Weight loss army!!



  • jennmcpherson
    jennmcpherson Posts: 263 Member
    Thank you so much.
  • jennmcpherson
    jennmcpherson Posts: 263 Member
    Thank you so much.
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Jenn - Nope I forgot until after I had eaten and worked out :) Probably for the best because yesterday was sort of a high sodium day for me! I'm sorry you're having a frustrating time lately...thankfully you have your vacation soon!
  • bowbee
    bowbee Posts: 77 Member
    sorry team! I have been away from my computer since this weekend and was unable to weigh in. I am still here and I hope everyone had good results on the scale!!
  • sweet148angel
    sweet148angel Posts: 27 Member
    Sorry for the very late weigh in this week.
    I gained a pound:mad:
    Up to 231.4 from 230.2
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hello Jenn and the rest of the Army, Hope you are having a great vacation Jenn, I have had a good week, the puppy has had all his jabs and can now go out for Short walks :bigsmile: I have had to give up one of my Zumba classes to go to puppy training classes mmmmmm not quite as energetic!!! but I have lost another pound this week Yayyyy :happy: :happy: :happy:

    start weight (and heaviest weight) with MFP on 1/12/10 ....164.5 pounds
    Last weeks weight ......................................................................126 .pounds
    current weight ..............................................................................125 ..pounds
    final goal .......................................................................................126 ..pounds

    Good Luck To you all
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    I'm so happy my weigh-in was in the neutral!
    Day 4 with the foot propped up (w/only a break for 4th bar-b-que), but very little in the workout dept:( ouch....

    We're heading off to a family reunion this weekend, so I should be thrilled that I haven't gain much of anything....

    148 is still fine....for now.

    Hope everyone had a safe a family-wonderful Independence Day...thanks to our Soldiers!
  • chgraham
    chgraham Posts: 122
    Ok my week off was not too bad.

    LW = 184 lbs
    CW = 183.5 lbs
    GW = 150 lbs (for now anyways)

    I wasn't very good on the exercise front last week. But have started this week off on the right foot. One hour of exercise this morning.
    Water intake was ok, about 8 - 10 glasses per day
    LOTS of veggies
  • enromero
    enromero Posts: 104
    hey Jenn, Im still alive lol!!! I had a few off weeks do to the fact that my stress fracture in my foot still isnt healed!! I managed to hobble my crip *kitten* to the gym today and got in a decent workout! I cant do any elliptical or treadmill so Im stuck on the bike for a bit, hope I dont get too sick of it. I did weigh at the gym today and I am still at 204, so Im happy about that! Well, off to the ball fields I go, my sons team made it to the divisions championships! Yay for the team...my son on the other hand hates baseball, but I wouldnt let him quit so he is stuck with it for just ONE more game lol.

  • Heather_023
    Heather_023 Posts: 76 Member
    Hey everyone, hope it was a good weekend and you were all able to celebrate the holiday! (Canadian and our American friends!:happy: ) Not a great week for me by any means, too many drinks, too much food and to top it off a sprained ankle! So not great on any of the challenges but still down 0.4 so can't complain too much... :tongue:

    Last week........130.5
    This week........130.1

    Sounds like everyone's doing great, keep it up!
  • sweet148angel
    sweet148angel Posts: 27 Member
    I seem to be making a habit of these late weigh in!
    But the scale sais the exact SAME thing this week. 231.4
    At least it didn't go up with all the junk I have eaten over the holiday!
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    Hi All! Jenn, I hope you are having a great vacation! I'm so jealous!

    So, against my better judgement I weighed in yesterday. I've gained 2lbs during this whole moving ordeal even though I've been busting my butt painting, unpacking, carrying boxes, carrying a 25lb Wes up and down 2 flights of stairs...oh and moving furniture. I haven't been eating perfectly but my portion sizes have at least been good. My down fall, very little fruits, veggies and water :(

    SW: 180

    LW: 171.8

    CW: 173.8 :(:(:( 2lb gain

    The funny thing is, I climbed down in my new jetted tub last night (no bath, I haven't cleaned it yet) to see how comfy it is, and i put my hand on my thigh and WOW, I've gotten some seriously strong thighs just over the past few weeks. I mean, even the inner thigh is starting to feel muscular. So even though I feel like a hog for gaining weight, I think if I make the rest of this week a good one and start drinking water I just may be able to turn this around!
  • bowbee
    bowbee Posts: 77 Member
    to all my peeps!! I'm still here but my home internet is out until next week so I won't be able to get on mfp too much until then. Talk to ya all real soon!
  • lailouisa
    lailouisa Posts: 11
    I would love to join!! i know it's alreayd Wednesday...
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Good Morning Jenn and the rest of the Army, Hope your vacation is going well :bigsmile: I have had a busy week with three birthday parties and two girly lunches but have just about hung in there and lost another pound :laugh: and its exactly Six Months Ago Today that I started with mfp and i've lost 40.5 pounds in total... WOW can't believe it :noway:

    start weight (and heaviest weight) with MFP on 1/12/10 ....164.5 pounds
    Last weeks weight ......................................................................125 .pounds
    current weight ..............................................................................124 ..pounds
    final goal .......................................................................................126 ..pounds

    Good Luck everybody x
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    Awesome Family Reunion....way too much food & w/the foot propped for most of last week I'm seeing it on the scale, but not too worried...yet.

    almost +2lbs = 149.5
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    Awesome Family Reunion....way too much food & w/the foot propped for most of last week I'm seeing it on the scale, but not too worried...yet.

    almost +2lbs = 149.5

    Ok self,
    I'm gonna have to start weighing in on Sat and posting that #, bec' every Monday has me up & by Wed I'm back down....
    hopefully my next post will be considerably lower! ha ha I feel that wall giving way!

    148 & dropping....must have been all the dancing at our Family Reunion over the weekend...what a blast...I love my big fam:happy:

    Hope you're having a blast Jenn! C-ya soon:smile:
  • Heather_023
    Heather_023 Posts: 76 Member
    Ahhh! Can't believe it's already Wednesday!

    Hope it was a good week for everyone! Mine was a little rough, definitely fell off the wagon for a couple of days but yesterday was really good so here's hoping for a fresh start.... Again. :tongue:

    LW: 130.1
    CW: 131.8
    Water: Did pretty good, I think the lowest I got was 8 cups.
    Exercise: Kept up with training so that was good.
    Fruit/Veggies: Pretty bad, I didn't keep track very well but I think I was down to 2 servings a couple of days. I was way over on calories for a couple days too...
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    Yikes, how did I let monday slip by without recording...oh well, glad I did because I'm down again!

    LW: 173.8

    CW: 171.4

    Down 2.4lbs

    I have seriously upped my water, fruits and veggies although I haven't been logging my food as often. My workouts have consisted of moving boxes and unpacking but I guess whatever I'm doing is working so I'm going to keep doing that. I haven't seen the 160's since I was climbing through them during pregnancy so being this close is my new motivation.
  • jennmcpherson
    jennmcpherson Posts: 263 Member

    Had a wonderful time but it's back on track time now!

    Quick question, does everyone want me to back track the weigh-ins over the last couple of weeks or just add on this coming Mondays' weigh-in as the next one? Doesn't matter to me. Not many people were weighing in so it won't take long.

    Happy to be back! How has everyone been?