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Senior Golden Sneakers ~~~~May~~~~ just for you Marie!!

Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Started a new post for Marie............I know she would have asked me too and hopefully she will be here soon to let us know she is ok.


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,123 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Thanks, Sandy, I was sure you would do this for us :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Jake45
    Jake45 Posts: 146 Member
    I haven't posted for awhile but I am thinking good thoughts for Marie and hoping to hear from her soon
    :drinker: :drinker: Jake:bigsmile:
  • viliberty1957
    viliberty1957 Posts: 194
    Another month! How fast they go by! Have a good day. God Bless! Irene
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! I have another message from Alice today and wanted to share it with you.

    This is Alice with an update on my mom. She remains in the hospital but out of ICU. They are still doing tests but nothing definite yet. She is suppose to come home on Monday.
    I know she is missing all of her friends. She enjoys corresponding with everyone. Please pass on to others that she is thinking of them and will be back online as soon as she gets home.
    Thank you for the well wishes, I will pass them on to Momma. It will make her smile.

    I did tell her that you were all keeping her in your thoughts and prayers. I am so glad that they are continuing tests so that when we get Marie back she will be feeling so much stronger and healthier.

    Take care everyone. Gayla :heart:
  • TexasAngelBeth
    TexasAngelBeth Posts: 315 Member
    Hi All...We can't wait for Marie to get back...get better soon my friend
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello All,

    Marie, we miss you:heart: ...Come home soon.:flowerforyou:

    Had a busy day today and Friday. Last night I helped friends deal with some computer problems, and in return, I had a grilled salmon dinner with a great salad, and garlic sourdough boule, not to mention fresh steamed asparagus. We had a sugar free lemon loaf covered with blueberries and a little Redi Whip. The calorie count for the day would have been better if I had only had ONE glass of Merlot instead of THREE!!:laugh: :laugh: But, life is for living..:ohwell: Fortunately, I had lots of exercise calories available from moving boxes and furniture.

    Today, I got a later start than I had planned. It seems that 3 glasses of Merlot leaves me feeling...well..like I had three glasses of Merlot!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Anyway, I didn't stay in bed too long, since I got a call from a neighbor alerting me that we have a sinkhole on the common area of our condo property, next to the creek. It is fairly small, so far. I measured it this morning so I can check it on Sunday to see if it is any bigger. We managed to find some scrap lumber and cover it so no person or critter can fall in.

    I managed to get the rest of the odds and ends moved from my parents' storage unit, and consolidated into the other one I rented that we are going to combine my stuff and theirs in. Unfortunately, I am NOT done:grumble: I still have to go through all my stuff this next month and get it consolidated into the other unit. I found about 6 boxes of old Sunset Magazines. My mom subscribed to Sunset from the early 50's up to about 1993, and I thought I had already recycled all the ones that remained, but these were from the mid-fifties up to 1970 and beyond.
    I hated the thought of just tossing them, but there is no market for them ( I checked). As one fell open to an add for a late fifties car, I suddenly figured out a solution. I called the Memory Care unit of the senior living complex where my parents live, and found they would be delighted to use some of them, and they would share the rest with someone in the activities department that works with residents not in memory care. I delivered all the magazines there today, and before I even got out of the building, some of the ladies were eyeballing them with great interest.

    I couldn't resist holding back a few of them and taking them to my mother. There were two magazines that were older than I am, and we both got a kick out of that. I didn't have time to look at them in depth but will later.

    After all those exercise calories, I went to a birthday party at the home where I grew up. The couple that purchased it are good friends of a good friend of mine. Their son, and his mother have birthdays at the beginning of May, so it was a good excuse for a party. I ate too much chili and cheese dip with tortilla chips, and also had a piece of brownie cake with ice cream, and a couple of snicker doodles jumped on my plate too:noway: :laugh: There were also veggies and salad. It was not the most healthful of meals, but very good, and tomorrow is another day.:flowerforyou:

    I was supposed to visit with a friend after the afternoon party, but I was so tired, I came home, and since we are still having unseasonably cool weather, I am wearing WOOL SOCKS on the 1st of May. The doggies and I are spending quality time--they with their snores and an occasional snack, and me with the computer.

