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25 TO LIFE month 2



  • buckeyebabe
    buckeyebabe Posts: 235
    Congrats!!! That's awesome Jennifer!!! Inches make so much more of a visible difference then the weight loss....in terms of 1 inch vs. 1 pound. You know what I mean?! I'm super excited for you!

    As for the challenge it's 5 to 10 calories under but it's not to exceed more than 2% of whatever your total (daily) earned calories. So if you are normally (w/o exercise) able to take in 1400 daily then the goal would be not to exceed 1428 calories for that day...if you earned 300 calories from exercise then the goal for the day would be to not exceed 1734 calories for the day. (1400 + 300 =1700, 2% of 1700 being 34 calories thus...1734.) Make sense?

    I'm glad you are in! I need an accountablility partner on this! Anyone else want to join us?
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    Okay, all I have to say is:tongue::tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:
    I haven't lost AGAIN! ughhhhhhhhh!
    Still 169
    But it's no ones fault but my own since I barely exercised at all this past week. Maybe twice. It's so hard when the kids are home from school. I try to do things with them to occupy them and forget about me.
    Also, last summer I bumped my head on a deck while on vacation and pulled a muscle in my neck. That hurt for 3 weeks after it happened. And it's baaaack! So, everytime I get on the floor to do something, my neck is killing me, I can't turn it or lift it, so doing abs or legs is painful. I've been sleeping on this funky pillow to relieve it at night so I don't wake up with the pain in the morning (which is what's been happening and I end up having a headache ALL DAY LONG) So, needless to say, having a tough week.
    But with all that said, I had to go to my nieces communion on Saturday and my brother in law saw me (in my dress i haven't worn in 4 years... see my photos, I posted them) and he just saw me, came up to me with open arms, hugged me and whispered in my ear that I looked MAGNIFICENT! It made me feel so good!
    Gotta work on my arms, belly, and double chin for sis in laws wedding in July! If I could at least get to 150 by then. cross fingers!!!

    Buckeye! Isn't that the greatest feeling? I'm in the same boat with clothes.
    12's are too big, some 10's are too small, stretch 10's are perfect. There's a pile of clothes in my closet of all the clothes that I don't fit in anymore, and it's getting bigger!
  • buckeyebabe
    buckeyebabe Posts: 235

    Buckeye! Isn't that the greatest feeling? I'm in the same boat with clothes.
    12's are too big, some 10's are too small, stretch 10's are perfect. There's a pile of clothes in my closet of all the clothes that I don't fit in anymore, and it's getting bigger!

    You said it girlfriend!! A great feeling in deed!!

    I called a local shelter where I live and I am planning on dropping my "big" clothes off at the end of the week. If I have them I will be able to gain and still have something to wear....I don't want to make that a possiblity anymore!!!
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    you look fabulous in the dress! Im sure you will be down to 150 for the wedding. I have not had the chance to weigh today...Im planning on going by the gym ( my only reliable scale site) on my lunch break so I can get a somewhat accurate reading..as it will be before lunch but after a ladies room break...Im a little worried about seeing what the scale says today.... Visitors this weekend made it tough to resist all the junk!
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    ps shall we start a new thread soon?
  • kerridwen
    kerridwen Posts: 165
    :flowerforyou: Way to go Buckeye, fluffy and sindy!!

    I'm at 182, but considering what I did this week, I'm amazed I didn't do damage! I'm getting the walks in again this week and am going to stop some of my bad snacking (I really have trouble when I'm so not busy like this!).

    I really want to be in the 170s (high though it will be!) in two weeks!
  • Julie1984
    Julie1984 Posts: 33
    I weighed in this morning- still at 180... seems I've hit a plateau. However, I still need to measure. I think I may have lost a bit from my thighs. I've decided to up my calories just a bit this week and see if it helps, since I've been feeling too hungry lately even though I've been having about 1300 kcal a day. My goals for this week are to just lose 1lb, cut down on protein a bit since I keep going way over, and add some more veggies to my diet.
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    so i got my weigh in done. Pretty dissapointed. I realize that it could partially be from WHEN i am able to use an accurate scale...But i was back up to 167.5 today, a pound and a half up from my last weigh in. Pretty disappointed in myself.
    Which leads me to this question.
    How much 'obsession' with weight and dieting is too much? I was diagnosed wtih anorexia back in highschool and was in the hospital at 120 (very unrealistic and small for me). Ive been fairly healthy for the last few years, but quit using the scale. Upon weighing for the first time in years, i was devastated at 170 , which brought me to this site and the "healthy' way of losing weight, However i still find myself obsessing over food just like i used to when i didnt actually EAT the food i thought about. Seeing as how my perception is seriously skewed, I don't know what is considered normal, and 'i need outside help'
    Anybody have thoughts on this?
  • Julie1984
    Julie1984 Posts: 33
    Well, I know that since I started counting calories I definitely think about food far more than I used to, probably more than I should. I remember doing the same thing several years ago when I was "dieting" and I've read about others feeling the same way. I don't think it's healthy- obsession of any sort isn't healthy- but I'm not sure if it's related to eating disorders or not, since I've never had one myself. I've found that it helps for me to plan out my meals ahead of time and enter them in (when possible) so that I'm not sitting around thinking about what I'm going to have for lunch/dinner all day. Also, try to keep yourself busy with other things. If you find yourself obsessing about food, try reading a book, calling a friend, anything not food related.
  • buckeyebabe
    buckeyebabe Posts: 235
    CONGRATS weight loss and fitting into the skinny clothes that I also have in my closet LOL.
    I am game. I will take your challenge. So that is 5 to 10 calories over or under with exercise?
    I was not that excited about my 1lb loss this week so I decided to check my measurements and lost 2.5 inches in waist and 1.5 in hips same every where else. very very happy about inches.

