Online Dating, Yay or Nay



  • drchimpanzee
    drchimpanzee Posts: 892 Member
    Online dating for men: Send out 10,000 letters. Get one response.

    Online dating for women: Receive 10,000 letters. Respond to only hottest guys.

    True... ish...

    Hot cowboy guy? Probably not so much?

    Hawt Raver guy... still probably not so much

    A man with a great taste in beer, facial hair, and a geeky side that makes me swoon... yes. That's hawt.

    also big noses... I love a man with a great nose...

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand this is why I'm single

    Too bad your in Texas ;) It's a dry heat.
  • _Pseudonymous_
    _Pseudonymous_ Posts: 1,671 Member
    Been together with someone I met on Craigslist for over 7 years. I'd say it's worked for me. Met some duds for sure in the process and a lot of weeding the profiles.

    You like nerdy stuff, how about comic-con? The majority of them may gawk at you from afar and some will pee their pants if you initiate a conversation with them, but the ratio is in your favor and most nerds are great guys.

    My personal experience at comic-con has not been as positive as I would have liked. They either ignored me or ran if I looked at them... so sad... *sniffles* OH nerdy men, where you be!!!!!!!!!
  • _Pseudonymous_
    _Pseudonymous_ Posts: 1,671 Member
    Online dating for men: Send out 10,000 letters. Get one response.

    Online dating for women: Receive 10,000 letters. Respond to only hottest guys.

    True... ish...

    Hot cowboy guy? Probably not so much?

    Hawt Raver guy... still probably not so much

    A man with a great taste in beer, facial hair, and a geeky side that makes me swoon... yes. That's hawt.

    also big noses... I love a man with a great nose...

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand this is why I'm single

    Too bad your in Texas ;) It's a dry heat.

    I do love my heat... too bad it was 31 fracking degress this morning and I have no heat... grrrrrrrr I nearly resorted to breaking my furniture and starting a fire for warmth...
  • atrebor18
    atrebor18 Posts: 235 Member
    I think online dating is becoming more acceptable with younger generations but still holds some taboos. I met my current boyfriend on a dating site and I love him very much and would marry him tomorrow if I could. Its awkward telling people about it but I'm getting used to it since we've been together for along time and most people realize how happy we are and won't judge us. My best friend met her husband online and they are a fantastic couple but she still hasn't told her mom the truth because she is worried how she'll react!
    I think its important to have an open mind when using dating sites because honestly for every one "normal" guy I got to know there were dozens of weirdos. It takes time, patience, and good instincts. I went on a couple of dud dates before my bf and just like any other date I could tell it wasn't going to work but there was something great about my bf. =) Especially with the way today's world works, meeting people online is fine if you are safe and honest about it. You can meet total weirdos at the bar or work or school, just like you can online. Or just like you can meet your soulmate anywhere, you never know!
  • CeCe_711
    CeCe_711 Posts: 35
    i wouldn't go for the dating sites. that's just where everyone beefs themselves up. i met my boyfriend on google+! it's just another social networking site like twitter/facebook etc. i was able to see what he was interested in, his goals, we chatted for almost a year before we even met... and when we did, it was unlike anything i ever felt before :0) and he was exactly who he said he was. who i knew he was. none of that - surprise i have no teeth, live with my mamma, and have 13 kids, kinda senario. we are a year and going strong :0) i had all but given up looking for guys. where is a 20 something supposed to meet guys??

    the gym? HELL NO. just no. for many reasons.

    the bar? heh. you only have to make that mistake once.

    at work? PFFFFFFFFFFFFFT. if you want to change jobs.

    a singles cruise? sure, if you like cucumber and onion sandwiches.

    so i am a total supporter of online dating. just be smart about it. if you think something is fishy... it probably is.
  • buhller
    buhller Posts: 28 Member
    I met my husband in July on OKC, and we got married in put us under the "success story" column. I liked OKC because you can pick which questions are more/less important to you, and which are your deal-breakers. I managed to weed out people I would never have clicked with -- one of my dealbreaker questions was "Would you consider acting out a rape fantasy?" That sounded entirely too creepy for me, and I sort of figured that anyone who answered yes to that wasn't going to be a good fit for me. My hubby and I clicked right away (we were a 91% match), Skyped several times, and met in person 3 weeks later (which would have been sooner, but he was out of town for work). We're ridiculously happy, and getting on OKC at that time was the smartest and luckiest thing I've ever done.