    Have a good night all.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    Good Morning from Minnesota!! By the time some of you read this I should be home in Illinois. I miss my hubby and my Daisy so much, plus my son is back from England and I can't wait to see him!!

    It was a good trip, other than the accident, things went well. The boys are growing up but even so and I do love them so much, but I really don't like leaving home to "sit" for them. My husband doesn't like when I go away even for the weekends with Bryanna for dance but he accepts those weekends. He has a hard time understanding why my daughter asks me to come here so they can travel and I think I also feel like that. They do have a 20 year old daughter who goes to college in Minnesota, who could watch them. :tongue: One of the first things my daughter asked was if I could watch the boys for two weeks next June so they could go to Hawaii for their 25th wedding anniversary. My first response was no, why not ask Kelly? Then she said they could stay with me at my house, which my husband would just love. (not) I know I sound like a bad grandma but I had four kids of my own, now it is their turn to take care of their own kids. (off my soap box now and Elli I love babies and being a first time grandma I was always available...practically raised Bryanna so this is not meant for you.)

    Better get in the shower and get moving, will chat with you in Itasca!!

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    hi everybody

    Sandy - thank you for starting this for Marie. I'm so glad you get to go home! Also glad you told your daughter "no" to TWO Weeks! That's kinda crazy! Especially since they have a daughter who is certainly old enough to take care of them! I agree - that's WAY too long to be away from home! I'll do whatever my kids need me to do with the baby - i have the luxury (?) of living alone so they can leave her here with me anytime! Oh wait - i DO Have 2 businesses to run now..........lol

    MARIE! we sure do miss you and worry about you - REST and HEAL........ sending prayers, thoughts and healing energy your way.

    Gayla - thank you for keeping us updated on her!

    Barb - that same thing happens to me - even if i drink 2 glasses of wine i don't feel so great in the morning!

    Yesterday went down to Castle Rock (about an hour and 45 minute drive) and spent the day doing inventory on the new business. It came out right on which was awesome! Tomorrow we get new computer and software:noway: (absolutely terrifying). Tuesday we (me and an employee/friend) pick up a u-haul, go to denver for closing, go back to castle rock to load the business and bring it here. WHEW! Wednesday, move it in and try and get somewhat organized and oh yea, keep the OTHER business up and running.........Thursday and Friday the owner comes to teach us. Friday - graduation/dinner for friend graduating from nursing school, Sat and Sun dil and mom and gramma here, Mon, dinner at my house for other friends.......
    ok - i'm exhausted - i'm off to hot yoga!
    happy sunday!!!!!
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Barbie - i just went back and finished reading April's posts - that's funny - i saw the first of those 2 Oprah articles while waiting in the Doctor's office as well. Then i got the second one, and printed them off for a friend of mine i keep trying to talk into going with me. I've never done the 60 day challenge - it's more a problem of me getting there every day. The class is an hour and a half and for me the round trip drive is also an hour and a half..........some days it's just not possible. I'd love to try it someday - maybe when i retire:laugh: Anyway - i did get there this morning and still say it's the best workout i've ever done. It's good for every part of your body, including your internal organs.

    Have a great day all! Now i'm going to try and get some outside work done!

  • tobysjrzgrl
    tobysjrzgrl Posts: 34 Member
    Greetings from El Paso. Have been on vacation for a week. Sorry to hear Marie is under the weather. I really havent been on while i've been away, but wanted to share my news.

    I reached my 100 lb goal. Actually I only have 8 lbs to go to "onederland" and 37 more to goal. Can't believe I lost 5.5 on vacation.
    Promise to read priors when I get home.

    I bowl tonight and 6pm and again at 7am.