    SORRY CINDY...I DIDN'T REALIZE WHEN I RESPONDED THAT I SAID JENNIFER. I don't want to take anything away from you! Good job!
  • buckeyebabe
    buckeyebabe Posts: 235
    so i got my weigh in done. Pretty dissapointed. I realize that it could partially be from WHEN i am able to use an accurate scale...But i was back up to 167.5 today, a pound and a half up from my last weigh in. Pretty disappointed in myself.
    Which leads me to this question.
    How much 'obsession' with weight and dieting is too much? I was diagnosed wtih anorexia back in highschool and was in the hospital at 120 (very unrealistic and small for me). Ive been fairly healthy for the last few years, but quit using the scale. Upon weighing for the first time in years, i was devastated at 170 , which brought me to this site and the "healthy' way of losing weight, However i still find myself obsessing over food just like i used to when i didnt actually EAT the food i thought about. Seeing as how my perception is seriously skewed, I don't know what is considered normal, and 'i need outside help'
    Anybody have thoughts on this?

    Well, I was diagnosed with bulimia when I was in college. I became pretty sick and my Dr. threatened me with an inpatient stay. I started to change...slowly...my attitude. I did gain quite a bit of weight back after having 3 children and was always so scared to own a scale. But this site has helped me keep in touch with my calories and where I should be to reach my goals. After 16 years of not owning a scale I bought one when I joined MFP. I don't always have a great weigh in but I realize what I need to do to change things and I have a full record of the days/weeks I did it right which I refer back to. I love this site and I am no longer scared to know my weight. I don't like it but I know it's changing and I am in control of it.
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    Thanks for ya'lls input.
    Its been a time for me..figuring all of this 'healthy loosing' stuff...
    It seems so easy sometimes to take the shortcut route that i know so well...even though i know it really makes things go backwards.
    While ive been resisting the ever present urge to skip meals, I also find myself in a state of grief almost...when i go over my 1200 calories. Its happening now to the point that my boyfriend is worried at how self conscious I have become, and how guilty and hard I am on myself when i give in to a temptation, even if it just goes a LITTLE bit over my calorie limit.
    Today was what really had me frustrated. Upon going to the gym to check my weight and finding out i had gone up a pound almost, immediately send me into an 'i don't want my lunch' type of panic. For one pound! That could be all water for all i know, but i immediately started beating myself up for messing up.
    Its just such a thin line between healthy worry and unhealthy obsession...
    I'm so sorry to blabber on and on about it, but i feel like typing it out here can take some of the weight off of Josh, since he is the one I am always calling to convince me its ok, and that having lunch is OK, and that I'm trying hard and that its just a slow process.
  • weightlossinprogress
    weightlossinprogress Posts: 132 Member
    HI everyone - glad to read that everyone is doing well - Jennifer you look great in your dress...can't wait to see the wedding pictures and yes you will make it to 150....

    I weighed myself this morning and am at 181.6 - very very happy a drop of 3.4lbs.

    I am soooo loooking forward to being in the 70's...

    Good luck to everyone this week.
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    I'm so excited for all your progress!
    But I think I'm starting to get that feeling that I'm not or can't lose anymore?!
    I haven't really done anything to change it though and that's my own fault.
    I guess I just have to get up in the morning and make the decision to do my best 'cause it's not going to magically disappear.
    I look back at my goals that are posted in front of me on my computer and I had a goal of 168 for March 23rd. That's a month ago, and I haven't even reached that yet. I have to really try and get some realistic goals.
    I only have 10 weeks left till the wedding. Even if I lose 1 pound a week, that only gets me to 159.
    1.5 pounds gets me 15 pounds to 154. 2 pounds a week 149. But since I've only lost 4 pounds in a month I'm guessing 150 is out of the question. But, I will eventually get there, I just wanted to get there sooner. I guess I can't complain. Anything is better than what I use to look like.
    I'm babbling. I guess this is like my own personal blog/journal, but I have other people reading it for support.
    Thanks for listening!

    p.s. Patricia, I'm so jealous! What the heck are you doing?!
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Congrats!!! That's awesome Jennifer!!! Inches make so much more of a visible difference then the weight loss....in terms of 1 inch vs. 1 pound. You know what I mean?! I'm super excited for you!

