another fat shaming post



  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    before and after pics are definately motivating!!! all the whining from those calling it fat shaming are just looking for something to complain about!
  • brillmer
    brillmer Posts: 1,268 Member
    It's a huge form of motivation for me. A lot of the time, seeing the scale go down doesn't really change how I look at myself.

    When I take side by side progress pictures, it makes it impossible not to notice and appreciate the changes. This gives me motivation to keep going.

    To each their own :)
  • jaxCarrie
    jaxCarrie Posts: 214 Member
    Preach on - this:
    I think that's absoute bull****. Someone lost weight, they were proud of it, and they posted a before and after of their accomplishment. Since when is a before picture fat shaming? The person didn't want to be fat anymore and did something about it. Plain and simple.

    I agree that the best progress is what you CAN'T see (being able to break though those negative mental barriers that caused us to turn to food as comfort in the first place), but let's not act like physical progress is a moot point.

    And since WHEN is getting thin synonymous with weak and helpless? Let me break it down:

    Fat me = not even being able to climb a flight of stairs without being winded

    Fit me = Being able to run 5 miles for some "light exercise"

    Guess which version of myself I would classify as weak and helpless? Give me a f***ing break.

    I think it's motivating, and I post my pics to help motivate others with the same goals. No better feeling then knowing you helped inspire someone take control of their life.

    Just because being fat is "good enough" for her does NOT mean it's good enough for me.
  • shakey68
    shakey68 Posts: 17 Member
    I find them motivating. Why not post? That's a lot of hard work and we should be proud of our hard work and dedication! If I knew how to do the before and after pictures, I would do one myself!
  • sunman00
    sunman00 Posts: 872 Member
    looking through the fat pictures on success stories is both awesome & completely inspiring.

    i love the fact that we can all chat on here & call ourselves fat, overweight, obese etc., it can all be seen and said without shame & just about always is greeted with support & friendliness.

    it's a long journey for everyone, I'm sure there are people here who have only just started and view the thought of a year of dedication as scary, but we've all had a day one and this is a change for life,

    so thank you to all those that have shared pictures and their stories, you are completely motivational and I applaud each and every one of you :flowerforyou:
  • shakey68
    shakey68 Posts: 17 Member
    Preach on - this:
    I think that's absoute bull****. Someone lost weight, they were proud of it, and they posted a before and after of their accomplishment. Since when is a before picture fat shaming? The person didn't want to be fat anymore and did something about it. Plain and simple.

    I agree that the best progress is what you CAN'T see (being able to break though those negative mental barriers that caused us to turn to food as comfort in the first place), but let's not act like physical progress is a moot point.

    And since WHEN is getting thin synonymous with weak and helpless? Let me break it down:

    Fat me = not even being able to climb a flight of stairs without being winded

    Fit me = Being able to run 5 miles for some "light exercise"

    Guess which version of myself I would classify as weak and helpless? Give me a f***ing break.

    I think it's motivating, and I post my pics to help motivate others with the same goals. No better feeling then knowing you helped inspire someone take control of their life.

    Just because being fat is "good enough" for her does NOT mean it's good enough for me.
  • monjacq1964
    monjacq1964 Posts: 291 Member
    People want to boast when they lose weight and perhaps show others that may be in despair that it IS possible to change.

    Some folks are just oversensitive and insecure so they hate. :)

    This. I have found most haters are reflecting their feelings about themselves onto the person they are jealous of.

    i second that emotion.
  • shakey68
    shakey68 Posts: 17 Member
    Amen to that!
  • chairmenmeow47
    chairmenmeow47 Posts: 1 Member
    as long as the person is healthy-skinnier, why is this a problem? and no offense, but why are fat people not "weak and helpless". i'm certainly not as strong when i have more weight on me. motivate yourself and don't worry what other people think. if they're happy with who they are, that's fine. do what makes you happy, as long as it's healthy :)
  • PomegranatePriestess
    PomegranatePriestess Posts: 2,455 Member
    Fat people being angry and bitter they're fat and lazy. That's all there is to it, as harsh as it sounds.

    Thank you for illustrating the difference between perceived fat shaming and actual fat shaming.

    Newsflash: Not everyone who is overweight got there by being lazy. Disease, prescription drugs, car accidents... on my friends list alone, I've got people in these categories, some of them who had to lose 100+ pounds.

    As for the original question, no, I don't see progress pics as fat shaming. But I'm also not going to take cheap shots at those who feel differently than I do.
  • 1546mel
    1546mel Posts: 191
    Post pics away. I think it is wonderful to share progress, and i smile everytime i see someone's hard work pay off. its about getting healthy, and no matter what people want society to believe, fat is not healthy. I come from a fat family, and im telling ya, its not healthy ;) I had to learn how to eat properly, and that was HARD!
  • wrongfocus
    wrongfocus Posts: 1 Member
    Do they post the pics a few years later when NINETY FIVE PERCENT have gained back all weight lost ... and usually more? This is the reality. Those "after" photos are the photos of the FIRST part of the weight cycling process that CAUSES most people to gain more weight than when they started. To get OFF the WEIGHT CYCLING merry-go-round, focus on self-care and body appreciation in the body you have today. (And stop promoting your temp weight loss to encourage others to weight cycle.)
  • Ayirela
    Ayirela Posts: 204 Member
    I personally find it motivating! I love when people post their progress pictures! I guess the people who make these comments have no urgency to change their life so they belittle the others who put in hard work. Which is disgraceful! I say keep on posting and forget about the bitter lazy people who would rather demean others than put in the effort!
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    Do they post the pics a few years later when NINETY FIVE PERCENT have gained back all weight lost ... and usually more? This is the reality. Those "after" photos are the photos of the FIRST part of the weight cycling process that CAUSES most people to gain more weight than when they started. To get OFF the WEIGHT CYCLING merry-go-round, focus on self-care and body appreciation in the body you have today. (And stop promoting your temp weight loss to encourage others to weight cycle.)

    So you are saying I am destined to remain in this unhealthy body, prone to various medical conditions, and I should just "love" my fat, unhealthy body. Sorry, I love myself, who and what I am. I don't necessarily love the package "I" come in right now. I want a new package.

    Sounds like you are "health shaming".
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    I hate that this is even a topic...

    How self centered do you have to be to be offended by people who are posting images of their own fitness goals on a fitness and weight loss/gain website ?

    Fat shaming would be ...

    Hey Cold_Steel you lazy fat person you only lost 150 lbs you're still a fat person and you should be ashamed you fatty fat fat...

    Not hey Cold_Steel look at that you lost 150 lbs and you posted your evidence of your success on a website for FITNESS/ DIET/Weight Loss/ Weight Gain website.

    Come on people...
  • Alison12121
    Alison12121 Posts: 198 Member
    It's motivating for me. It makes me think that if they can do it, so can I.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Do they post the pics a few years later when NINETY FIVE PERCENT have gained back all weight lost ... and usually more? This is the reality. Those "after" photos are the photos of the FIRST part of the weight cycling process that CAUSES most people to gain more weight than when they started. To get OFF the WEIGHT CYCLING merry-go-round, focus on self-care and body appreciation in the body you have today. (And stop promoting your temp weight loss to encourage others to weight cycle.)

    Why are you even on this website?
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    Do they post the pics a few years later when NINETY FIVE PERCENT have gained back all weight lost ... and usually more? This is the reality. Those "after" photos are the photos of the FIRST part of the weight cycling process that CAUSES most people to gain more weight than when they started. To get OFF the WEIGHT CYCLING merry-go-round, focus on self-care and body appreciation in the body you have today. (And stop promoting your temp weight loss to encourage others to weight cycle.)

    This wins today's post award.

    Show me the numbers Mr/Mrs 95 % of weight loss from myfitnesspal users gain it all back!

    Or is this a percentage you made up strictly for your delusional post?
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    No I don't think it's fat shaming. Why? Because progress and success mean different things to different people.

    Examples of successes:

    - A overweight person becoming a healthy weight/bf%, and reducing their particular health problems.
    - An obese person becoming overweight. Still technically "unhealthy", but they may be in the best shape of their life (success)
    - A skinny person building muscle mass.
    - A healthy weight person reducing bf% to achieve more definition
    - An underweight person becoming a healthy weight.
    - A person improving their fitness levels.

    The list could go on and on.

    In no way are any of these success' stories, stating that the original is bad. The original may have presented health problems, which were brought up in the post. Yet they weren't shaming anyone else for being that way. They are merely sharing their happiness of being in better health, or workout towards their own goals. We all have our own personal goals, that others may share or not, but it is our choice and we have a right to be happy about it. Just like it is another persons choice if they want to remain like the befores.
  • shinesunfish
    shinesunfish Posts: 93 Member
    "If one considers that the photos show a person's personal progress toward their individual goal and are not necessarily a depiction of a "non-fat" person (whatever that is) then it is in no way a "shaming" but an affirmation.

    Personally, my "thin" weight and "thin" photos are probably someone else's "fat" photos...and visa versa."

    Best answer. I think this is a really good topic, because I can absolutely see the point of the blogger. Even the somewhat rude comments in this very thread point out that someone's size directly influences our opinion of them. Cigarettes and being overweight are truly the last acceptable forms of bullying, because you are ostensibly "doing it for their health."

    Let's be honest. You are not worried about a complete stranger's health. You are judging them based on their appearance, and feeling comfortable about doing it because you are using a random "health" excuse to assume that your judgement has some sort of objective reality. There is nothing objectively wrong with being overweight. I am quite overweight, and yet my blood pressure, heart rate, and cholesterol levels are great. I am not lazy. I do not smell. Fat has become a synonym in our society for all of the horrible things in the world, instead of being what it is - excess weight. Fat shaming is real, and it's not okay.

    That being said, before and after pics are not fat shaming. It's great for someone to be proud of their accomplishment, and it's uplifting when I see people whose opinion of themselves have directly improved because of their positive lifestyle changes. But that's not always the case - people often seem to be divorcing themselves from who they were - "I was so hideous back then, and now I'm hot!" That's partly why people who have lost a lot of weight are often really antagonistic to those who haven't - the "I'm not like you!" mentality. Losing weight isn't a fix-all to your problems; it won't give you a better personality, make you smarter, or in most cases make you more successful. It's just fat. When people refer to themselves as "disgusting," it makes me sad for them. It does not (and should not) make me feel any differently about myself, and I think that's the difference.

    This is a great series about losing a lot of weight:

    The plain fact is, there's a lot of body shaming going around, especially on the internet. Whether up front "Fat people are gross and bitter," to subjugated "Wow, you look great now!", it'[s a real and damaging thing. I've spent too much of my own life on hold for that magical day of "When I lose the weight." No matter how much weight you lose, how you do your makeup or fix your hair, you will never look like a Victoria's Secret model. You can only look like you. I think it's important to love yourself, take care of yourself, and try to look like the best version of yourself that you can. I also think that once you manage that, and stop turning to unhealthy habits to fill the void, your body will find the right weight for it to be.

    Also, extreme thinness is definitely a synonym of weak and helpless, and it's definitely a symptom of a misogynistic culture. This is in reference to "skinny-fat" and eating disorders, which are still widely turned to instead of eating right and exercise, because "women shouldn't have muscles," or "I don't want to be too bulky." Fashion has existed for years to keep women in competition with each other and directly relates to seeming more dainty and petite. The ideal man is strong, fit, and mature. The ideal woman is young, petite, and thin. Just because you have a healthy body image doesn't mean that our culture as a whole does.

    Sorry this got crazy long. Good topic.