Lose 5 Pounds A Month- May 2010 Challenge



  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Happy Saturday to all! I stepped on the scale this morning & no gain/no loss so I guess that's a good thing?!?!? So I headed out to Curves & then ran to Lowe's to get ten 40 lb bags of dirt, so I'm going to be busy out in the yard today! Its supposed to be 80+ today & then in the 90s tomorrow so I'm going to try to get as much done today as I can before it gets too hot tomorrow!

    I'm also going to go to the grocery store later today to try to get some new healthy foods that I've never tried before! I'm thinking about getting some hummus & hmmmmm......what else??? :smile:
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Hi Pals,
    Tralalara - Great Advice to any of us that think we are falling off the wagon. Don't BEAT yourself up!

    Terri- You are usually the one giving us all the friendly nudges and good advice so I know that you are going to be ok.

    Had a breakfast at the church this morning with the ladies. I took a huge fresh fruit salad to share. The watermelon and cantelopes are sooooo good this time of year. and APRICOTS. Oh I love fresh fruit. We had yogert too and and muffins but I passed on the muffins.

    Been working on report card comments all day and now I need a break so I am coming to MFP to say HI to all you friends of mine.
    I hope that you are having a great Saturday. Oh and I did a NO NO today!!! Decided that I would try to see if my knee was healed enough for a run so I walked a mile.... ran a mile and then walked the last mile home. OUCH. I have been icing my knee a lot!
    I think it still needs more TIME.
    Phyljen Anxious to get running again but learned a lesson today. TAKE IT EASY LONGER. :yawn:
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    I'm also going to go to the grocery store later today to try to get some new healthy foods that I've never tried before! I'm thinking about getting some hummus & hmmmmm......what else??? :smile:

    I sampled some hummus with pita chips at Walmart yesterday. YUM!! It was delicious!
  • vivideloquence
    vivideloquence Posts: 41 Member
    I would love to lose 5lbs a month too! The exercise part is easy for me, its the continually good eating without Reeses and french fries that I find the hardest :(
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Oh and I did a NO NO today!!! Decided that I would try to see if my knee was healed enough for a run so I walked a mile.... ran a mile and then walked the last mile home. OUCH. I have been icing my knee a lot!
    I think it still needs more TIME.
    Phyljen Anxious to get running again but learned a lesson today. TAKE IT EASY LONGER. :yawn:

    I hear you! It is so hard to slow down when injured! I have a hard time taking it easy.

    I am back on track after a bad Friday evening. I got up and got in an hour long bike ride before the rush of the day took over. I ate pretty healthy most the day but was pretty bad at getting in my water. (I really hate to use the porta-potties at the baseball fields so I try not to drink much before we go).

    Need to get back and finish getting ready to teach Sunday school.

    Have a great Sunday!


  • happy_heather121
    happy_heather121 Posts: 135 Member
    Hi all, I think it is so amazing how many people have lost weight! For those who didn't (I gained last week!) keep it up! This is a slow process, you know?!

    Wow, last week I was feeling just terrible about myself, I didn't even post. I couldn't believe I gained more weight than when I started this thing. I decided to only weigh myself on Sundays, that's why my days are a little different than everyone else. This past week i kicked my workout into high gear. I still messed up a TON when it came to eating but I think I torched enough calories to still have a deficit. I did a 32 mile bikeride Sunday, Ran/walked 3 miles Monday, Biked 7 miles Tuesday, break Wednesday, Ran/walked 3 miles Thursday, biked 7 miles Friday, and walked 3-4 miles Saturday. Today I'm going on a serious hike with my workout partner.

    It was really hard to fit in those big of workouts. I had a ton of fun but so much time is hard to devote to them. I definitely realize that I need to get my diet back in check if I'm going to keep going down. I hate to admit it but I had pizza 3 times this past week! Thinking about how much more I could have lost if I had made better choices gives me a good kick in the but for the upcoming week.

    Wine has been another huge calorie sucker for me! i just love it! But I drink way more than one serving so I either have to stop all together or portion control!

