to think Im gay but here are my faves-

    hit me with your best shot -pat benatar
    stronger- britney spears
    fighter- christina aguilera

    I dont even listen to them on a regular (I like country music) but those songs get me pumped up :laugh:

    yes! Please send me the newsletter from Jillian! Thanks!!!!

    HAHA!! Don't feel gay! I actually downloaded the Hit Me With Your Best Shot when I saw your status update! :blushing:

    I usually listen to country too and it's hard to run to most country songs. I'll give the other two a try as well! Thanks!!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Ok you are going to think Im gay but here are my faves-

    hit me with your best shot -pat benatar
    stronger- britney spears
    fighter- christina aguilera

    I dont even listen to them on a regular (I like country music) but those songs get me pumped up :laugh:

    yes! Please send me the newsletter from Jillian! Thanks!!!!
    Cris being a country girl all my life I love country music too but I also love the songs u put up too because they do really get you pumped.In fact I may listen to them while I am running today
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Awestfall - good for that miner knocking out the protester...I just don't get why they are doing this..it just doesn't make sense to me.

    Mommy - I am with you too on the adds...have a big girl like me that then is skinny in a size 4 that will be motivation !!!

    I feel like i am little piggy over her :(:( all yall are talking about 1200 calories and I eat sooo much more than that...my cals now are sitting at 1560 a day...I know it is because i weigh a lot more than most of you

    i am sooo ready for today to be over..

    I started today off good, normal breakfast, then went to Jimmy johns for lunch ( its a sandwich place), it was good, but i am sure my lunch was at least like 800 cals ...ouch...

    Then i had a little bit of easter candy from my girls...i need to get rid of that or put it up where it is not in my sight ...oh how week am i.

    you know i was thinking yesterday my bday was in 2 weeks..WRONG...it is next sunday oh my how time flies.
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    lil deb don't feel like a piggy.. I am right there with you. I am at like 1500 cals a day to. Some of us are just in a different part of this journey and I am here with you!

    My kids gobbled up their easter candy fast but that is probably because they did not get as much candy this year as they have in the past. Hang tight, you can do this. Take it one day at a time. Remember tomorrow is a new day!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    I feel like i am little piggy over her :(:( all yall are talking about 1200 calories and I eat sooo much more than that...my cals now are sitting at 1560 a day...I know it is because i weigh a lot more than most of you

    Not me anymore! :happy: I'm eating 1330 on days I don't work out at all (which is like.. never) and 1500-1800 most days I work out now. YUM! :tongue:

    I think I'm starting to view myself less as a dieter or someone trying to lose weight & more as an athlete. :embarassed: Doing that really helped me get over the mental block of eating more. So far, it has really been working for me. I didn't show a loss this morning for this week but I was over 210 Monday morning because of water retention (TOM & Easter) & was all the way back down to 206 today, even with my sodium blowout all week. Unless I fail keeping my sodium lower today I would bet money on showing a decent loss tomorrow morning. :smile:
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Music.. well my age is going to totally show here..
    I enjoy classic Rock and the 80's.. So, like
    Led Zepplin
    Deep Purple
    REO Speedwagon

    just to name a few
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    uhm i dont know what happened with this post- just ignore it
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Ok you are going to think Im gay but here are my faves-

    hit me with your best shot -pat benatar
    stronger- britney spears
    fighter- christina aguilera

    I dont even listen to them on a regular (I like country music) but those songs get me pumped up :laugh:

    yes! Please send me the newsletter from Jillian! Thanks!!!!

    HAHA!! Don't feel gay! I actually downloaded the Hit Me With Your Best Shot when I saw your status update! :blushing:

    I usually listen to country too and it's hard to run to most country songs. I'll give the other two a try as well! Thanks!!

    If you like country here are some more:
    some days you gotta dance- dixie chicks
    i want to live- josh gracin (sp?)
    life goes on- leann rhimes
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Ok, so I am thinking about having a majo cheat day today. As in consuming over 2000 cals.

    I want to shock the hell out of my metabolism then hit it with a huge punch (change up in excercise)....what do you think?? I really want the input so be candid

    Thanks girls