Lose 5 Pounds A Month- May 2010 Challenge



  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Hi PALS|

    Happy today and TIRED TOO. Woke up int he night thinking of all I need to get done this week and had a freak out attack from about 2:30 am to 3:30. then went back to sleep until about 7:30.

    I did lose a pound this week and feel great about that. :smile:

    SW in Jan. 159
    SW in May 1 - 141
    May 7th - 139
    May 14- 138
    Today May 21- 137

    So if I lose a pound this week too I'll be down more than 5 pounds this month. This has been a good month for me.
    Less exercise but still losing. and still doing some sort of exercise daily at least 6 days a week. Some time only for 30 minutes but still something.
    Learning a lot about myself. and what my body needs. I know it is NOT CHEESE CAKE! but a bit or two once in a while does not kill me. :wink:
    Hey just want to say I love you all. You are the best! Phyljen Drink water. LOVE yourself!! MOVE a bit ! and stay onboard no matter how hard.
  • jenniferscheller
    jenniferscheller Posts: 48 Member
    This sounds great! I'm in!:bigsmile:
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Good morning all. Since I won't be home til late Sunday evening, I decided to weigh in 2days earlier. SO, I'm stepping on the scale now (8:19am).... Surrvey says :

    235.2! Yay!!!
    Here's my stats:

    May3rd ....240
    May10th ....237.6
    Edited to say that apprearently it's my TOM and I haven't had one in many many months, so I guess the weigh loss/exercise is helping to get my cycle back on track, I feel bloated and was nervous about the scale today. I'm headed out of town for a graduation, hope you all have a wonderful weekend. :) xoxox Bru
  • rcatr
    rcatr Posts: 374 Member
    Good morning all, I love reading up on all of your successes! little, big...they all count! :flowerforyou:

    My weigh in is on Monday so as I head into the weekend I will keep that in mind and eat Mindfully. I usually have one "free" meal on the weekend when I go out to dinner with boyfriend but maybe I will be a little more careful this weekend as the end of the month draws near and the 5lb goal looms in front of me!

    It's a beautiful day here in NYC and I can't wait to get outside tonight for a run. I hope everyone has a wonderful day and weekend! :bigsmile:
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    Hello everyone! Congratulations on the losses!

    5/1 weight: 157
    5/7 weight: 156.6
    5/14 weight: 154
    5/21 weight: 154, still!

    I didn't lose any this week but I am still very happy about being 154. After being stuck at 157 for what felt like forever, I am really happy that 154 is my new "norm." I misbehaved a little bit last night. I went to a Jimmy Buffett concert (it was awesome) and had a bit more to drink than I intended. I told myself I would have just one margarita because it's Jimmy Buffett, and you have to have a margarita.... but I ended up having 2 beers after that! I do not feel so bad about it though because I rarely drink. I am the only 22 year old I know who is over the whole drinking thing--- got it out of my way in my teen years!

    Tonight, we are celebrating my brother-in-law's birthday. There will be mashed potatoes and cake. I hope I can practice moderation, but it IS the weekend! Also, tomorrow I will be driving to Austin to see my cousin. I have no idea what I am going to do about that. I will probably pack my own food because I definitely don't want to eat fast food junk!

    Terri--- sorry you are so stressed. I bet that's why you aren't losing! I hope you find some time to relax today!
  • BlueEyedMomma88
    BlueEyedMomma88 Posts: 558 Member
    January 1 weight 185.6

    May 1st weight 174

    I need to get to 169 by the end of the month. Of course anything lower would be nice.

    Good night everyone!