    Keep on keepin on people! Everyone is doing awesome!

    SW March 2009: 152 lbs
    May 8th: 143 lbs
    May 16: 144.8 (OH NOOO!!!!)
    May 23: 141.8

    GW May 30th: 139 lbs
    Ultimate Goal 130 lbs.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I taught the last day of Sunday school for the year. We had Kwik Trip Glazer donuts as a treat. I was trying to be strong but broke down and ate one. The sugar was so strong it burned my throat. When I got home I looked it up it was 190 calories. I was actually shocked it was not more.

    It is 90 and very humid so what did I do? I put on my HRM and mowed the lawn. 100 minutes of walking around the yard and 700+ calories burned. Now I do not feel so bad about that donut:laugh:

    We are down to the last week of the month. I know I will not meet the challenge but it has been a learning and growing month. Yesterday I made up my mind to try something different. I used to just be concerned about the calories consumed but from here until the end of June my goal is to try and keep my carb count low. I know it is calories in and calories out but I seem to be stalled and need to shake things up a bit.

    Everyone have a great evening!

  • chalayne
    chalayne Posts: 16
    Hi all,
    Hope it's not too late to join for the month of May. I'm down 4 lbs so hopefully by 5/31 it'll be 5!!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Happy Sunday evening all. I made it through the weekend under my calorie intake but not so well for exercise calories due to twwo car trips. I had way too much drama yesterday and being TOM didn't help at all, something I haven't had in MONTHS. Losing this little bit of weight has seemed to help restart my TOM. I plan on weighing myself in the morning to see how the weekend really was. Congrats to anyone who lost and maintained and to those that gained,tomorrow is a new day and I believe we can all make it to ours goals. Hope you all have a wonderful week ahead! Xoxoxo Bru
  • rcatr
    rcatr Posts: 374 Member
    muh. i gained. 0.2. :angry:

    last week 130.8
    today: 131

    going to eat super super clean for the next few days and weigh back in. :sad:
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    I did it!!!! I got up at 6am to walk (this is truely a feat for me, I'm NOT a morning person), I didn't get to walk as long as I would have liked to, only 20 minutes, but it's a start. I'm tring to change up my exercise routine.

    When I started my weight loss journey I didn't take any measurements, but I think I'm going to start. I've been stuck at 139 for weeks, but yesterday I noticed my shorts were fitting a little different (in a good way).

    Hope everyone has a Great Monday!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    good morning all,

    I am starting too new exercise programs today. I want to shake things up. I am starting teh 30 day Shred and I am starting ChaLean extreme. I will still walk between 5 and 10 miles per day. and finish up my 6 week challenge on the Wii EA Active. Next week I am going incorporate Zumba DVD's into the mix. I know that I won't have the time to exercise this manically when I am working again so I might as well take advantage.

    I went to WalMart yesterday to buy some weights. they had some Faded Glory jeans on clearance for 5 bucks so I bought a size 10 and a size 8 to work towards. Well the 10's actually fit and the 8 's I can get on (but it isn't pretty, but it will be in a few weeks:laugh: ) That really made me happy. I love to shop!!!

    I hope everybody had a great start to the week and a healthy, super-dooper Monday.

    Circusmom - congrats on getting up early and walking. that is a great start.

    Terri - I hope this week is better for you since DH is home.
  • seventeenlucky77
    seventeenlucky77 Posts: 92 Member
    SW April 11th: 240lbs

    May 3rd: 230lbs
    May 10th: 230lbs
    May 17th: 227lbs

    CW May 24th: 223lbs

    GW May 30th: 225lbs - Met and exceeded!

    So far this month 7 pounds down!
  • tralalara
    tralalara Posts: 149
    Congrats Seventeen! Good for you.

