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Senior Golden Sneakers ~~~~May~~~~ just for you Marie!!



  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Re: weather!! You might say we had a "hail" of time down here!!:laugh: We also had, sun, rain, wind, overcast. It was one of those "if you don't like the weather wait five minutes" kind of days. As for the wind, it did kick up pretty good around 1 -2a this morning. I didn't really notice it. The only time I am really aware of wind is if it comes from the south and makes the doggie door fly open. That didn't happen last night, but I could hear a little wind noise outside.

    Today I got caught in the hail as I was leaving my home to take a load of things to the storage unit. Upon arrival, pea-sized hail began to fall, and as I got out of the car and opened the unit door, the rain started. I stood inside as it poured for about 5 minutes. Eventually, I was able to unload.

    I don't think we got it as bad here as they did further north and further east of here. There were bad dust storms in eastern Washington and 2 accidents caused by dust on I-84 in northeast Oregon. They even had some fires resulting from power poles being blown over and the wires catching grass on fire. Just heard on the news that a windsurfer out on the Columbia River has come up missing. They have been looking for him about 7 hours now, and all they found was his board washed up on shore.

    We may set a record for coldest temperature on May 4th. Our average at this time of year SHOULD be mid-60's. Tomorrow, they are predicting a HIGH temp of 51 degrees (F). They had over a foot of snow today at Mt. Hood. Hard to believe it is May.

    Well, that is it for the weather report.

    Catch you all later.

  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Morning!

    Beautiful day here in Indiana! Sunny and calm winds. I am going to help my neighbors today put storm doors on and workout some. I have to do a couple of things to my race bike so I can ride it in traffic. I am also planning on running some on the road today. I want to run another race in a couple of weeks and I need to get with it! Tomorrows goal is to swim one mile non stop.

    We are having both girls home for Mother's Day! I can't wait! We will be going to Sam's graduation on Saturday in Terre Haute. They are letting her walk with her group but she will still have her student teaching to do in the fall. Outside of all that, nothing else note worthy. Yesterday I did get one of the flower beds cleaned out good. What a job! One more to go! And I planted 6 grape tomato plants. You might know we now have a chance of frost on Friday/Saturday night.

    Everyone have a great day! I did not look back at the older post, but did anyone get the movie quote? It was from the "Quiet Man" with John Wayne and Maureen O'hara. She was the quoted one! I will try to come up with another later on!

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello All,

    Hope we see Marie on here again soon.

    Jeffrey, I love grape tomatoes. I hope yours survive the colder temps.

    Just popping in to say the weather is still nuts around here, and sadly, about midnight last night the Coast Guard found that missing windsurfer in the river. He did not survive. So sad.

    I have to go and meet someone at 1p, fortunately, it is only 1/4 of a mile from my house!! So bye.

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! No messages from Marie or Alice. I hope you are home and resting Marie. I miss you!
    Well, we have snow today! Just when I start thinking about my little garden we get snow. There is snow on the ground but I don't think it will stay long. I miss seeing our little woodpecker out there. Dave got a few pics but they are from a distance.

    Neil is climbing the stairs up to his room which makes him a very happy camper. Today Dave moved the easy chair into the family room which makes Neil even happier. He just moved the bed down a ways in case we need it again soon. Once we are sure the bed will be out of there and renovations can commence! We haven't heard about his neuro surgery yet but I expect him to be able to climb the stairs after that one. We still haven't heard from the group home and I am thinking that I should call his social worker. He is once again asking when he will go to the group home. I sure don't want to miss this window.

    Take care everyone. Oh, Jeffrey, Sandy got the answer to your quiz and she is expecting a very big prize so you better get one that!! I plan to get the next one, so make it easy!