    Thoughts & prayers sent to all.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello All,

    Just a quickie. Thinking of you MARIE, and looking forward to hearing from you again soon:flowerforyou:


    I don't have any kids, so grandkids won't be an issue, but I can understand your point of view. It is one thing if you want to take care of your grandkids for long periods of time, but quite another if it is "assumed" you are going to.

    Good luck in resolving things in a way that doesn't strain your relationship with your daughter. Maybe a compromise for June. If you haven't yet abolutely declined, here is a thought: If I were the 20 year old, I don't know that I would want to be tied down for two weeks either, so maybe she could do one week at home and they could come and see you for the other? Just a thought

    Judy congratulations on your loss and meeting your goal. Lately, I can't even lose when I stay HOME., so how you did it on vacation is even more amazing!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    So long for now...

  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Hi Everyone!

    Marie get back and better soon! I miss you!

    Just a quick check in note. Ran another race today. I came in second in my age group. There were about 250 runners. It was a good time. I would have needed a car to catch the guy that beat me! Anyway I am happy and proud of 2nd!

    Sandy I am with you! If you want to watch the kids do so, if not so be it! You have your life and I am with you!


    Beth how is the training going?
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,123 Member
    :flowerforyou: I just have a minute......it has been rainy and cold today so we addressed it by taking a nap
    Jake, me, Bernie, Sasha, and Brandy crammed together in the bed for over two hours.

    :flowerforyou: We took a vote at our house and decided that it's time for Marie to come home and be healthy again. We really miss her

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey, congratulations on your race success

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, congratulations on your decision to be less available as a babysitter.......that's something I would never do.....I have friends who consider staying with their grandkids or keeping them at their homes one of the world's greatest treats....I am a very absentee grandparent :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Judy, congratulations on reaching your goal:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Now it's my turn on the exercise bike
    hugs:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Barbiecat--I took a picture today that I MUST get into my pc so I can either post it or send it to you. I went to the Farmers' Market in downtown Vancouver today and there was a beautiful white standard poodle named Mercedes there.

    The picture shows her laying very regally in a little red Radio Flyer Wagon,(complete with wooden sides so she wouldn't tumble out), and chewing on a pigs ear!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: She was being pulled by her human "momma" who explained they both like to come to the market, but the dog is 16 and can't walk very far or very long, so the solution was to haul her around in the little red wagon.

    The market makes a point of advertising itself as a dog friendly destination, and there are dogs in all shapes and sizes present, on leash, with their human companions.

    I bought 2 lbs. of fresh asparagus, and gave it to my neighbors who had given me something they were going to donate to charity, and they wouldn't take any money for it, so I paid them in asparagus!! When I delivered the vegetables, the man of the house handed me a bag with three dressed out Kokanee (for those not familiar, this is a name for a freshwater salmon). He had been fishing this morning, and they were very fresh. I plan to have them for dinner with my mom and dad on Tuesday night.

    Jeffrey--Maybe you need one of those motorized scooters to catch the person that passed you in that race.:noway: It wouldn't be as obvious as using a car!!:laugh: :laugh:

    Good night all.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    Good Morning,

    I feel like I was a little whiny in my last post and I apologize for that. :blushing: It is so good to be home though and just able to do what I want, when I want. :tongue: Daisy was so excited to see me as was my hubby, so life is good. :heart:

    Marie, prayers are being sent your way and hopefully you come home from the hospital today. :flowerforyou:

    Gayla, thank you for keeping us updated on Marie. I hope Neil is all healed now and things are well at your house.

    Barb, you make me laugh so much, I think I might have to put you on the road and be your agent. :laugh: I am sure by next June some compromise will be made with my grandsons, I think I just felt burnt out before I went to Minnesota and a little jealous that my daughter went to Arizona and I would have liked to have gone to see my son and his grandma. :ohwell:

    Barbie, saying no is one of my biggest faults, I just don't know how to say NO. I do feel at times I am being taken for granted, but that is my own fault. Most of my complaints in life come from the fact that I don't say no. It comes from being an enabler to my children and until I take some ground and only do what I want to do, I have no right to complain. I love my grandchildren as we all do, but it is so much nicer to see them when we want to and not when we have too, does that make sense???

