Lose 5 Pounds A Month- May 2010 Challenge



  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Wooo whoo!! Congrats on no longer being over weight! That's wonderful!! I was fully set on weighing in this morning down here in the Lake of the Ozarks,so I wake up,head to the potty,can't find a scale! There isn't one! Ahhhgg!! So now I have to wait til Tuesday unless I can find a cheapy at the store and do it tomorrow! Downside to being at the lake, hubbys grandparents live in a spot where it isn't safe to go walking due to bad dirt/gravel backroads. And I can't go swimming currently. So its gonna be hard to get in my exercise this weekend. Well, I'm headed off, I will see you all when I have a scale again! Xoxo Bru
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Hi everyone just a quick check in. The internet is down at home so I stopped by Caribou to get my email and check in. It won't be working until Tuesday sometime so I may be silent for a bit.

    I plant to read everything later when I can read it at home. I am out getting meat for the grill to I have to be quick.

    Here is my check in

    January 1 weight 185.6

    May 1st weight 174
    May 7 weight 175grumble grumble
    May 14 weight 174.5 Not great but almost back to where I started the month!
    May 21 weight 175
    May 29 173.2:smile:

    Have a great rest of the weekend.

    Stay healthy!

  • shelli1923
    shelli1923 Posts: 111 Member
    Since this is the last day of the month I thought I should check in. I was down to 160.2 (160 was my May goal) on Friday. Then, the holiday weekend got to me. This morning I feel all fat and bloaty and I weighed in at 161.6. I REALLY want to make the 5 lb. a month goal because I am getting married in October. I guess I really better buckle down! The good news is that I got a treadmill and a HRM this weekend. YAY! Hope everyone had a good weekend! I'll check back in my with my June starting weight tomorrow!
  • Amanda6980
    Amanda6980 Posts: 11
    Thanks for the challenge it helped keep me motivated. I did loose my 5 plus some. I guess I should probably do something like this in my blog/post what ever, it'll help keep me motivated. My friends and I were suppose to do something like this but it was whom ever lost the most BMI by the time we take out trip wins a pot but it seems like ever one gave up on it. Owell i just have to keep it moving. I wish everyone the best in their weight loss journey.
  • happy_heather121
    happy_heather121 Posts: 135 Member
    Did not lose any weight this week so I did not make my goal. I'm really bummer but I'm trying not to let it get me down too much. I ate really well and I worked out like a mad women. Ahh! Oh well, better luck next month I guess. Maybe I need to cut out all sugar or something crazy!

    Congrats to everyone! You all did really awesome!
  • michaelhhh
    michaelhhh Posts: 1
    Hmm. Five pounds a month should be pretty simple, on my last diet (WeightWatchers) I lost about 3 pounds a week - and 8 in my first week.

    I accept your challenge...but hope to lose more than that every month :happy:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    So for the month of May

    May 1 162.2
    May 31 154.6

    I lost a total of 7.6 pounds for the month. So bring it on June. :bigsmile:
  • need_to_lose
    I lost 5 lbs this month. Go me!!!!

    May 21: 251.2
    May 31: 246.2
  • tralalara
    tralalara Posts: 149
    I'm actually up a pound since last Monday. Have NO idea why. Grrrrr.
    Anyway, I still made the Month's challenge so tomorrow starts a new challenge.

    May 1 222.5
    Mon May 3 222.0
    Mon May 10 220.0
    Mon May 17 216.5
    Mon May 24 213.5
    Mon May 31 214.5

    May 31 goal was 217.5 (met May 17)
    Total for May 8 lbs. Was really hoping for more like 10 but I'm thankful for the 8 lbs.
    I'm ready for Junes challenge! Starts TOMORROW!
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    HI PALS;
    Well we made it thru another month. Congrats to all of you for effort, endurance, good attitudes, motivation, and losing or jumping back on the band wagon if you feel off for a day. That is what it is all about. Re training your self to learn how to live a healthy and happy life style. :smile: We can do this if we stick together!!!

    I feel like you are all my friends and it would be fun if we could meet and have a MFP reunion to cheer each other on and CELEBRATE all the changes we have seen.:drinker:

    It has been a good month for me. BUSY like heck but that is the way I like it. SLEEP would be nice too though. and TOMORROW at 11:30 will be the end of the school year so I'll kiss those little 9 year olds good bye and send them off to 4th grade!! I really won't shed too many tears this year. But will miss the 5 students that are moving country and I won't see next year.