    Gayla :heart:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Hey guys and gals....how's it going?!!!:happy: Haven't posted since Friday so have some catching up to do!
    My Woman's Retreat went very well this past weekend! So many beautiful women with such strength!:flowerforyou: :love: My food was a little messy :ohwell: but not "over the top". I had a few treats :tongue: but ate as healthy as I could during meals. Friday I exercised for 70 min to burn 400 calories and Monday and today I exercise for over 50 min.:bigsmile: My food has been disciplined since I got home but I didn't drink much water (over the weekend). So we'll see what the scale says tomorrow. :happy: I am trying to increase my exercise time to keep losing but I am slowing down a little because I'm starting to look drawn. :frown: I am comfortable where I am, although I would like to lose a little more weight, but I don't feel the urgency to lose it fast. So for May, if I lose 2 lbs, I will be happy.:blushing:

    Jeffrey, congrats on the race!!! :flowerforyou: 2nd place!!!...I hate to tell you where I would have been! :laugh: How many people were racing? That's about the number that I would have come in as :laugh:

    Marie, we miss you! Get well!:love:

    Gayla thanks for the updates but sorry about the rash:noway: Take care!

    Sandy, my parents were the best parents you could ask for, but after bringing up all of us (13) they said "Been there...done that!" They would occasionally babysit..... but only occasionally. If you like babysitting, then that's wonderful! But sometimes children can take advantage of us, especially if they know we have a hard time saying no! :grumble: It is a good and noble thing to be generous with our service to others....HOWEVER encouraging our children to be independant is really a service to THEM! NOT depending on my parents all the time... forced me to learn how be responsible for my own life and children and give my parents some...well earned space! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: 2 weeks is a lot to ask of ANYBODY, especially when you have a spouse! Saying NO does NOT make you a bad mother/ grandmother! (Off soapbox:blushing: )

    Elli...you're going to turn into a puddle!!! :noway: :noway: So busy!! Take care and good luck with the business!:wink:

    Barb, I think you should go on tour as a comedian! Hey didn't someone here say they'd be your agent???:laugh:

    Barbie.. you're inspiring as always!:flowerforyou:

    Greetings to everyone else! Got to get back to work:blushing:

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    Everyone have a great day! I did not look back at the older post, but did anyone get the movie quote? It was from the "Quiet Man" with John Wayne and Maureen O'hara. She was the quoted one! I will try to come up with another later on!


    I guessed Quiet Man but quoted John Wayne as the one who said the quote, so I am half right.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Everyone have a great day! I did not look back at the older post, but did anyone get the movie quote? It was from the "Quiet Man" with John Wayne and Maureen O'hara. She was the quoted one! I will try to come up with another later on!


    I guessed Quiet Man but quoted John Wayne as the one who said the quote, so I am half right.

    So I guess that means you qualify for half a prize?????:wink::bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Oh, almost forgot--wanted to tell Gayla not to do anything "rash"--sorry I plead insanity. The rain has returned just in time to put me over the edge..:laugh: :laugh: Seriously, hope it goes away quickly.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,123 Member
    :flowerforyou: It was sunny when the dogs and I got up at sunrise so at 7 we got Jake up to tell him that it was a good day for him to play golf......he got up and got ready and fielded a few business phone calls and headed for the golf course.....somewhere around the sixth hole it started raining so he was glad he took his raingear and umbrella.

    :flowerforyou: I did pilates then yoga then the exercise bike then some wii sports before heading off to the meeting I go to on Tuesday mornings with my business partners...I was indoors in a room full of big windows when it started raining.

    :flowerforyou: After years of giving myself a sticker on the calendar for going over 10,000 steps on the pedometer, I realized that I was always choosing walking over any of my other exercises because I wanted the steps so I could get a sticker...so today I decided to change my plan....I'll still keep track of my steps, but now in order to get a sticker I will challenge myself to doing yoga, pilates, exercise bike and a wii sports activity. Of course, I won't be able to achieve that goal while we're traveling because the bike and the wii won't come with us:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, it's so good to hear from you again.....you add so much to this thread and I'm sure I'm not the only one who has missed you. I agree with you about slowing down your weight loss as you get to your goal. That's what i did and in time the weight came off and my skin started to firm up and people stopped telling me that I was wasting away.

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, that is such great news about Neil climbing the stairs and asking about going to the group home....he must have been so sick of being incapacitated.

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey......best wishes for success on your continued triathlon training.....you're doing great.

    :flowerforyou: Barb, you remind me of my mother who had a joke for every occasion:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, I agree with Birdie that saying NO does not make you a bad mother/grandmother....to thine own self be true.

