Have you tried GLP1 medications and found it didn't work for you? We'd like to hear about your experiences, what you tried, why it didn't work and how you're doing now. Click here to tell us your story

Senior Golden Sneakers ~~~~May~~~~ just for you Marie!!



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thanks Gayla fo Kay link.. I haven't tryied it yet but I am sure it will work. Ater getting my hearing aide fix it went out again the day I went to the hospital. I had a very hard time understanding what all was going on. But they called yesterday and it is back, So hopefully I can hear again. Sammy and jerry will go pick it up when they open. also after gettin gmy embroidery machine fixed it broke down again. so they sent ti back to Aarizona, so will probale be a month on getting it back, The nurse just colected a lot of information.My PT was here too at the same time. But i can't say much for it fpr i get more exercise in goint o the bathroom than her exercise does.

    I am getting along pretty well with my low Sodium diet so far. I need to find me a site on the internet about It.
    Also I need to find a low sodium cereal. My Feet are still swollen up but not as tight as they were. Still have problems with my shoes. i am going to get Jerry to pick me up another pair of those Garden shoes in a large size. today. hope this find you and your family doing well. LOve Marie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jeffrey thanks you so much. for sharing your life with us. You are such a ative guy. Good luck on the job hunt too.
    i am doing retty well. I have startedprepaing my own meals now Jerry don't cooked to suit me. today aI am making some Oven fried chicken and steam cabbage. Jerry clean up my mess. Have a good day.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hi Marie--

    Just dropped in quickly to give you a couple of links for looking up info on low sodium diets. If the links below are in blue, when you read your post, you should be able to click on them to open them up. Otherwise, just copy and paste the entire link into your browser's address bar.

    Good luck. Hope this saves you some search time.



    Hello All.

    Good luck with your interviews--sounds like you are getting down to the wire.

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    I have made what appears to be the final cut for the job. 1500 down to 3! I have 2 more interviews to go. I have made it through all their testing with flying colors. We shall see.....

    Jeffrey, good luck!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Keeping my fingers cross for you Jeffrey
  • viliberty1957
    viliberty1957 Posts: 194
    Marie -- I emailed you Kay's blog address. Hope it works for you. How did the visit go with the nurse?

    Irene -- I also love the quilt. When I was growing up my Grandma lived with us a lot and we often had a quilt frame set up in our dining room. The ladies in the neighbourhood would come over and stitch, not always to my Grandma's pleasure as she was a bit of a perfectionist and she would sometimes have to redo their stitches. I still have several of her quilts and love them.

    I hope you are all sleeping soundly. I better get to bed as I have to go in for a mammogram early tomorrow morning. While it is not the worst of tests it isn't very comfortable. I was supposed to have a colonoscopy this spring and just found out the doc. I always saw has retired. I guess I will be on a waiting list to see someone else. Now that is a test I really don't like.

    Take care. Gayla :heart:

    Thank you for the quilt compliment as well. I have a couple of quilts my mother made. She used scraps from clothes she made for us. One has a couple of patches from my eighth grade graduation dress, some cowboy prints she used to make my little brothers shirts, a few scraps from fabric I used in my first childhood attempts at sewing, some feed sack prints, and much more. It is like a trip down memory lane. It is almost in shreds, but is so special.

    I wish you well in the tests you will be taking. I just had an upper GI.....not fun.

    God Bless!
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Lost another pound! :bigsmile: Will try to check in later. Must go to work. Great to hear from you Marie!!!!!:love:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    Congratulations Birdie!! Way to go!!!:bigsmile:

    Jeffrey, really hoping you get the job, GOOD LUCK, GOOD LUCK, GOOD LUCK!!! I did win in spite of you not listening to me last week so I am sure that is what you wanted to ask me. :laugh:

    Irene, the quilts sound beautiful and what great memories they must bring back. :heart:

    Marie, you are still focused on that salt free diet, you are a good girl. :drinker:

    I can't seem to get away from this computer today but I have to work out and get moving. Daisy is at the groomer and today is her 1st Birthday....................can you believe it?