    Sorry to intrude on ur post but have you ever been to the dr. to get ur thyroid checked out? That might be the reasoning for ur weight going up and down.. I myself have a thyroid problem :-/.. Hope u get it figured out and good luck on ur weight loss journey :-)!!
  • BlueEyedMomma88
    BlueEyedMomma88 Posts: 558 Member
    I would LOVE to lose 5 lbs by the end of May. I have been stuck on a roller coaster since I joined in Feb. My weight keeps going up and down but never down past a 5 lb loss. I am hoping this challenge will help rev up my motivation.
    SW 150.4
    CW 146.8 (though I don't want to log it and make it official quite yet. I hate seeing that ticker going in the wrong direction :grumble:
    GW 130.0

    Woops I quoted the wrong post above my bad..

    Sorry to intrude on ur post but have you ever been to the dr. to get ur thyroid checked out? That might be the reasoning for ur weight going up and down.. I myself have a thyroid problem :-/.. Hope u get it figured out and good luck on ur weight loss journey :-)!!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    My thyroid is fine been checked out.....I just like food too much!:blushing:
  • h20lillys
    h20lillys Posts: 31
    I am new to MFP and have enjoyed reading around the blogs. I love hearing everyones success stories and of course struggles because they are the same as mine.

    I am looking forward to attempting a Lose 5 pounds during June.
    Summer is a hard time for me because I enjoy certain beverages by the pool and after softball games.. However Winter time i like to enjoy a nice glass or two of red wine!

    Looking forward to the June challenge.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Congrats to everyone who has had losses. Kudos for those with no gains and don't worry about it if you gained a little. It all really works out.

    So Friday check in.

    May 1 162.2
    May 7 160.4
    May 14 159.6
    May 21 156.6

    Yep 2.8 pounds!!!!!

    I made my 157.2 five pound challenge and I still have a week to go. I know it is all the exercise that is helping me right now. I looked back at the diary and last week was actually 8450 calories burned. I am only around 6000 this week. I also that it won;t last forever and that I will have to change things up pretty soon.

    I am really happy with the loss and I am going to work my butt off next week because I want the best weight possible for next Thursday. What's so special about next Thursday you may ask. :smile: Well it is my birthday. and not just any birthday. It is a real milestone for me. its the big five oh!!! Oh no!!! I look in the mirror and see some old lady loo)king back at me. I still feel like I am in my twenties. (thirty was a catastrophic birthday for me) Any way I plan to be a fabulous fifty and I am on my way. I am almost halfway to my goal now and I do feel great.

    Have a great day.
  • JABehler
    JABehler Posts: 82 Member
    Good morning all.....I'm slowly progressing...which way, I'm not sure. Here are my stats:

    4/30 133.2
    5/14 131.6
    5/21 131.8

    So I gained .2 lb. That's okay, I can live with that. On the bright side, I lost 1/2" off my hips and 1" off my waist. Went shopping for pants and seem to be 'tween sizes. I was very lax this last week on exercising. Have one C25K run down, hope to get another in today, but doubtful. We are planning on leaving on our trip. Waiting to hear on the motorhome.
    Gonna be out for a few days traveling/visiting but will try to check in.

    Have a great weekend all,
  • tralalara
    tralalara Posts: 149
    I am really happy with the loss and I am going to work my butt off next week because I want the best weight possible for next Thursday. What's so special about next Thursday you may ask. :smile: Well it is my birthday. and not just any birthday. It is a real milestone for me. its the big five oh!!!

    RJ- I'm heading for that birthday too! Mine is in November. My original goal was 199 by my daughter's wedding which is June 26. I don't think I'm going to make that one. I've been thinking alot about what my birthday goal should be and I think 50 lbs lost would be appropriate. I'm thinking I'll be past that one fairly easily but I don't want to set myself up for failure. I've failed so many times before. That said, Happy Birthday to you! Enjoy! I too feel like I'm still young. I had my kids early and they are all grown so now it's "me" time. :blushing:

    That said, I'm down to 216 this am. That's a half lb lighter than my weigh in day on last Monday of 216.5. I will update on Monday, my official weigh in day.
    Everyone have a great weekend!
  • SassyMissDasha
    I'm not sure if I replied to this before or not .. but if not then I am definitely in!!

