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Senior Golden Sneakers ~~~~May~~~~ just for you Marie!!



  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi eveyone from still cloudy Saskatchewan with a wee bit of sun poking through the clouds. Woohoo, Day 9 for Neil!!! He is a little grumpy today and wants to get out on his own. I was just outside and it really feels quite nice, shirt sleeve weather, I think about 50F but not 100% sure on that. It is 10C, normally closer to 20 C at this time of year. I just moved my beddting plants outside and hope to transplant this afternoon.

    Birdie -- You are so close, good for you, girl!

    Sandy -- I hope Daisy has peed by now! You are so right, we share nearly everything. There are (much to my husband's surprise) a few things we don't share. Eventually it all comes out but for me I do hold some things in especially if it involves another person. However, when the time is right, out it comes!

    Jeffrey -- I missed that you were a 178!!! Wow, that is thin. My husband was 175 at 6' when we got married and he was like a rail. I hope you are a little shorter. Once again, none of my business, I know you are healthy. By the way, it didn't take long to put some weight on that poor boy and now he, too, fights to take it off. There is something to be said for having a mother that is a poor cook. And for growing up on a farm with lots of chores. He had to milk the cows before school and delivered the milk on his bike on the way to school. One of many chores. Being a city kid our work was minimal in comparison.

    Marie -- I can vouch for your wonderful embroidery work. So glad you are able to get back to it!

    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla:heart:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    If you are concerned about how much Daisy is taking in for hydration, see if she will suck on ice chips. I know it sounds crazy, but one of Dreyfus's favorite "toys" was a cooler full of iced that got dumped on the lawn one day. He had all kinds of fun with it, and ate some of it in the process. Just a thought.
    I did a study marathon yesterday and spent almost 10 hours in my online course!!:noway: Didn't go to bed til about 3a, but accomplished a lot. I took a break in the early evening and went to the Chinese restaurant near where I live, and had the "senior" size cashew nut chicken. They cook to order, so I said no added salt and no MSG. It was yummy, but I also had the egg flower soup, and I think the sodium in that explains why I am up 1/2 lb. today, but I am not worried about it.

    The weather here is ridiculous. They are now saying this is the wettest May we have had in 10 years. I am beginning to think we are all going to MOLD if we don't get some sun around here soon. The doggies are getting cabin fever from not much in the "walkies" department, and I am getting sick of wearing my "longies" shirt to stay warm at night.

    I am just on here for a sec, have to finish up my studying so I will be ready for my insurance license exam on Friday. The doggies are helping by taking a nap.:laugh: :laugh:

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,123 Member
    :drinker: rain here too.....Jake played golf in the rain, but my walking friend called and said that she'd come over to visit at the dining room table but it was too wet to walk :sad: :sad: :sad:

    :flowerforyou: Jake and I did yoga together this morning.....that's two days in a row, the start of a trend :bigsmile:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member

    Daisy finally did pee:bigsmile: , it took her a while but she did. We tried giving her ice chips and ice cubes but she took a drink out of the toilet (gross) and just when I was about to call the doctor she went outside and peed. We took off her pain patch since the tech told me that it could be the reason she wasn't eating. She wasn't happy with me holding her and my hubby ripping off that patch, but tonight she is looking and acting more like herself. I think the patch was making her too groggy and she was confused.:tongue:

    My boy Lee won American Idol and I am thrilled for him. :heart: It is so great to have a home town boy win something this big. At least sort of hometown just a few suburbs from me.Crystal was amazing and if she had won it would have been great, they are both talented people. :love:

    Barbie and Jake sitting in a tree, K I S S I N G. You are just so cute together. :love: :flowerforyou: :heart:

    Barb, I am exhausted just from reading about all that studying. I hope you get some rest soon.:yawn:

    Gayla, I try not to air all my dirty laundry, but as long as it isn't hurting anyone I do like to share some things. Jeffrey didn't say his weight bu\t he posted he lost 94 pounds and started at 272 so I just subtracted. :blushing: Glad Neil is still in a good mode, hope it continues for ever, but who of us doesn't get cranky once in while? :grumble:

    Birdie, I have forgotten how to find your BMI so please explain so I can find out if I am in the normal range. (Body wise, not mind wise) How tall are you? I do use sunscreen and I do try to be careful in the sun, but truthfully it has been too hot to sit out there for more than 10 minutes at a time. :noway: I will do better when I start taking my granddaughter to the pool next week.

    Good night and sweet dreams!!
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Just a quick hello. It was my WW night and wanted to tell you that I lost 2.4 pounds! Yeah!!

    Sandy -- Glad Daisy is doing so well.

    Take care everyone. Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite!
    Gayla :heart:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Glad everything came out all right with Daisy (Sorry, couldn't help myself:bigsmile: :bigsmile:)

    To find your BMI, go to tools on the MFP site, and choose the BMI tool. Your currently recorded weight and height will already appear in the tool and then push the calculate button and it will tell you where you are.

    I am at my parents' place. Have been MIA all week from doing the online coursework, so thought I better stop in so they didn't forget what I look like. Doggies are home sulking.
    See ya'll tomorrow.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    Sandy Glad

    Glad lee won. daisy is back to normal.