    :flowerforyou: We're leaving in less than a week to go to California and I'm starting to make lists and plans about packing. I'll try to be moderate because I don't want to spend more time packing than actually traveling.
    hugs:heart::smooched: :heart: Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    Late Post tonight. Today was my card day ( yeah after three weeks of not playing) and it was fun as I won. After cards I went grocery shopping and after dinner my hubby and I took Daisy for another 4 mile walk. I am upset that I missed two days of my 30 day shred but will get back on that tomorrow. I suppose it really only works if you do 30 days straight so I guess I am starting over until I get 30 days. :grumble:

    Our weather was beautiful today, in the high 70's and sunny, it was wonderful. I love having the doors and windows open with my ceiling fans at full blast, it just feels so good. :bigsmile:

    Gee, Barbie if I lived by your standards I would never get any stickers. :tongue: I am happy to get at least 300 calories in one day not matter what I do, which is why you lost 71 pounds and I can't lose the last pound. :laugh:

    Barb, you are one funny lady, I love your sense of humor.:love:

    Birdie, you have such a way with words, thank you. I like you feel no hurry to lost the last pound ( really would like to lose 6 more) because for my age and height I am probably good with my weight. It just would feel good to be able to reach a goal I set for myself.

    Getting late, time for bed.:yawn:

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I re-read my prior post. I was trying to say that I hoped the RASH went away--not the rain. Also Gayla, I re-read your post. It is great news that Neil is asking about the group home and is getting around better. You must be very pleased.

    Barbie--depending upon your schedule, maybe we can schedule a quick "meeting of the minds" either on your way down or when you are returning from CA. Send me a PM if that is something you have time to consider.

    Take care all. I am on my way to dreamland.:yawn:

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    It is bedtime here but I did forget to tell you that the 'rash' does have a name, it is Pityriasis Rosea and he said to expect it to be around for 2 or 3 months, sometimes more. It really isn't a big deal but it is visible as it is mostly on my arms and I wanted to make sure I wouldn't be passing something to my babies!! He says no.

    Have a nice day tomorrow, Wed. already!! I have to go to the dentist tomorrow morning and then with Neil to the podiatrist in the afternoon to get his nails trimmed and callouses shaved off. If it isn't one thing it is another.

    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    Oh Gayla, I am so sorry I didn't mention in my last post how happy I was that Neil is recovered from his surgery. Is he still talking about wanting to go to the home again?

    I am going to look up your rash, since I have had a problem with my head (careful Barb) forever. It is very annoying and I have had it before and the doctor prescribed a $200 foam but I haven't refilled it, hoping it would go away. It could be from hair spray but I would never be able to give it up since my hair is so fine.

    Bingo tonight, no good luck wishes please. :laugh:

    Marie, we miss you and still praying for a fast recovery. :heart:

    Today I will do the 30 day shred and maybe the elliptical which I haven't been on in a long time.

  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Morning!

    Beautiful morning here today! Rain is coming though, Sandy you may be getting it now. I am heading out for a swim here in a few minutes, and then some household chores. Pretty quiet day!

    Gayla I hope Neil recovers rapidy, and you get some deserved time for Gayla!

    Birdie there were about 300 in last Sundays race, I came 52nd overall and 2nd in my age group. I have been looking at a triathlon for the late summer in RI. I will keep you posted if I decided to do it. It will depend on my cash flow! LOL

    Sandy just a quck note for you! GOOD LUCK! GOOD LUCK! GOOD LUCK! GOOD LUCK! GOOD LUCK! And! Do you realize how hard it is for me NOT to comment on the head rash statement??? It's killing me! ROFLMAO!

    Everyone have a great day!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    Jeffrey, YOU ARE A BRAT!!!!!!!!
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Okay you two....stop fighting!!!LOL:laugh: Just jumping in to say that my weight stayed the same this week. :smile: I'm happy with that, as I really was not real disciplined over the weekend,:blushing: didn't drink much water (over the weekend):ohwell: and went a little over my calories yesterday...with Merlot Barb!!:laugh: So staying stable is real progress for me at this weight! I lOVE life and LOVE living it to the fullest...so if I can be a LITTLE off and stay the same.....something is working! I really believe drinking a lot of water, exercising and eating moderately are key! (Having a LITTLE bit of something, as opposed to eating the whole thing, is a lesson in moderation.:flowerforyou: ) If something sets me off, :tongue: then I have to be honest about just leaving it alone.:happy:
    Got to get back to work!
    Have a blessed day!!!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Have been running all day, mom to physical therapy consult and then grocery shopping (she came along so it took longer, but it got her out of the house and doing a little walking).