    As for the challenge it's 5 to 10 calories under but it's not to exceed more than 2% of whatever your total (daily) earned calories. So if you are normally (w/o exercise) able to take in 1400 daily then the goal would be not to exceed 1428 calories for that day...if you earned 300 calories from exercise then the goal for the day would be to not exceed 1734 calories for the day. (1400 + 300 =1700, 2% of 1700 being 34 calories thus...1734.) Make sense?

    I'm glad you are in! I need an accountablility partner on this! Anyone else want to join us?

    ok my total calories 1355 with exercise, I ate 1371 that is -16 (27.1 for the 2% ) so I did it, How about you how did you do. :drinker:
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Thanks for ya'lls input.
    Its been a time for me..figuring all of this 'healthy loosing' stuff...
    It seems so easy sometimes to take the shortcut route that i know so well...even though i know it really makes things go backwards.
    While ive been resisting the ever present urge to skip meals, I also find myself in a state of grief almost...when i go over my 1200 calories. Its happening now to the point that my boyfriend is worried at how self conscious I have become, and how guilty and hard I am on myself when i give in to a temptation, even if it just goes a LITTLE bit over my calorie limit.
    Today was what really had me frustrated. Upon going to the gym to check my weight and finding out i had gone up a pound almost, immediately send me into an 'i don't want my lunch' type of panic. For one pound! That could be all water for all i know, but i immediately started beating myself up for messing up.
    Its just such a thin line between healthy worry and unhealthy obsession...
    I'm so sorry to blabber on and on about it, but i feel like typing it out here can take some of the weight off of Josh, since he is the one I am always calling to convince me its ok, and that having lunch is OK, and that I'm trying hard and that its just a slow process.

    I get like that but both ways. I have been loosing at least 2lbs a week since I started and this week only 1lb. The first think I thought was to not eat. So I put off my lunch by the time I got home I thought what am I doing if I dont eat I will go into starvation mode and not loose anything. So I had a small lunch and a good dinner. As long as you are on top of it you can fix it. I also would have blown my challange with Buckeyebabe. LOL :flowerforyou:
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    :flowerforyou: Way to go Buckeye, fluffy and sindy!!

    I'm at 182, but considering what I did this week, I'm amazed I didn't do damage! I'm getting the walks in again this week and am going to stop some of my bad snacking (I really have trouble when I'm so not busy like this!).

    I really want to be in the 170s (high though it will be!) in two weeks!

    Thank you. I also want to munch when I am not busy. So I usually come on MFP and read away and takes my mind off being bad. :bigsmile:
  • proudmama0118
    proudmama0118 Posts: 433 Member
    Last week: 189
    This week: 188.6

    My mini goals:
    190 - April 15 -- 189 4/14
    185 - April 25 -- End of BL contest at work
    175 - June 15
    165 - Aug 1
    159 - Sept 20 -- AF 1/2 Marathon

    Not thinking that I am going to make the goal of 185 by this Friday... I am planning on running like a maniac this week (like I wasn't already!) So I will just keep my fingers crossed and hope... but even if I stay here it is 17lbs I lost in the contest... so I won't complain, I was just hoping for a 10% loss. Yesterday I ran for 80 minutes straight!! :noway: Ran 6 miles. Today I caught myself thinking "today will be my light day, I'll only run 3 miles." Only 3 miles?????? Yikes, just a month ago there is now way I would want to run 3 miles... let alone consider it a "light" workout!!!!! :laugh: So I am hoping to do 4 tomorrow, 5 thursday, and 6 friday... if that can't get me to that 185 mark by friday nothing will!!!!!!

    Hope everyone has a great week.
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    Last week: 189
    This week: 188.6

    My mini goals:
    190 - April 15 -- 189 4/14
    185 - April 25 -- End of BL contest at work
    175 - June 15
    165 - Aug 1
    159 - Sept 20 -- AF 1/2 Marathon

    Not thinking that I am going to make the goal of 185 by this Friday... I am planning on running like a maniac this week (like I wasn't already!) So I will just keep my fingers crossed and hope... but even if I stay here it is 17lbs I lost in the contest... so I won't complain, I was just hoping for a 10% loss. Yesterday I ran for 80 minutes straight!! :noway: Ran 6 miles. Today I caught myself thinking "today will be my light day, I'll only run 3 miles." Only 3 miles?????? Yikes, just a month ago there is now way I would want to run 3 miles... let alone consider it a "light" workout!!!!! :laugh: So I am hoping to do 4 tomorrow, 5 thursday, and 6 friday... if that can't get me to that 185 mark by friday nothing will!!!!!!

    Hope everyone has a great week.

    Way to go! I can't run 10 feet! Between my knee, bad ankles, hurt hip and big boobs I find running to hard for me! You're doing great! Keep it up!
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    I think tomorrow, I'll start the new thread since we're already on page 8! So look for it Wednesday with the same name (since we haven't started a new month yet)
This discussion has been closed.