    Pt and nurse is coming by today. Then free for the week end.

    The salt free diet is still duing fine, Its not as bad as I thought it would be. But my weight has stopped.
    I had chest pain Momday andTtues. but yesterday it left. I think it was heartburn. Will have to get in touch with my doctor for some Med. for it. I really think that was all my problem when they put me in the hospital. For they never found anything wrong with me.

    Hope everyone have a very nice day.:flowerforyou: Marie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    Good Morning,

    Gayla..........hip hip hooray!!! 2.4 pounds is wonderful!!! :flowerforyou: Keep up the good work!!!1

    Marie, have fun with the PT and nurse, be sure to tell them about your chest pains. I really, really think you should go to the doctor and tell him about those pains. It is never too late to be smart about chest pain. :tongue:

    I did my BMI and it was 22 and in the normal range. :bigsmile: I am still going for my goal though it is just the thought of saying I am under 130 that I love. :heart:

    I have some comcast adapters and new HIgh Definition box that I have to put on my TV's. My step son gave us a 32 inch flat screen TV for our basement family room so I have to make some changes. Once I have that TV working I can do my shred workout. :blushing: It has cooled off to the 70's so today will be a great day to go outside, hopefully I get all my inside chores done. :smile:

    Have a great Thursday,
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! I am tired tonight but then I get my second wind and don't know when to go to bed. I am still having allergy issues, I think related to the poplar fluff floating in the air like snow. Man, I hate those trees and our neighbout has a bunch. There are so many much nicer trees but not my choice. Speaking of snow, our forecast is for snow on the weekend. Someone needs to tell the weatherman that it is nearly June!!! Enough!!
    I have nothing else today, spent the day in the office.

    Sandy -- meant to say that I was happy Lee won and sorry that he didn't have his best week. People forget so quickly what a great voice he has and are complaining that the wrong person won. I think they are wrong -- we shall see. It looks like some good dancers coming up. As always, more poor than good but some that I can't wait to see again.

    Marie -- I, too, hope you told the nurse about the chest pain. I am so glad that it has gone. Being an ex cardiac nurse I say get checked out. I am not sure if I ever told you that I used to work in Coronary Care for several years at a few different hospitals. It was a great area to work in but too difficult once we had 3 kids under 5!!

    Barb -- It is too scary at this point to check the BMI but I should do it anyway.

    Take care y'all!! Gayla :heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,123 Member
    :flowerforyou: I don't watch American Idol but I found myself in the middle of a conversation between some fans (friends at line dance) who disagreed on the outcome..there was a lot of passion in their discussion

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, congratulations on the weight loss.....it looks like WW is the place for you...I'm glad you finally found a program that works for you.....your weather makes our rainy chilly weather look like spring by comparison.......a baseball player from the Dominican Republic asked one of his Seattle Mariners teammates when it would be spring in Seattle and the answer was "July 5" :laugh: sounds like the same thing for Saskatchewan.

    :flowerforyou: Marie, your pains might just be heartburn, but I agree that you should ask the doctor anyway

    :flowerforyou: Sandy we bought a High Definition TV and got HD service from Direct TV and we love it.....I agree about wanting your weight to be below a certain number......nobody ever asks me how much I weigh but I know and I love the number

    :flowerforyou: Barb, when is your test? Don't worry about the doggies, they would sulk if you left them alone for 20 minutes.

    :bigsmile: We had a meeting today to update our wills.....one of the big things is that we're going to change the people who would take our pets.....the dogs were very patient while the attorney was here but they were happy that she didn't stay too long so we could go to the dog park.

    :flowerforyou: we did yoga again today and are really liking the routine....part of the planning is getting to bed early so we can get up early enough to include the yoga and still get to the golf course and line dance before 9:00....I have had yoga as one of my goals for months and this is the best I've ever done with it.
    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: early to bed and early to rise :heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Exam is at noon on Friday. Will post an update tomorrow.

    Just a quick post as I am doing my last studying before tomorrow.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey ya'll

    Jerry has gone to the doctor to get his lungs check out. He has gotten so hoarse I can hardly understand him. I have really been worried about him. He has lost a lot of wieght too. I think he is down to 149 lbs. He has been running around 160..
    Will give you guys an update when he gets home.

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone from, yes rainy, Saskatchewan. I am enjoying my all by myself day. I had a leisurely breakfast, Cheerios watching the food network and doing some suduoku. Must keep the brain active. :wink: I still don't have my exercise bike moved so that I can bike while I watch TV. The boys are coming out Monday to celebrate my almost dil's birthday so will get it moved then. Of course a birthday means a birthday cake. Dave suggested a German Chocolate Cake which is a good thing as I have a sensitivity to Pecans. I will put them in the icing and then not dare have more than a sliver. I was planning my menu and am doing back ribs (their favorite) and German potato salad (warm) which is why he thought of the cake. I have not decided on the veg. or what kind of salad yet. See why it is so hard to diet -- I am a lover of good food and the worst part is I love to prepare it myself. I will handle it and be a better (or thinner) person for it!! I will not stop cooking!

