over 200 club New year New me Part 13



  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Do I need to get bike shorts if I start taking spinning classes? I'm looking at them today and the ones I would get would be for the half tri I'm doing this summer and they're around $50 (so you can swim in them too). $50 is a lot right now!!! Plus what size would I get?

  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Mari - I'm right with you! :flowerforyou:

    I'm stuck at 180 (give or take, more give than take) and it's because I'm eating too much to often. I'm all over the place with calories and my exercise isn't enough to compensate!

    I have GOT TO GET A GRIP ON EATING. And I will.

    I log everything - the good the bad and the ugly... I need to avoid my food traps. Sushi can be healthy but not the sushi I've been ordering! I need to avoid sushi houses! I need to avoid BEER and I need to avoid BREAD.

    So far today I'm fine but I almost always start out great.

    Mari - lets try to check in with each other. I haven't had lunch yet so I'm going to make sure to check in after lunch and rat myself out to you :ohwell:
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    okay! I think that will help me too, but I gotta get on in the evenings, that's whats killing me :explode:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'm having a really hard time on staying under on carbs!! UGH!! I'm right there with y'all!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I'm with you, Mari & mstahl. I ate unspeakable things this weekend. :laugh: I still ate WAY better than a *typical* day would've been for me before. :noway: Yep, that still blows my mind. What was I thinking?! I guess I really didn't care about anything at all. That was a horrible place to be and I'm never going back there!
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    I'm with you, Mari & mstahl. I ate unspeakable things this weekend. :laugh: I still ate WAY better than a *typical* day would've been for me before. :noway: Yep, that still blows my mind. What was I thinking?! I guess I really didn't care about anything at all. That was a horrible place to be and I'm never going back there!

    Same here! I feel like even though we're doing "bad" now, we've still come so very far, because there is no way we'll ever go back to eating like we used to! Knowledge is power, and its also permanent! I can no longer ingest two days worth of calories in one sitting. I simply refuse to do it now that I'm aware.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning, you busy, busy ladies!

    I loved finding out there are so many country music fans here! Country music is my favorite, but I listen to just about anything. My workout playlist on my iPod is mostly rap, Fergie and 80's music, though, because it's what gets me pumped up for a run.

    And to weigh in on the discussion about gay couples...I could care less! I don't care if they're gay if they're a nice person! The ladies that own the boarding stable where I keep my horse are super.

    lildebbie: Don't feel like a piggy for eating 1560 calories per day. I eat 2000 consistently and am closer to 2300 on days I workout. It seems so weird that my metabolism may actually be better than I ever guessed! I love being able to eat like a guy and still lose weight.

    Momma: I'm up for your lunges and squats challenge! I LOVE doing lunges only because I can actually get my back knee to the floor on backward lunges now. Woo hoo. Squats kill me but I know how great they are for my legs, so I keep doing them.

    Cris: Congrats on seeing the 211.8 on the scale. I'd say you have nothing to worry about in regards to a plateau.

    Littlespy: That spider was scary! It's like looking at roadkill...I just couldn't take my eyes off of it. Eww!

    So this weekend I ate way more than I should of and I'm not going to log any of it because it's already in the past. I didn't weigh myself this morning, knowing it would be bad but I'm back on track today and that's all that matters. I did get some hiking done at a state park yesterday.

    Yesterday I rode my horse for the first time since November and she was so good! She's lost so much weight (in a good way) that I had to tighten all of her equipment. I'm so much stronger and lighter that I was able to hop on without the normal struggle (and no mounting block). My butt is small enough that it actually fits properly in my saddle with extra room. It was a fabulous day and my muscles are pleasantly achy today.

