Lose 5 Pounds A Month- May 2010 Challenge



  • happy_heather121
    happy_heather121 Posts: 135 Member
    Hi everyone! I FINALLY hit the 30 pound mark! I've been creeping up on it and having motivational problems, but I lost a pound this last week and am now at a total of 30.1 down. If only I didn't have another 30 to go . . . I know, I need to focus on the positive, but since my losing has slowed down, the next 30 seems very daunting!

    SW: 197.4
    5/1/10: 171.7
    5/10/10: 168.5
    5/17/10: 168.3
    5/24/10: 167.3
    GW for 5/31/10: 166
    Ultimate goal weight: 138

    You can do this! Nice job so far! You will be there before you know it. You go girl!!!
  • fivefatcats
    fivefatcats Posts: 368
    Hello everyone!

    Phyllis - easy on the knee - glad to hear you are excited to get back to it - praying it will be soon for you!

    Terri - hang in there! Thank you so much for the topic & inspiration!!!

    Robin - Jeans for $5 - gotta get me some of that!! Thanks for the shopping tip!

    Jennplus - thank you for your words of encouragement!!! It means soooo much!

    Bru - U hang in there too!!!

    Miranda - U GO GIRL with your baaad 7!!

    Tralalara - NINE!!?! Outstanding!

    Kelly - 10 yogurts for $1!?! I stick with the Great Value light at Walmart - 80 cals and they are adding more flavors all the time.

    The good the bad and the ugly:

    Vowed this morning that yesterday was my last 'I give up day". Weighed in at 190. Wow.

    So . . . I ate clean all day, ran my 30 minutes on the treadmill and stayed positive.

    New goals: I'd like to get back down to 180 before my 10K on 6/12. I have a mini triathlon on 6/6 which should help with the calorie burn - if I can just control my eating for three more weeks.

    New Plan: My sis just did a round of HCG weight loss (hcgweightloss.com) - she lost 23 lbs in 30 days and is doing her maintenance right now. I am going to try a round of HCG weight loss after the 10K. The diet is very restrictive both with eating and exercising. Very low calorie intake so no extra exercise. I am okay with that since I have been fighting a sore muscle in my right ankle for a few weeks now. If it can hold out til mid-june it can have a rest.

    New inspiration - new equipment at work = mandatory training in California!!! I'd love to see California with my husband and be in/below the 160s.

    So that's whats up with me!!! Now if I can just keep the right attitude!!!!!

  • caropowell
    caropowell Posts: 31 Member
    Hi everyone! I FINALLY hit the 30 pound mark! I've been creeping up on it and having motivational problems, but I lost a pound this last week and am now at a total of 30.1 down. If only I didn't have another 30 to go . . . I know, I need to focus on the positive, but since my losing has slowed down, the next 30 seems very daunting!

    SW: 197.4
    5/1/10: 171.7
    5/10/10: 168.5
    5/17/10: 168.3
    5/24/10: 167.3
    GW for 5/31/10: 166
    Ultimate goal weight: 138

    You can do this! Nice job so far! You will be there before you know it. You go girl!!!

    Thanks, Heather!
  • tres1967
    tres1967 Posts: 177
    Hi all, I intended to do the May challenge and then spent the first 2 weeks of May at the hospital with my mother. We're home and getting back to "normal" and want to get back on track, hopefully complete the June challenge.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Good morning all! Thanks for sharing your ups and downs.

    Wouldn't it be nice if losing was as easy as the gaining? From some of the reading I have been doing we are hard wired to put on weight...(feast when things are good) and then our bodies cling to it for when things are bad. (could not catch that animal for dinner). That is what makes losing so hard. So it is not because you are weak that you have a hard time avoiding those high calorie foods but your body trying to put on fat for when things get tough. Problem is in our world today things do not ever seem to get that tough. Just something for you to think about. Weight loss is not impossible; it is just really hard!

    Hope everyone has a great day!

    Remember if you make a mistake with healthy eating don't wait til tomorrow to get back on track....DO IT RIGHT AWAY!

