Over 200 New Year New Me Part 15



  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Jess - great job on the 5K! Congrats! We are so proud of you! :flowerforyou:
    jlb - yes, I need to have a good talkin' to myself, too, and make sure I relay that entire story you told yourself to myself! :noway:

    check in:
    calories: good
    water: not as much as I'd like: 84
    exercise: bike, arms, PT, pilates
    proud: I cleaned my house today! Finally! :tongue:
  • irandamay
    irandamay Posts: 929 Member
    Jess - Congrats on your 5K! I can't wait until I am able to run one again. I used to do cross country in HS... that seems like so long ago! I have tried to do C25K a few times, but I always get stuck in W5. I hope to be able to do it again after I lose a little weight. Great job!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    The wedding was great fun. My hubby kept telling me I looked great, which is always wonderful to hear. I only drank two vodka sodas with a splash of cranberry, filled half my plate with salad, a third of it with steamed veggies, and only had room for 3 small potato chunks and a slice of prime rib. The cake was delicious and I throughly enjoyed my one piece.

    Jess, I am so proud of you and your 5k! I hope to run one some day, so it's great motivation to know others who have.

    Cris, thanks for "hooray" I was pretty adamant about getting a hotel with an exercise room and making time for it on Friday and Saturday.

    Check in from yesterday:
    Cals: pretty much right on. Used ALL of my exercise cals, so I ended up eating about 2000 in a day. Whoa!
    Water: harder to get in on vaca. 64 oz only
    Exercise: 80 min of cardio
    Proud: walking away from the delicious fried food that was ordered at the bar after the wedding. I had a few bites and then walked away before those few bites became an entire basket of tater tots!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Quick check in before singing gig:

    calories: OK
    water: hope to get to 96
    exercise: the full monty
    proud: I am wearing a size 4x shirt today! And it looks good on me - not too tight like it was last month! :bigsmile: Plus now my dress pants are loose - they are not made of stretch material so it took a while for those to feel loose. LOL
  • jesyka
    jesyka Posts: 141 Member
    Jess- SO glad you got to do the run! Hope you enjoyed it and I hope your dog is doing better :)

    Elmox- way to go walking away from the tempting wedding food! Sounds like you had a great time :)

    Littlespy- Your day at work sounds like a day from hell. It's hard enough trying to keep a young child's attention..let alone having to try to balance that with a faulty camera :(

    Cris-Ham is a deceptive devil! All great with the calories and then the sodium content sneaks up on you lol. I hate ham...mainly because of the salty taste so I don't know much about different varieties but maybe they make one with a lower sodium content?

    I've slacked off big time. Today would make my FOURTH day with no exercise:grumble: So I'm going to force myself to do my Walk away the pounds videos tonight to make up for it. 3 videos, 1, 2, and 3 miles so together I can do 5 miles in about 2 hours time:).
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    I'm writing from my iPhone so it won't be long but bottom line- I did not behave at the baby shower..... Wasn't over calories too badly, about 1400 which is too high for me on a non excercise day but I just made really poor choices. The fact that I still can't control myself is kind of scary and reminds me that I still have a long way to go. I tried to be extra good today to make up for it so at least I'm proud of that!

    On TMI I apparently am also full of &$$@$): I just lost like 3lbs in a few mins, lol sorry had to share!!

    Good night!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Alright. I'm actually really excited about this week. If I haven't kicked up my metabolism over the last 4 days, there's just no way I'll ever do it. :laugh: I've eaten at maintenance or maybe even very slightly over for about 4 days now & I plan it hit it HARD this week. If I don't see something under 204 by Friday I may very well throw a big tantrum two year old style. :tongue:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Littlespy: Thanks for the inner conversation! I'm so the say way. If I said it all out loud people would think I'm nuts, but I'm sure my facial expressions change, so they may still think I'm nuts. Who knows?

    irandamay: Welcome to this awesome group!

    elmox: Way to go on the size 12 dress! That's so awesome. I think it would be so neat to run in Central Park; I'm jealous!

    Pos_Me: Congrats on being half way to your goal. It's a great place to be!

    Jess: I'm so glad the 5k went well and I think it's awesome that you and your friend plan on running the next one. I'm definitely going to attempt one by the end of June, but am taking my time deciding on which one.

    So this weekend I didn't do too horribly on food and am actually down a bit from Friday morning. Hopefully things stay that way throughout the week.

    Yesterday, I actually wore a dress (see my new profile pic) to my birthday dinner. I had not worn a dress since 2006, so it was weird, but strangely I felt really comfortable. I loved wearing my new high heeled zip-up boots because they made me feel sexy and the boyfriend loved them too. I'll admit that I was wearing one of those shaper undergarments but took it off when we got home. The funny thing is that nothing changed when I took it off! The new pic is without the shaper because I felt I needed an honest pic for you ladies here. I made my boyfriend take a pic of me just so I could post it here. He thought it was a bit funny but cooperated anyway. He's such a sweetheart. Between us, he couldn't keep his hands off me...

    Oh, and I completed w9d1 on Friday morning with the dog. We got a full two miles done in that 30 minute jog, which felt really weird. I thought the dog was going to pass out before I even started feeling any burn in my legs, but he hung in there with me but laid on the floor looking half-dead the rest of the day. Meanwhile, I showered, got ready for the day then spent the ENTIRE day walking around the Horse Expo. Silly dog needs to workout more!

    I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and I'll "see" you all tomorrow!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Made it home safely from Indy. Pretty much ate ALL my calories for the day before the plane took off, so I dusted off the Wii Fit and did an hour so I could eat dinner! I'm ready for a regular week (no special events) so I can hit this week hard.

    Checking in for today:
    Cals: just under with exercise cals
    Water: 64 oz
    Exercise: 60 min on Wii Fit
    Proud: I haven't been on my Wii Fit in 35 days and when I weighed in today, I had lost 9.6 lbs since I was on it last. Awesome to see this progress!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Hello everyone!

    We came back from KY early because Ken's 90 year old mom is in the hospital :cry: So far tests have come back fine but she's a bit out of it and moans (not at all like her).

    I did OK over the weekend - I was way over in calories Friday and Saturday but nothing like I would normally be! Oddly my mistakes (as I logged things in from memory tonight) seem to have been at breakfast! We went to Cracker Barrel both days and on Saturday I got Oatmeal with bananas, then also ate Ken's grits (such a little bowl). I'd had a tsp of peanut butter before we got there and that combined with a banana was a bunch more calories than I thought - for lunch I had more bananas and apples (the only fruit I could find at the local stop-n-shop) and for dinner Saturday night we went to a college bar in Lexington that was amazing - 'Magic Mushrooms' - had GREAT pizzas! I ordered a 10 inch chicken/artichoke/feta pizza and only ate 1/4 of the pie (such an amazing concept for me!), and I had a beer. Friday night Ken and I found a sushi house and had sushi and drank water so it wasn't too bad! Today I had another 1/4 of the left over pizza split between lunch and dinner. If it hadn't been for the happy hour we hosted in our hotel room Saturday during the big storm I would have done fine! :blushing: But a few oz. of cheese, two glasses of wine and some salami later...

    Today I got up at 8 and dressed for a jog (it was beautiful outside) - when I got going my mp3 player was on the wrong track - instead of W6D3 I was on a week 7 supplemental which was two 20 minute jogs with a five minute recover walk between them. I decided that after two days of no exercise, this was a better plan than the one I was supposed to do (two twelve minute jogs). I had read the e-book LilSpy linked to -and decided to try to run more on the balls of my feet. I had already been trying to not land on my heels but this time I really focused on the technique and I wore these shoes I have that have just a rubber sole and stretch uppers like a glove. My sister gave them to me a few years ago and I've been wearing them this spring like slippers or sneakers. I think they were actually made for 'barefoot' running a few years ago - so they were perfect to use for this "new" style. "TSUBO" is the brand. My feet and calves are KILLING me now but it wasn't bad at the time! I'm really excited about this style and I'm seriously concidering retiring my new running shoes to "walking" shoes from now on! I think my hand-me-down sneakers will work for now and one day I'll be able to get the ones with toes!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    hey girls,

    I had a horrible night of "sleep". I think I have some sort of sinus infection so I am home sick today. Im about to call the Dr to try to get an appt and hopefully get some meds. I feel sooo awful. I am not going to excercise today, going to get rest and take care of myself. I am going to eat properly though!

    Hope everyone has a great day,
