over 200 club New year New me Part 13



  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Good morning! I cant get online much from home (baby) but I need input.

    So I had my scale in a certain spot in the bathroom since I started this journey. As I mentioned in previous posts we had done some renovations to the bathroom and I moved the scale while we tiled the floors. Well, come to find out that when I moved the scale that is when I showed that gain. I put the stuff back in the bathroom today where it all used to be and the scaled said 211.4 at the old spot is used to be and 214 at the spot that Ive had it while doing renovations. I am kind of ticked off because now I feel like I need to go with the higher number but at the same time its frustrating to me that jsut where i put the scale is showing a 3lb difference.

    Dunno what to do...go back to keeping the scale where it used to be and take the lower number or keep it where it been showing the higher number and go on from there....

    Chris, not sure what to tell you, except "only you". LOL You should have figured something would go awry since you even gain weight from brushing your teeth! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I'm checking in now because I have a singing gig tonight.

    check in:

    cals: perfect
    water: will be 90
    exercise: 40 +10 bike, 10 mins walking, bed pilates and PT knee exercises. Oh and plus arms. I have time today plus I feel great!
    proud: making very healthy organic foods today!

    Everyone have a wonderful Sunday! Get outside if you can! (Did I just stay that?!?!!? :noway: :huh: )
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris I would go with the old spot. If that is where you always weighed! Scales can be so touchy.

    I have been borrowing my work scale and need to buy my own. I'm afriad to buy a new one. Afraid of what it might say. I can't borrow my work scale forever!!

    I did some much needed clothes shopping today. Was trying to find something cute to wear out for my birthday outing on Friday. No luck though. Finally fond some capris and shorts for the summer though!! Will try more shopping when my cousin gets here! :bigsmile:

    I took your advise bluenote and went outside and washed my car!

    Hope everybody is having a good Sunday!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Cris, I told my doctor that his scale weighs me more than at home. He says "ALWAYS" go by the one you consistantly been weighin on. Now I know it is the same scale, but you have been consistantly weighing in on the bathroom floor. Go back to it and stick to what it says.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    thanks everyone for your input!!! I am going to put it back where it has always been and go on from there. I wont weigh in this week because it will show a big loss and I had no idea where I was.

    checking in for tonight:
    calories: 1250 exactly :drinker:
    water- yup
    sodium- about 1800
    exercise- none
    proud- I got outside this weekend and stuck to the plan even though Ive been discouraged lately

    well I hope you all had a good weekend!

  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    check in -

    calories - 1457
    exercise - 1 hr walking, 45 mins exercising at the park with the kids
    water - 2.5 L
    proud - did this weeks challenge well at the park. the little kids playground has a soft track around it, so I would jog/walk/walk lunges well the kids played. I also did squats, and then standing push ups on the playground equipment.
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    check in

    Calories GREAT
    Exercise I will be feeling it tomorrow.. worked outside most of the day laying a flagstone patio.. says I burned over 2300 calories..
    Water.. probably could have used a little more since I was outside working hard all day
    Proud... Proud that I did not give up on that darn flagstone even though I was exhausted this afternoon

    Did not get the challenge in today but, will try tomorrow!

    I don't think it matters where you keep your scale... just where ever you decide to put it.. ALWAYS use it there so you get consistent results!

    Well... I am heading to get a little rest.

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Woooo.. So that's 2 binge days in a row. Ha. Shocked the crap out of my metabolism though! :wink: We overslept so had to exmay the trip to the national park today. Will get there soon. I'm embarrassed we've never been after I saw how close we are to it (Iike 20 miles). :embarassed: There are marked trails there that are over 10 miles long and some as short as a mile or 2 so it'll be a good place to go that will continue to be challenging as we get more and more fit. :smile: Also, it's free. :bigsmile: And open 24 hours so you can camp free, too, along the trails. I'm not so sure about doing that though because I was on the website last night looking at some photography that had been submitted and let's just say I had a VIVID nightmare about a HUMONGOUS spider in one of the pictures. I shrieked loudly and threw my laptop down on the couch when I saw it (the PICTURE). Haha. I can't even imagine how I'd react if I actually saw the spider in person. Or if it crawled on me. I'd probably be able to run several miles really fast if that happened. :laugh:

    If you'd like to see my nightmare spider, go here http://www.nps.gov/ser/pgallerycontent/p/l/20070912163242.JPG (I don't recommend it)

    Anyway, I got outside today & planted my container veggie garden. I planted eggplant, basil, cilantro, dill, yellow bell pepper, broccoli, tomatoes, strawberries, yellow squash, and cucumbers today. I plan to plant spinach, turnips, banana peppers, and maybe a couple other things, too. Let's hope I don't kill it all. I don't have the greenest thumb. :laugh:
  • jesyka
    jesyka Posts: 141 Member
    Meokk-Welcome back

    Awestfall-I'm so sorry about the outcome of the explosion, I was really hoping they'd find the remaining four still alive.

    Mstahl- Thanks for your post :smile: It's great seeing people being supportive to the gay community [my aunt is a lesbian, she's one of my favorite people]

    Momma-Congrats on being the biggest loser this week :) I like your challenge for this week (: I'm working with some tae bo work out tapes right now and they focus on those areas Just started them the other day and I was so freaking sore afterwards! definitely need to work them out lol

    Jess-Good luck finding something great for your birthday outfit :happy: I love shopping...not for clothing right now but for shoes and bags..cause no matter how fat I am, they always look good on :laugh:

    Cris-I'd keep the scale where you've always had it. Better to stay consistent :D

    So I've been MIA this weekend.. Yesterday was my 1yr anniversary being with my fiance so we were gone all day celebrating. We drove to Niagara Falls with the kids last night and walked around doing the tourist gig for about 3 hours and then we took our 2yr old into an arcade to play a bunch of games I couldn't imagine a better way to have spent our anniversary than with our kids :) The hill we had to walk up though was unreal. I had the baby and the big stroller combined with the carseat so I was pushing that up a steady incline...It was an awesome work out:bigsmile:

    Today we brought the girls to a place here called story book gardens, it's a big park focusing on mother goose stories complete with real animals and playground climbers, we walked around there for 2 hours and then did an hour on the trail in the bigger park that story book gardens is based in. The weather was GORGEOUS today and the girls so well behaved, made for a fantastic sunday!

    Checking in for the weekend


    Exercise-3hrs of walking
    Proud-To have enjoyed my 1st anniversary with the man I'm going to spend the rest of my life with:love::blushing:


    Calories-Awesome again
    Exercise-another 3 hours of walking
    Proud-To be getting more active with my kids and finding more things to do that are fun, require movement and are outdoors :D
  • jesyka
    jesyka Posts: 141 Member
    Littlespy-Shouldn't have done it....you gave fair warning complete with your reaction to seeing that freakishly large spider...should NOT have opened up that link...but holy $H** thats a big one :| I am so glad we don't grow them that big here lol [and now, now I have that creepy skin crawling feeling, like it's all over you..ugh lol]
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I'm sorry Jesyka. Yeah, it's insane. Like, I know I should be more concerned about the alligators & poisonous snakes that are there in the swamp, but OMG, that spider. I would die. It's a fishing spider, so I imagine it's rather harmless, but.... I think my heart would explode.