  • rcatr
    rcatr Posts: 374 Member
    man, yesterday was horrible. got sick from a bad batch of oatmeal (who knew that was possible?) prepared by someone else and thankfully recovered by late afternoon. tried to do some running but it ended up being a lame walk/run endeavor.

    back to the drawing board today...

    maybe i will fare better when tcasmey posts a june 2010 challenge :)
  • maddybb
    maddybb Posts: 4

    I'll join in on this too! I have been trying so hard and was doing really well... and then i got on the scales to discover I had gained 5lbs in one week?? :noway:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    man, yesterday was horrible. got sick from a bad batch of oatmeal (who knew that was possible?) prepared by someone else and thankfully recovered by late afternoon. tried to do some running but it ended up being a lame walk/run endeavor.

    back to the drawing board today...

    maybe i will fare better when tcasmey posts a june 2010 challenge :)

    Maybe I should post now so we get a weeks head start on the month!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Have a good one!

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    good morning all.

    I started two new exercise regimes yesterday. 30 day shred and ChaLean extreme. I am not sore today at all and I thought I would be. Plus I am already down a pound for the week. Its all good.

    I hope you are all doing well on your week so far.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Had a bad weekend but got back on track yesterday. I think I will just try to be good this week when I can but not be so up tight with myself. Today a parent of one of my students made me a coffee cake to say thanks for a great year. I had one slice and put the rest in the staff lounge. If I can not gain any more this week I'll be happy but I still want to be able to enjoy all the fun of my birthday and the end of year parties. After Graduation the whole staff is going out to eat and drink and party, this is the last time I will see the teachers until the end of August (and some are not coming back) and so I am just going to let myself enjoy this time with my friends. I have all summer to lose and be healthy. Plus with summer hours I will have much more time to walk and exercise. I am kinda in a weird place right now. Not sure if it is good or bad but I am in a whatever kind of mood. I realize that I am at a point that I feel good about how I look, sure I should still lose 25 more to be at what the Dr calls healthy, but I don't need to be in a rush to lose and feel like crap if I want to eat something that I "shouldn't" (like a slice of coffee cake) I still need to live my life. I think over the summer I can drop a few more pounds and I know that once the holidays come I will pack a few more on. I will try to eat healthy when I can but I am going to try really hard to stop feeling like it is all or nothing. Like Terri said, if I eat something bad I can stop with that and not feel like the whole day is a wash. This is really hard for me, the moving past one slip up part, but I think my next mini goal should be getting my head in the right place. If I want to be healthy my head needs to be in a healthy place, and going from super strict to loose as a goose is not healthy. So now I am working on figuring out the emotional side of healthy living, and trying to find the balance it takes to enjoy life but stay on track at the same time. I know how to lose weight I just need to figure out why I am having trouble with my weight in the first place. Why I overeat and what I can do to break this cycle. This is going to be the hardest part yet I think.
    Think healthy thoughts!
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    It seems like a lot of us are slipping a bit lately. That includes me. Time to make that U-TURN Terri was talking about!
  • katieann2
    katieann2 Posts: 26
    Good morning all! Thanks for sharing your ups and downs.

    Wouldn't it be nice if losing was as easy as the gaining? From some of the reading I have been doing we are hard wired to put on weight...(feast when things are good) and then our bodies cling to it for when things are bad. (could not catch that animal for dinner). That is what makes losing so hard. So it is not because you are weak that you have a hard time avoiding those high calorie foods but your body trying to put on fat for when things get tough. Problem is in our world today things do not ever seem to get that tough. Just something for you to think about. Weight loss is not impossible; it is just really hard!

    Hope everyone has a great day!

    Remember if you make a mistake with healthy eating don't wait til tomorrow to get back on track....DO IT RIGHT AWAY!

    That's so true, we turn to food for everything, and you know what; food doesn't help! When will we realize that?
    After a slip, get right back to eating right! One slip won't hurt, its the constant slip-ups!
    Remember why we want to lose weight.
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Busy busy day today & I actually forgot to weigh in this morning! I have stuck to it though, so hopefully tomorrow will show good on the scale!

