Weight loss army!!



  • bowbee
    bowbee Posts: 77 Member
    CW 215.6 --1 lb loss

    fruit/ veg - very good over 6 servings each day
    H2O also great 10+ per day
    exercise-788 miniutes burning 4804 calories

    5 reasons I am on this journey!!

    1. Doing this because I deserve it! I am better than my negative self talk and criticism. I am an amazing person and want to believe in myself more.
    2. Wanting to be proud of my body when I walk down the aisle next May 14th. Don't get me wrong.... It is not to fit a certain size of dress and look skinny....this is to be confident and secure with me.
    3. Be a role model for my daughter and our future. Practice what I preach to her.
    4. Be a more brave and daring person. Stop being scared of unknowns.
    5. Follow my passion. Give myself the abililty to begin all changes in all aspects of my life that I feel need a different route.
  • jennmcpherson
    jennmcpherson Posts: 263 Member
    barty – Good morning indeed! I’m so excited for the last pound for you!! Looks like you did great on the vegetables, fruits and exercise!
    chgraham – I like the new photo! Congrats on the loss! Dragon Boat training, that should be a work out and a half!
    fordbarth - You have no idea how happy that makes me that you are feeling back into the swing of things! On top of that, you’re down! Great work!
    sweet148angel – So close!! Oh you’ll be having the pedi by next week for sure!
    metfanlisa – Sounds like you had a nice weekend! I love your list, very honest. Great work on the loss! Time to pump up those veggies! I know you can do it!
    hooah_mj – Glad to have you back on the graph! Darn life getting in the way! You’re doing great, don’t stress.
    allislefttogain – You are so close, I can’t imagine how great/frustrating that would feel. I’ve noticed a lot of people push push and push at the end because, like you said, the last few pounds can take forever. My goodness, that’s a great BMI!
    enromero – You are living proof on how important those veggies are! Great loss and I’m super excited about your session with the personal trainer! Let me know how it goes! Were you aware that you have lost 23 pounds since joining the Weight Loss Army???!!! That’s awesome!
    melbhall – Not gaining while Aunt Flo is taking residence is a huge success! What kind of HRM did you get? I’d really like one but I’m not sure what to get. I’ve been looking at the PolarT4 (I think that’s the model). As far as fruits and vegetables, at least you’re making an effort to pack some more in. That’s step number one!
    bowbee – Holy mackerel! You are a machine! 6 servings each day! 10+ each day! To top it off 788 minutes of exercise!!!!! Wowzers! You list is so heartfelt, very honest.

    Alright, here I go!
    LW – 196.7
    CW – 196
    I still can’t believe I’m under the 200 pound mark, still so happy about that! The sheer fact that I am getting closer to the 180’s is something that I’m not even able to process right now.
    Water – average 10/day
    Exercise – 230 minutes, I’m really going to push myself to get to 300 this week.
    Fruits/Veggies – I have been so bad at keeping track this week. I’d say at least 4 servings a day

    So my five reasons, here I go:
    1. I was fit and confident my whole like and never realized it. I want to be that fit confident person again but be grateful about it this time around.
    2. I want to feel like a trophy wife, man that sounds awful but it’s true. I know my husband thinks the world of me and he is constantly telling me how hot he thinks I am, I’d like to feel like that too.
    3. I love my Mom dearly, with all my heart and she is my best friend in the world but she is a huge reason I want to do this. She has been overweight since my brother was born, just over 30 years ago and when I was small (I don’t recall this incident, I was told it several years ago)I walked up to my Mom at a party and said “Mom how come you’re so fat”. Children are so honest and I never ever ever ever want my girls to say anything like that to me.
    4. I use to love being in pictures and now I’m the person that’s always annoyed the hell out of me moving away every time a camera is pulled out. I want to be in photos again and be able to look at them and smile thinking how great that moment was not staring at how fat I am.
    5. I hate that I’ve left myself go. I swore up and down my whole life that I would never look like one of “those” people and here I am. I suppose part of it is Karma from judging those who were in the position I’m now in and have been in for almost 2 years.

    I just wanted to add a couple of reasons why I’m happy that I’m currently fat, haha.
    1. I gained all of this weight when I was pregnant with my twins. I had the best, healthiest pregnancy in the world. Every time I went for an ultrasound (which was a lot) the doctors and techs were baffled at how well the girls were doing. They were never more than a pound different in weight (super important with multiples) and I went to 38 and a half weeks with them. I actually had to be induced because with twins it’s better for them to be born at the latest 38 weeks for growth reasons. Even them my girls didn’t want to budge and I ended up having a c-section, not an emergency one and it wasn’t a stressful situation but after 2 days in labour the doctor gave my husband and I the option and after a long talk we went ahead with it.
    2. My girls were born 5 pounds 2 ounces and 5 pounds 12 ounces! Couldn't ask for healthier babies!
    3. I breast fed my girls for 4 months. I had to eat a *kitten* load to keep up the milk supply for those 2 little monsters. So when I stopped breast feeding them my body was still starving all the time but didn’t know what to do with all the fat it was producing, hence my current figure, haha.
    4. It’s given me a whole new appreciation for my body. Looking at older photos of when I thought I was fat I just laugh and think, damn I’d kill to be that fat again. The thing about it is, I know that I’m going to look like that again but I’ll be even healthier this time around.
    Love you all! Sorry this was so long! Graph up shortly!
  • jennmcpherson
    jennmcpherson Posts: 263 Member
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    I definitely get my water, easily 80 – 90 ounces.
    Typically get my fruits/veggies, but can do better.
    I’m still uncertain how much exercise is the norm, and since I don’t see results without several “good” workouts, I strive for 40+ minutes of high/medium impact 4 x a week.

