Ketogenic Diet



  • OkieTink
    OkieTink Posts: 285 Member
    Now I'm curious I do intermitnat fasting. " eating in a winodw of 8 hour or less then fasting for the rest of the day" does this or just fasting in general have the same science applied to the ketogenic Diet.

    Thank you everyone for your information you have shared as well as your resources..

    Ketoer's will do an IF to bust a plateau...
  • albertabeefy
    albertabeefy Posts: 1,169 Member
    I noticed you eat bread...I didn't think grains were allowed?
    You can fit breads into a ketogenic diet if you still stay under the maximum carbohydrate threshold that keeps you keto-adapted. That varies from person to person...

    Many experts recommend 20-30g of carbohydrate a day as a maximum to enter ketosis and to become keto-adapted. For me personally since I was well-over 300lbs I used 30g a day. However, once I was keto-adapted I could easily eat 75g a day and even 100g on higher-exercise days and still maintain ketosis.

    Now that my weight is much lower I typically have 40-50g a day, sometimes more (when exercising heavy) sometimes less.

    I don't eat much bread simply because as a diabetic, it can spike my blood glucose (unless I eat it pre-exercise) ... but it's the total carbohydrate that you're concerned about for a ketogenic ratio, not the content of the carbohydrate.
  • albertabeefy
    albertabeefy Posts: 1,169 Member
    Now I'm curious I do intermitnat fasting. " eating in a winodw of 8 hour or less then fasting for the rest of the day" does this or just fasting in general have the same science applied to the ketogenic Diet.

    Thank you everyone for your information you have shared as well as your resources..

    Ketoer's will do an IF to bust a plateau...
    The only time IF (intermittent fasting) isn't well-recommended is if you're one of the people whose liver tends to release too-much glucose into your system as a result of fasting.

    The liver is the organ that releases glucose into the system from glycogen stores when glucose levels are low when fasting, and yes, it even happens when keto-adapted. It happens after meals are digested, while we sleep, or anytime we're just not eating.

    It's not uncommon in type II diabetics and others with insulin-resistance for it to release too-much, causing a bit of hyperglycaemia. Many diabetics refer to it as 'dawn phenomenon' when they're morning fasting readings are higher often than post-meal readings. Exercise while fasting often exacerbates this condition in these individuals, quite seriously.

    Other than those people thus-affected, it's quite safe and effective to use IF.
  • OkieTink
    OkieTink Posts: 285 Member
    I noticed you eat bread...I didn't think grains were allowed?
    You can fit breads into a ketogenic diet if you still stay under the maximum carbohydrate threshold that keeps you keto-adapted. That varies from person to person...

    Many experts recommend 20-30g of carbohydrate a day as a maximum to enter ketosis and to become keto-adapted. For me personally since I was well-over 300lbs I used 30g a day. However, once I was keto-adapted I could easily eat 75g a day and even 100g on higher-exercise days and still maintain ketosis.

    Now that my weight is much lower I typically have 40-50g a day, sometimes more (when exercising heavy) sometimes less.

    I don't eat much bread simply because as a diabetic, it can spike my blood glucose (unless I eat it pre-exercise) ... but it's the total carbohydrate that you're concerned about for a ketogenic ratio, not the content of the carbohydrate.

    I thought refined carb's could throw you out of keto, even though you're within your gram range? I don't really eat bread because it goes straight to my hips. Evil stuff :)

    Do you use a meter to test for ketone's? I bought the sticks, sometimes they are pink, but usually not. Since I am strict about what I eat/and don't eat should I assume I'm in keto?
  • albertabeefy
    albertabeefy Posts: 1,169 Member
    I thought refined carb's could throw you out of keto, even though you're within your gram range? I don't really eat bread because it goes straight to my hips. Evil stuff :)
    No, it's total carbohydrate that counts. Certainly there are reasons to avoid refined carbohydrates - glycemic reasons, possible further cravings and lack of nutrition being the obvious ones - but ingesting them within your ketogenic limits will not cause you to drop out of ketosis.
    Do you use a meter to test for ketone's? I bought the sticks, sometimes they are pink, but usually not. Since I am strict about what I eat/and don't eat should I assume I'm in keto?
    I own a meter, yes, as well as ketostix, but rarely use either (the ketone test strips are stupid expensive). I've been in ketosis for about 2 and a half years. And based on my own testing at the initial stages, I know where my thresholds are.

    For me it takes 3 sedentary days of eating 125 - 150g of carbohydrate a day to LEAVE ketosis. (I can have a 100g carbohydrate on a sedentary day and stay in ketosis ... my glucose levels will be elevated higher, but my ketogenic state remains. But I'm a nearly 230lb big, muscular guy with an active metabolism. Obviously this would be a smaller amount for a woman half my size.)

    Generally speaking, once you enter ketosis, you can maintain it with dietary carbohydrate intake UNDER 10% of calories, and fat ABOVE 65% of calories. Some do better for getting keto-adapted with slightly less carbohydrate and slightly more fat. (Remember, keto-adaptation and ketosis aren't the same thing) but the ketogenic ratio itself is usually <10% carb and >65% fat.

    FYI, Ketostix aren't a good representation of where your serum ketone levels are as the urine ketone levels are diluted or strengthened based on your own hydration levels. If you're well-hydrated, they might be light pink vs. dark purple if dehydrated even though the serum level is the same.
  • OkieTink
    OkieTink Posts: 285 Member
    I've only had the stick turn pink twice..I do drink a lot of water...

    The thing I have noticed in the weeks since I started this is that l feel better. Although I have more energy overall, I tire faster in the gym. But...I don't have an upset stomach, no more bloating, nothing. I can't help but to think that carb's are just not my friend.
  • OkieTink
    OkieTink Posts: 285 Member
    Generally speaking, once you enter ketosis, you can maintain it with dietary carbohydrate intake UNDER 10% of calories, and fat ABOVE 65% of calories. Some do better for getting keto-adapted with slightly less carbohydrate and slightly more fat. (Remember, keto-adaptation and ketosis aren't the same thing) but the ketogenic ratio itself is usually <10% carb and >65% fat.

    I'm 70/25/5. It seems to work for me so far.
  • CoachTommyB
    So I just bought the Ketone strips and I'ts showing pink. I'm guessing that is just from the IF I've been doing?
  • RiesigJay
    RiesigJay Posts: 151 Member
    I've never used strips. The general consensus is that they're unreliable.

    You will know without a doubt when you are in ketosis. You will suddenly feel a huge burst of energy and will actually NEED to get up and do something.

    You'll also be peeing every 5 minutes. Your girlfriend may also be able to notice a different smell to your breath, and you might also have a metallic taste in your mouth.

    Depending on the exercise you're doing, you'll be in ketosis within 5-7 days as a beginner (if you're doing it right).

    EDIT: Have you already started the ketogenic diet? i would suggest dropping some of your shakes - they have too many carbs. Also, strawberries aren't exactly a ketogenic friendly food. For best results, keep your carbs under 20 grams a day.
  • CoachTommyB
    Actually no I havent' been on the diet yet, I plan to have my first Ketogenic meal tonight . I defintaly have the metalic taste in my mouth right now, however I gonna be gone for the weekend on a cabin trip, so I most certainly wont have the benifits for long.

    I adjusted my diet goals today, and your right I can't have the shakes. I'm keeping one of them but that's it. Ill be over by a couple grams of carbs tonight but not much, I'm shooting for 5%. Thanks for taking the time to look at my diary! I appreciate it!
  • OkieTink
    OkieTink Posts: 285 Member
    Actually no I havent' been on the diet yet, I plan to have my first Ketogenic meal tonight . I defintaly have the metalic taste in my mouth right now, however I gonna be gone for the weekend on a cabin trip, so I most certainly wont have the benifits for long.

    I adjusted my diet goals today, and your right I can't have the shakes. I'm keeping one of them but that's it. Ill be over by a couple grams of carbs tonight but not much, I'm shooting for 5%. Thanks for taking the time to look at my diary! I appreciate it!

    Aren't you starving on 1300 calories?
  • goodtimezzzz
    goodtimezzzz Posts: 640 Member
    possibly the worst of the worst!! do NOT DO IT:) terrible unhealthy and just plain STUPID!
    hope this helps:_)
    Kristian Rocco nyc
  • OkieTink
    OkieTink Posts: 285 Member
    possibly the worst of the worst!! do NOT DO IT:) terrible unhealthy and just plain STUPID!
    hope this helps:_)
    Kristian Rocco nyc


    For something that is the worst of the worst and terribly unhealthy I have never felt better <shrug>
  • kiramaniac
    kiramaniac Posts: 800 Member

    For something that is the worst of the worst and terribly unhealthy I have never felt better <shrug>

    Amen to that. Losing weight while having great energy with no food cravings and eating delicious food is such a drag.

    I love these subjective opinions that are spouted as fact.
  • RiesigJay
    RiesigJay Posts: 151 Member
    possibly the worst of the worst!! do NOT DO IT:) terrible unhealthy and just plain STUPID!
    hope this helps:_)
    Kristian Rocco nyc

    Here's a scientific study that proves Keto is not detrimental to health. Notice: scientific. Not some random guy's opinion of what's the worse among the worse :laugh:
  • IrishChik
    IrishChik Posts: 464 Member
    possibly the worst of the worst!! do NOT DO IT:) terrible unhealthy and just plain STUPID!
    hope this helps:_)
    Kristian Rocco nyc


    For something that is the worst of the worst and terribly unhealthy I have never felt better <shrug>

    Keto is the only thing that has helped my PCOS/Insulin resistance.
    Instead of 3-5 migraines a month - I have had ONE in the last 4. I have had this problem since I was 9 and NO medication worked.
    Instead of being on medication for my osteoarthritis in my hips and degenerative disc disease in my lower back, I do NOT have to take prescription pain pills and now can just use Aleve when the pain gets uncomfortable.
    I have been able to start a C25k program.
    I have battled insomnia since I was a teen. These last 4 months on Keto - I actually get to sleep 5 hours without waking up. Which, isn't a lot, but when you are someone who wakes up every 1-2 hours and tosses and turns all night, its a blessing.
    I have more energy. No more afternoon slumps.
    I have no cravings which is awesome since I battled an eating disorder years ago.
    I find Keto be the easiest way of eating I have ever tried in my whole life.

    If it's so unhealthy why does it work so well to treat cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer and epilepsy? If it was so unhealthy as you stated, Dr. would recommend it to anyone. And they do. And it helps.

    So, go on and tell me how your "diet" or way of eating is so much better than mine.

    What works for you isn't going to work for someone else. Until people on MFP understand that this is not a "one-size-fits-all" website the sooner we can all just agree to disagree.

    Most people here act like they are Drs, Nutritionist, Dietitians, and Scientists - when they aren't. If this is you, stop acting like that. Most of you are just giving out misinformation which only confuses people more. You don't know the persons medical history so stop telling them what they should or should not be doing. Instead, tell them they should go talk to their Doctors. Giving advice is one thing, but telling them something is stupid and unhealthy just shows how smart you really are.
  • albertabeefy
    albertabeefy Posts: 1,169 Member
    possibly the worst of the worst!! do NOT DO IT:) terrible unhealthy and just plain STUPID!
    hope this helps:_)
    Kristian Rocco nyc
    This is the typical ignorant opinionated nonsense seen from so many. Please ignore everything this user - who's here trying to sell his book - says.
  • albertabeefy
    albertabeefy Posts: 1,169 Member
    possibly the worst of the worst!! do NOT DO IT:) terrible unhealthy and just plain STUPID!
    hope this helps:_)
    Kristian Rocco nyc

    Here's a scientific study that proves Keto is not detrimental to health. Notice: scientific. Not some random guy's opinion of what's the worse among the worse :laugh:
    And there's dozens more where that came from...
  • OkieTink
    OkieTink Posts: 285 Member
    possibly the worst of the worst!! do NOT DO IT:) terrible unhealthy and just plain STUPID!
    hope this helps:_)
    Kristian Rocco nyc


    For something that is the worst of the worst and terribly unhealthy I have never felt better <shrug>

    Keto is the only thing that has helped my PCOS/Insulin resistance.
    Instead of 3-5 migraines a month - I have had ONE in the last 4. I have had this problem since I was 9 and NO medication worked.
    Instead of being on medication for my osteoarthritis in my hips and degenerative disc disease in my lower back, I do NOT have to take prescription pain pills and now can just use Aleve when the pain gets uncomfortable.
    I have been able to start a C25k program.
    I have battled insomnia since I was a teen. These last 4 months on Keto - I actually get to sleep 5 hours without waking up. Which, isn't a lot, but when you are someone who wakes up every 1-2 hours and tosses and turns all night, its a blessing.
    I have more energy. No more afternoon slumps.
    I have no cravings which is awesome since I battled an eating disorder years ago.
    I find Keto be the easiest way of eating I have ever tried in my whole life.

    If it's so unhealthy why does it work so well to treat cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer and epilepsy? If it was so unhealthy as you stated, Dr. would recommend it to anyone. And they do. And it helps.

    So, go on and tell me how your "diet" or way of eating is so much better than mine.

    What works for you isn't going to work for someone else. Until people on MFP understand that this is not a "one-size-fits-all" website the sooner we can all just agree to disagree.

    Most people here act like they are Drs, Nutritionist, Dietitians, and Scientists - when they aren't. If this is you, stop acting like that. Most of you are just giving out misinformation which only confuses people more. You don't know the persons medical history so stop telling them what they should or should not be doing. Instead, tell them they should go talk to their Doctors. Giving advice is one thing, but telling them something is stupid and unhealthy just shows how smart you really are.

    That's awesome!

    I'm sleeping all night, not only am I sleeping all night but I'm sleeping HARD! I love it!
  • CoachTommyB
    Actually no I havent' been on the diet yet, I plan to have my first Ketogenic meal tonight . I defintaly have the metalic taste in my mouth right now, however I gonna be gone for the weekend on a cabin trip, so I most certainly wont have the benifits for long.

    I adjusted my diet goals today, and your right I can't have the shakes. I'm keeping one of them but that's it. Ill be over by a couple grams of carbs tonight but not much, I'm shooting for 5%. Thanks for taking the time to look at my diary! I appreciate it!

    Aren't you starving on 1300 calories?
    Hahaha Not really, I started at 1900 calories and as I lose more weight, I have lowered my caloric intake. I Plan on staying at 1300 caloires a day, till I reach my goal weight. I actually feel amaizing, I had my first ketognic meal last night and it tasted so good, plust i tasted those ketones again when I went to bed. Which is what i striving for... when i woke up in the morning I did lose some weight.... so pretty thrilled to all in all.