    Have a great day!!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Hi Sandy. Glad you are back home with hubby and Daisy.
    Went grocer shopping looking for low sodium Didn/t find much. I was looking fror a cereal for a quick breadfast Didn't find one. Got a bunch of canned fruit and fresh ones. The greek yogurt don't have much tho.
    I was surprise this morning. I lot 2 lbs. May this is why I wassn't losing. any on the other diets. I was getting too much sosium. The doctor want me to weigh everymorning. So I will see how it does in the morning.

    Have a great day all. Congrats Birdie on your lost.FAntastic.
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! I did it --- I joined WW tonight. Now I have to figure out what I need for groceries.

    Daisy is as cute as can be. Has she finished growing yet? She is a very big baby, indeed!

    Jeffrey -- Good luck with the next step in securing the job.

    Marie --This diet business is always a struggle but they say it is worth it!! How are the feet?

    WTG Birdie on losing another pound!

    Irene -- That is exactly how I feel about my Grandma's quilts. I can look at them and remember clothes that my Mom made me.

    To everyone else, hope your day was a happy one. Take care. Gayla :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning Gayla and all the rest of this happy bunch. My pc is doing strange things this morning.
    I am so glad you rejoined WW. Wha at do you eat on their Program now do you still count points? This low salt diet is working. I weigh 198 when I went into the hospital now I am down to 193.3 A 5 lb drop. I have change my ticker to make it currant. This low salt diet hasn't been so bad. I have been eatin a lot of fruits , veggies and lean meat. Jerry had a easier time getting my shoes on this morning. Sammy and i already had a short walk. The PT was out yesterday. and she is working on my balance.

    It is getting rather warm down herein Texas.
    Have a nice day all.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    That is great news Marie, sounds like a lot of your weight could be water related from the salt. Just keep following the advice of your doctors and PT and you will be running marathons like Jeffrey. :laugh:

    Glad you finally got to join WW like you have been trying to do for a while Gayla. Good luck with that new endeavor and keep us posted as to how you are doing. How is Neil foot? Are things getting easier for him and for you?

    Didn't win at bingo, but at least I saw good friends. We are going to the big bash they are doing for Lee from American Idol tomorrow. 30,000 people are expected for his parade and concert. I don't know him but since he is from a suburb close to my house we have decided it would be a fun thing to do. Will let you know if I survive. :laugh:

    Have a great Thursday, I have a meeting today and then watching the four year old.

    Daisy Mae was 1 year old yesterday. She had a great time and a steak for dinner.:heart:




  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member

    Daisy Mae was 1 year old yesterday. She had a great time and a steak for dinner.:heart:




  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Congratulations Marie on your weight loss! :flowerforyou:
    Sandy those are great pictures! :flowerforyou: I didn't realize Daisy was so big!:noway:
    Have a great day everyone!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sandy look like our Sandy had a great time. and she is just beautiful. I bet she love that steak.
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Just a short note to say hello! We have tornado's not too far from here and some rough weather coming in. Quiet day here, no word on the job yet. I know I am in the final 4 but who knows? I am not worrying about it. If this one does not work out another will.

    Today was yoga day. After that I ran 2.2 miles doing 40 yard interval sprints. You run as fast and you can for 40 yards then walk 40 then do it again. It seems to help my speed, but my gluts are killing me tonight (butt muscles! LOL). I am just beat!

    I think tomorrow Day and I are going down to see the moms. I will try to post late tomorrow! Take care one and all!

  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    By the way!

    Nice pictures ladies! I enjoy them! I will try to post some more myself before long.

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Good evening, friends! We had a gorgeous day today, hot and sunny! I had a pedicure done today as I want to be able to put some sandels on!! I love my painted toes. I have to work tomorrow as I am on the interview team for a new consultant. I think it is going to be a long day as the last interview starts at 5:30 and then we will have to try to come to a decision. Neil is going in to his work program tomorrow. He has been riding his bike a bit more than he should be (he is a man, can't tell him anything). He is sorry he made that decision tonight as he is in quite a bit of pain. I think the antibiotics are doing their thing as his wound looks a bit better.