    My 5 reasons I do the do:
    1. Our/My life has been completely shaken up after my son’s diagnosis. Type I Diabetes is horrific and exhausting. I would do anything to have prevented this devastating disease, so the least I can do now is make certain to never invite Type II Diabetes. That means drop the weight and stay healthy. Type II runs rampant in my family and my sugars could be lower.

    2. I have always been full of life. I hate that sluggish feeling that being heavy has on my energy level. I want to be that grandma who runs after my grandbabies!

    3. My kids constantly tell me that I’m everywhere for them…when I can jump up and head out the door with them, I get that extra burst of their time and their lives! They are growing up so fast:(

    4. My hub still looks at me with that “oh mamasita” look in his eye…I just want to resemble the “sita” side of things!

    5. Probably the biggest reason why I’m doing this is because it makes me feel great….and when I walk the talk, I look pretty, walk confidently, and everyone around me is much happier when I’m happy!

    Thanks Jenn!
  • jennmcpherson
    jennmcpherson Posts: 263 Member
    hooah_mj - Great list, really brings life into perspective. You're doing so well!

    Alright Weight Loss Army. I haven't heard from any of you in over 4 days, boo! Well I suppose it's summer time and I know that I've been playing outside a whole lot more than I've been sitting in front of my computer. Can't wait to see all of your results on Monday!!

    Just a heads up, I'm going on vacation (WOOT WOOT) from the 1st of July until the 14th so I won't be here to do the graph BUT if everyone still logs in on the Mondays while I'm gone I'll update the graph to show all of them. There is a chance that we'll be back on the 11 so if that's the case I'll only miss one.

    See you all in a couple of days!
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    hooah_mj - Great list, really brings life into perspective. You're doing so well!

    Alright Weight Loss Army. I haven't heard from any of you in over 4 days, boo! Well I suppose it's summer time and I know that I've been playing outside a whole lot more than I've been sitting in front of my computer. Can't wait to see all of your results on Monday!!

    Just a heads up, I'm going on vacation (WOOT WOOT) from the 1st of July until the 14th so I won't be here to do the graph BUT if everyone still logs in on the Mondays while I'm gone I'll update the graph to show all of them. There is a chance that we'll be back on the 11 so if that's the case I'll only miss one.

    See you all in a couple of days!
    Have a blast Jenn...& thx:)
    You've been doing a wonderful thing for us keeping all our stats...you deserve a great vac!
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    I MADE IT :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    start weight (and heaviest weight) with MFP on 1/12/10 ....164.5 pounds
    Last weeks weight ......................................................................127 .pounds
    current weight ..............................................................................126 ..pounds
    final goal .......................................................................................126 ..pounds

    Good Morning To The Army, Jenn I hope you have a brilliant vacation and look forward to hearing from you on your return :laugh: I reached my goal weight this week 126 pounds Yayyy:happy: :laugh: :drinker: :happy: :laugh: but i'm going to try and keep going to be on the safe side :bigsmile: Thanks go to Jenn and the Army for all your support it has really helped keep me on track and the graph is Fab Jenn. Now the hard work starts lol.
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    LW: 121.4
    CW: 121.4

    TOM just ended, so I think I'm still bloated and retaining water. I'm going to try and weigh myself tomorrow morning to see if I dropped anything :)
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    Sorry to be so quick. My son is asleep and we are moving in 2 days, between packing and cleaning, I now need to call and canel our utilities and sign up for new ones at the new place!!!

    Last Weight: 172.0

    Current Weight: 171.8

    The scale finally moved! Only a little, but I guess every little bit counts! Can't wait to be out of the 170's. Oh, had another unsuccesful bathing suit session this weekend :( A little less than two more months before vacay....hopefully I can find something!

    Not sure about exercise, fruits and veggies. I promise to log it all next week. I do know my veggies/fruits have been lacking, my water intake has been very low and exercise was hit or miss :( Hoping things settle down soon!
  • Heather_023
    Heather_023 Posts: 76 Member
    Hi All!
    Hope it was a good week for everyone, it's definitely been my best (weight-wise) in a long time!

    LW: 133.6
    CW: 130.5
    Water: at least 10 cups a day, average of 12
    Exercise: 4 days of running this week and one of yoga
    Fruit/Vege: lowest was 4 serv, highest I think was eight...