    On Friday night, I accomplished W8D1 of C25K with my new running shoes which were awesome. I had none of the ankle pain I'd been experiencing in my old shoes so I'm happy with my choice. I technically completed W9D1 of C25K because I pushed myself to run for 30 minutes at 4.2mph (I usually run 4.6), but I'm going to take it slow and not jump ahead the week. I'm motivated to run again with Cris and Jess doing C25K and Littlespy working on G28K. I've decided I still want to do the 8K on Thanksgiving and need to be consistent with my training to be able to do it!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Wow you girls are busy in the morning. Disadvantage of living on the west coast. You girls start at 5:30 am my time. I am still snoozing!! I get up around 6:20 have all children off to school and home eating my breakfast at 8 am my time. Had my cup of coffee came on here logged all I plan to eat today and my work out that I am going to do in a little while. Read all your posts!! I am going to go check out Littlespy's spider. I am not terribly afraid of spiders. I am afraid of black widows, and I don't want. Never mind I don't like spiders, snakes, or lizards. My 13 yo is constantly catching things and bringing them to me. I think I would be more afraid of the alligators and snakes. I lived in Florida for a couple of months when I was in the Navy, I was terrified that an alligator was going to come on base and eat me.:tongue: I am not use to things like that. The only thing around here that is going to eat me is a Shark and I tend to only go in up to my ankles for that reason. Our part of CA has a ton of great whites off of our coast.

    Checking in for the weekend

    Over on Calories Saturday!! Maintenance on Sunday!!!
    exercise- only on Saturday, Sunday was my rest day

    I am proud that this is the first weekend that I did not start over eating on Friday and continue it on through Monday. Even though I went over on Saturday, It wasn't too far over. Sunday was over too but more maintance than anything!! I am back on track today and I stayed on track Friday.
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Good morning gals!

    You got my attention with arachnophobia (sounds less creepy). Speaking of phobias do any of you like to watch MONK? That is one of our favorite shows!!! When you watch you will see things and say 'I do that' , 'I can relate to that', pretty funny.

    Got my bike tuned up and hit the road! I took a short ride the next day and the crotch is SORE, going to have to get use to that. How come as a kid I never remember that hurting?

    I read another article about increasing protein to as much as 90 grams a day. I am ready to up mine. How do I manually change the numbers in the food diary? I see how to add or change a category but I am stumped on the amounts. Thanks.

    Momma how do I find your daughter? I got side tracked last week and forgot to message her. Way to rock you biggest loser!!! Congratulations.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Littlespy, never mind you should be afraid of that spider. It looks like it might be able to eat an alligator

    Snowflakes, I love riding bike. You burn so many calories and it is fun. Here is my daughter's link

  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    snowflakes- I love love love MONK! Its one of my favorites too, I loved when they had marathons :love: I am sad its over but I am happy to finally find out what happened to Trudy :laugh:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I read another article about increasing protein to as much as 90 grams a day. I am ready to up mine. How do I manually change the numbers in the food diary? I see how to add or change a category but I am stumped on the amounts. Thanks.

    Oh yeah, I know I personally need at *least* 90 grams a day to feel good. I know that varies a lot from person to person but I definitely noticed a big difference when I started eating more protein in Jan.
    Go to "My Home" then "Goals" then click "Change Goals" and select "Custom goals" and click "Continue" and you can change your macronutrient percentages.

    Personally, when I started increasing my protein intake I started at 50% carbs, 25% protein, 25% fat. Then a couple months later (about a month ago) I changed it to 45% carbs, 30% protein, 25% fat. At some point I may go a step further and try to get it to 40/30/30 but I'm still eating too many carbs to go that far yet.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I read another article about increasing protein to as much as 90 grams a day. I am ready to up mine. How do I manually change the numbers in the food diary? I see how to add or change a category but I am stumped on the amounts. Thanks.

    Oh yeah, I know I personally need at *least* 90 grams a day to feel good. I know that varies a lot from person to person but I definitely noticed a big difference when I started eating more protein in Jan.
    Go to "My Home" then "Goals" then click "Change Goals" and select "Custom goals" and click "Continue" and you can change your macronutrient percentages.

    Personally, when I started increasing my protein intake I started at 50% carbs, 25% protein, 25% fat. Then a couple months later (about a month ago) I changed it to 45% carbs, 30% protein, 25% fat. At some point I may go a step further and try to get it to 40/30/30 but I'm still eating too many carbs to go that far yet.