    Jeffrey, congratulations on being number 2!! Isn't it the Budget car commercial that brags about being number 2??
    You said it perfect about grandchildren or anything else for that matter. :heart:

    Toby, congratulations on the 100 pound goal!!! How great is it, that you lost weight on vacation, that is just wonderful!!
    How is the bowling going? Didn't you just do a tournament?

    Elli, you are just too busy, but busy is good!! Good luck with the new company, you are so focused you will be very successful!!

    Time to get Daisy to the groomer, have a great day!

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Thanks Sandy - Welcome home - I'm like you - i have a hard time saying "no". I wish we could be a bit more like Barbie! Don't know if i'm as much of an enabler as a neuterer, caregiver.......

    Congrats Jeffrey on your race! That is AWESOME!

    Congras Judy on 100 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! woo hooooooooo!

    Off to the bank to do big finance stuff - then back here to do comfusing computer stuff. We will be without one in the office this afternoon till........??????? a bit scary!!!!!!!

    On my weight - i've gone up and down - back at the dang old 9 pounds still to go........don't know if i'll ever get under 120 again.....worried about when i'll be able to make yoga this week. Or do anything not work related. Oh well - lucky ME! i have a JOB! i'll quit comlaining now and move on to an attitude of gratitude! I truly AM grateful!!!!!!!

    Happy Monday!!!!!!!
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Hi all!

    Quiet day here today! I will post more tomorrow! Great workout day. Swam 3/4 mile non stop, ran 2 miles, and then did my P90X and ab routine.

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! We had sunshine in Saskatchewan after a few days of rain. I hear there may be snow tomorrow. I didn't hear from Marie today so hope she is home a settling in.
    We had a busy day in the city today. I went to the Dr. to see about this rash that won't go away. He says it is a virus and will go away in a couple of months. He said his wife had the same thing. He gave me some cortisone cream to take the redness out of it. Says it doesn't seem to be very communicable.
    Not much else to share today.

    Way to go Jeffrey -- 2nd is way better than sitting home on the couch!!

    Sandy -- Glad you got home. If you can't vent here where can you vent? Hard to believe that Daisy is nearly one!!

    elli -- Nice to hear from you, busy as you always are.

    Barb -- Sounds like you had a great time at the Farmer's Market. I love when the fresh produce starts pouring in to the F.M.

    Barbie and Jake -- How nice to have a nap with the whole family!

    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Thanks Sandy - Welcome home - I'm like you - i have a hard time saying "no". I wish we could be a bit more like Barbie! Don't know if i'm as much of an enabler as a neuterer, caregiver.......

    Happy Monday!!!!!!!

    elli-I don't THINK you are a veterinarian, so thank you for the giggle. I think you meant "nurturer," didn't you?:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,123 Member
    :flowerforyou: Elli, I'm glad you got to read that whole article about hot yoga......the whole story of that woman's journey was inspiring.........she had a lot more battles to fight that I did.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, I think learning to say "No" is important otherwise we'll be overrun by people who keep taking......we are the only ones who can set our own boundaries.......I have a friend who babysits her four grandchildren every day so her daughter can work full time and then whines about how bad off they are financially because she can't go to work and make some more money for her own family......I applaud you for saying "no".......processing with us is a helpful thing to do and isn't whining unless the processing goes on endlessly with no solution emerging.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: marie, come back, we miss you

    :flowerforyou: We stayed up too late tonight watching "Dancing With the Stars" :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, sorry to hear about the rash:sad:

    :flowerforyou: Barb, did you have the bad winds that we had up here? My clock radio woke me up this morning with a report about the "blustery" weather in Vancouver, BC......we had the same stuff here and our visit to the dog park was like taking a walk in a wind tunnel....I considered hanging on to a tree to keep from being knocked down.
    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs Barbie
This discussion has been closed.