    Jeffrey -- Looking forward to your pics! Hope you don't get the bad weather. Hope you get good news about the job but do you really have time for work!!! ;o).

    Sandy -- Sounds like Daisy had a good birthday party. She is so doggone cute.

    Marie -- So glad the weight is coming off, fat weight or water weight you will still be feeling better! WW hasn't changed much from a few years ago, some subtle changes but still counting points. I haven't finished counting up my points for today. I better do that in case I need to eat more. It takes a bit of getting used to again, weighing and measuring portions. I told Dave by the time I weigh all the food it is cold. I know that in a very short time it will not feel that way. Glad a have a very good kitchen scale.

    Take care everyone and keep smiling. Gayla:heart:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hi Everyone.

    Glad to hear you are doing better. Avoiding sodium is a challenge, but well worth it. Glad to hear the scale is moving in the right direction.

    Keeping my figures crossed for you on the new job.

    Give Daisy a birthday "hug" from me and a kiss from "the Piggies." What a beautiful girl she is, and I bet she KNOWS it too!! :laugh: :laugh:
    Today started early. I was up at 6a, went to my friend Rosemary's where I made an omelette with veggies and sausage for the three of us (her hubby was there also), and then she and I studied for a couple of hours until she had to go to work. Our good friend Thomy joined us as all three of us are studying for the Wash state insurance license exam.

    After I left there, I went to my mom's, just down the street from where I was, to get her grocery list. I came home to check on the doggies, and was surprised to only have Pepper and Mai Li clamoring at the front door when I arrived. Bradley is usually the first one at the door and he is very vocal about letting my know that I should have come home sooner!!:laugh: When he didn't appear, I peeked out on the patio. There he was, having a "sun bath!":noway: Today is the first really nice warm sunny day we have had, and apparently, he decided to enjoy the patio!! He came through the doggie door quickly, and made up for lost time, by giving me the "word" about my transgressions!!:laugh:

    I got everybody settled down and then I went shopping for my mom and for the dinner I was supposed to be making tonight for some other friends. After I had everything purchased for a big shrimp vegetable stir fry with noodles, my friend called and cancelled. Her spouse has some serious alcohol-related issues so you never know what condition he will be in by day's end, and she said this was NOT the night for us to get together. Hopefully tomorrow will work better, as I have a pound of shrimp, 2 packages of udon noodles, a bunch asparagus, cauliflower, broccoli, as well as peppers and onions. Even though I LOVE all these things, it would take me several days to eat all of this!!:noway:

    Maybe it turned out for the best. I haven't been getting up as early as I did this morning, so along about 5p when I got home, I decided it was "nap time." I laid down for about an hour and a half, and have spent a quiet night watching tv with "the piggies." So maybe the cancelled dinner wasn't all bad. For some reason, I didn't really get too hungry today after our breakfast, which included v8 juice, clementine oranges, and fiber plus muffins, plus the omelette. The only other thing I ate the rest of the day was some Healthy Ones roast beef, while I was shopping. I am finally getting hungry now, so I think I will have some yogurt and maybe a mini-bagel and call it a night.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    Daisy gave me a big kiss and said to thank all of you for the birthday wishes.:heart:

    Barb, your little Bradley sounds like such a character, my kind of dog. :laugh: (except for the barking) Glad you got some rest and hope your able to have dinner with friends tonight. :drinker:

    Big day today 30,000 fans of Lee Dewyze from American Idol including us will be sharing in his excitement at Arlington Race Track for a concert he will perform. I must be crazy!!!!

    Bad week for dieting and exercise, I don't know why I was so lax this week, but my weight is staying the same which is good, but I feel so guilty. I will get back on track over the weekend and continue on with my journey. :bigsmile:

    Have a great weekend everyone!!

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