    Just wanted to say Bye to MAY and HELLO JUNE!!!:bigsmile:
    Robin you are really rocking... Way to go.
    Tralalara- WOW 8 pounds.. That has never happened to me in one month. I would celebrate for sure!!
    Terri, We'll miss you until Tuesday. Hope the internet is up and running soon.
    need-to-lose _ WAY exciting that you lost the 5 pounds. YES GO GIRL!!!!
    happy-heather _ Good job working out and eating hellthy. some times it just take you r body a couple days to figure it out. YOU WILL LOSE. just keep up the good work.
    EVERYONE else ... LOVE ya. PHYLJEN:heart:
  • sweetgal2301
    sweetgal2301 Posts: 26 Member
    I'm in.
    I am currently at 139 lbs and going through a weight loss plateau. Kinda frustrated but I also realize that I am building a lot of muscles. Hopefully I can lose 5lbs month of June.
    By end of June 2010 I hope to be 134lbs.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Well I'm still on vacation in the ozarks. I didn't get a scale while out yesterday, I did weigh myself Thursday evening, something I never do,but it claimed that I actually weighed less than the last time! So I figured i'd just use that as my final May weigh in, so here goes: 5/3. 240. 5/10. 237.6. 5/16. 236.6. 5/21. 235.2 and 5/27. 232.8. Woot woot!! I honestly didn't rhink I did that great this month until I just tallied up! Great job to all the 'losers' and maintainers and to anyone who didn't lose or gained, remember, tomorrow starts a new month!! I'm starting couch to 5k when I ger home, (holds up bottle of water) here's to a great June!! Xoxox Bru
  • ifychudy
    ifychudy Posts: 210 Member
    congrats every one for working so hard this may. My May stats were

    May 1st 244.4

    May 31st 236

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Hi everyone! Well I was out camping & didn't get home to my scale to weigh in this morning. I started this thread on 5/11 @ 244 and my last weigh in was last week sometime at 240.8 I really want to hit that 239 for May! So hopefully I can start our June Challenge at 239...lets see what my weigh in is in the morning! I'm hoping!!! I was TOO good this weekend. Went to a birthday party & passed up all the cake! Hope you all have a great evening!

  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    Sorry for the late weigh-in! I am at 156. :grumble: While I'd rather be lower than that, I fell pretty far "off the wagon" last week and am happy I didn't gain too much.

    I am leaving for vacation (in Florida) on Friday. Woohoo! I think I will do alright with my eating. I am not going to track calories or post much.... maybe not at all! I am not sure if we will have internet or not, and I do not think I will bring my laptop along anyways. We will have a kitchen to prepare meals so I won't have to eat out all the time.

    I am looking forward to moving on to the June challenge! I am expecting better results for myself than I had in May!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Well I didn't meet the challenge! I weighed in at 240.0 this morning. :sad: But I guess a 4lb loss since 5-11 isn't so bad! (That is they day I started MFP!)

    Here's to a better June! :bigsmile:
  • seventeenlucky77
    seventeenlucky77 Posts: 92 Member
    SW April 11th: 240lbs

    May 3rd: 230lbs
    May 10th: 230lbs
    May 17th: 227lbs
    May 24th: 223lbs

    CW May 31th: 218lbs

    GW May 31st: 225lbs - Met and exceeded!

    Total weight loss for May: 12 pounds!! Wow I blew it out of the water this month.
  • rcatr
    rcatr Posts: 374 Member
    SW April 11th: 240lbs

    May 3rd: 230lbs
    May 10th: 230lbs
    May 17th: 227lbs
    May 24th: 223lbs

    CW May 31th: 218lbs

    GW May 31st: 225lbs - Met and exceeded!

    Total weight loss for May: 12 pounds!! Wow I blew it out of the water this month.

    WOW! That is AWESOME! Congratulations! I wish I had your drive! I am truly inspired!
  • rcatr
    rcatr Posts: 374 Member
    Is it June Challenge time yet?! I want a clean slate :) I think i lost oh, i dunno, 1.5lbs in May...guh.
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    WOW, what a week-end! I was afraid to get on the scale this morning......still 139, not bad considering all the great food we had over the last three days.

    This morning I started calorie cycling, thought I'd try something new to get past 139, today is a low cal day and high protien low carb (good thing after the high calorie week-end), but I have no idea what kind of snacks would work. So, if anyone would like to throw some ideas out there I'd be thankful.