    I do have an irrational fear of spiders. All spiders. I was bitten by a brown recluse many years ago and the experience wasn't very pleasant (I got pretty sick for a few days). Then just a couple weeks later I was staying with a friend's friend in Richmond, VA and I pulled back the covers to the bed in his guestroom and a HUGE wolf spider crawled out of the bed! (I slept on the couch). So, that sort of sealed the deal for me. Then I bought this house 2.5 years ago. Soon after, I discovered we had a spider infestation in the crawlspace. It was so bad it gave the ORKIN MAN the willies! :laugh: It hasn't been fun. :indifferent:
  • jesyka
    jesyka Posts: 141 Member
    I dislike ALL insects, I mean I can't even stand ladybugs or butterflies [they're nice to look at from a distance lol] But spiders I can't stand at all. We've got random spiders up here, nothing poisonous to my knowledge, and I know the further north you go the bigger they get, but around here they're about the size of a ping pong ball for your biggest common spider and they drive me nuts. We have crab spiders all over in my house and I have a rule, They stay up near the ceiling and don't come down any further and they get to live. They come down and I enlist the services of my fiance [when he's not home I have to deal with them...which means I break out the Raid spray and the vacuum cleaner to kill and pick up:laugh: ] I can't squish them, considers partially touching, can't do it!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Ewww y'all are giving me the willies thinking about these spiders!! YUCK YUCK YUCK!!

    Good thing you don't squish them though. My Mom made that mistake once! It was pregnant so when she did spiders babies allll over the place! Yuck!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Okay ladies. I'm dragging major booty this morning!! I have zero energy for some reason. I have switched to working out at night this week. One of my best friends wants me to workout with her so I'm switching to workout with her. I need some energy for tonight. I have w5d2 of c25k...any suggsetions? LIttle Spy I know you got something up your sleeve for me! :bigsmile:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Oh, I don't know if I'm the one. I'm dragging butt today too. I've got g28k w1d2 tonight and I have no idea how I'm going to even make it TO the workout, let alone THROUGH the workout. :laugh:
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    jesyka - I used to go to Story Book Gardens every year as a kid. I grew up in Windsor, ON. I now live in Kenora, ON (near the Manitoba border)
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Oh, I don't know if I'm the one. I'm dragging butt today too. I've got g28k w1d2 tonight and I have no idea how I'm going to even make it TO the workout, let alone THROUGH the workout. :laugh:

    That's my problem! I think I'm going to break down and head to Starbucks at lunch and get something non fat sugar free! I'm dragging!! What's even more sad...I hate washing my own car so I always take it somewhere. I washed my car for maybe the 2nd time in my life yesterday...and cleaned the inside...yeah my back feels it hardcore! UGH!!
  • jesyka
    jesyka Posts: 141 Member
    jesyka - I used to go to Story Book Gardens every year as a kid. I grew up in Windsor, ON. I now live in Kenora, ON (near the Manitoba border)

    I had been there once as a kid. It doesn't seem as great as it did when I was little, but it seems like they don't have that much there anymore. We had fun anyways and my daughter didn't want to leave so that's a good sign :laugh:

    Nice to know I'm not the only Canadian in this group :) I think we're at the farthest opposite points of Ontario, I live just outside of London:smile:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Ewww can we quit with the spider talk? I also have an irrational fear of spiders and no, I didnt even go look at the link :blushing:

    Jess your story about how your mom crushed the pregnant spider has me all kinds of freaked out!! OMG Gross!!!

    Ok- so guess what? This morning the scale said 211.8 (old location- one I used until bathroom renovation) and 211.2 (new spot- spot that was showing the gain). So I am utterly baffled by my scale but I have the scale back where it used to be from the beginning, which is showing the 211.8 so thats the one Im taking...Im very confused lol but I promise this will be the last time I speak about this :laugh: :embarassed:

    I feel pretty rotten again today, my allergies were getting better then they came back full force last night. Not to be gross but this morning when I woke up my eyes were crusted closed due to all the pollen that had been cleaned out of my eyes while I slept, it was pretty gross.

    Today after work Im attempting my 14 min run. I'll get to that 20 mins someday!!! I wont give up!!

  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    Hey everyone. Sorry I keep going MIA. I was pretty entertained with your story Spy, since I went out to a state park this weekend as well. On saturday I went mountain biking for the first time in my life! For two hours, and man does my butt hurt. I had a really good time too, and best of all no spiders. Unfortunately I've probably been eating too much and so I'm stuck at a plateu right now, and very very frustrtaed I'm going to have to start exercising more or something and really watching my food..but I'm so distracted, busy and out of energy to begin wanting to worry about this, but I'm still trying atleast.