    Gayla--When you gave the name of your condition--Pityriasis Rosea--remembered it as being something my mom had about 50 years ago. She didn't remember much about it, but said it went away in a few weeks.

    Sandy--Like Jeffrey, it won't be easy, but I will refrain from making any "rash" statements about the condition of your head--inside or out!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Birdie--Glad you are enjoying life.

    I am posting from my parents' and the doggies are home and haven't yet taken their walk, so I need to get moving and see if my house is still standing.

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hey everyone! Glad the rashes are giving everyone a chance to have a laugh. :laugh: Neil saw the podiatrist today and as always it is one step forward and two back with him. The very tip of one of the incision lines (between his toes) is open and sticky along with a granuloma (a tiny pouch of little blood vessels). We will treat it with betadine and hope it dries up, if not back to the surgeon. He said to cancel the fitting for shoes due to the open area. Kind of frustrating and Neil is stressing about it a bit. Hopefully in a couple of days it will be on the mend.
    I haven't heard from Marie or Alice. I will send a note today.

    WTG Birdie!!
    So now Barb is running, good job! :wink:
    Barbie and Jake -- Enjoy the weather when it isn't raining. Our snow is nearly gone.
    Jeffrey -- Hope you get to RI. One day I would like to go there but not to run.
    Sandy -- I won't wish you luck!! Just have fun.
    Hope everyone else is having a great day.

    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:

    Take care and keep smiling.
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Evening!

    Gayla keep the faith sister! It will all get better. I hope Neil heal well.

    Well I swam today..... I did the mile! 53 minutes for 1,800 yards. Just a little over a mile! I am triathlon ready now, just need to work on my speed in all events. I also ran 3 miles and then a plyometric workout for an hour. I am beat!

    Sandy! See I wasn't the only one! LOL

    Everyone have a great day and would someone email me with Marie's status? Thanks!

    Jeffrey (AKA AARP eye candy) roflmao!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,123 Member
    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey, I'll bet you really are AARP eye candy after all your workouts......I just found a site with animated demonstrations of a plyometric workout......my back hurts just looking at the exercises but them, I've been doing low impact workouts for years.........are you still doing yoga along with all the triathlon training?

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, we had frost on the housetops this morning and wind this afternoon....sorry to hear about Neil's setbacks with his feet.

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, one of the best lessons I've learned is to stay away from something that I can't eat in moderation.....I know how to eat no ice cream and I know how to eat the whole carton, but moderation doesn't work for me with sweets...I love hearing your cheerful attitude

    :flowerforyou: I got up early this morning and had time for pilates and the exercise bike before going to line dance......then I did about 30 minutes of wii sports (batting, bowling, tennis, and golf) before going to the dog park and a few minutes ago I did 20 minutes of yoga....so today I get a sticker on the calendar.

    :flowerforyou: Today was the line dance teacher's birthday and someone brought a huge chocolate cake and apple juice......I admired the cake but didn't eat any.....one woman said something about the cake being her lunch.....I can't imagine substituting cake for stuffed peppers and salad.....my body deserves better than a sugary lunch.

    :flowerforyou: I, too, am anxious to hear what's going on with Marie.
    :heart: :heart: hugs:heart::heart: Barbie
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    I got home and found the condo still in one piece, and some very lonesome babies in need of a walk and some TLC from "momma." We did get out in the sunshine for almost an hour. Good thing as it rained later in the evening, as usual.

    I hope Gayla can give us some good news soon about Marie. We need her to get well!!

    Gayla, there is "running" and there is "running"--but it does bring a smile to think of myself out on the track jogging away.

    Good night all. I am busy with HOA business tonight and just stopped to take a break from emails.

This discussion has been closed.