    Marie -- Jerry is in my thoughts. I am praying it turns out to be something that needs a quick fix.

    Barb -- Good luck with the exam!

    Barbie -- I hope some day I develop your commitment to exercise! You really are an inspiration.

    Sandy -- How is Daisy today? I hope she is back to herself.

    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Hey ya'll

    Jerry has gone to the doctor to get his lungs check out. He has gotten so hoarse I can hardly understand him. I have really been worried about him. He has lost a lot of wieght too. I think he is down to 149 lbs. He has been running around 160..
    Will give you guys an update when he gets home.


    He's in my prayers!:love:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,123 Member
    :flowerforyou: Marie, you did the right thing getting Jerry to the doctor.....he has been so busy looking after you that he forgot to take care of himself.........I'll think positive thoughts that there will be a simple solution

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, losing weight is a higher priority for me than almost anything (like recreational eating or other forms of entertainment)......after so many false starts over the last 20 years, I became determined to do better this time.....exercise is my ticket to better eating.......the more I exercise, the more I can eat....I also figured out that I could eat more and nourish my body more with healthy foods rather than sweets

    :flowerforyou: It's raining again today.....good news for my seed garden, bad news for Jake who didn't get to play golf and the girls and me who didn't get to go to the dog park.....we got up early again today and did our yoga before breakfast :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Barb----you're taking your test right now and I know you're doing a great job

    I have a huge pile of paperwork to take care of so I'd better get busy. :heart: Barbie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    update on Jerry. They did not not find anything. will have a full report in a couple weeks.

    I felled last nght. and could not get Jerry wake. I was in the bedroom and he was in the den aleep in th chair. with the TV blairing away But he fiaally heard me and got me up . I wasn't hurt just can't ge up by myself.

    Gayla sound like you are having a good family get together. Are the kids back together.?

    Hope you all have a wonderful holiday.
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Marie --

    Sadly, no. They do spend time together and it remains very amicable. It is what it is I guess!!
    Glad they didn't find anything serious with Jerry but also glad he saw the Dr..
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Marie --

    Sadly, no. They do spend time together and it remains very amicable. It is what it is I guess!!
    Glad they didn't find anything serious with Jerry but also glad he saw the Dr..
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    ..:flowerforyou: It's raining again today.....good news for my seed garden, bad news for Jake who didn't get to play golf and the girls and me who didn't get to go to the dog park.....we got up early again today and did our yoga before breakfast :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Barb----you're taking your test right now and I know you're doing a great job...

    Actually, you were right. At the time you posted, I had just finished the first exam on insurance principles, and was about to start the second one on state law. I am happy to report I passed both sections with a score above 90%, and an average for the entire exam of 92%!!! Since I only needed 75% to pass, I am very pleased. Both of my friends are giving me grief as I outscored both of them on both exams, but I did have the advantage of having been previously licensed in another state about ten years ago.

    Well, I am GLAD the studying and testing process is over. On Tues or Wed of next week, I will drive to our state capitol to pick up my license. It can be applied for online, but then it takes several days for processing, and until I have it in hand, I can't complete my company training, which I am eager to get started on, so I can start bringing in some $$$.

    I am planning to meet a friend for lunch the day I go up there. It's about a 200 mile round trip for me, so might as well kill two birds with one stone (or one tank of gas!!:bigsmile: )

    I hope Jerry's condition is not serious and resolves quickly. As for you, maybe you need to get one of those "life alert" pendants that enable you to summon help in an emergency. They don't cost that much per month, and a friend of mine has one, and it has come in handy for her a couple of tims. I am glad you were able to get back on two feet and didn't get hurt in your fall.

    That menu has me wanting to come and visit you for dinner. I will content myself with the dessert I am planning to treat myself to this evening. I am tired from staying up these past few nights studying, so I am making a dinner in "my way." I got a Lean Cuisine shrimp stir fry, that comes with whole wheat pasta. I am adding extra shrimp to it.

    Dessert is a creation that came to me when I stopped to pick up milk tonight and saw some nice looking strawberries and blueberries. I picked up some chocolate graham crackers to make a crust, or I might be lazy and just use them whole. On top of that a layer of sugar free cool whip, a layer of berries, another layer of cool whip and then more berries. I plan to top it off with a square of 60% cacao dark chocolate. I think this will be a very satisfying celebration, that won't break the "calorie bank."

    Well, I am making myself hungry, so I think it is time to go and work on my culinary creations. Have a good evening, all.


    BTW, after a halfway decent day yesterday, the rain has re-appeared, but it is supposed to stop by tomorrow. I hope so. :grumble: I feel like a sponge!!:noway: :laugh: :laugh: A moldy sponge at that!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Congrats Barb on your high score. I wish you the best in you new adventure.
    Your menu sounds devine too. I found a new product called Also Salt. It really tasted like the real stuff and no sodium. I have only used it once. But will used it on my oatmeal in the morning. Ii can't get used to eating oatmeal without salt. About the only thing tho.

    Enjoy your meal. Marie
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