    Previously, I did on the assumption that a paid site would be better, and that it was worth it to make that "investment" in my love life. A way smaller percentage of my "matches" there were anyone I would consider dating....because it turns out, losers have money too! From what I hear, a lot of it is geographical, so one site might be great in one city and awful in another.

    Also, to your original point about whether to start now or at your goal weight -- I did a round of online and offline dating when I was at my heaviest (215 lbs and I'm 5'4"), and I was really unhappy. I dated a bit when I got down to 145, and had a lot more confidence, but was also kinda judgey of the guys who were willing to pay attention to me when I was 145 when I felt like they wouldn't haven given me the time of day when I was heavier. So...just something to consider.
  • Keto_T
    Keto_T Posts: 673 Member
    I met my hubby (married 20 years) when I put a personal ad in the local newspaper (pre-Internet). I heard a "coughdesperatecough" comment from his ex...lmao...but I was young, reasonably thin, average looks back then. I met guys, just d-bags. I wanted to be married and I wanted to meet a man with the the same goal.

    Meet some and see. There's no law that says if you put up an online dating profile that you HAVE to marry whoever sends you a message. Good luck.
  • mychellelynne
    mychellelynne Posts: 122 Member
    I met my husband online. I have heard/experienced bad stories but I lucked out big time. Just go in knowing what you want. I mean you going to get replies from pervs and such but just weed them out. Just remember there is someone just like you out there.
  • LittleMiss_WillLoseIt
    LittleMiss_WillLoseIt Posts: 1,373 Member
    I say yes. It won't hurt you to try it out. I've done it before and will do it again if I find it necessary. However you can still go out and maybe you will meet someone worthwhile. I went out last weekend not looking for anything just to have fun. I ended up meeting a guy who wasn't drunk off his *kitten*. We've seen each other since then.

    No harm, no foul.
  • _Pseudonymous_
    _Pseudonymous_ Posts: 1,671 Member
    Hmmm should I try opening an account or listing in multiple places rather than just one?

    Also, what is the percentage of rape and death? Are we talking about lightening strike percentages here because I think I could live with that...
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Hmmm should I try opening an account or listing in multiple places rather than just one?

    Also, what is the percentage of rape and death? Are we talking about lightening strike percentages here because I think I could live with that...

    Hmmm. I've tried Match and hated it. I'm on eHarmony now. No sparks, but the caliber of men seems to be better. eHarmony is more expensive, so I think it prices out some of the rif raff in my area. And by riff raff I mean no job, lives at home and/or is looking for a one-night stand.

    I don't know about percentages of rape and death but if it was high I think we would be hearing about it. Just use common sense.

    1. Don't let him pick you up at home.
    2. Meet in public.
    3.Don't go home with him the first night.
    4. Don't let him walk you all the way to your car door.
    5. Park in a well-lit area.
    6. Don't walk to his car.
    7. Tell your friends before you go and set a time when you need to call them back or else they should be worried. *but then you can't lose track of time
    8. Pick a restaurant/bar/event where you know someone and have them watch you get back in your car on the sly at the end of the date.
  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    I met my current boyfriend (who is absolutely amazing!) of six years online. Of course, that was after two years of a lot dates. Ugh! I learned quite a few things. . .
    1) Someone that only texts or emails but never calls isn't really interested
    2) Meet for coffee around 4pm or so. That gives you the option for something after if you like each other (dinner, movie, etc), yet still gives you a quick way out if you aren't interested.
    3) Don't drink on a first date, or at least stay sober. Some people seem a lot more fun once you've had some alcohol than they might be if you were sober.