    I think I already reached my 5 lb goal for this month, since I started on May 7th, and I'm down 14 lbs :tongue:

    I weight in on Sunday
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hello Everyone, Well i've had another good week and am 2 pounds down Whooooo :laugh: I did do a 15 mile charity walk over the weekend so that might have helped!!! :smile:

    Starting Weight with MFP on 1/12/10........164.5

    Weight on 5/1/10............................................138

    Weight on 5/7/10............................................136

    Weight on 5/14/10..........................................134

    Weight on 5/21/10..........................................132

    Goal Weight for end of May..........................133

    Final Goal Weight...........................................126

    So i'm really pleased with myself....I have reached the May Challenge to lose 5 lbs. and we still have a week to go!!!
    Good Luck to everyone else.....hope you are also having good weigh-ins and if not please do not give up...stick with it....it WILL all be worthwile
  • mrsfloisand
    mrsfloisand Posts: 254 Member
    I'm game! Sounds like fun.
    Start weight for May-163 lbs
    Last weight-in(5/15)- 159 lbs
    Close to my 5 lbs.... hopefully will get there. Goal weight is about 135 lbs.

    June-158 lbs
    July- 153 lbs
    Aug- 148 lbs
    Sep- 143 lbs
    Oct- 138 lbs
    Nov-133 lbs

    I should hit my goal by my birthday- November 25TH pray for me that I can do it!!!!
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Hello my friends,

    May SW: 144.5
    May GW: 139

    5/1: 144.5
    5/7: 142.5
    5/21:145 But this is down from what I weighed on Monday 5/17 so I am happy with that.

    My birthday is on Thursday also! How funny, I plan on being really bad that day. I have co-workers taking me to lunch and family taking me to dinner then frozen yogurt, yummy. The next day my students and I are having an end of year party and I am getting them pizza. I wont lie and say I wont eat it, cuz lets just face it....I will! :laugh:
    But I can always lose in June! My goal is to be 130 by the end of July because I am going on vaca then. I can still do that as long as I stay on track in June. Even if May is a bust.

    Hope your weekend is great!
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    Check In:

    May 1 164.6
    May 6 162.8
    May 13 162.8
    May 20 160

    Really hoping to be out of the 160's next week!! :) Ohhhhhh...why am I craving chocolate so badly???? How do you over come these cravings???
  • ifychudy
    ifychudy Posts: 210 Member
    Hellow everyone it seems that I have been MIA and am so sorry about that. I have been through most of the posts and you guys have been very helpful. I realised that most people are having same struggles like mine. I have never been known to loose weight easily, sure I may loose inches judging from the way my clothes fit. My clothes has started to fit bether but still frustrating that the scale was not moving. At the beginning of this challenge I lost 3lbs and I was really happy, but I kept weighing myself over and over bu nothing happened. I now decided on eating well and exercising (which are difficult some days) and pay less attention to weighing myself. Please sorry about the long post I decided to weigh myself at the beginning and the end of the month only. I started at 244.4lbs, weighed 241.6lbs on 5/8/10

    Kudos to you all for the weight you lost and most importantly for being here and encouraging one another.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Bad idea to wait until late to eat. Went to daughter's swim meet and then out to Subway. Ordered a $5 footlong. Planned to eat 1/2 and save other 1/2 for lunch tomorrow. I was so hungry I ate the whole thing. Need to get up and ride the bike for a long time tomorrow!


  • tralalara
    tralalara Posts: 149
    Terri- Don't beat yourself up. Todays a new day. At least you're trying. When I think back to the last few years it's scary how bad I was eating. And I knew better too but had just given up. I had lost almost a 100 lbs about 11 yrs ago and gained it all back plus more so I felt like a failure. I also felt like why even try?. I realize now that I had a defeatist attitude and need to take control of my life and health. So now my motto is just one day at a time, or even one MEAL at a time. At least I'm trying, which in itself is a victory.