    To everyone else that is having a bad week, don't worry about that! Just get back on it tomorrow. Sometimes it is good to "fall off the wagon" it helps keep your metabolism going! When you constantly eat healthy your metabolism needs a boost once in awhile to wake it up. So just have that treat once in awhile, as long as you get right back on it you should be ok!

    So put on your happy face & tennis shoes & get your hot body on! :love:

  • shawnae2
    shawnae2 Posts: 105
    I have been so bad. I haven't even logged on to MFP for a week. I did use my phone for a couple of days to log my calories but I really slipped this past week. Well I weighed in on Sunday. Two days later but at least I got it done. As bad as I ate the past week I can say I am suprised at what the scale had to say!

    Starting Weight: 300lbs
    Challange Starting Weight: 272.6
    05072010 Weight: 268
    05142010 Weight: 269.2
    05232010 Weight: 267.3

    Goal Weight: 267.6

    Now this week's goal is to keep this weight off and hoepfully a little more!! Congrats to everyone else on their weight loss!!
    On Friday I started C25K. I run outside and boy oh boy do my legs hurt!! Finished week 1 but I think I am going to do it again! I have really bad asthma (and the weight does not help it) so I have a hard time with getting winded quickly!! I know I can finish C25K though! I have been bad though and have not started my power 90. I just haven't had the motivation! But on the days I haven't been doing C25k I have been walking which is better then nothing.
    I am going to start this program next week called YOR! It is a enzyme, probiotic thing my mother asked me to do with her. I am not sure if you can google it to find out about it. It seems like it is a healthy lifestyle choice and weight loss is a side effect which heck I won't mind one bit!!
  • Amanda6980
    Amanda6980 Posts: 11
    I'm up for the challenge. I would love to loose five or more pound by the end of May. I'm in I would love to find more friends new and old on mhere to help motivate with this hard journey.
  • tres1967
    tres1967 Posts: 177
    i got on the scales to discover I had gained 5lbs in one week?? :noway:

    Hey maddy, I know how you feel. I can just about guarantee an increase of 3 to 5 pounds PMS. Other times certain foods seem to increase water retention (I now know how a water balloon feels). Maybe keep track on a calendar and see if there's a pattern? Just stick with it!!

  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Good morning all! Well I weighed in today & I'm down 0.2 lbs at least its in the right direction, even though it isn't much.

    Here's my monthly tally:
    5-11-10 244
    5-15-10 243.6
    5-20-10 241.4
    5-26-10 241.2

    Starting my Zumba class tonight! I'm really excited for it! :)

    Its a birthday here at work today & I splurged & had 2 homemade chocolate chip peanut butter cookies! :devil: So I better get my groove on today & work them off!

    Happy Wednesday all! Kelly
  • BbNuke
    BbNuke Posts: 82 Member
    I'm still 1/2 pound shy of losing 5 this month... still have 6 days though!!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Good morning all!

    The importance of breakfast. We had a hectic morning and realized when I started snacking on left-over pizza that I never ate breakfast No wonder I was so hungry. So now that cold pizza has become my not so healthy breakfast. NOTE TO SELF REMEMBER TO EAT A HEALTHY BREAKFAST EVERY DAY!

    For those of you who remember a few weeks ago I had a sinus infection. It took 2 doses of antibiotics to clear up. Now I am dealing with the female effects of antibiotics (a vaginal yeast infection) I am a bit sore so I may take a day off from exercise. If I feel better this afternoon I may walk or ride bike after work. Maybe move bike and watch baseball this evening. I feel like it is always something with me this year!

    A great big welcome to all the newcomers. This is a great and inspiring group.

    Hope everyone is having a great day!

    Have a healthy day!

  • Patti909
    Patti909 Posts: 36
    Congrats on the great work.

    As for me, not doing so well. I am just having difficulty finding time to get in all of the exercise. I do walk my dogs for about 2 hours a day (in 3 walks) but I need to find time to do some other exercises.