    There is my wisdom. LOL
  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    Hmmm should I try opening an account or listing in multiple places rather than just one?

    Also, what is the percentage of rape and death? Are we talking about lightening strike percentages here because I think I could live with that...

    I learned that it is better to have one paid account than a lot of free accounts. The only thing I ever found on the free sites were men looking for booty calls.
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    i tried the online dating scene with plenty of fish...met a few nice guys on there that turned out to be not so nice guys.....was going to try a few other dating sites, when i met my current bf on none other than MFP...we are long distance, but talk/text daily and have skype dates at least once a week.

    I say try it out, if it not your cup of tea then try something else.
  • ummlovelovesyou
    ummlovelovesyou Posts: 1,024 Member
    I actually joined as a joke with my friend, and I went out on a few dates and had a blast on all of them! One of them actually became my boyfriend a few weeks ago....:blushing: we always joke about how weird it is that we met online, but I figure in this day and age with advancements in technology it's acceptable (to some). Just be cautious and use good judgement!

  • ummlovelovesyou
    ummlovelovesyou Posts: 1,024 Member
    I tried online dating once, it ended when my I hit my credit card limit and the cam went off :sad:

  • starbab311
    starbab311 Posts: 94 Member
    I feel like I attract the weird guys...
    But I am a believer that it could work!!
    so YAY!!!!

    And I totally think MFP is a dating site! Atleast when i go to a restaurant I am not the only one looking up caloric values on my smartphone lol
  • missyj1115
    missyj1115 Posts: 1,220 Member
    So I recently received some very sound advice from a friend of mine. They suggested that I should start looking at dating NOW during this process that way I can weed out the ones who like me for me and not for my being skinny when I reach my goal. The only problem with this is how the fracking heck do you meet people? I mean seriously? I work, and I go work out with a friend but I don't go out. I refuse to date anyone at my job because... well... if you were at my job you would understand. So that leaves what? Online dating? Where would I go outside of online dating?

    Needless to say I am currently accepting advice from the world of MFP... please rain your wisdom upon me!!!

    I am in the same boat.... Single mother of a 6 year old boy which makes it difficult to get out and meet people. I workout at
    home and do not go out with the girlfriends very often.

    I have been divorced for coming up on 2 1/2 years and am freaked out about the whole online dating thing!! Would love to find a decent companion to hang with but wondering if I will get over this fear of getting hurt again. I was with the same man for 15 years and after I gave birth he started stepping out on our marriage since I was tending to the newborn more than him. This happened for 4 years and then I found out, I know people are going to say how could she not have known... BUT IT HAPPENS!

    I am afraid of getting hurt, falling to fast, meeting the wrong guys and the overall feeling of just starting over!!
  • TheLuSir
    TheLuSir Posts: 1,674 Member
    Online dating for men: Send out 10,000 letters. Get one response.

    Online dating for women: Receive 10,000 letters. Respond to only hottest guys.

  • JessicaOnKeto
    JessicaOnKeto Posts: 364 Member
    Just from my experience,
    I loved online dating, and I've been with my boyfriend I meet online, for 3 and a 1/2 years now. :heart:
    I used and, since it was free, and I was a broke college student.
    Although now, if I had to start dating again, I'd try out eharmony or since I have cash now. :laugh:
    Yes, it's time consuming, Yes, it's "scary" that you're talking to folks you don't know are lying or genuine, but I think it's the same as meeting someone in a bar, you have no idea what's the truth and what's a lie. :huh:
    It was so much easier for me, to "weed out" or "eliminate" from my dating options on who to date online, from the way they reacted to what I said, what there interests were, I knew what I was looking for back then, and loved what I found.
    That being said, I know what I can live with, and what I can't live with, and everyone has their flaws, so I didn't just dismiss a "match" because of one thing I said, I spoke with tons of different guys, but my man, stood out from the bunch :love: :happy: :heart: :heart: