another fat shaming post



  • McButtski
    McButtski Posts: 203 Member

    Of course it is better to be healthy as apposed to unhealthy. So, obviously it is better to be a healthy weight as apposed to being over-weight or obese. It's better to be a non-smoker than a smoker. Better to drink moderately than be an alcoholic.

    That blog is nonsense and I can live happily in my eye rolling world without ever clicking on it.
  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    Do you consider progress pics and before and after shots a form of fat shaming?
    I read a blog post about it on tumblr where the author was a heavy woman who hates the idea that the fat version of someone is not good enough for everybody. Most of the comments that agreed were from heavier people who say we should love ourselves no matter what size we are and that getting thin is a way to keep women weak and helpless (lol at weak and helpless).
    It's true we should love ourselves no matter what size we are. But the idea of losing excess body fat some sort of Dr. Evil mustachioed conspiracy to keep women weak (MUAHAHAHA) is really stupid.

    It honestly sounds like some people who'd rather not face up to the fact that there are solid risk factors for being very overweight. I'd never shame an overweight person, I don't even like it when people fat-shame themselves. But when some people reverse it and loudly insist that they're perfectly healthy, and everyone else who gets fit is stupid and making them feel bad, is when I stop listening.
    Another comment stated that she stopped posting progress pics because the best progress is what you cannot see. Do you agree?
    That's up to her.

    For me, even posting a progress pic would mean that my mental state has improved so much, that I could actually post one. So neener-neener to her.
    Do you think it's a form of fat shaming or do you think it's motivating?
    I find other people's pics very motivating.
    Why do you post or dont post progress pictures?
    I don't post them, because nobody really cares.
  • BioMechHeretic
    BioMechHeretic Posts: 128 Member
    Fat people being angry and bitter they're fat and lazy. That's all there is to it, as harsh as it sounds.

    Progress pics are excellent, and anytime somebody loses fat off their body in a healthy and safe manner, it is a definite positive and an improvement, regardless of what someone else who hasn't made a change wants to hear.

    There has to be some benchmark everyone agrees upon if we can say what is "better". In the case of physical strength and health and appearance, the benchmark we have and use as a society is fitness and health test numbers. The person who eats right and exercises will perform better in every single one of those fitness tests every single time, and have better health test numbers than the form of themselves that had lots of fat stored on their body and was way overweight, out of shape and did not exercise. Every. Single. Time. Which means that by that benchmark, they are in fact "better".

    So no, it isn't fat shaming. They have actually improved themselves and are "better" physically, fitness wise and health wise and they should be proud of that. An overweight person who is lazy and unmotivated and doesn't want to hear it with their hands over their ears crying about it doesn't make the fit person's accomplishments any less great
  • highmaintnance
    highmaintnance Posts: 215 Member
    Personally, when I congratulate someone on their progress, I'm not saying "wow you were fat and disgusting before and now you're skinny and pretty". I'm really saying "you've worked your *kitten* off to achieve a goal and you are doing it / have done it, excellent job". That's the difference.
  • bunbunzee44
    bunbunzee44 Posts: 592 Member
    I just see them as a motivation..
    as far as 'loving yourself the way you are', I think it's fine, but I also think people should consider their health too and not just the outside..
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    (my computer crashed the first time I typed this out, so hopefully it wont this time)

    Do you consider progress pics and before and after shots a form of fat shaming? I read a blog post about it on tumblr where the author was a heavy woman who hates the idea that the fat version of someone is not good enough for everybody. Most of the comments that agreed were from heavier people who say we should love ourselves no matter what size we are and that getting thin is a way to keep women weak and helpless (lol at weak and helpless). Another comment stated that she stopped posting progress pics because the best progress is what you cannot see. Do you agree?

    Do you think it's a form of fat shaming or do you think it's motivating?
    Why do you post or dont post progress pictures?

    Let me ask this? Is it good enough? Is the "fat version" as you put it ok? If so then why lose weight? Why not just let everyone be/stay fat?
  • Amy106Days
    Amy106Days Posts: 172 Member
    Aside from being harder to pick up and toss into say..a van I was more weak and helpless at 5'5" 227 then at 105. I wasn't a fit 105 I was hangry and ready to kick off at the slightest thing. At 227 I was more docile and couldn't run to the phone. I love the before and after pics. I like to see peoples faces change, the way they dress change. I like to see people getting healthy it gives me hope. I don't want to be skeletal again or have my neck and face combine into one part. I want to find a happy healthy place somewhere in the middle where I feel good and look good and when I get there just try and stop me from posting pictures!
  • berejeaa58
    not fat shaming as i have a hard time looking at myself and realizing I have lost 151 where as i can look at my before pic at 409lbs to my progress of 258lbs.and actually see it. I really have trouble seeing myself smaller, in my mind's eye i still see myself way heavier but the pictures of the weight loss helps me keep thing in perspective
  • JenniferMary_9169
    It's totally motivation for me. Whenever I see a before & after pic, and the person used to be as heavy as I am now, I see that it CAN be done with hard work and dedication. These are also the peeps that I like to friend so I can follow their posts on threads and gain a lot of valuable information from them. I have never thought of it as fat shaming, I see the pics as like a light at the end of the tunnel.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Wow. People can be offended by anything....
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    Personally, when I congratulate someone on their progress, I'm not saying "wow you were fat and disgusting before and now you're skinny and pretty". I'm really saying "you've worked your *kitten* off to achieve a goal and you are doing it / have done it, excellent job". That's the difference.

    ^ this. also, even if someone may have "looked fine" BEFORE by whatever standards one uses to measure these things, usually that person feels more confident and in charge of his/her life in the DURING and AFTER stages of one's sometimes lengthy "transformation/journey/yadda yadda."
  • lesliesmmmacres
    I think progress pictures are the BEST way to help keep you accountable - "look what I have accomplished"... and we all know there are days when we just DON'T want to get in you can review where you have been, how far you've come, and get motivated to get off your rear-end and work it, baby!!! I love to see the progress pictures people really helps me motivate!!!
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    not fat shaming as i have a hard time looking at myself and realizing I have lost 151 where as i can look at my before pic at 409lbs to my progress of 258lbs.and actually see it. I really have trouble seeing myself smaller, in my mind's eye i still see myself way heavier but the pictures of the weight loss helps me keep thing in perspective

    WAY TO GO! That's amazing!!
  • theCarlton
    theCarlton Posts: 1,344 Member
    If given the option for an easy-pick, there is NO ONE who would choose an overweight version of themselves. I would bet that the author of the post was dealing with cognitive dissonance by rationalizing her lack of ultimate success at losing weight. There's a difference between being disgusted with yourself and being dissatisfied enough to get up and do something about it. It's unhealthy and uncomfortable, and we all know it. There's no reason to pretend we feel any differently about it.
  • ShifuYaku
    ShifuYaku Posts: 504 Member
    I think it's good because the way that I feel, we are not happy with the way we are now, otherwise we wouldn't be doing anything to change it if we liked how we are. I love seeing motivating pictures like progress because I am just not so sure I would look like skinny girls ever because of how I look now. Being able to see that even people who used to be 100 pounds heavier are now amazing and toned and smaller gives me hope that I can too look like that. :)
  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    I just see befores and afters as "they used to feel unhealthy and lacked energy" and "now they feel healthy and have a lot of energy".

    I do however cannot stand it when people (especially on Tumblr. I see this) say that in their before picture they look fat and ugly - this is fat shaming to me. Even if they say it about themselves, they would say it about someone else also (that looks the same). They would be losing weight for the wrong reasons.
  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    If given the option for an easy-pick, there is NO ONE who would choose an overweight version of themselves . I would bet that the author of the post was dealing with cognitive dissonance by rationalizing her lack of ultimate success at losing weight. There's a difference between being disgusted with yourself and being dissatisfied enough to get up and do something about it. It's unhealthy and uncomfortable, and we all know it. There's no reason to pretend we feel any differently about it.

    Can I call b.s.? I am sure there are people that would rather be "overweight" (let's say by BMI standards) than lose the weight. As long as they are (and feel) healthy, their weight really doesn't matter. My goal weight/body will be "overweight" (by BMI standards) and I much prefer that over losing even more weight the be "normal" (by BMI standards).
  • IsobellaGeneva
    Motivating. Shows me what other people can do, and if they can do it, so can I.

    Exactly. Seeing progress pictures is what motivated me in the first place to begin working to lose fat and get fit ( despite my current problem of binging/ overeating) since it obviously is possible. Also, the people in the pictures are much happier being lighter and fitter and , in most cases, have put their photos out there in order to help motivate others to know that great results are possible for them too.
  • luckyshilling
    I don't think it's fat shaming at all. I actually just posted my progress picture of what I've accomplished so far. People use it for motivation to see what others can accomplish, as well as what they themselves have accomplished. That's like saying posting times from two different runs, where you do better in the second, is a form of jog shaming. It's progress, not an insult.

    Jog Shaming shall be the next internet craze. Now look what you started!:wink:
  • Sunny_fit4life
    Sunny_fit4life Posts: 157 Member
    I find getting fit to be part of *loving* myself "the way I am". I care for myself, therefore I want to take care OF myself.

    I find the notion that I value myself less because I want to lose weight to be offensive.