Join me in a round of P90X beginning 4/26/10



  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    Baseball tournaments are killing my P90X schedule. Just got back and kids did well considering how young the team was compared to the other teams. Another tournament in less than 2 weeks. Missed legs & back, Ab ripper yesterday and Kenpo today. So tomorrow I will start where I left off at legs & back. I wanted to do it tonight I am so drained from coaching ball all weekend. I still might fit it in today or do both tomorrow
  • ilovehkn
    ilovehkn Posts: 57
    I have been sick this week so all I have wanted to do was sleep. I squeezed in a couple of workouts, and barely made it through them. My whole body hurts, and I am so tired still. Should I just start this week over, or continue with the plan as started??
  • cynthials
    cynthials Posts: 213 Member
    I would just start the week over. Hope you are back to 100% soon!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,732 Member
    I agree with doing the week over. Hope you feel better!

    Man, I totally slept in today for the first time in forever. It felt great! I've been having trouble sleeping and had several nights with very little, so I think I really needed it. The dogs woke us up at 6, so my husband got up to let them out so I could sleep. Of course, they woke me up a few minutes later to feed them (they need meds, and I'm really the only one who knows exactly what they need), so I had to get up, but I went back to bed afterward and fell asleep. Normally, once I'm up, I'm up, but not today!

    I'll eat breakfast soon, and then after that settles, I'll begin Week 6. I am ready to bring it! Well, I will be. :happy:

    Happy Memorial Day.
  • cynthials
    cynthials Posts: 213 Member
    This starts Week 6 for me, I've already done Core Synergistics. We are leaving early Wednesday for Gatlinburg for 4 days. I've been debating about taking my DVDs (our cabin will have a DVD player) but the reality is that once we get there I am probably not going to want to do it. I will probably just start Week 6 over next Monday.

    Btw I have been reading about drinking 8 oz grape juice plus 1/2 scoop whey vanilla protein powder as a recovery drink for those on a budget :tongue: . I tried it today and it was actually really yummy, even though it sounds kind of gross. :smokin:
  • cynthials
    cynthials Posts: 213 Member
    Oh and I also wanted to add that we took 30 day pics yesterday. I can't see any difference at all! :tongue:
  • ilovehkn
    ilovehkn Posts: 57
    thanks so I will do week 6 again, and hopefully my energy will return!! :smile:
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    I did Legs & Back, Ab Ripper today then spent the entire day at the kids' school for a track meet. My feet are sore but it was awesome. Kids took home 5 ribbons and are going on to district track meet next.
  • cynthials
    cynthials Posts: 213 Member
    congrats to your kids, mommyh!

    Finished CardioX this morning. We're heading out tomorrow for Gatlinburg so I think I am just going to take some R&R and do as much walking as possible and start week 6 over next Monday! Hope you all are doing well!
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    cynthials enjoy your R&R :smile:

    I just finished Kenpo. Tomorrow is my rest day then on the my recovery week. I can't believe it is the second recovery week already then Phase 3. Can't wait to take my measurements next week to see what has happened. Hope everyone has an awesome food and exercise day today :flowerforyou:
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,732 Member
    Hi everybody!

    I just finished Plyo. I love that workout more every time I do it. And to think I used to be afraid to do it and would substitute Cardio X. Silly me!
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    Legs, Back, and Ab ripper are instore for today. When I first looked at the work out sheet I was like oh yay there's not so many exercises we have to do today and then I read the fine print that says only write down your pull ups. :grumble:
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    Wow....that legs, back and ab ripper was by far the hardest workout we've done yet. Sheesh! I burned 500 calories in that hour which is pretty decent for me. Kenpo is today. Supposed to get my hair did right after teaching so hopefully I can fit it in.
  • annalisa85
    annalisa85 Posts: 41
    Been hectic for me for the last few days and will continue to be so until next week. Not enough time in the day right now so I'll be starting week 6 over again on monday.

    Hope everyone has great workouts this week!!!
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    Was supposed to be Yoga this morning but my neighbors partied so loud last night that I slept in. I will do Yoga later with my daughter. Maybe it will make me go for longer if I do it with someone. This is my second recovery week then on to Phase 3. 5 weeks left then starting again :smile:
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,732 Member
    I'll be doing Yoga later this morning.I loved Back & Biceps again yesterday. I'm so glad they put something with back that boosts my ego a little bit, because I suck at pull-ups! I really like working legs and biceps, though, so I feel like I somewhat redeem myself on back-workout days. :-)
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,732 Member
    Happy Friday!

    You know how most of the P90X workouts have the option of having cues only rather than hearing all of Tony's small talk? Why does Yoga X not have that? I have the hardest time getting and keeping my head in the right place when he keeps blabbing and blabbing. In any other workout, it amuses me, but not that one! :laugh:

    Oh well, I don't have to worry about that until next Thursday. Today is Legs & Back/Ab Ripper X. I love it (legs), but I hate it (back & ripper).
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    Did Core Synergistics today and Kenpo tomorrow :smile: Hope everyone is well today

    Legs & Back, Ab Ripper is one I have to make myself do but I love it when I am finished. If that makes any sense lol
  • nikkieliivey
    nikkieliivey Posts: 76 Member

    I just wound this group, and was wondering if I could join you all?

    This would be my second round of P90X. I did well the first two rounds the first time around, but was travelling so much during the third month that I really could not do anything more than maintain my weight.

    I do P90X doubles, but do spin class instead of the Cardio X. I have bad knees so I skip the plyo and do a two hours spin class instead. I also take the carbio kickboxing class at our gym b/c I go with friends!

    If I could join you all in your respective P90X journies, that would be great! I am doing YOGA X today!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,732 Member
    Welcome, nikkieliivey. Of course, you can join us!

    What week are you on? A lot of us are wrapping up Week 6, which is where I am. Today is Kenpo X for me, and tomorrow is my rest day. Then Monday begins Week 7. I can't believe we're almost halfway through this round! :happy:

    I had a rough time with Fifer Scissors yesterday. I'm not sure why, but it was killing my lower back. I've had a hard time doing them before when my back was already sore, but mine wasn't sore yesterday other than during that exercise. Strange.

    Have a great weekend, everybody!