    Take care!
  • chgraham
    chgraham Posts: 122
    I forgot to weigh in this morning. I will try to remember tomorrow. On vacation, so way off schedule.
  • jennmcpherson
    jennmcpherson Posts: 263 Member
    Hello my favourite weight loss army! Seems to be getting quite small. . .

    I've had a very very long few days and I'll log on tomorrow morning or later tonight to say a hello to everyone who weighed in. Graph up tomorrow, along with my info.

    Love love love you all!
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    Yikes....gained 2lbs. and last week I apparently listed 145 for 145.9..., so I really heavier now! ha ha ha
    Gonna call it 148 and hope that it's all just a crazy nightmare:grumble:

    It's all good...still under 150!:tongue:
  • metfanlisa
    metfanlisa Posts: 29 Member
    Quick weigh in.

    LW: 147.6
    CW: 147.0
    Water: weekend was better but not good
    fruit/vege: did good through the week, weekend not so much
    exercise: very lazy and logged 170min

    Good luck this week to everyone!
  • kizzym
    kizzym Posts: 250
    start weight (and heaviest weight) with MFP on 6/7/10 ....180 pounds
    Last weeks weight ...................................................................179 .pounds
    current weight ............................................................................177 ..pounds
    final goal ......................................................................................125 ..pounds

    jennmcpherson - just make me a marker...lol...i dont know what i want
  • metfanlisa
    metfanlisa Posts: 29 Member
    Quick weigh in.

    LW: 147.6
    CW: 147.0
    Water: avg. 8.5/day, weekend was better but not good
    fruit/vege: avg. 4/day but I think I managed 2 fruits over the whole weekend and no veggies. I'm so bad.
    exercise: 294 min

    Good luck this week to everyone!

    Had to edit my weigh in, I forgot the walking and swimming I did last week! Gotta count every minute! lol
  • chgraham
    chgraham Posts: 122
    There was no change in my weight this week.....I really need to lay off the coolers (had 3 over the last few days). So am still at 184 lbs.

    Water: about 8 glasses per day.
    Exercise: not great. Due to being sore after Dragon Boat last week, I could barely move, so didn't work out like I wanted. Only 3 days last week for 30min each time :grumble:
    Fruits and veg: at least 7 servings per day
  • jennmcpherson
    jennmcpherson Posts: 263 Member
    hooah_mj – Thanks so much! I enjoy doing it and it helps me a lot too! Oh I’m sorry to hear about the gain, did you eat late the night before weigh in??
    barty – WONDERFUL!! That’s just fabulous! Big, huge congrats to you!!
    allislefttogain – Did you reweigh yourself? I have you down for 121.4, which is great!
    melbhall – Lady, with everything that’s been going on for you the last few months I’m so impressed that you’ve done so well! Just imagine how much more you are going to lose once life settles down!
    fordbarth – Holy moly! Where are you? I can’t seem to find you! Haha!
    chgraham – I leave for vacay on Thursday, I’ll be camping so I have no internet access and no scale! I’m nervous but I plan to keep up with my running and my strength exercises. You did great on the water and food challenge, this week you’ll be a rock star when it comes to exercise! I know it!
    metfanlisa – Great job on your challenges and the loss! I like the edit, haha!
    kizzym – Nice work on the loss!

    My turn! Not the greatest week but not the worst week by far either!

    LW – 196
    CW – 195.6
    Water – average 11 cups/day
    Exercise – 139 (geez! What’s up with me?)
    Fruits/vegetables – average 3 servings/day

    I guess I can easily see why this week wasn’t as successful as my other ones. No one to blame but myself. Man, I’ve been having a few awful days. My kids are insanely cranky. I’ve just been in the worst mood ever. I just want to crawl back in bed and cry. Ahhhh!! Do you ever just feel like you need only an ounce of help and everything would be ok but getting that ounce of help is like pulling teeth? Anyways, sorry for *****ing.
  • jennmcpherson
    jennmcpherson Posts: 263 Member
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    hooah_mj – Thanks so much! I enjoy doing it and it helps me a lot too! Oh I’m sorry to hear about the gain, did you eat late the night before weigh in??

    My turn! Not the greatest week but not the worst week by far either!

    LW – 196
    CW – 195.6
    Water – average 11 cups/day
    Exercise – 139 (geez! What’s up with me?)
    Fruits/vegetables – average 3 servings/day

    I guess I can easily see why this week wasn’t as successful as my other ones. No one to blame but myself. Man, I’ve been having a few awful days. My kids are insanely cranky. I’ve just been in the worst mood ever. I just want to crawl back in bed and cry. Ahhhh!! Do you ever just feel like you need only an ounce of help and everything would be ok but getting that ounce of help is like pulling teeth? Anyways, sorry for *****ing.

    Yes, yes, yes...Jenn you are right on with your question/comment....I wasn't feeling so well...heavy dinner, but the number came right back down this morning! I really wanted to post before you were off, so I took the #...so happy it was all just a "nightmare" :laugh: :tongue: :laugh:

    No worries about the graph...that'll learn me to eat like that:sad:

    "You're gonna miss this" ~Trace Adkins

    Teletubbies was my best friend on days like that....breathe & cry....and listen to that song. Love ya :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: