Calling out all of you IIFYM Preachers



  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    This post is kind of all over the place.
  • shaleyn
    shaleyn Posts: 125 Member
    At the end of the day, if someone is making changes in an attempt to lose weight and get healthier, than bravo to them regardless of whether that means a McDonalds every day.

    Eating at McDonald's daily means that they aren't trying to lose weight and get healthier. They're trying slow suicide.

    Salad with grilled chicken? :huh:
  • diodelcibo
    diodelcibo Posts: 2,564 Member
    But who was studies?
  • Penny_Lane_
    Penny_Lane_ Posts: 163
    IIFYM? :huh:

  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    At the end of the day, if someone is making changes in an attempt to lose weight and get healthier, than bravo to them regardless of whether that means a McDonalds every day.

    Eating at McDonald's daily means that they aren't trying to lose weight and get healthier. They're trying slow suicide.

    Salad with grilled chicken? :huh:

    grilled chicken cooked in trans fats. :drinker:
  • ncl1313
    ncl1313 Posts: 237 Member
    At the end of the day, if someone is making changes in an attempt to lose weight and get healthier, than bravo to them regardless of whether that means a McDonalds every day.

    Eating at McDonald's daily means that they aren't trying to lose weight and get healthier. They're trying slow suicide.

    Erm, no. I am trying to lose weight and get healthIER. I still eat at McDonald's daily. McDonald's is not the devil. I think I make healthIER choices at McDonald's compared to what I ate before (i.e. an egg mcmuffin vs a sausage mcmuffin, side salad or yogurt parfait instead of fries or hashbrowns). I work out 6 days a week now, which is up from 0 days a week before. I eat at least 2 veggies and fruits per day (which may not sound like lot to you) which is up from 0 before. How are my changes not healthIER, regardless of the fact that I still eat at McDonald's?
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    I ate what I wanted and didn't really care about macros and it worked, I think it has more to do with inaccurate logging than anything!

  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    "If you are following a macronutrient intake that is friendly for body composition you will be eating a lot of ‘clean’ foods by default because you will not be able to hit a protein, carb, fat, and fiber intake conducive to body composition improvement if all you eat are high sugar/fat foods."

    - Dr. Layne Norton

    I'm following a macronutrient intake that is friendly for body composition. If you agree with this quote, then you are saying I eat a lot of clean foods.

    You obviously disagree with this quote. You disagree with it strongly. You think that a piece of chicken from McDonald's that has identical macronutrient content to a piece of chicken you cook at home are very different in terms of health. You think one is clean and the other is not.

    You keep pasting that quote, but you strongly, strongly disagree with it.

    i strongly agree with it actually. he's not saying that fast food is clean, no matter what you want to believe.

    I eat a macronutrient intake that is friendly for body composition.

    Do you believe I eat a lot of clean foods?
  • JossFit
    JossFit Posts: 588 Member
    Why worry so much about what other people are doing? And better yet, why do you feel a need to label the way you eat by saying that you "Do IIFYM" or "Paleo" or "clean" or any of that? Just eat what you personally feel like eating and let others do the same. Who cares if someone else isn't eating the way that YOU think they should be eating based on a silly description?

    I could say that I also do IIFYM or that I eat 95% "clean" unprocessed foods, blah blah blah... but it's unnecessary and exhausting to try to fit into a box like that. Heaven forbid that I say I eat "clean" and then I decide one day on a whim to have a Coke Zero because I'm really in the mood for one. Oh no! My whole identity is wrapped up in my dietary doctrine and now I'm not longer a true "clean eater"!

    I'm being a bit facetious but you see my point; labels are silly, and worrying about OTHER people's dietary labels and whether or not they give something a 'bad name' is just a waste of your energy, don't you think? You didn't invent the term "IIFYM" so I don't see why you have such a personal sense of pride regarding the subject.
  • Phrakman
    Phrakman Posts: 113
    Explain to me how you are not getting the micros you need for healthy living from a multivitamin pill, but somehow you are through a couple servings of veggies and some spinach?
  • _Witsy_
    _Witsy_ Posts: 609 Member
    Why worry so much about what other people are doing? And better yet, why do you feel a need to label the way you eat by saying that you "Do IIFYM" or "Paleo" or "clean" or any of that? Just eat what you personally feel like eating and let others do the same. Who cares if someone else isn't eating the way that YOU think they should be eating based on a silly description?

    I could say that I also do IIFYM or that I eat 95% "clean" unprocessed foods, blah blah blah... but it's unnecessary and exhausting to try to fit into a box like that. Heaven forbid that I say I eat "clean" and then I decide one day on a whim to have a Coke Zero because I'm really in the mood for one. Oh no! My whole identity is wrapped up in my dietary doctrine and now I'm not longer a true "clean eater"!

    I'm being a bit facetious but you see my point; labels are silly, and worrying about OTHER people's dietary labels and whether or not they give something a 'bad name' is just a waste of your energy, don't you think? You didn't invent the term "IIFYM" so I don't see why you have such a personal sense of pride regarding the subject.

  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    Why worry so much about what other people are doing? And better yet, why do you feel a need to label the way you eat by saying that you "Do IIFYM" or "Paleo" or "clean" or any of that? Just eat what you personally feel like eating and let others do the same. Who cares if someone else isn't eating the way that YOU think they should be eating based on a silly description?

    I could say that I also do IIFYM or that I eat 95% "clean" unprocessed foods, blah blah blah... but it's unnecessary and exhausting to try to fit into a box like that. Heaven forbid that I say I eat "clean" and then I decide one day on a whim to have a Coke Zero because I'm really in the mood for one. Oh no! My whole identity is wrapped up in my dietary doctrine and now I'm not longer a true "clean eater"!

    I'm being a bit facetious but you see my point; labels are silly, and worrying about OTHER people's dietary labels and whether or not they give something a 'bad name' is just a waste of your energy, don't you think? You didn't invent the term "IIFYM" so I don't see why you have such a personal sense of pride regarding the subject.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    You need to stop preaching the whole bull**** about it doesnt matter about what food you eat.
    I have followed IIFYM for a long time, before it became a big fad,(no hipster)
    IT should be IIFYMAM! If it fits your macros and micronutrients!
    It does matter, you do need to hit the MICRONUTRIENT targets regardless.
    You cannot obtain all of it from a multivitamin

    You are drifting from the original point of IIFYM. it allows moderation and is sustainable. It wasnt meant for you to eat mcdonalds everyday and throw in a protein shake to hit your daily amounts.

    Another factor is for those who are cutting. They food that is chosen for the paleo diet is the most ideal food for helping you diet due to the satiety.

    There is some truth behind paleo diet. Regardless if I think eliminating food groups from your diet is not a way to live.

    Meat and potatoes will always be superb due to the fulfilling of calorie for calorie. I am still waiting for more satiety studies to be published.

    its like comparing a bagel to a donut. both of it provides a crap fullness but 1 bagel is much more filling than a donut, which is about the same calories.
    you would have to eat about 1.5 donuts to get the filling that 1 bagel would provide you. so you would be consuming 2x the calories.

    Dont get me wrong. Calories will determine if we lose weight or not. That is not the only key player in sustaining a cut though. Hunger plays a huge role.

    You are destroying the IIFYM name and original cause. You need to understand that moderation is the key for everything and you are no better than all of the other diet extremists.

    Agree and disagree.

    Nutrients obviously play a huge part in health, but you have to bear in mind that some people can't just jump straight on the 'get healthy' bandwagon and eat 100% healthy foods. Sometimes it takes a little time.

    Too many people go straight to a fad diet or a meal plan, and get told they can't eat this, and they can't eat that. You say moderation is the key, yet you are missing the point that IIFYM is all about moderation. It's telling people that yes, you can have that McDonalds, but only x amount of calories worth.

    The idea (hopefully), is that further down the line, said McDonalds eater realises that it's not filling them up, and starts to try healthier options. That's what happened to me.

    At the end of the day, if someone is making changes in an attempt to lose weight and get healthier, than bravo to them regardless of whether that means a McDonalds every day.
    Do you even know what I am talking about? I never mentioned eating 100% healthy foods.
  • Babeskeez
    Babeskeez Posts: 606 Member
    I....I am so confused.

    Jonny tells the truth. The other stuff is broscience.

    If I want to fit my macros eating arbys and m & ms ill do it, but I realize that A) Ill probably blow my wad on calories and B) not get what I need by doing that.

    The point that Johnny is trying to make is that you shouldnt have to sacrifice things you love because YOU think that we should eat clean. Eating clean is not maintainable for ME. Its just not. I do like eating Arbys sometimes and I do like drinking beer most times (:wink: ) and if I have some calories left over to do those things, by god, I am going to do it!
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Why worry so much about what other people are doing? And better yet, why do you feel a need to label the way you eat by saying that you "Do IIFYM" or "Paleo" or "clean" or any of that? Just eat what you personally feel like eating and let others do the same. Who cares if someone else isn't eating the way that YOU think they should be eating based on a silly description?

    I could say that I also do IIFYM or that I eat 95% "clean" unprocessed foods, blah blah blah... but it's unnecessary and exhausting to try to fit into a box like that. Heaven forbid that I say I eat "clean" and then I decide one day on a whim to have a Coke Zero because I'm really in the mood for one. Oh no! My whole identity is wrapped up in my dietary doctrine and now I'm not longer a true "clean eater"!

    I'm being a bit facetious but you see my point; labels are silly, and worrying about OTHER people's dietary labels and whether or not they give something a 'bad name' is just a waste of your energy, don't you think? You didn't invent the term "IIFYM" so I don't see why you have such a personal sense of pride regarding the subject.

    Very well put.
  • darkguardian419
    darkguardian419 Posts: 1,302 Member
    This is more erratic than a schizophrenic on cocaine...

    I think OP is trying to emphasize an "80/20" part of IIFYM. 80% "good" 20% Whatever the F you can stick in your mouth, as long as IFYM.

    That 80% being sensible choices that are supposed to be "healthy", and part of what helps you to reach your MICRO nutrient goals as well... the other 20%, if for no other reason... is to keep you happy and on track with the overall diet. Who cares if your last 300 calories of the day are a bowl of ice cream?
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    *gets out the popcorn*

    This should be a great one.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    "If you are following a macronutrient intake that is friendly for body composition you will be eating a lot of ‘clean’ foods by default because you will not be able to hit a protein, carb, fat, and fiber intake conducive to body composition improvement if all you eat are high sugar/fat foods."

    - Dr. Layne Norton

    I'm following a macronutrient intake that is friendly for body composition. If you agree with this quote, then you are saying I eat a lot of clean foods.

    You obviously disagree with this quote. You disagree with it strongly. You think that a piece of chicken from McDonald's that has identical macronutrient content to a piece of chicken you cook at home are very different in terms of health. You think one is clean and the other is not.

    You keep pasting that quote, but you strongly, strongly disagree with it.

    i strongly agree with it actually. he's not saying that fast food is clean, no matter what you want to believe.

    I eat a macronutrient intake that is friendly for body composition.

    Do you believe I eat a lot of clean foods?

  • _Witsy_
    _Witsy_ Posts: 609 Member
    So much energy wasted by "right fighters". *facepalm*
  • AdoraK
    AdoraK Posts: 724 Member
    Why worry so much about what other people are doing? And better yet, why do you feel a need to label the way you eat by saying that you "Do IIFYM" or "Paleo" or "clean" or any of that? Just eat what you personally feel like eating and let others do the same. Who cares if someone else isn't eating the way that YOU think they should be eating based on a silly description?

    I could say that I also do IIFYM or that I eat 95% "clean" unprocessed foods, blah blah blah... but it's unnecessary and exhausting to try to fit into a box like that. Heaven forbid that I say I eat "clean" and then I decide one day on a whim to have a Coke Zero because I'm really in the mood for one. Oh no! My whole identity is wrapped up in my dietary doctrine and now I'm not longer a true "clean eater"!

    I'm being a bit facetious but you see my point; labels are silly, and worrying about OTHER people's dietary labels and whether or not they give something a 'bad name' is just a waste of your energy, don't you think? You didn't invent the term "IIFYM" so I don't see why you have such a personal sense of pride regarding the subject.
