Online Dating, Yay or Nay



  • monizjm
    monizjm Posts: 92 Member
    I don't get what's so bad about a guy that finds you attractive at your goal weight.

    You think just because he dates you when your chubby that makes him more genuine?

    Also, on the flip side you may meet a man who is only going out with you because your chubby. That's definately a thing.

    I was just thinking the same thing as you two.
    But online dating makes me think of the Catfish show. It's easy to be honest and share things with someone who's not physically with you. The challenge is being with the person face to face. Most folks don't play well with others. I prefer just meeting people. I don't care too much for the online market. Good luck girl with your decisions and choices!
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    drchimpanzee - I'm going to be totally straight up with you. I think you are a really good looking guy - your before pictures are hot, your current pictures are hot. If I were single (or of lesser character) I would be on you like white on rice.

    Until you open your mouth. And then, all I see is your ugly attitude.

    I deleted you from my FL a few weeks back after a lengthy and heated discussion between you and me and one of my other friends, wherein we both shared with you our experiences in dating overweight men. Each of us explained our attractions toward men of a heavier build, and that not only do WE put personality first and foremost when choosing partners, neither of us keep female friends that would do anything less as well. You still maintained that at least 80% of women were shallow and superficial, and wouldn't give you the time of day when you were overweight because of it, and won't give you their attention now because ... well, because of who knows what. Honestly, I stopped listening at that point. And deleted you. Your ignorance and sexism is disheartening.

    You know that saying about how if everything around you is bad, the common denominator is probably you? Yeah, that's what's going on here. You're good looking, reasonably intelligent, pretty well spoken, and seem to be gainfully employed. The only thing stopping you from finding a decent woman is YOU. I promise you that. Please get some counseling for your insecurities and sexist ideas about women, because it hurts my heart to see you struggle so much with this.

    I was once engaged to a man who is overweight. And this was when I was arguable hotter than I am now (younger and thinner). And I'm pretty damn hot now.

    I broke that engagement because of....wait for it...his attitude. That's probably because I'm super shallow, though.

    when I've dated overweight men (and I have dated a few) I always left them because of their attitude.

    the last one beat me.....but guess what.... drchimpanzee will probably say I left him because of his weight...nevermind his fists....
  • NicoleisQuantized
    NicoleisQuantized Posts: 344 Member
    Your ignorance and sexism is disheartening.

    You know that saying about how if everything around you is bad, the common denominator is probably you? Yeah, that's what's going on here. You're good looking, reasonably intelligent, pretty well spoken, and seem to be gainfully employed. The only thing stopping you from finding a decent woman is YOU. I promise you that. Please get some counseling for your insecurities and sexist ideas about women, because it hurts my heart to see you struggle so much with this.

  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    drchimpanzee - I'm going to be totally straight up with you. I think you are a really good looking guy - your before pictures are hot, your current pictures are hot. If I were single (or of lesser character) I would be on you like white on rice.

    Until you open your mouth. And then, all I see is your ugly attitude.

    I deleted you from my FL a few weeks back after a lengthy and heated discussion between you and me and one of my other friends, wherein we both shared with you our experiences in dating overweight men. Each of us explained our attractions toward men of a heavier build, and that not only do WE put personality first and foremost when choosing partners, neither of us keep female friends that would do anything less as well. You still maintained that at least 80% of women were shallow and superficial, and wouldn't give you the time of day when you were overweight because of it, and won't give you their attention now because ... well, because of who knows what. Honestly, I stopped listening at that point. And deleted you. Your ignorance and sexism is disheartening.

    You know that saying about how if everything around you is bad, the common denominator is probably you? Yeah, that's what's going on here. You're good looking, reasonably intelligent, pretty well spoken, and seem to be gainfully employed. The only thing stopping you from finding a decent woman is YOU. I promise you that. Please get some counseling for your insecurities and sexist ideas about women, because it hurts my heart to see you struggle so much with this.

    I was once engaged to a man who is overweight. And this was when I was arguable hotter than I am now (younger and thinner). And I'm pretty damn hot now.

    I broke that engagement because of....wait for it...his attitude. That's probably because I'm super shallow, though.

    when I've dated overweight men (and I have dated a few) I always left them because of their attitude.

    the last one beat me.....but guess what.... drchimpanzee will probably say I left him because of his weight...nevermind his fists....