    I'm a little surprised by the scale this morning. I lost 3 lbs!
    I've been trying to stay more "In the Zone" this week. I started my diet in Jan after reading "A week In The Zone" by Dr Barry Sears. Basically, I'm trying to eat 3 meals and at least one snack a day with each being a balanced 1 2 3 meal. 1 part fat to 2 parts protein to 3 parts healthy carbs. I shoot for 10 grams fat to 20 grams protein to 30 grams carbs at each meal with the snack usually being fruit and cheese. It's hard to keep the carbs in ratio unless I stay away from wheat. I do eat bread occasionally but really try to limit it. I'm also trying hard to keep my sodium down.
    I was sick this week with a cold/throat thing and went to see the Dr. Ended up on antibiotics. There was a couple days that it was hard to reach my calorie limits because I just felt crappy. But I'm feeling a lot better now. I didn't exercise though while I was sick and was really afraid it would show on the scale. But nope, had a good weight loss. Thank goodness.
    And the numbers are:
    May 1 222.5
    Mon May 3 222.0
    Mon May 10 220.0
    Mon May 17 216.5
    Mon May 24 213.5
    May 31 goal 217.5 (met May 17)
    Total for May so far 9 lbs! Wow! I'm so happy with myself!
  • evaeva28
    evaeva28 Posts: 23
    Hi Everyone! WOW great job ladies!! I am glad to see all those number for pounds lost!! Again this week I am down just another pound but at least it is steady ... I am REALLY struggling to see the positive side of things :o) I did lose an inch off of my hips and another off of my waist so that is GREAT!!!

    This week I will start adding in some weight training in to help. last week I ended up asking for help here to try to figure out what i wasn't doing right. Turns out I was not eating enough and not getting enough strength training in ... so this week I am going to pick it up some!

    Has any of you done the Denise Austin Boot camp videos? I bought one used this weekend and I am thinking of starting it next week if I still have the same 1 pound loss. I just wasn't sure if anyone has been sucessful with her videos.

    Well I hope that everyone has a GREAT Monday and wonderful week of weight loss :o)

  • evaeva28
    evaeva28 Posts: 23
    I did it!!!! I got up at 6am to walk (this is truely a feat for me, I'm NOT a morning person), I didn't get to walk as long as I would have liked to, only 20 minutes, but it's a start. I'm tring to change up my exercise routine.

    When I started my weight loss journey I didn't take any measurements, but I think I'm going to start. I've been stuck at 139 for weeks, but yesterday I noticed my shorts were fitting a little different (in a good way).

    Hope everyone has a Great Monday!

    Great Job!!! I know you can do it and even 20 minutes is better than none!!!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Hi all! Great job & many kudos to those of you with your awesome news on the scales today! I'm going to weigh in tomorrow, it was an extremely HOT & HUMID day here yesterday & I don't think I got enough of my water in! Plus since I normally measure on Tuesday I'm going to wait till I do that as well!

    I went & bought some Roasted Red Pepper Hummus at the store yesterday & had it on a sundried tomato wrap with turkey & lettuce! WOW was that YUMMY! :tongue:

    I did however grab some store brand light yogurt that was on sale for 10/$1.00 WOW however am paying now...didn't realize they are 250 calories each! CRAP I SAY! :explode:

    Here's to a good week everyone! :drinker:

  • caropowell
    caropowell Posts: 31 Member
    Hi everyone! I FINALLY hit the 30 pound mark! I've been creeping up on it and having motivational problems, but I lost a pound this last week and am now at a total of 30.1 down. If only I didn't have another 30 to go . . . I know, I need to focus on the positive, but since my losing has slowed down, the next 30 seems very daunting!

    SW: 197.4
    5/1/10: 171.7
    5/10/10: 168.5
    5/17/10: 168.3
    5/24/10: 167.3
    GW for 5/31/10: 166
    Ultimate goal weight: 138
  • happy_heather121
    happy_heather121 Posts: 135 Member
    Nice job everybody!
  • happy_heather121
    happy_heather121 Posts: 135 Member

    "muh. i gained. 0.2. angry

    last week 130.8
    today: 131

    going to eat super super clean for the next few days and weigh back in. sad"

    Don't let that stress you. It's such a small amount, probably water or something. Better luck next week!