    I had mine at 40/30/30 and kept going over on carbs! I changed my carbs to 45%...I think I like carbs too much!! I still go over on protein though. My poor diet is all out of wack the last couple of weeks!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Good Afternoon girl!
    Active as always this morning/afternoon :laugh:

    first congrates Momma on being the biggest loser..and I LOVE THIS WEEKS CHALLENGE!!! Thanks:drinker:

    I have my food set up as 45/30/25..on a 1200 calorie a day..I have been doing great with it..sometimes i do go over on carbs or fat...but never on calories..well let me hold my tongue..i went over on all three this past Saturday. I also went over on sodium this past weekend...i think it's the lunchmeat i have been eating..all natural turkey breast 99% fat-free..

    check in Friday
    calories: over by 100 calories
    water: about 9 cups
    exercise: rest day..no trail walk today :(
    proud: i didn't overeat i stayed incontrol the whole day...because TOM is here and i want junk food

    check in Saturday:
    calories: over by 500 calories, my calories is 1200 and i went up to 1700 calories ( but it was all good food, except the deli meat - 99% all natural turkey breast)
    water: not enough
    exercise: nope and it's not my rest day...just being lazy
    proud: i didn't cave in and eat chocolate...

    check in Sunday
    calories: under by 200..making up for saturday's eating
    water: yup..all 10 cups
    exercise: went ot my state park and walked the trail twice, once wiht my hubby and older son and the second time around wiht my daughter..my son and hubby was tired and didn't want to go the second time so i dragged my daughter instead.
    proud: i only had one slice of pizza and was still under my calories for the day

    check in for Monday
    calories: on target!
    water: not yet but will by the end of today
    exercise: start this weeks challenge and my trail walk with my family
    proud: didn't let the one pound gain bother me because i know it's all sodium..ugh!!!

    Have a great day girls...busy day today. I will try to be back later.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Positively-WTG on not going out of control this weekend! Wish I could say the same. I'm slowly getting better though! As far as lunch meat goes. I started buying the low sodium kind. Boar's head makes a good low sodium turkey and ham. You have to get it from the deli though and it's a ltitle expensive(it seems anything that is good for you is!). I thik for 2oz is about 360mg of sodium. Somewhere in there!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    I try to eat more protein, but the carbs are too hard to kick!
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    snowflakes- I love love love MONK! Its one of my favorites too, I loved when they had marathons :love: I am sad its over but I am happy to finally find out what happened to Trudy :laugh:

    Glad to know another Monkaholic:) We are so bummed that it is over to. We come up with all kinds of phobias and scenarios that Monk could continue to pursue, the writers for that show are fantastic. Yes, FINALLY Trudy's case is solved!

    littlespy: Thank you for the steps to change my settings. That was so easy, but I could not figure it out on my own. You're the best. I sure hope that this helps the scale move. The first 35 pounds came off quite steady, since getting to my half way goal, the loss has SLOWED substantially to no loss this week. I know that I have a smaller calorie deficit than at the beginning but sheesh there is still a deficit! Hoping changing up the protein will help.

    Jess I LOVE carbs too. I could live on pasta and be happy. Food making me happy??? OH YA BIG TIME!!! I have tried Boar's and it it yummy.

    Thanks momma for the link, I know I'm an old lady to her but I am so impressed that she has taken the initiative to learn about her health the healthy way. Maybe she can bring a group of teens together. You ladies have a fantastic day!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I changed my setting and apparently Im already over in carbs for the day :blushing: :noway: :laugh:

    Think Ill go back to my old setting hehehe
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Hello everyone! I was MIA over the weekend (AGAIN). I didn't track, but did well on Saturday and not very well on Sunday - we had a late Easter dinner at my cousin's house. I did well there, but then over-indulged last night because I was busy patting myself on the back.
    I DIDN'T make my meal plan yet for this week like I said I was going to :devil: ... I will try later tonight, but it is going to be another hectic day. I know, I know ... I need to make my weight loss efforts a priority again, I just have to get my head on straight .. coming here and catching up on everyone's posts helped. I will FOR SURE do momma's challenge today, and try to fit in a walk during or after my daughter's sax lesson. I am feeling very PMSy today, we'll see if I actually get my TOM this month. I'm peri-menopausal, and on birth control pills (even though my hubby had a vasectomy) to try to regulate things (because I was getting TOM twice a month for awhile and very, very, very crabby all the time) ... but it still seems to be hit or miss even on the pill. I definitely don't miss it - but it sucks to have all the crabby, bloaty, craving symptoms anyhow - and definitely doesn't seem to help with losing weight!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    One of the things that has most surprised me about tracking on MFP is that I rarely go over on carbs ... I thought I was a carb-a-holic. But really I OFTEN go over on sugar and fat, and sodium. I'm almost always under on protein and right on or under on carbs. I need a complete overhaul of my diet ... but it's not EASY! :frown:
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