Over 200 New Year New Me Part 15



  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris I don't even know if I want to pull that up. The way you worded it makes me quite nervous!
  • jesyka
    jesyka Posts: 141 Member
    hajohnson24..............-0.8 = 0.41%
    Meokk.........................- 1.6 = 0.82%
    bluenote......................-1.5 = 0.36%
    elmox...........................-2.0 = 0.96%
    lildebbie...................... 0%
    Pos_me..................... -1.7 = 0.81%
    cogril ........................... 0%
    awestfall.....................-1.0 = 0.40%
    Cris20056..................-2.6 = 1.24%
    Mari..............................-1.2 = 0.51%
    jenn..............................-1.8 = .73
    jesyka..........................-1.8= 0.86%

    Under 210!! Getting there :D
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    someone sent me this link: thisiswhyyourefat.com


    I was pretty disgusted by MOST pictures...my stomach actually churned

    JLB- There is a special guiness treat on page 3 :laugh:

    Aw, I can't see the pictures at work. It'll have to wait. But, based on the names of most of them, they sound delicious. :laugh: Banana corn dog?! I mean, come on! THAT's a corndog I can get on board with!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    someone sent me this link: thisiswhyyourefat.com


    I was pretty disgusted by MOST pictures...my stomach actually churned

    JLB- There is a special guiness treat on page 3 :laugh:

    Aw, I can't see the pictures at work. It'll have to wait. But, based on the names of most of them, they sound delicious. :laugh: Banana corn dog?! I mean, come on! THAT's a corndog I can get on board with!

    lol you might be singing a different tune when you see some of the pictures...some did look good I wont lie :blushing:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Darn you, Cris! Banana corndogs have seriously consumed my thoughts. :laugh: Think about how awesome that would be dipped in chocolate peanut butter! OMG *drool.* I do have a deep fryer... and bananas... and pancake mix for the batter. The only think I lack is a stick to stick it on. :frown: Oh well.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    mmm...I love fried food! I love when Texas has the state fair..it's fried everything!! I even tried fried butter and fried cookie dough last year! :blushing:
  • KDubMommy
    KDubMommy Posts: 50 Member
    Ok so today has been challenging because i have been CONSTANTLY HUNGRY!!
    I thought i was eating pretty well but by lunch I had already consumed 1175 of my 1200 calories ! WHAT THE HECK!
    I had oatmeal & melon with oj & coffee for breakfast & then by 10am I was already starving so I ate my lunch of a single weight watcher receipe chicken enchilada & for lunch I had Campell's select light chicken soup with a sandwich thin & a handful of pecans.
    I have had close to 60 ounces of water so far too...
    What is wrong with me today? I am going to have to do at least an hour hard on the elliptical & then eat my exercise calories just to make it through dinner
    But the scale this morning did say I was down to 220 which is 1.4 lbs less than monday....I just don't want this hunger thing to screw it all up this weekend...
    And on top of all of it, my throat hurts :-( I really am hoping my students didn't give me some stupid cold
    Any advice?
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    jlb- I just pictured you lookingthrough your yard for a stick so you could make the corn dog bananas:laugh: :laugh: :tongue:

    Jess- good luck tomorrow! let us know how it goes!:flowerforyou:

    Checking in for tonight, not done eating but have everything planned out (4/23/10):
    calories- 1150 (lw cal cause its no excercise day)
    water- yup 100+ (at work alone...!)
    sodium- right around 1850
    excercise- not a damn thing:drinker:
    proud- that I've busted my butt all week so I am giving myself the night off!! Also that I am eating relatively well considering my period is making me want to eat EVERYTHING

    I weighed myself and was at 209 after eating lunch thats soo good mean my weight is somewhere between 206-207:heart:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Well. It looks like I may not get to do the 5k tomorrow after all. :sad: My roommate just called me and my dog is sick, yet again. She has to be getting into something at my parents house! But I'm too much of a softie to lock her up tomorrow while I'm gone and I don't have anybody to watch her. I see an early morning trip to the vet tomorrow in my future.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Well. It looks like I may not get to do the 5k tomorrow after all. :sad: My roommate just called me and my dog is sick, yet again. She has to be getting into something at my parents house! But I'm too much of a softie to lock her up tomorrow while I'm gone and I don't have anybody to watch her. I see an early morning trip to the vet tomorrow in my future.
    I hope your dog gets well soon.
  • jesyka
    jesyka Posts: 141 Member
    someone sent me this link: thisiswhyyourefat.com


    I was pretty disgusted by MOST pictures...my stomach actually churned

    JLB- There is a special guiness treat on page 3 :laugh:

    Aw, I can't see the pictures at work. It'll have to wait. But, based on the names of most of them, they sound delicious. :laugh: Banana corn dog?! I mean, come on! THAT's a corndog I can get on board with!

    lol you might be singing a different tune when you see some of the pictures...some did look good I wont lie :blushing:

