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Senior Golden Sneakers ~~~~May~~~~ just for you Marie!!



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning all.
    drop another lb. today. that's make 6 lbs in a week/ I am so trilled to find out what will work for me. i know with my congested hearth condition i could gain it all back over night. But A happy camper today.
    I am making some banana nut bread today. It is low in sodium and calories. making it out of whole wheat flour. to have with my greek yogurt in the morninings.And get fruit too.

    We are having Baked catfish tonight.

    gayla how is WW coming along. I am sure you will do just fine. Hope your family join in with you to make it easier on you.
    Jerry went and had a stress test yesterday and his lrgt dide od his hearth is not function as good as it should. He will go back in next week for a follow up on his lungs. He has gotten hoarst here latelly abd I have been after him to bring it up to the doctors.att.
    So I am worried about him.
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Hi Everyone!

    Marie great for you on the weight loss! Tell Jerry that I am thinking of him. I am sure that all will be fine.

    Today I rested! Day and I went to see our mom's. I had a great visit with mine and a very nice lunch. We talked for about 4 hours. Very nice afternoon.

    Tomorrow I pick up my race bike and I am planning on road testing it and getting me ready to race. Next week the training and the intensity go up! 6 weeks to race 1. I am starting to get excited! Sam has been working while she has been home. She will start her real summer job in 2 weeks. Today Amanda got her teaching contract for next year! Yea! They all took pay cuts, some unpaid days off, and an increase in their payment for insurance. But she got to keep teaching! That is what counts. We received more blessings today! Not too much else to report right now.

    Happy Birthday Sandy! Good luck! Good Luck! Good Luck! GOODLUCK!!! LOL Really have a great day! I do like the new hair cut! Still pretty "hot" looking! :smile:

    Everyone have a great Saturday!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi jeffery. thanks. I bought some aprocots [ dried ones] I remember you used to eat them. Hardly no salt at all. but calories could wipe you out if you keep eain the, I think i get 8 for 100 calories and 10 mg of salt. That will be a good thing to carry in my purse if I have a low blood sugar or feel lke I need a snack.
    Glad your visit went well with the mom's We had a gentle rain today Cool things off. some. Jerry install a window a/c today to used instad of turning th big A/con. It was so hot an muggy last night. ow it turn cooler and we don't need it. but I bet we will pretty soon.

    Just a week ti;ll all this begans.. Keep us inform. I guess Beth is packing for Texas.You will be one tited guy but a happy one when it is over.Take care.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi jeffery. thanks. I bought some aprocots [ dried ones] I remember you used to eat them. Hardly no salt at all. but calories could wipe you out if you keep eain the, I think i get 8 for 100 calories and 10 mg of salt. That will be a good thing to carry in my purse if I have a low blood sugar or feel lke I need a snack.
    Glad your visit went well with the mom's We had a gentle rain today Cool things off. some. Jerry install a window a/c today to used instad of turning th big A/con. It was so hot an muggy last night. now it iscooler,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    Jeffrey, senility has slipped in while you weren't looking!! :laugh: It isn't my birthday , it was in March, it was Daisy's birthday and I think you read too fast. :laugh: Be careful with that race, keep your mind focused. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Concert with the American Idol contestant, Lee Dewyze, was great, we had a wonderful time and he was so humble.

    Marie, glad you are doing so well, keep up the good work.

    Will talk more tomorrow, although might be going to Six Flags Great America or not.

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    A quick hi to you all. I am tired, not used to working 2 days in a row. :laugh: It is only 11 and I am thinking about my bed. Neil is watching Wrestling (man, I hate that show)!! Day 2 on WW and still pumped, good sign I hope.

    Sandy -- Lee is also my favorite Idol this year. I hope he does well. The pictures on Facebook are great.

    Jeffrey -- Glad you enjoyed your visit with your Mom. Everyone should visit their Mom. :wink:

    Marie -- glad the weight continues to drop off. You must be feeling better. I hope Jerry gets a good report from the Dr. We our loving our warm weather. I am hoping to put my garden in next weekend.

    Take care everyone. Gayla :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    hi Gayla, ou r garden is coming slong just fine. we have little tomotoes, litlle cucumnbers.
    Phoebe enjoy your days at home.
    My weight stay the same. This morning and I am happy about that. the nurse will be weighing me very week now. she only comes once a week. the PT comes twice a week.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    hi Gayla, ou r garden is coming slong just fine. we have little tomotoes, litlle cucumnbers.
    Phoebe enjoy your days at home.
    My weight stay the same. This morning and I am happy about that. the nurse will be weighing me very week now. she only comes once a week. the PT comes twice a week.
  • viliberty1957
    viliberty1957 Posts: 194
    Good morning everyone. The sun is shining. Hubby is out washing the car. We have one of those drippy trees where we have to park. Ugh! Mariah (4) spent the night. She is still sleeping. She is a night owl and likes to sleep in. OOps, time to go to the greatest yard sale of the year at a church. Have a good day. God Bless!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi irene., enjoy the yard sale . love to go to them.Hubby is going to have nobe next weekend if weather permit.
    Irene I have to park under a pecan tree and the sap is a mess beside the birds.

    The burds are so busy aout there chirping away.
    Have a wonderful day. I think i will work on a sunbonnet Sue block today
  • viliberty1957
    viliberty1957 Posts: 194
    That was one heck of a yard sale. :love: I got there on time and was probably the first one at the "quilt fabric" table. Each piece was $1 no matter the size. Some were as big as several yards, some not so big. Now my fabric stash is greatly increased!! Mariah chose a zip lock bag of polly pocket dolls and accessories. Ralph hung out at the bake sale and coffee table. :laugh: Prices were so cheap it was hard not to buy things we don't even neeed just because of the price.

    I went to the diabetes dr. yesterday and I'm motivated to "be good." again. :drinker: My A1C was in the normal range. So all the hard work has paid off. Now I need to work a little harder in the exercise department and controlling portion sizes. I appreciate the encouragement I get on this site. Thank you all!

    God Bless!
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone from sunny Saskatchewan, temp. 75F, a perfect day. My clothes are washing and for the first time this spring I get to hang them outside. Many of you know that that is my favorite household 'chore'. I look at the cupboards that need cleaning but somehow just never never feel like doing that. Neil is out biking around for the second time today. It makes him very happy although he also seems to think that he should eat at the bar. I let him sometimes but it will be very hard to lose the pounds he gained while recovering if he eats there. That is hard for him to understand but I think he gets it for today. The racetrack opened today for the first race of the season and he is a little sad that he can't go but it is just too much walking and climbing bleachers that he isn't ready for yet.

    Irene -- Good find at the garage sale! Your hard work has indeed paid off, good for you!

    Marie -- Sounds like your garden is well on the way. Don't you just love the sound of happy birds?

    Hope everyone is having a happy weekend. Gayla :heart:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello All,

    Have been MIA for last couple of days, running around doing things, including discovering that I now can fit into a size 12 elastic waist pant, AND I bought a size 12 bathing suit today!!

    Glad to hear you are feeling better and your garden is coming along.

    Regarding Bradley, he doesn't bark ALL the time, just when I first come home...and when he wants to go out...and when he thinks I should sit down and hold him on my lap....guess that is enough!!!:laugh: :laugh:

    I am ready to crash for the night so g'bye for now.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Barbs So glad to hear from you., Everythingg is roses here.
    The low salt diet is working for me. I have losy 10 lbs since I came home from the hospital.
    At last I seen to have found out after all these months of dieting why I haven't been losing like you other guys have.
    I am so happy. I lost 2 lbs this mornirning. after having 3 taco from Dairy Queen yesterday. I look them up on our data basse and it isn't up to date. It didnot show any sosium and really I counlfn't taste any And i can really taste salt now. I put 1/4 t. in a small salt shaker for emerceny and have not used it yet. Not once,

    Hope all of you guys are doing fine.

    Beth hope your legs are better now, Hope it won't keep you from coming to Texas.

    Gayla How is it going for you.?

    Sandy, You are so busy . thats good. How is Babe arm doing. When I broke my collar bone years ago it took me a year to have full functions of it.

    Gonna cook a meat loaf today for dinner.

    Take care see you later.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member
    Happy Sunday!!

    We went to Great America yesterday, it was kind of cool but the two girls had fun. I went on two rides with my granddaughter, the big red car from the Wiggles and a hot air balloon ride that just went round and round. I won't go on any coaster or fast spinning rides, I am too old and too scared. :laugh:

    Marie, you are doing wonderful, I am so proud of you. Babe is like you, he is fine but still does not have full range of motion.
    He is done with therapy so he will learn to live with it. He also has arthritis, so that doesn't help. :grumble:

    Barb, congratulations on the new size, isn't that a great feeling? I apologize if you thought I was picking on Bradley, I know he is a good boy with typical boy behavior. :glasses:

    Gayla, glad Neil is up and about more, is his foot much better? Didn't they pick on him at that bar not to long ago? Does he like to go to be with friends or does he have a drink? I am with Neil, I like the racetrack also, but we don't go very often. The concert the other day was at the track and we got there early and got to place two bets, unfortunately none of us won. :angry:
    I also like to hang clothes outside especially sheets, I love the smell of the fresh air, we haven't had warm enough weather to do that this year. (at lest not on my wash day)

    Irene, sounds like you made out like a bandit at the yard sale, you can find some interesting things. Glad you keep coming back and we help you keep motivated. :heart: .

    It is sunny today and in the 60's so not a bad day. Will be going to Mass today since we couldn't last night and then dinner at the step sons later.

    Time for coffee and newspaper now, have a wonderful day!!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I am proud of myself too Sandy. I have been dieting over a year and now results till now. I eat !/2 c greek yogurt. piece of toast mostly raisen bread. and a piece of fruit everymorning. And watch my salt the rest of the day. Have not pick up the salt shaker once.Do not add any to my veggies.I am working to hit that 22 on my ticker soon.That will be the half way mark.
    Have a wonderful day.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,257 Member

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Beth Feb 24, 1971
    Sandy---March 10, 1942
    Barbiecat ---March 25, 1946
    Birdie---March 30, 1948
    Barbs----April 6, 1954
    Elli---May 16, 1952
    Phoebe---July 26
    Sandie--Aug. 1st.
    Jeffrey---Sept. 25, 1953
    Jake---Oct., 10, 1945
    Marie---Nov. 7, 1930
    Gayla---Nov. 20, 1949
    viliberty --Sept 1
    Seems like Our list is getting smaller.

    Here is our birthday list if any of you are not on it please tell me and your birthdayAnd it will be on here the first of JUne.
    Thanks Sandy for remembering Elli Birthday. And That I needed to attend tto this matter.
  • viliberty1957
    viliberty1957 Posts: 194
    Happy Birthday Elli. God Bless!
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Happy birthday elli! Hope you had a great birthday kind of day!!

    We had mostly a quiet day today until Neil broke out in one of his very large meltdowns. It lasted about an hour. Our oldest son was here and he said he didn't know how we could live with this. They are no longer every day, haven't been for a long time but when they hit, it is painful for all. The diet continues to go well and over halfway through the first week. I made some lovely pork tenderloins for dinner which is always a nice treat.

    Barb -- Way to go hitting those size 12's! what a great feeling.

    Sandy -- Yes, Neil has had trouble at the bar before. Most of it is innocent teasing, some is not and he does not do well at sorting that out. Unfortunately, most of the 'regulars' aren't blessed with a great ability to pick up his cues either and it gets too far too quickly. He doesn't ever not want to go although he will stay away if he sees certain vehicles there. He doesn't drink but likes to socialize, mostly with the waitresses. They are very good to him and will call me if he has a seizure and needs to come home. Except for one or two people it is a nice place for him to go. I guess it is an all too typical scenario where the least able gets picked on. I meant to tell you that I have been cheering for Lee from the beginning. I really hope he wins it all.

    Marie -- You are sounding very upbeat these days. Are your feet back to normal? So glad that you are dropping those pounds! I could take some lessons from you about avoiding the salt shaker. I am much better than I was but still use too much salt. I didn't ever like DASH but I should try it again as there are so many kinds (I think).

    Take care and keep smiling. By the way, I have been having some computer problems so if you don't see me for a few days I will be out shopping for a new laptop!!!
    Gayla :heart:
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