    I've also dated a guy that was overweight. Damn, I hate being so shallow.
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    my husband and i have been together for 11 years we met online, but not on an online "dating " site, we met on a writers site, and were assigned each other to mentor for a week...

    meet when youre in progress, if you have the time to devote to it, dont wait till your "perfect" no one ever is
  • _crafty_
    _crafty_ Posts: 1,682 Member
    So I recently received some very sound advice from a friend of mine. They suggested that I should start looking at dating NOW during this process that way I can weed out the ones who like me for me and not for my being skinny when I reach my goal.

    there are so many things wrong with this that I don't even know where to start. :noway:

    as far as the online dating . . . I've never done it . . . intentionally. I met my boyfriend here. We have common interests and similar personalities. Neither of us was looking to meet someone. That's usually the best approach IMO.
  • monizjm
    monizjm Posts: 92 Member
    Hmmm should I try opening an account or listing in multiple places rather than just one?

    Also, what is the percentage of rape and death? Are we talking about lightening strike percentages here because I think I could live with that...

    Hmmm. I've tried Match and hated it. I'm on eHarmony now. No sparks, but the caliber of men seems to be better. eHarmony is more expensive, so I think it prices out some of the rif raff in my area. And by riff raff I mean no job, lives at home and/or is looking for a one-night stand.

    I don't know about percentages of rape and death but if it was high I think we would be hearing about it. Just use common sense.

    1. Don't let him pick you up at home.
    2. Meet in public.
    3.Don't go home with him the first night.
    4. Don't let him walk you all the way to your car door.
    5. Park in a well-lit area.
    6. Don't walk to his car.
    7. Tell your friends before you go and set a time when you need to call them back or else they should be worried. *but then you can't lose track of time
    8. Pick a restaurant/bar/event where you know someone and have them watch you get back in your car on the sly at the end of the date.

    Great advice!! I should have heard these a few years back, especially on the letting him walk you to your car door. That was a bad move on my part. Sad that he got the knee to his Jewels.:laugh:
  • spade117
    spade117 Posts: 2,466 Member
    And I'm pretty damn hot now.

  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    drchimpanzee - I'm going to be totally straight up with you. I think you are a really good looking guy - your before pictures are hot, your current pictures are hot. If I were single (or of lesser character) I would be on you like white on rice.

    Until you open your mouth. And then, all I see is your ugly attitude.

    I deleted you from my FL a few weeks back after a lengthy and heated discussion between you and me and one of my other friends, wherein we both shared with you our experiences in dating overweight men. Each of us explained our attractions toward men of a heavier build, and that not only do WE put personality first and foremost when choosing partners, neither of us keep female friends that would do anything less as well. You still maintained that at least 80% of women were shallow and superficial, and wouldn't give you the time of day when you were overweight because of it, and won't give you their attention now because ... well, because of who knows what. Honestly, I stopped listening at that point. And deleted you. Your ignorance and sexism is disheartening.

    You know that saying about how if everything around you is bad, the common denominator is probably you? Yeah, that's what's going on here. You're good looking, reasonably intelligent, pretty well spoken, and seem to be gainfully employed. The only thing stopping you from finding a decent woman is YOU. I promise you that. Please get some counseling for your insecurities and sexist ideas about women, because it hurts my heart to see you struggle so much with this.

    *NUZZLES* Amen.
  • MG_Fit
    MG_Fit Posts: 1,143 Member
    I was once engaged to a man who is overweight. And this was when I was arguable hotter than I am now (younger and thinner). And I'm pretty damn hot now.

    I broke that engagement because of....wait for it...his attitude. That's probably because I'm super shallow, though.

    Thanks for sharing our story here...eff :grumble:
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Online dating for men: Send out 10,000 letters. Get one response.

    Online dating for women: Receive 10,000 letters. Respond to only hottest guys.

    VERY TRUE! lol, that's why I dont like it. You respond to the 'cuter' guys because you can only go off of the physical attraction first. All the profiles say the same B.S no one really tells who they really are. You just have to learn when or if you meet them.

    Online dating works for some, but not everyone. If you do it, set your expectations low....really low. I did it, and I felt like it was a complete waste of time and money. From a womens' perspective, I come across a lot guys who are looking for women online, but dont want to settle down or have a relationship. A lot of the men on it are not really serious ...well when you think about it, it's the same on line or in person, lol. I probably would never do it again. But some people have success....but like I said before, set your expectations low.. .VERY LOW.. and this way you won't be dissappointed if it doesn't work out. And if it does. well then, Good for you :)

    Wow. Finally got a woman to admit all she does is go off of looks. Kudos for your honesty. I'm so sick of hearing, "blah blah blah personality and confidence." Now I just need advice on how to overcome this looks barrier you women make us pass through and I'll be good.

    I hate to say this, but I've seen enough of your posts to tell you that you actually have the looks going for you but it's your attitude towards women that sucks and is totally unattractive. There is nothing wrong with admitting that an initial attraction to someone is important. Beyond that, yes personalities need to be compatible. Are you saying you would contact a woman based solely on her profile if you did not find her the least bit attractive? Come on.

    ^This. I so agree.

    I have to be reasonably attracted to a guy to date him. That's normal. But Ryan Gosling could walk through my door and if he had your attitude towards women, I'd throw him out. Bitterness, anger and resentment can make anyone ugly.

    I'd say the general problem is women set an unreasonable level of attractiveness that is required. If you're over a certain weight you're done with most women. Period. Not cool. My attitudes are formed based off how I've been treated. If women dated a wider variety of guys I'd have no issue with them.
    Try being a guy on the shorter side!
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    And I'm pretty damn hot now.


    I see you creepin' me. Keep going. I likes it.

    Wait, you aren't overweight, are you? :laugh:
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member

    I'm not even talking about dating. It's not an issue of screening. I'm talking about meeting. 9 out 10 times I get blown off in the first 30 seconds because I don't look like the cookie cutter athletic beach body women are hoping walks up to them. You know, that guy they're talking to 5 minutes later.

    Sounds like maybe you have a record of going out with people that are either out of your league or incredibly shallow.
  • _Witsy_
    _Witsy_ Posts: 609 Member

    I'd say the general problem is women set an unreasonable level of attractiveness that is required. If you're over a certain weight you're done with most women. Period. Not cool. My attitudes are formed based off how I've been treated. If women dated a wider variety of guys I'd have no issue with them.

    I don't think your weight was the reason for the unfair treatment you claim you received from women...
  • MG_Fit
    MG_Fit Posts: 1,143 Member
    I'm not even talking about dating. It's not an issue of screening. I'm talking about meeting. 9 out 10 times I get blown off in the first 30 seconds because I don't look like the cookie cutter athletic beach body women are hoping walks up to them. You know, that guy they're talking to 5 minutes later.

    Sounds like maybe you have a record of going out with people that are either out of your league or incredibly shallow.


    Some of us have had bad experiences in life...Why should that dictate the here and now? So you got the shaft, I have too. Engaged to 1Concrete a while back, not any more. *kitten* happens man. Move on, I don't get it.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Online dating for men: Send out 10,000 letters. Get one response.

    Online dating for women: Receive 10,000 letters. Respond to only hottest guys.

    How is this any different than real life? Except volume. Its life, deal with it.

  • matt2442
    matt2442 Posts: 1,259 Member
    And I'm pretty damn hot now.

    Yea, same
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    I've heard there is some women hating/bashing going on here. Do i get three guesses as to who started it?
    Oh wait..i don't need three.
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    Some of us have had bad experiences in life...Why should that dictate the here and now? So you got the shaft, I have too. Engaged to 1Concrete a while back, not any more. *kitten* happens man. Move on, I don't get it.

    If only we had ever met. :cry:
  • Admiral_Derp
    Admiral_Derp Posts: 866 Member
    Any man who begrudges a woman the right to have a standard for physical attraction forfeits his own right to have one for women as well. Physical attraction is not the be all/end all, but it's a biological fact that we all have certain physical attributes that we find attractive. If it weren't then the pornography industry would go broke. Lust is not predicated on the ethics and intelligence of other people. Granted, lust is only one small aspect of a relationship, but it is an important aspect. We combine it with everything else to determine whether or not we want relationships to continue. However, it is a very real and valid catalyst.