    WOW! A few of those pictures really made me want to be sick...then I saw the cookie dough cheesecake and the oreo fudge....sweets are my weakness lol...Really not a wonder how I ended up this weight :embarrassed:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Wooohooo!! My Mom's going to watch my dog in the morning so I can still do the 5K!!! YAY!!!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Ok so today has been challenging because i have been CONSTANTLY HUNGRY!!
    I thought i was eating pretty well but by lunch I had already consumed 1175 of my 1200 calories ! WHAT THE HECK!
    I had oatmeal & melon with oj & coffee for breakfast & then by 10am I was already starving so I ate my lunch of a single weight watcher receipe chicken enchilada & for lunch I had Campell's select light chicken soup with a sandwich thin & a handful of pecans.
    I have had close to 60 ounces of water so far too...
    What is wrong with me today? I am going to have to do at least an hour hard on the elliptical & then eat my exercise calories just to make it through dinner
    But the scale this morning did say I was down to 220 which is 1.4 lbs less than monday....I just don't want this hunger thing to screw it all up this weekend...
    And on top of all of it, my throat hurts :-( I really am hoping my students didn't give me some stupid cold
    Any advice?
    Fill up on low calorie veggies or a handful of nuts to get you through these times. I also learned from these gals that hard boiled eggs, peanut butter, or oatmeal does the trick, too. Good luck! And drink warm tea for that throat with a little honey.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    my crazy few days are over so I'm reading through the past 2 days of posts...... here goes......

    Pos Me - great job with your step exercises and the weights and the crunches, that's a ton in one day :drinker: AND congrats getting to your halfway point, that's huge!!!!

    Jess - wow, nice breakthrough putting down the snacks in favor of the gym. Have a great time at the 5k tomorrow. I know you can do it. Go Jess go :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Hajohnson & Mstahl - hope you are having a fab time with your horse activities this weekend

    Hajohnson & 1stpaul - WTH??!! - your coworkers need to be put in their place, ear picking and nail clipping have NO PLACE in the office, just gross. :noway: Makes me happy that I mostly work with women and gay men :bigsmile:

    Momma - so lovely to hear that your sin did well with the new teachers. The right teachers just make all the difference don't they.
    Hope you have a better day tomorrow, you sounded so defeated in your post. We are here for you, stick with us or we'll hunt you down and drag you back in :bigsmile:

    Little Spy - I so with you on the hot dogs. Just can't bring myself to eat one anymore ever since a friend in the meat industry told me what they are made from. Talk about TMI :noway: So cute your plan to clean the house and all for your BF. Sounds like it was a good evening anyway even though it all went a bit pear shaped at first. OOOHHH and a Medium?!?! That is a lovely word.

    Spy and Cris and Awestfall - you guys are cracking me up with your bras and shoes, or lack thereof

    Cris - that food site is pretty amazing, I could totally go for a donut topped cupcake.....but I won't. Amazing job in the mast few weeks with the workouts, you are on a losing streak :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile:

    Elmox & KdubMommy - great job upping the water. It gets easier, promise

    bluenote - congrats on the stepping exercises

    lildebbie - how are you feeling with the shingles? are the meds doing the trick? Hope you are better soon:flowerforyou:

    Mstahl - that's wonderful idea, staring again as though it were your 1st week of weight loss. Remember how dedicated that 1ts week was.....dreamy :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    So I broke down at watched biggest loser for the 1st time this evening. I watched the episode from last week when they won cars.
    I liked it but it was so loonnggg, it seemed to last forever. Are all the episodes that length?? Anyway I was so scared of Jillian, I have some of her videos but I had no idea how tough she was. :huh: She is so friendly in the videos....yikes. I love the father and daughter., it was so cute how excited he was to give her the car. :heart:

    Checking in for today too
    Calories - over even my exercise by 76 cals (my sister is in town and we ate delicious mexican, mmmmm steak tacos, grilled corn
    water - good over 100oz
    Exercise - walking

    Phew, sorry for the long post. Have a great weekend everyone!!!!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I just ate a huge portion of chicken asparagus risotto. It was delicious but TOO much. Why didn't I stop when I felt full? Ugh. :grumble: I really, really have to work on that. I've got to the point where my body actually gives me the signal that I am full, and I acknowledge it, but then I pick that fork back up ten minutes later and BAM the whole plate is eaten! :sad: I'm thinking if I am out to eat and this happens, I'll get a doggie bag quickly to get it out of my sight. At home, I'm going to try putting half in the fridge. I am going to beat this beast! :explode:

    check in:
    calories: under by 31 calories INCLUDING a huge amount of exercise cals! Damn risotto. :mad:
    water: 96
    exercise: everything under the sun and then some, and lemme tell ya - I am STILL HURTING from yesterday's PT session! So tonight's exercises were NOT fun!
    proud: I lost one inch in almost every area of my body since last month! :bigsmile: I even lost an inch in my neck. LOL Who loses in their neck? I guess me! I lost 3 inches in my arms! Ta-tas = .5 <----better than nothin'! :ohwell:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Momma, I have a kitten named Mojo, so if you need some mojo, you can have him! :tongue: PLEASE! :laugh: SOMEONE TAKE HIM!
    But seriously, losing your mojo sucks; finding it again is priceless. You can do it, Momma! :heart: :drinker: :heart: You have been here for all of us, let us help you find that mojo! :flowerforyou:
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Mojo comes and goes, but it always returns!!

    Checkng in from yesterday:
    Cals: 1867 with 250 exercise left
    Water: 80 oz
    Exercise: 90 min of cardio in the hotel
    Proud: I'm working out on vacation and I managed to keep myself to two beers last night.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Elmox- I am so proud of you! Working out on a vacation!? what a concept! I never EVER would have even considered it...but maybe next time I will! Good job!

    I am a little ticked off right now....I made a ham sandwich for lunch and the sandwich itself was 250 calories...good right? Well the sodium was 1015!!! WTF!!! Grrrrr:explode:

    I have a baby shower at 2pm so I am eating lunch now then eating a snack before I go and hoping that I avoid food while Im at the party all together...WISH ME LUCK!

    Jess- let us know how you do on your 5k today!

    Everyone else- enjoy your weekends!!!

  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Well ladies I completed the 5k! WOOHOO!! I didn't do as well as I had liked. There were I thik around 20 thousand people at the walk. It was in downtown fort worth on very narrow streets. It took us 30 minutes just to get the first mile down. After that the crowds started to spread out and were able to get the last 2+ miles done in less then 30 minutes. There were HILLS!! Who puts a hill in a 5k!? Just wrong if you ask me! But we didn't let us slow it down and we huffed it! We did it in just under an hour. Susan G Komen will have another one in a local city that I did last year in June that I plan to do and RUN. I told my friend to start training because I want to run/jog the whole thing. I posted a few pics in my profile! Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

    elmox-That is so awesome! Exercise AND only 2 beers! Great job!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Jess -- I'm so proud of you! I'm really glad you got to do the 5k today. Hope your pup is feeling better.

    bluenote - that risotto sounds delicious! I have a recipe for an asparagus barley "risotto" that I really want to try but I haven't gotten the gumption to stand over a pot for an hour making it. :laugh: Yum. :tongue: I'm doing better with the overeating thing. I've pretty much struggled with that forever, even with the new lifestyle. When I have high calorie take out, somehow I always try to find an excuse to overeat. I'll sit there & eat all of whatever bad for me food it is thinking "What's the difference, I'm going to eat it all eventually anyway." :grumble: The last few times I've just had to sit myself down and say "The difference, dummy, is that if you eat it all now, you'll have to eat something else tomorrow or later. And even if that something else is healthy, it's still extra calories. If you just split the take out up and have half now, you can eat half tomorrow instead of eating something else." Yes, reasoning with myself about food takes a serious conversation-type inner dialogue. :laugh: Anyway, I finally got through to myself & ate half of my dinner Thursday & then ate it for breakfast and lunch Friday. Then I halved my dinner Friday and ate the rest for lunch today. So, even though I ate out twice in the last 2 days, I ate about 1000 calories less over those 2 days by splitting up the meals.

    I had an epically bad day at work today. So bad I'm seriously considering telling them not to schedule me again until further notice (in lieu of just flat out quitting). I very nearly walked off the shoot after they sent me the same camera I told them several weeks ago was faulty. It worked intermittently for me today which is an extremely frustrating thing to have happening when you're shooting 4-5 year olds. You have about 2 seconds of good facial expressions & proper posing before completely losing the kid altogether & the camera wasn't performing properly so I'd go to click the photo & nothing would happen and by the time I got the camera working again the kid was uninterested in cooperating. So then that made for irritated (and irritating) parents and then the camera completely crashed -- like totally broken -- and I had a bit of a meltdown. :laugh:. Sorry for the rant. :laugh:

    I was so happy when we finished (the rest of the shoot was chaotic because there was only one photographer/camera left to finish the shoot) and I was able to stop by the shoe store to look for the Vibram Five Fingers shoes. I found them, but not my size. Not even close. :ohwell: They had the exact ones I wanted & with my coupon they would've been $60! I didn't expect to be able to find them that cheap. And, well I guess I didn't since I don't wear a size 5 or a size 11 which were the only 2 sizes they had. Since it's an overstock type store, they can't order sizes or even tell me when any more will come in. I tried on the 11s(which were a Vibram size 42) just to see how they felt and I *definitely* want to buy some - they're awesome! I think I'm going to go to one of the other stores in my city that carries them & find the perfect fit & then try to find them online below retail. I have a hard time paying retail prices for shoes. I'm not sure I ever have, actually. But, especially not when the retail price is over $100. :laugh: Can't do it. Too cheap.