Over 200 New Year New Me Part 15



  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hi All,
    Weighing in for today.
    Looks like I'll have to do a posting catch up over the weekend.
    Have a good one!!!!!!

    Meokk..........................- 1.6 = 0.82%
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    litspy - ROFLMAO at your grandmother clothes story! I am happy with my -1.5, although I worked harder this week than any other. But hey, I'm focusing on being grateful. I am grateful for any loss!
    Good luck, everyone, with your weigh-in.

    Meokk..........................- 1.6 = 0.82%
    bluenote.......................-1.5 = 0.36%
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Well I woke up this morning and my legs and back just felt tired and sore. I decided to not push it and go run this morning since I have the 5K in the morning. Maybe I will try and do a 25 minute jog at the 5K and count that as w6d3. I weighed in with my new and old scale and they are off about a pound between each other. I'm going to take the weight on the new scale since that's what I will be going by. And according to that I have gained half a pound.

    Meokk..........................- 1.6 = 0.82%
    bluenote.......................-1.5 = 0.36%
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Morning! Packing up a storm but wanted to get on and post. I'll pulled in hajohnson's weigh in from yesterday at the top. See you next week after my Indy trip. I'm sure we'll take a picture so I can post a pic of me looking all hot to trot in my size 12!

    hajohnson24..............-0.8 = 0.41%
    Meokk..........................- 1.6 = 0.82%
    bluenote.......................-1.5 = 0.36%
    elmox..............................-2.0 = 0.96%
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hello ladies

    Sorry i haven't been around much this week..still feeling icky :mad: :mad:

    Well no huge news on the scale (but what did i expect didn't really eat good or exericse)

    It was up .3 lbs ..I will take it that...if after mexican last night i am only .3 up from last week I am good with that.

    HOpeffully i will feel better soon

    hajohnson24..............-0.8 = 0.41%
    Meokk..........................- 1.6 = 0.82%
    bluenote.......................-1.5 = 0.36%
    elmox..............................-2.0 = 0.96%
    lildebbie........................+.3= 0%
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Heyo! Congratulations to all the losers so far. I'm not one today, but I'm actually pretty happy with what the scale said after eating lots of salty breakfast for dinner & about 1000 calories worth of cake yesterday. :embarassed: 204.6 which is only 0.6 up from Thursday, which is my all time low (204). I'll take 204.6 & run because I know I'll be down a new all time low by Monday or so after I get all the crud flushed out of my system. My body fat percentage read about 2% less this morning but I think it's even lower. I had an uber late night last night & only got 3 hours of sleep so I had lots of extra water in my system (which is another reason I'm really happy about only being up 0.6#).

    hajohnson24..............-0.8 = 0.41%
    Meokk..........................- 1.6 = 0.82%
    bluenote.......................-1.5 = 0.36%
    elmox..............................-2.0 = 0.96%
    lildebbie......................... 0%
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    hajohnson24..............-0.8 = 0.41%
    Meokk..........................- 1.6 = 0.82%
    bluenote.......................-1.5 = 0.36%
    elmox..............................-2.0 = 0.96%
    lildebbie......................... 0%

    :grumble: Ugh. Bad night last night! A friend brought a home made cake to dinner and when I entered it this AM it was :noway: 1000 calories for a slice. (chocolate cake with mint, and whipped cream/cream cheese icing in a beautiful double layer with shaved Andies (?) mints on top!!! - :love: BEAUTIFUL and:flowerforyou: DELICIOUS!) Plus pre-cake I'd assumed I'd go over by a couple hundred... so here's checking back in for yesterday.

    Calories - Over by like 1000+ (soooo sad!)
    Water - OK but not great
    Exercise - 5K101 W6D2 plus some walking but no lunch time trek
    Proud - I'm going to lean on what LittleSpy said, even on a bad eating day it's NOTHING like what I would have eaten in the past!

    No loss this week makes me sad. I took my measurements and I'm BIGGER in a few places (thighs!) and smaller in a few places (butt/hips). I decided to weigh myself and do the body measurement part on the fancy scale and it shows my body fat lower and my muscle higher but there's a gap that doesn't account for the few pounds I'm still up so I 'm assuming that the difference is "what-not" and maybe some bone due to the jogging?

    This is a good example of when having the fancy scale really helps. No progress on the scale or measurements but I can SEE that I'm moving in the right direction because the impedance shows less fat:wink:

    ** HINT for those with this scale - after it weighs you when it blinks - make sure your arms are out straight at a 90 degree angle from your body for an accurate reading!

    I'll be gone all weekend at the Rolex event in Kentucky so I will probably not be checking in until Monday! I can not imagine this will be a healthy eating weekend for me :ohwell: But I should get in LOTS of walking!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Good morning girls :)

    I am so happy...i weigh myself this morning and the scale read.....207.9....I am so happy...really, really happy...i haven't seen that number in a year or so...last week i was between 210.6 to 209.6...so i wil take it...i really worked hard and my poor calfs are so sore from the stepper...i couldn't even get out of bed because of all the pain.

    hajohnson24..............-0.8 = 0.41%
    Meokk..........................- 1.6 = 0.82%
    bluenote.......................-1.5 = 0.36%
    elmox..............................-2.0 = 0.96%
    lildebbie......................... 0%
    Pos_me........................... -1.7 = 0.81%

    If i don't get back on today. Have a great day girls and Congrates to all the losers and non losers :)

    EDIT: to say i am at my half way point...i have lost 37 pounds and have 38 pounds left...yay me...Another thing to be happy about..i did not give up...I am finally sticking with it all hte way to the end...ok enough rambling...bye girls :)
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    hajohnson24..............-0.8 = 0.41%
    Meokk..........................- 1.6 = 0.82%
    bluenote.......................-1.5 = 0.36%
    elmox..............................-2.0 = 0.96%
    lildebbie......................... 0%
    Pos_me........................... -1.7 = 0.81%
    cogril ................................. 0%
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    LittleSpy-I just love reading your posts! They are always so uplifting and really make you look at the positive side of things even if you don't see a loss. I have done the same thing thinking how could I eat that much before. I remember when I would go to dinner have an appatizer a meal and possibly desert. I can't eat 1/4 of that anymore! And I wonder how I got so fat!

    POS Me-So glad you are halfway at your goal! That is sooo great!!

    Mstahl-Have a great weekend! See you Monday! I finally figured out that you have to squeeze the handles pretty hard to get a reading. I kept getting error 4 which made me feel like I had too much fat to be measured! Should of seen me at work! HAHA!

    Elmox-Have a good time at your wedding. Can't wait to see pictures in your size 12 dress!!!

    lildebbie-Hope you get to feeling better soon! Rest up!

    So as the morning progress my back hurts more and more. I'm hoping it's just lower back pain from being so top heavy! LOL It needs to go away!! :mad:

    I have to share. I am addicted to Starbucks frapp's. Around Christmas time I bought myself a frapp making with some Christmas money. I pulled it out this morning and made my own frapp and I must say...it is qutie delicious and a fraction of the calories! Except I can't find nutritional information for the coffee grounds. I've never been a coffee drinker but is there nutrition for the grounds? Dumb question I know!! :blushing:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    well I will weigh in next

    222 this morning so that is one pound down from last week and I will definitely take it.
    hajohnson24..............-0.8 = 0.41%
    Meokk..........................- 1.6 = 0.82%
    bluenote.......................-1.5 = 0.36%
    elmox..............................-2.0 = 0.96%
    lildebbie......................... 0%
    Pos_me........................... -1.7 = 0.81%
    cogril ................................. 0%
    awestfall............................-1=0.4%(I think the percentage is right)
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Good morning girls!!!

    Gonna do my weigh in and then check in for yesterday in a different post:

    hajohnson24..............-0.8 = 0.41%
    Meokk..........................- 1.6 = 0.82%
    bluenote.......................-1.5 = 0.36%
    elmox..............................-2.0 = 0.96%
    lildebbie......................... 0%
    Pos_me........................... -1.7 = 0.81%
    cogril ................................. 0%
    Cris20056.......................-2.6= 1.24%

    LW- 210.4
    CW-207.8....THIS IS WITH TOM GOING FULL BLOWN!!! I am hoping once Aunt Flo leaves I'll lose another lbs
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    having a slow but successful time, comeon 220's! Yeah! I went from 235.2 to 234 this week! Though on wednesday I was at 233.4 which was amazing for the one day...ugh Almost!

    hajohnson24..............-0.8 = 0.41%
    Meokk.........................- 1.6 = 0.82%
    bluenote......................-1.5 = 0.36%
    elmox...........................-2.0 = 0.96%
    lildebbie...................... 0%
    Pos_me..................... -1.7 = 0.81%
    cogril ........................... 0%
    awestfall.....................-1.0 = 0.40%
    Cris20056..................-2.6 = 1.24%
    Mari..............................-1.2 = 0.51%
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Jess - Coffee grounds are zero calories (I'm assuming you're using them for flavor, not actually chewing them up as I have done is a desperate attempt to gain caffein as I run out the door).:huh:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    To all you running gals -- I've found an e-book through reading reviews for a book I thought I wanted to read (but now I'm thinking I may not. I'll probably get it & read it anyway, but I'm reading this one first). It's called "Running Fast and Injury Free" and is by Gordon Pirie who was a very successful long distance runner (Olympic medal winner; held 5 world records throughout his career). He ran 5K IN 13:36!!!! :noway: That's like 4:20 minute miles for 3.1 miles! An average of nearly 14 mph. I'm nearly 100% sure my treadmill doesn't even go that fast! :laugh:
    anyway, here's the link:

    The book is about 60 pages long. I plan to read it this weekend. Hopefully it doesn't end up being too kooky or anything. I generally expect someone who's had such a successful career doing ANYTHING to at least have some idea of what they're talking about :wink: So, I thought I'd share the link before actually reading it.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    mstahl and mari- I am really loving spin class. Yesterday I used my HRM and it said I burned 800 cals in 50 mins. I am still not at the point where I can be a fully active participant in class so Im sure once I do it will be even higher, but each week it get's easier to do all the work and I am able to increase the resistance and ride longer every week. I really recommend it!!

    Mari- Cook outs are sooo hard for me, for one cheeseburgers are like one of my all time favorite food, along with cheesesteaks and pizza (ok I love cheese). That was a great accomplishment not over indulging at the cook out! GREAT JOB!!! :drinker:

    Blue- Congrats on your continued loss and most importantly on climbing up the step thing with NO help!!! Thats so awesome!!!

    Elmo- I see you have been working on your water intake, good job! Have a safe trip, and yes please post pics when you are back!

    JLB- You prob fit in a size 12 dress, prob even smaller, at least in my case my dress sizes have always been smaller than my pant sizes. I used to wear a size 10/12 dress at 180lbs but wore a size 14/16 pants...so uhm yea...go try on a size 12 dress and Im pretty sure it will fit you, especially if you are wearing mediums!! Oh and as for gym class--I got into a huge verbal fight with my gym teacher in high school in front of the entire school because she decided to approach me during lunch. She tried to get me expelled for not running laps in the beginning of class and for "talking back to her". Hello you stupid @$%@ I weigh 270lbs and have ZZZ bra size that was killing my back to walk let alone run...eventually I wont the battle, but she was soo mean to me!

    Po_me- We are right in line with each other!!! All your hard work paid of, good job girl!

    Checking in for yesterday 4/22:
    calories- 1390 :drinker:
    water- 100+
    sodium- 2400 (thank you panera's)
    excercise- spin class
    proud- that I listened to my body and ate when it told me it was starving, and that I am at 207.8 WITH TOM present!!!

    Be back later,

  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Jess - Coffee grounds are zero calories (I'm assuming you're using them for flavor, not actually chewing them up as I have done is a desperate attempt to gain caffein as I run out the door).:huh:

    This just made me laugh! :laugh: LOL I'm using them for flavor. I dont think I could actually chew up the coffee grounds!

    Cris-You are really inspiring me to try a spin class. I think I may go for it next week! :blushing: I'm nervous though!!

    LIttleSpy-Let me know what you think of the book! I'm going to need some books for my 22 hour road trip to Wisconsin and back in a few weeks. I have a hard time sitting still so I'm hoping that I can find some good books!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Mmmmm. I can certainly eat some coffee. Give me chocolate covered coffee beans! Yum!

    And after reading through a few threads on book reviews and running techniques, I HAVE to have these: http://www.vibramfivefingers.com/products/index.cfm

    It just so happens my handy discount shoe store carries them. And it just so happens that I have a 20% off coupon for a pair of shoes there. And it just so happens the store is only about 3 miles away from my house. And it just so happens I'm so going there Sunday to try out these shoes. :laugh: I'm horrible. I don't need to be spending so much money. It's just that I always *want* stuff. :laugh: :ohwell:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Good Morning!!!! No weight loss for me!!!! TOM is here for the second time this month.:mad: Been here since Mon. and not interested in letting up. I don't think that is why I am at 0 today. It could be the licorice, pizza, and other junk I have eaten this week. I gave up diet pepsi for 2 days and I am back on it.:ohwell: I have Lost my weight loss mojo. I am so blah about all of this. When I first started last year I was excited and on the ball and people were complimenting my efforts. Now I am barely hanging on. Anyways "No worries" I will find it. I just need to go look in a mirror and hopefully I will find it again:sad: :sick: :laugh:

    hajohnson24..............-0.8 = 0.41%
    Meokk.........................- 1.6 = 0.82%
    bluenote......................-1.5 = 0.36%
    elmox...........................-2.0 = 0.96%
    lildebbie...................... 0%
    Pos_me..................... -1.7 = 0.81%
    cogril ........................... 0%
    awestfall.....................-1.0 = 0.40%
    Cris20056..................-2.6 = 1.24%
    Mari..............................-1.2 = 0.51%
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Mmmmm. I can certainly eat some coffee. Give me chocolate covered coffee beans! Yum!

    And after reading through a few threads on book reviews and running techniques, I HAVE to have these: http://www.vibramfivefingers.com/products/index.cfm

    It just so happens my handy discount shoe store carries them. And it just so happens that I have a 20% off coupon for a pair of shoes there. And it just so happens the store is only about 3 miles away from my house. And it just so happens I'm so going there Sunday to try out these shoes. :laugh: I'm horrible. I don't need to be spending so much money. It's just that I always *want* stuff. :laugh: :ohwell:

    You know I have heard that these are WONDERFUL shoes to run in! My roommate actually told me it's better for your feet to run toe to heel and not heel toe. I can't even wrap my head around trying to do that! Let us know how you like 'em!